How does John Cena spend the year?


Vipère Mortelle
With John Cena's WM 28 main event already decided, a generational, iconic clash similar to that of the Rock vs Hogan 10 years ago at WM 18, the question is what does John Cena do for the rest of the year?

Usually every superstar is on a path that leads them towards Wrestlemania, especially in the Fall/Winter months... but John Cena has one thing on his mind. So what do you see John Cena doing for the rest of 2011?
tweeting back and forth at the Rock.

i don't know why everyone thinks that this FEUD will last a year. of course it's not going to. Cena will feud with other guys as usual. but come Royal Rumble... the road begins and they will pick up where they left off.
I really believe Cena will turn heel around Summer Slam. His character will finally come into form and at the Royal Rumble he says he's gonna win and main event Mania.

During the match it comes down to Cena and a really over face (Edge, Morrison, Miz?) and Rock comes down and screws Cena.

What I'm saying is they completely ignore the feud until the rumble.

Another idea is The Rock stays around and the tension gets too great and the bump the match up.
He will carry on feuding with who ever he wants, I still think he will take the title off Miz, and will hold the world title this year, however won't hold it until Royal Rumble, because then the road to mania starts and Rock/Cena will pick up were they left off.. Now that the match is set, that's it, we know it's going to happen, now we wait, Cena carrys on doing what he does for the rest of the year..
This idea just seems like it causes a logical problem for me. Are we now to assume that come the Rumble Cena simply won't take part because he has other priorities? Are we to assume that if Cena is the champion, Rock gets a shot at the belt in his first match in 8 years?

In terms of promotion it's great to announce this a year in advance but it's a flawed idea.
And say goodbye to Taker Vs Cena now. There's literally no-one left who can provide a serious threat to Taker now.
Cena vs the rock is the "underlyining " feud.. The rock will probably pop up every month or so to screw over Cena, or do something to cause issues in his world while he feuds with other people.. This allows the rock to only have to really show up maybe once every 2 or 3 months untill the Royal Rumble rolls around and they become the primary feud again.. This feud will hopefully take a backburner, but still be addressed every couple weeks or so to keep it in your mind.

That's how i'd approach it anyway, and owuld like to see it approached.
This is the question I immediately asked: What does creative do with John Cena for a year.

Personally, I think this was not good for the Cena character, the entire year the Rock is gonna be looming over his head. I think what I do if I'm creative is have the Miz bring Cena back. So cena comes out next week and talks a bunch of smack about the rock, and you see the miz come out and just decimate him. Then keep cena off TV a few weeks. Pull the thing where Miz attacks Cena's family, whatever he can do to goad cena back onto the scene to face the Miz. Then when cena finally shows up, unannounced, and beats the piss out of the miz, the crowd will roar. You can keep it going a few weeks, have supercena get his win over the Miz and then immediately throw him into another feud----if cena is complacent, then people will start looking for the you keep this rotation going, have cena and the young guys--interesting feuds we haven't seen before, maybe a heel turn, maybe not whatever, its basically irrelevant. Then, at some point, the rock starts cutting promos, playing mind games (Cena could find a pie in his locker, how hilarious would that be) and then finally in the middle of a cena match the rocks music hits and he beats the hell out of him and they start the road to wrestlemania
When John Cena needs to do once a month.All the way to next WM, To keep the heat alive, is this.

At least once a month. Either in the ring, or on camera. Needs to look at, examine,needs to hold in his hands, and nod his head. At a box of Fruity Pebbles.

It should just take less then 3 minutes every time he does. The people will chant 'Rocky' or Fruity Pebbles. We will think about the Rock, and he will return. The build up, will be perfect. The Rock won't even have to be there for 9 or 10 months. You just need to use the box of Fruity Pebbles.

He needs to do that once a month, till the Rock gets back. Plus, great way for synergy to take place. I know the WWE likes to market to kids, and Fruity Pebbles is a kids cereal. So let the magic take place.

He should have some feuds as well. I mean, he is a wrestler for crying out loud. But, he has already had plenty of main events. What John Cena needs to do is get that youth movement going. Maybe, put the belt on him for a couple of months, but We need The Ziegler Rub.

We need a good feud with Alex Riley. Even Brodus Clay. Another words. Get this youth movement moving. You have John Cena without a title. Use it! If he can get 6 or 7 people over before the big feud with the Rock, then the WWE is in even better shape then before. Cause now they have some more stars to focus on. For the next year, Cena will be a good asset, without the title.
Alot can happen in a year and what I will think will happen is maybe a continuation of the feud with the Miz and a Feud with Alberto Del Rio if he get's drafted to Raw but what I'm almost certain off is that the may have an injury angle after/during the Hell in the Cell ppv and have him "Injured" till Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber time, just so he can have som time off he hasn't had much of that since returning at the 2008 Royal Rumble

Of course running that Injury angle would preety much write off any chance of Cena getting a real injury that takes him out of WM28 if he comes back after the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber in 2012 he could work a light schedule between then and Wrestlemania 28 and be 100% for his match with The Rock
I think it will be business as usual for Cena. The WWE will be mentioning this for the next few weeks but will not be mentioning it until after Royal Rumble 2012 to avoid other PPV's suffering. After all why order or attend Survivor Series, TLC, or RR when Rock vs. Cena is only a few months away?

Cena will continue to have fueds and chase for the title. Doesn't mean he will dropping the title before Rumble. The WWE could opt Rock vs. Cena a Title Bout.

The only anomaly I see is Cena sitting out Royal Rumble if he's not champion, but that's it I guess.
I could see where he wins the title within the next couple months or at SummerSlam and hold it till Survivor Series. Then he spends a month or two trying to get it back with The Rock coming back around the Rumble. They might have Rock come screw him out of a match or at least try to. Everyone seems worried about him at the Royal Rumble but I think the solution is easy, just have him in the WWE or Heavyweight Title match... He can still try to be the champ when he faces Rock. Now that'd be one hell of a main event.
He will probably still feud with the Miz for the immediate future. I do expect John Cena to be the champ at WM28 and for the Rock to take the title from him in Miami, FL. (WHAT!! Here me out...)

When Rock was first on RAW introduced as guest host to WM27, he made a motion of the title going around his waist to the crowd. Coincidence? Of course not. I don't think the Rock will ever come back to wrestling full-time, but no one ever thought he would come back and wrestle another match period. Since this match is taking a year to happen, I don't think it's far-fetched that he will do a couple of other matches after the one at WM. I'm sure Cena will defeat him at least once, so you could always have him drop the title back (just not have him lose in Miami, FL of course).

He will get back into wrestling shape (eliminate ring rust after he's done making these movies) and have a little run to end his wrestling career for good. Little as in like 3 months (6 months tops). It seems too obvious to me that this is the plan, but I don't care, I think it's genious.

Just don't expect him to be around much for the next year besides via satellite sometimes, and occasional live shows. Interesting enough though, I don't see him signed up for anything besides Journey 2 which will come out late this year. I'm sure he's about to go promote 'Fast Five' (he will be on Jay Leno tonight, btw).

At this point, expect the unexpected. Mark my words though, Rock and Cena will fight again sometime after WM28. Take that to the bank.
I hope over the next year Cena helps build other guys idea that has come to my mind goes like this: Rock stays around for a couple of weeks, him and Cena actually become friends....eventually Rock gets phased out and leaves to do another movie/train for his Mania match....Cena turns heel and runs through everyone on RAW....Cena wins the WWE title, come post-Rumble, The Rock returns and says "What happened to you?" Then Cena could be like "You happened and the fans happened." He could play up how he is being tired of overlooked and booed when he sacrifices his body night and night out....because quite honestly face vs face would work, but they have to let Rock win in Miami....its only fitting...everyones expecting Rock to win regardless...a heel Cena may actually have a chance because it would be like another Hogan vs Rock main event....Hogan was the heel and Rock was that I think about it they could actually replicate that very storyline next year...
Cena doesn't need the Title as was Rocky vs Hogan for the title or Taker vs Michaels hell no. He's better in the chase the holding the title. The Rock doesn't deserve a title shot unless he's gonna be there for the long haul and not the short fall. I see Cena and somebody else forming a team against The Corre and help the Tag Title scene getting it's prestige back cause Santino and Kozlov have at least dropped the value. The WWE is not TNA when it comes to droppin a thing right in the middle of it unless someone gets injured. I think Cena and The Rock will beat The Corre after Gabriel and Slater beat them for a month or two then they win it and lose it at Summerslam, Rumble, Elimination Chamber.
This does little for the year of 2011.

With that said, I don't get why they announced this now. Your biggest draw now has nothing to do at the Rumble. Now has nothing to do at HIAC. They could have had this planned and not mentioned it until the night after HIAC. Now Cena has no point in being in the rumble or the championship match at HIAC.
My immediate thoughts were why the heck didnt WWE turn Cena heel last night? With the Corre surrounding the ring, Cena could have turned heel and helped them beat down the Rock. It just seems bs that the WWE is going to continue riding this Cena face thing when its clear the fans are getting sick of it.
Cena will not be a heel anytime in the foreseeable future. Period. You don't crap on your biggest money maker like that.

Further, they announced this now so Rock could help take some heat off of Cena's back in the meantime. That Atlanta crowd, both at Mania and Raw were HATIN' big on Cena. After the Rock "respected" him a little, they softened towards Cena again. "If Rock respects him, so should we". Silly's a work. You'll get some more Rock in between now and WM 28. I promise.

To stay on topic, Cena will feud a bit more with Miz, then move on to pick up the scraps of CM Punk when Orton's done with him. I mean, didn't Punk beat him down a few times in a row with a steel chair? And nothing ever came of that.
I know this topic is about Cena in the coming year, but let me get this about The Rock out of the way first as I promise it is relevant. First off, let me say that I, like most ppl am not naive enough to believe that The Rock is back on a complete full-time basis. However, I think it is (at least maybe a lil) naive 2 believe that he won't wrestle until 'mania 28. I mean taking a bump here and there or throwing a shot or 2 is fine, and makes 4 good t.v. (IMESHO) but that's not the same as working a full match. And let's face it, no matter how good he was, or even is, the man does have 7 years of ring-rust he needs 2 scrape off. And if the match at Mania is going 2 even come close 2 living up 2 the hype, scrape it off he will have 2.
NOW, again I agree with the masses that Cena will most likely get a re-match at ER. And it is my hope that The Miz will again retain. Not because I particularly like or dis-like 1 or the other, but I would like 2 see some prestige brought back 2 the title, and I think they have a pretty good start on that. IF they'll keep it up.
Have The Corre continue 2 stick their noses in Cenas business as they did on RAW, maybe even costing him the match at ER. Somewhere along the way The Rock will show up 2 assist Cena in his Corre program showing the mutual respect they spoke of, and setting up a series of tag matches with Cena/Rock v/s different combos of The Corre. Maybe even having them beat Slater/Gabriel resulting in a short run as Tag-Team champs. (not as short as his reign with Miz obviously, but maybe a few weeks setting up a little hostility) Then have Barrett drop the IC title 2 Cena a month or so later. (HHH held the IC title after being World Champ several times, maybe this could also bring a little honor back 2 that title as well) Have another former WWE or World Champ chase after him with the IC belt in the spotlight. i.e. HHH, Orton, or Edge. But keeping the belt until after Survivor Series. Again, enter the Rock, along with Cena and any 2 of the 3 IC contenders I mentioned in the traditional Survivors match. (The 3rd would be the guy 2 take the belt from him a month or so later) After they win the Survivors match, Cena turns on The Rock during the celebration. Rock could also be the cause 4 Cenas title loss in retaliation. Again. :) This would be somewhere around the RR, and I'll just let McMahon book it from there. Sorry I was so long winded folks. Didn't intend 2 be when I started, I just never realised how much fun this would be 4 me, sharing some of my ideas with a new audience.
This feud was built up on the idea that The Rock hates Cena and that Cena doesn't think too highly of The Rock...

If you start having them pal around together after the last month and a half you kill all the heat you had...

As it is the whole Rock and Cena shaking hands thing really ticked me was completely out of character...Rock was in some high profile feuds and you never heard him say he respected Austin, Trips or even Taker but out of nowhere he respects Cena?!?!?!?

Made no sense to do it other then the fact is that they rethought the idea of making Cena a heel...he was primed for a turn and he could've spent the rest of the year going through the Raw roster as a villain but now its heading back toward SuperCena status which the majority of fans seem to be sick of...
This might very well turn out to be something that seems much more complicated and confusing to us than it actually is.

Cena will probably just keep on keepin' on much like he's always done. It'll be interesting to see how the WWE keeps his match with The Rock at WM 28 in the minds of fans as this year progresses.

As to what scenario I'd personally like to see take place more than anything, I'd sort of like to see John Cena go through something of a change of fortunes this year. I know it probably won't happen, but I think that the WWE could begin a slow and gradual heel turn with John Cena spread out over the course of many months. During this time, John Cena's luck as a championship contender starts to change. Maybe he loses some big matches or comes to find himself more and more "pushed aside" when it comes to getting championship/main event opportunities. Cena could see the company turn on him, generating some bitter feelings and leading to more heelish behavior. I think it'd be fun to incorporate the boos from fans that Cena always gets to some degree and use it as part of Cena's turn. Eventually, maybe come SummerSlam or a little later, Cena turns fully heel.

As I said, I'm almost sure that it won't happen but I think it'd be a fun scenario that could be interesting if pulled off right.
I think there may be an older version of this somewhere but I couldn't find it, so i'm making a newer version. Anyway, with John Cena now having a match next year at WM28 with the Rock, there is no way that the WWE will keep a rivalry going on for a year without a match, so we prob won't see the Rock for a while now. As for Cena, he lost at WM to The Miz, and he probably won't be back in the title hunt against the Miz (I.M.H.O). What should the WWE do with Cena?
I think it will be Miz, at least for one more PPV. Notice how they didn't set Miz up with a challenger last night...I think that leaves it open for Cena.

I'm trying to think who else at this point would feud with Cena and I'm coming up blank.

Sheamus? It's been done, and he appears to be a jobber these days, which is really sad.

Ted Dibiase? Probably makes too much sense to give him a legitimate shot at being the star he should be. He's not even on TV right now.

Punk? Also been done, plus let's hope he's not done with Orton yet.

Ziggler? I think they'll put him up against Morrison for a while longer.
i know im probably gonna have people bug me about this, but personally i think its time for a heel turn. i would love to see what kind of matches John Cena could put on with John Morrison. they are both great in the ring, so i think those matches would be awesome. if not a heel turn....why not put him the the title run for the U.S. Champion. I know people may say "but John Cena is a main eventer, you can't lower his talent like that". however, Shemus was a main eventer, and basically still is. I don't classify wrestlers as "main eventer" or "mid-card", i classify wrestlers based on their skill.
he could use some time off, have one more rematch with the Miz, and have him get 'injured' by the Corre, be a good way to reinstall some momentum into there faction after that debacle @ WM and last night on RAW, have hm return around SS
i know im probably gonna have people bug me about this, but personally i think its time for a heel turn. i would love to see what kind of matches John Cena could put on with John Morrison. they are both great in the ring, so i think those matches would be awesome. if not a heel turn....why not put him the the title run for the U.S. Champion. I know people may say "but John Cena is a main eventer, you can't lower his talent like that". however, Shemus was a main eventer, and basically still is. I don't classify wrestlers as "main eventer" or "mid-card", i classify wrestlers based on their skill.

Sheamus was a fluke. Cena's been a consistent main eventer for over five years. The U.S. title would be too low for him.

Honestly I don't know. I think he's done with Miz after last night. Maybe have him feud with some kind of stable. Make a slow warm up for his match with The Great One. Or maybe he should just take some well-deserved time off, but knowing the worker Cena is he wouldn't even consider it unless he's injured.

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