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How do you feel about the way TNA handled the Hardy/Victory Road situation on iMPACT?

The Five-Star Frog Splash

WWE United States Champion
Well, for about 4 days the IWC wondered just how exactly TNA were gonna handle the situation involving Hardy at the PPV Sunday night. Many of us voiced our negativity and outrage at TNA for letting Hardy perform when he clearly wasn't able to do so. I especially wonder what happened behind the scenes with Dixie and Jeff and how she would respond to the whole ordeal. A common thing I saw with many IWC members was that they wanted either Hardy or Dixie to come out on iMPACT and fire Hardy, or something to that degree.

Well, Thursday finally came and there was no firing, no Dixie, no Jeff. Instead TNA basically, in my view, tried to COMPLETELY turn the attention away from Hardy and spin it into a promo setting up the main event. Hogan, Bischoff and Sting say Hardy's demise was his own fault without alluding to what actually happened. But then Sting starts trying to give a sorta kayfabe explanation as to how Hardy fell from the light, saying at the end of the day that even though Hardy was responsible for making his own choices, it was ultimately Hogan and Eric who ruined Hardy. They basically tried to turn this entire dilemma into heat for Hogan and Sting. They COMPLETELY ignored the issue!

My beef with what happened is that they didn't even try to make amends for what happened at the ppv, Dixie was absent and it felt like she was trying to hide from the problem. I suppose from a storyline perspective, mission accomplished, seeing as they don't have to worry about Hardy anymore and can move forward with the title scene (if they ever get a freaking number one contender.)

So thats my take of things, so lets hear from the rest of you, my questions are:

1. How do you feel about the way they handled the Hardy situation on iMPACT?

2. Should Dixie have been the one to come out and do something about it?

3. What does TNA do now with Hardy? Fire him, send him to rehab, what?
1)I would say they did a pretty decent job. They addressed it, quickly moved the spotlight off of Jeff, moved immortal forward without him, and got the focus back on the title and everyones desire to have it.

2)No, I don't think Dixie should have been the one to come out. That would have totally ruined the storyline that Hulk Hogan now owns TNA. Hulk Hogan, "the guy who owns TNA", was good enough.

3) That's a tough one. The guy royaly fucked up. That being said, he really does bust his ass for TNA. He is also a huge draw. I think they should send him to rehab, and drug test him regularly. If he fails a drug test after that, then fire him.
I haven't yet watched Impact(wasn't home) but I did read the spoilers and know what happened.
not surprised at all.
while it was unfortunate what happened, TNA has to do what is best for TNA going forward. I don't think it really would have did any good to publicly do something negative regarding Hardy.
I wasn't expecting to see Dixie, based on story line with Immortal.

TNA announced last Monday that Jeff Hardy was sent home from Impact tapings this week. unless TNA tapes something backstage, don't expect to see Jeff Hardy anytime soon. TNA did 3 weeks of Impact tapings this week.

personally I think Jeff Hardy should go to rehab and get cleaned up. if/when he finally gets clean(or at least monitored better) then when he returns he can come back face. he can return saying how he made the wrong choices, how he is now clean. he can say he is sorry to the fans and ask for their forgiveness. people love this type of thing and when someone bares their heart and asks for forgiveness it's usually given.
maybe Jeff can try to reach out to his brother, telling Matt that he too should say he is sorry to the fans who have supported him through the years and ask them for forgiveness. maybe at first Matt can say no thanks. Jeff Hardy can be on a mission to take out Hogan/Bischoff and Immortal. maybe Immortal can be beating down on Jeff and then Matt makes the save to help his brother, and the Hardy boys are back to being face.

in the meantime I think Immortal needs a new main event championship material wrestler. Anderson would fit perfectly.
1. They DIDN'T handle the Hardy situation they swept it under the rug. Not only that with the way the whole promo worked out they really just set Hardy up for a face turn when they bring him back, he's not gonna get fired, if he was it would have happened already. It looks to me that they threw TNA fans a bone (thanks for the reruns TNA its better than watching your current product), gave Hardy a paid vacation only for them to bring him back within the next month or so. I wish I got a paid vacation every time I showed up to work drunk and unable to do my job.

2. Dixie didn't have to do it on the show, but she should have said something about it whether it be a press statement or a twitter or SOMETHING. Dixie has just ignored the situation from what I can see.

3. If they really feel Hardy is too valuable to lose (Personally I would have fired his ass immediately, as in before the match started and put a sub in for hardy) they should give him an ultimatum to get clean or resign. I don't care how valuable an employee is, they lose all their value if they show up to work the way Hardy did on Sunday. If he won't get clean, then Hardy will use up all his value anyway and there will be no reason to keep him.

What I would do with Hardy is fire him so he still gets paid, make sure he gets through rehab and IF he can do rehab, get clean and sober and stay that way THEN I would bring him back. Hardy needs to take care of his personal stuff right now and if I was Dixie I would do everything I can to make him do it. If Hardy complies then he can still be an asset, if Hardy rebels cut then cut your ties and move on.
Hogan, Sting, and Bischoff were very vague. They played it safe. Sting said Jeff had the gleam in his eye until he meet Hogan and joined Immortal, leading him down the dark path. Bischoff and Hogan basically state Hardy didn't get the job done, and was through with Immortal. They didn't state anything about his state of mind, but how Hogan poisoned his state of mind. Its a safe kayfabe way to do things.

In reality we all know it wasn't Hogan or Immortal that made Hardy do drugs or put thousands of pills in Hardy's household. I would have preferred someone to come out, speaking for TNA and say "Hey, we screwed up but here is what we are going to do for you fans". I didn't even hear Taz or Tenay comment about how people that bought the PPV can get 6 months of TNA on demand for free.

At least have Dixie Carter break kayfabe for a second and post a video saying TNA was sorry for Hardy's actions and that they are taking responsibility for it.
Not really disappointed. I believe they did what they felt they had to do they mentioned it briefly in character, continued a story and shoved Jeff under the bus for his actions. I do know they are giving a 6 month free subscription to their vault on demand but a mention on the show would have had a little more effect than Dixie coming out on air. A quick little mini-commercial before the program starts stating that due to some things that happened at the PPV that they were going to offer the 6 months free to those who show their receipt of purchase would have been sufice, then start the show.

I think that would have helped them save face on this issue.
When someone does the wrong thing on a television show and fire him, they write him out of the show. This is sports entertainment. I don't really see any point to it now that they are trying to refund those who purchased the ppv by giving them access to their back catalogue.

Sting is the Champion, the man who knew what Hogan was doing all along. He has returned to put the worng things right with the network's help and he squashed Hogan's so called Champion. Sting saying that the cancer that is Hogan got into Hardy is fine storyline wise.

And although in storyline context Hogan buried Hardy on tv, saying he couldn't handle being in Immortal and couldn't handle being a champion like Hulk Hogan could and then throwing his belt out of the ring like garbage. If you read between the lines it waas saying hardy is a peice of trash and he should be thrown out because he can't handle beinga top guy. Thorwing his belt away signified throwing Hary away. So far they haven't fired Hardy, but I'm sure they wont let him near the main event for a very long time. IF/When Hardy does return he will be strictly in mid card until he prioves hismelf again and I'm sure he was fined some of that big money he gets...

Although I don't think much of Hogan and his backstage politics and what he has done to TNA over the last year and a bit, I'm sure he would have really taken Hardy down a peg or three, probably in front of the whole locker room. You don't pull the shit he did and get away with it, especially when Hogan who has been to the big dance so many times would have and the company has looked humiliated for the last week...
When someone does the wrong thing on a television show and fire him, they write him out of the show. This is sports entertainment. I don't really see any point to it now that they are trying to refund those who purchased the ppv by giving them access to their back catalogue.

Sting is the Champion, the man who knew what Hogan was doing all along. He has returned to put the worng things right with the network's help and he squashed Hogan's so called Champion. Sting saying that the cancer that is Hogan got into Hardy is fine storyline wise.

And although in storyline context Hogan buried Hardy on tv, saying he couldn't handle being in Immortal and couldn't handle being a champion like Hulk Hogan could and then throwing his belt out of the ring like garbage. If you read between the lines it waas saying hardy is a peice of trash and he should be thrown out because he can't handle beinga top guy. Thorwing his belt away signified throwing Hary away. So far they haven't fired Hardy, but I'm sure they wont let him near the main event for a very long time. IF/When Hardy does return he will be strictly in mid card until he prioves hismelf again and I'm sure he was fined some of that big money he gets...

Although I don't think much of Hogan and his backstage politics and what he has done to TNA over the last year and a bit, I'm sure he would have really taken Hardy down a peg or three, probably in front of the whole locker room. You don't pull the shit he did and get away with it, especially when Hogan who has been to the big dance so many times would have and the company has looked humiliated for the last week...

You are absolutely correct on this, there is no way Hogan or Eric slapped his wrist in private, he probably got the riot act in front of everyone to make a statement, plus with Hogan throwing away your belt designed just for you also makes a statement, when done on tv by arguably the biggest name in wrestling history that also makes everyone else look down upon him in the same manner, this also could have been done by Flair, Vince, HBK, SCSA, or the Rock. I just hope they are getting him some help.
It's a television show and when a wrestling promotion screws up they most likely aren't going to apologise outside of a storyline. They offered the online freebie to the people who bought the PPV and didn't like the ending and that's the most they will probably do. Most of their audience that didn't watch the PPV or doesn't read these sites would have no clue what happened at the PPV.

Maybe now that everyone knows he's gone from TNA TV and it would no longer be a spoiler they may have a press conference where they tell everyone he's been fired or he's been suspended depending on his going to rehab. Like I said in another thread maybe they had to let Hardy go to the ring and do it this way so they would have on camera proof of his condition so they can void his contract. Maybe it was even tough love where they did it so he might be embarrassed enough to get help. Maybe even Immortal was suppose to rush the ring and it ended to early for them to get out there. Who knows.

Fact is they offered the online freebie and Jeff Hardy seems to be history for now so to me I say move on and try to improve the show. But they did it in a way that If Jeff spends a few months in rehab, gets straightened out and gets his court appearances out of the way he has a reason to return. They can have him come back after Hogan and Bischoff and throw their words back in their face.

Maybe someone should call Dr. Drew and get Jeff on Celebrity Rehab.
1)I would say they did a pretty decent job. They addressed it, quickly moved the spotlight off of Jeff, moved immortal forward without him, and got the focus back on the title and everyones desire to have it.

2)No, I don't think Dixie should have been the one to come out. That would have totally ruined the storyline that Hulk Hogan now owns TNA. Hulk Hogan, "the guy who owns TNA", was good enough.

3) That's a tough one. The guy royaly fucked up. That being said, he really does bust his ass for TNA. He is also a huge draw. I think they should send him to rehab, and drug test him regularly. If he fails a drug test after that, then fire him.

1) Dude, they didn't address it at all. They made some vague comments about Hardy but left it wide open for a return by treating it like a storyline, thus taking away any responsibility Hardy had to the fans and the other wrestlers who bust their butts on a weekly basis. Also with most of the negative comments coming from Hogan, it makes Jeff seem like a face.

2) not an issue since it wasn't addressed anyway

3) You say he busts his ass for TNA yet if he cared as much for TNA, the fans, and his fellow wrestlers as he does for his current lifestyle, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Also, nobody in TNA is a HUGE draw. How can anyone on the roster be a draw when they don't even charge admission to the Impact Zone, they barely squeak by with a 1.1 in the ratings, and their ppv buyrates are laughable. That's just simple logic. Hardy WAS a huge draw in WWE but not in TNA. Someone posted a while back and I totally agree with them that TNA can take a huge star and instead of building them up, that star just ends up on the same level as TNA itself. Don't get me wrong, TNA is absolutely chocked full of performers with tons of potential. But as long as they are there, they will never be stars.

3.5) I believe in second chances but exactly how many chances does Jeff Hardy deserve?

3) You say he busts his ass for TNA yet if he cared as much for TNA, the fans, and his fellow wrestlers as he does for his current lifestyle, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Also, nobody in TNA is a HUGE draw. How can anyone on the roster be a draw when they don't even charge admission to the Impact Zone, they barely squeak by with a 1.1 in the ratings, and their ppv buyrates are laughable. That's just simple logic. Hardy WAS a huge draw in WWE but not in TNA. Someone posted a while back and I totally agree with them that TNA can take a huge star and instead of building them up, that star just ends up on the same level as TNA itself. Don't get me wrong, TNA is absolutely chocked full of performers with tons of potential. But as long as they are there, they will never be stars.

3.5) I believe in second chances but exactly how many chances does Jeff Hardy deserve?

Now they might not charge for admission to the show but they get a cut of the what is it now $90 to get into Universal Studios. So if 900 people buy tickets just to go see Impact (i know that number is high) that is $8100 and if they get 30% of that they get $2430 for one show taped. So on a three week taping in one week they just made $7290 so there is a charge just not to go see the show.

i also agree with the how many chances does he need.
1) Dude, they didn't address it at all. They made some vague comments about Hardy but left it wide open for a return by treating it like a storyline, thus taking away any responsibility Hardy had to the fans and the other wrestlers who bust their butts on a weekly basis. Also with most of the negative comments coming from Hogan, it makes Jeff seem like a face.

Maybe they didn't address it in the way you saw fit, but they did vaguely address it. Are they supposed to air all their dirty laundry on nation TV? Honestly, conversations involving Jeff Hardy's drug use are for TNA officials behind closed doors. They have admitted they didn't give people their money's worth with that main event. They are attemping to rectify the situation with the free 6 months on their on demand website, whether or not it's enough.

3) You say he busts his ass for TNA yet if he cared as much for TNA, the fans, and his fellow wrestlers as he does for his current lifestyle, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Also, nobody in TNA is a HUGE draw. How can anyone on the roster be a draw when they don't even charge admission to the Impact Zone, they barely squeak by with a 1.1 in the ratings, and their ppv buyrates are laughable. That's just simple logic. Hardy WAS a huge draw in WWE but not in TNA. Someone posted a while back and I totally agree with them that TNA can take a huge star and instead of building them up, that star just ends up on the same level as TNA itself. Don't get me wrong, TNA is absolutely chocked full of performers with tons of potential. But as long as they are there, they will never be stars.

I agree, he fucked up big time. Doesn't mean he hasn't been busting his ass on house shows, TV, ect. trying to help expand TNA. He obviously has a problems. Addiction is a diseases, and he obviously needs help. I wish him the best, and hope he is able to return to TNA a clean and drug free man.
I believe in second chances but exactly how many chances does Jeff Hardy deserve?

To me Jeff Hardy no matter what is a Human being and everyone should be wishing him well and hoping he can get himself straightened out. If he does chose to go to rehab and get the help he needs and is straight you don't think he deserves a chance to make a comeback?

He's only 33 years old and has been a very good performer in the ring for many years and could still have many more years in his future if he gets straight. Mind you this is coming from someone whose never been a Hardy fan because I never watched WWE/F television.
I agree, he fucked up big time. Doesn't mean he hasn't been busting his ass on house shows, TV, ect. trying to help expand TNA. He obviously has a problems. Addiction is a diseases, and he obviously needs help. I wish him the best, and hope he is able to return to TNA a clean and drug free man.

This statement irritates me more than any other I can think of. Alcoholism and drug addiction are NOT diseases. This was made up by enablers and excuse makers so people wouldn't have to take responsibility for their actions. An alcoholic can make the decision to stop drinking any day he or she wishes. A drug abuser can make the decision to stop abusing their body.

The day a person with cancer can wake up and simply CHOOSE not to have cancer anymore is the day that the argument that alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases will become a valid one. My Dad died of leukemia last Christmas. I sure wish he had thought of simply choosing not have it.
Maybe they didn't address it in the way you saw fit, but they did vaguely address it. Are they supposed to air all their dirty laundry on nation TV? Honestly, conversations involving Jeff Hardy's drug use are for TNA officials behind closed doors. They have admitted they didn't give people their money's worth with that main event.

I agree with this.

The fact is that from a non-kayfabe public standpoint they adressed the issue via the web-content offer.

From a kayfabe standpoint they managed to not make it a distraction that kills the build up to Lockdown, without completely ignoring Jeff Hardy's absense.

As for anything else as far as "public firings", or Dixie breaking kayfabe on Impact! to air out Jeff's drug problem in front of millions, those things are unnecessary at this point, and probably not wise from a legal standpoint.

The wise thing for TNA to do is to hold Jeff off TV for now while they wait to see the results of his court case. Perhaps as part of his plea deal, and in light of all of this, it will be reccomended that he receive state-mandated drug rehabilitation. If that is the case than TNA should re-evaluate his employment after that program is completely.

If Jeff doesn't go through a rehab program, and TNA has the legal contractual grounds- then by all means, fire him... but don't glorify it by making it a public televised spectacle. Do it behind closed doors and through a press release, not in a way that will allow Hardy's issues to continue to distract from the on-air product.
Sounds more like they are turning it into a work/shoot leading to a swerve and Hardy returning after "battling his demons" and coming through, all because Sting showed him the light.

Some crap like that

They've removed him from all house shows too, so that sais it's not a shoot.

as for Hardy busting his ass. um when? He's done nothing
everyone else has carried him all he does is come out, do a few high spots and the rest is the other guy selling and putting on a good match....

Face it, Jeff has had numerous lives, he fucked up in WWE 3 times and they gave him another chance and what did he do? got busted for drug possesion, so they gave him another chance aslong as he got help, so instead of taking it he quits and goes to TNA where they don't care if you're a drug addict or not and now he's shitting on them too.

He's busting something alright, but it's certainly not his ass from preforming
he did bust Anderson's head open legit, and landed on someone's face off the top of a cage.
I haven't yet watched Impact(wasn't home) but I did read the spoilers and know what happened.
not surprised at all.
while it was unfortunate what happened, TNA has to do what is best for TNA going forward. I don't think it really would have did any good to publicly do something negative regarding Hardy.
I wasn't expecting to see Dixie, based on story line with Immortal.

TNA announced last Monday that Jeff Hardy was sent home from Impact tapings this week. unless TNA tapes something backstage, don't expect to see Jeff Hardy anytime soon. TNA did 3 weeks of Impact tapings this week.

personally I think Jeff Hardy should go to rehab and get cleaned up. if/when he finally gets clean(or at least monitored better) then when he returns he can come back face. he can return saying how he made the wrong choices, how he is now clean. he can say he is sorry to the fans and ask for their forgiveness. people love this type of thing and when someone bares their heart and asks for forgiveness it's usually given.
maybe Jeff can try to reach out to his brother, telling Matt that he too should say he is sorry to the fans who have supported him through the years and ask them for forgiveness. maybe at first Matt can say no thanks. Jeff Hardy can be on a mission to take out Hogan/Bischoff and Immortal. maybe Immortal can be beating down on Jeff and then Matt makes the save to help his brother, and the Hardy boys are back to being face.

in the meantime I think Immortal needs a new main event championship material wrestler. Anderson would fit perfectly.

While you have a point about Anderson, the thing I have the problem with is WHY? Why does TNA keep turning heel guys who were getting pretty over as a face? The Pope is a good example. He goes from fighting Abyss to now being in a rivalry with Samoa Joe that makes sense to nobody. Frankly, I don't know what the hell TNA is doing with Mr Anderson.

I find it funny that Immortal is acting like they're on top when truth is despite Hogan's position, they've failed to get all the main belts. The TV title is now the only one they have cause Sting has the world title (And changed the belt thank god) and Fortune has the X-Division and Tag Titles.

I felt storyline wise, they did do a good job with writing out Jeff Hardy. Dixie Carter would have just ruined things if she came out, unless she had been written somehow like a representative of the Network.

I would like when he's cleaned up and sober, to see Jeff Hardy return as a face cause let's face facts here, as a heel he was like a very VERY boring Raven. In terms of letting Jeff still go out there at Victory Road, how can TNA be so careless is beyond me.I used to believe that TNA took care of their own but now I'm not so sure that's the case anymore.

Tonight's Impact should have been considered a start to repair the damage, but to think one night of Impact would wipe the slate clean would be ridiculous because TNA right now is facing some damage control. How long it lasts rests on them .
1. I think they did a great job on IMPACT, they moved him out of the main story line & got rid of that horrid looking belt. If Hardy can get his act together, Hogan's promo put him in a position to come back as a face....if not, he's also been scooted out of the main story & focus of TNA.

2. No, I don't think Dixie should have been come out and made any type of statement regarding the incident. As others have stated, that would have killed the storyline involving Immortal "taking over" TNA. Granted, the storyline really sucks, but it looks like they’re going to play it out & a Dixie speech would've prevented them from moving it forward. Besides, what could she have possibly said to make the situation better? I think Dixie needs to stay off television altogether. Give the airtime to talent, not to management.

3. Coming strictly from a fan's perspective & someone who doesn't know a damn thing about the inner workings of the wrestling industry, I think the best move for Dixie would be to handle the matter privately & give Jeff the opportunity to atone by checking himself into rehab. If Jeff refuses, then just get rid of him. Jeff’s a fantastic talent & still has value to TNA, rehab should be attempted first…release from the company should be a last resort. I'm very outspoken against drug testing in the workplace, what you do on your personal time is no one's business. But if you show up to work stoned, you need to have some sanction to make people accountable for their actions.
You people don't think! This is all a work! They're trying to piss you off with over the top stuff!And they're doing this!

If it wasn't obvious sunday it's obvious now. This is a work! To make Hogan, Bischoff , Jarrett, and Russo look bad so the "NETWORK" can bring in they're hero in to save the day!And that guy is Paul Heyman!

I mean aint nobody this bad of a writer not even Russo! This stuff is so over the top bad that it's funny! Go look at that stuff again.
ok so heres my take or possibly how i wouldve handled it.. we all remember the great road warriors/l.o.d. when hawk could no longer control his drinking and came to the ring drunk on more then one occasion and screwed up, vince put him on camera where he stated im coming to not as hawk, but as ........ his real name(cant remember what it was) and he thouroly apologized to the fans and the company for what he did and explained his trouble and vowed to clean up and reform. i would have started there with jeff hardy then suspended him. i dont expect hardy to get on camera and say im a coke head or pill popper and i screwed up. he doesnt have to be that blunt. he couldve acknoledged that he has some problemsand he is going to seek help. that alone may be bullshit, but it would be a start and give him some credibility for if he does return down the road as a face. they can handle it how ever they want, but dixie shouldve broke kayfabe and came out and addressed it and say, hey.. jeff is facing some troubles and blah blah and addressed it with the fans who arent stupid and know whats going on. granted it isnt the same thing as what happened with benoit, but vince broke kayfabe with the limo storyline and addressed the crowd with the benoit situation. but once again that jus my opinion, and those are like assholes, everybody has one or two
1) There was NO addressing of the situation at all. It was swept under the rug like so much crap is in TNA (and actually corporate wrestling in general). But did this attitude of 'fuck the fans' really suprise anyone? Really? Really? It's Hogan, Bitchoff, Russo etc calling the shots - if they publicly faced up to the situation at VR11 it would have meant admitting they and numerous other people backstage fucked royally - It would be a cold day in hell when their egos let them do that.

2) Dixie should have come out, no bs character crap, or done a video, apologising on behave of TNA. Everyone knows, regards of the pisspoor Immortal story, it's her company and her money - doing so might even have been done whereby her apology is part of her attempt to regain control: "look at what happens with Hogan/Bitchoff in charge, anarchy. If I regain control, I'll set new higher standards and stop crap like this from occuring. My limited role means I can only offer people the free ppv/catalogue package, but I am ashamed of what happened and I what to make it up to the fans, unlike Hogan etc" That would help promote the mea culpa ppv deal and give her character a boost.

3) I said at the time and will repeat, Jeff Hardy has to be fired. He has shown cronic disregard for the law, his own health and now the safety of a senior fellow professional. There are not many stronger reasons in pro-wrestling to future endevour someone. I would also extend that to those who were enablers (matt hardy, shannon moore) and those resonsible for VR11 situation (Bitchoff etc) (Dixie could come out and say allowing such a breach of safety voids the clause of responsibility in the 'ownership' of TNA and thus Bitchoff, Hogan etc are no longer in control and are gone).

Of course no of that will happen. Hardy seems for some unfathamable reason to be seen a top draw - which he hasn't been. He'll get paid vacation and rehab - which i doubt will work while he's still involved in 'high exposure' wrestling which seems to be a trigger for his behavior. The whole 'burying' of his heel persona was just a set up for a future return as others have suggested. He'll come back in a few months at most, fued with Hogan (and probably Anderson by that point) - with little to no change in the triggers and environment - which any addiction specialist will say is a almost a guarantee for a relapse and Jeff has shown he's needs little assistance to do that.

TNA management hasn't leant, Jeff hasn't/won't and the fans continue to get the bird. There were ways of turning this situation away from a disaster and even into a minor positive, but the egos in charge (Hogan, Bitchoff, Russo, Jarrett) and the weakness of Dixie, won't/can't make the right choices as they conflict with their own agendas. The same agendas that thought it was a good idea to send a guy spaced out of his head to the ring in a ppv main event. They are all Fucking Idiots!
They handled it like cowards. Dixie should have come out. TNA should fire him forever and WWE should send him to rehab.

On a side note, what the hell happened to TNA's top 10 list of title contenders? Didn't they use to have a list the wrestlers had to move up or down in order to get a title shot?
Seeing as how this isn't the first time Hardy has done this, I think they should have fired the guy. I think had it been one of the lesser guys they'd be gone.
1. How do you feel about the way they handled the Hardy situation on iMPACT?

2. Should Dixie have been the one to come out and do something about it?

3. What does TNA do now with Hardy? Fire him, send him to rehab, what?
1) I'm actually somewhat shocked they buried Jeff Hardy in the way they did. Despite all of this nonsense, he's still bankable. They'll be able to bring him back- they didn't exactly shovel the dirt on him- but in kayfaybe terms, they shit all over his character in a light you can't do much with.

Should they have addressed Jeff coming out all fucked up directly? No. TNA needs to get past this, not dwell on it, and last night they took a large step in that direction. Mention Jeff, give a "he couldn't cut the mustard" speech, and move along. The longer they talk about this, the more people are going to focus on it, and the show does have to go on.

2) I'm of the opinion that the less seen of Dixie Carter, the better, no matter the terms.

3) Wait. He isn't completely without value, but he's either going to get his shit together or he isn't, and TNA isn't his babysitter. If the folks at TNA coddle him through this, the problem is just going to crop up again. Jeff has to make the decision for himself whether to clean up or not; no one can make that choice for him.
For all you people complaining about how they did not address the drug issue on TV, why the hell should they. TNA Impact is a tv show, it is about storylines, why would the address a real personal issue on air.

It's like when the WWE was suspending people for their wellness policy, they didn't go on air and say we suspended ___________ because he failed the wellness policy, no they came up with storylines that either saw them suspended or fired for another reason or an injury angle.

But I will say overall I really don't think TNA cares about their wrestlers, they Hired Hardy knowing his problems with drugs and current legal problems. Hell they brought in Kurt Angle immediately after he left the WWE because he refused to go into Rehab for his pill problem, and I am sure the man is probably still popping pills like crazy

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