How Can WWE Bring Excitement Back?

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What has killed the excitement in wrestling for me is the rise in wrestling sites and spoilers!

People who run these sites will say "you dont have to read all the articles on our sites", but you really shouldn't be writing them. Imagine if you knew everything what was going to happen in your own life, it would be boring. Personally, I very rarely go on this site (usually only to read what is happening on impact wrestling (i should watch it but I'm out performing comedy the nights it's on)) bit when I see *spoiler* I can't help myself and have a look and usually spoils the storyline I'm interested in. I know it's my own fault for clicking the link, but the articles shouldn't be written in the first place.

A few weeks ago, my internet was down and Edge had to retire. Now because I couldn't get on the web, I didnt know if it was real or part of a story line. Now that was exciting.

In short, if you want to be excited by wrestling, don't go on these wrestling sites.

Saying that, I'm not excited by cena or orten being world champ. What would be exciting is orten getting physically dominated by Mark Henry week in and week out until a oot match when, horrors of horrors, instead of orten winning, big Mark Henry dominates. It would be a major curve from the usual dominating heel then face going over at the ppv and would give Mark a well deserved title run before he retires.
Honestly, that Austin video is great BUT no matter what time in history we are in wrestling now we are becoming more knowledgable fans and we are NEVER going to get as excited as we did when we were kids. Its just not going to happen. Its the evolution of life. Do I get excited for Mondays? Sure. I love wrestling but I don't really cheer for one wrestler or the other when they are wrestling. I just root for it to be a good show and I firmly believe there is others like me. If you are "hip" to every angle of wrestling as most of us are on here, as I said, its going to take Macho Man Randy Savage showing up on Raw next monday without absolutely ANY leaks.

When that video with Austin actually took place me and my friend use to talk about how shitty wrestling has gotten, now you are looking back on it like it was wrestlings glory days. When indeed it wasnt. Awesome segment? Yes, but MANY purests believe around that time was the true downfall of wrestling.

My point is, there reason and this is my opinion, that we dont get that excitement you are talking about, is because we are seasoned wrestling fans that understand more than we did when we were younger.

Its the santa claus factor. When you didn't know he was real, it was pure excitement but now you get excited for the holidays but that edge is gone. Its happiness to be around family.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. When we were kids, the internet wasn't there to provide spoilers and such, which made it more exciting. Back then, we thought it was real. When we found out that it wasn't, the magic was gone, much like Christmas. WWE can still shock us however(i.e. Seamus winning the WWE title, Miz winning the title for 6 freakin' months), but it ain't what it used to be. If they can give more stars that we're interested in, they'll be fine.
The WWE has shown it can still be very exciting and the fans can still really get into it. Case in point would be the episode of RAW where Edge and Chris Jericho came back to team WWE and them and The Nexus were about to face off.


Anytime you can get a crowd hype enough to the point the camera starts to shake, you're doing something exciting.

To answer the question as to how the WWE can bring more excitement back, I think one key is to build up or bring in some more stars. Kharma, in my opinion, is bringing back some much needed interest in the Divas division and R-Truth is starting to become a bigger heel and really has the crowd invested in what he does. Another thing the WWE has to do is try to get some interesting feuds and rivalries going between people that aren't main eventers. If the lower card guys get something good to work with, they can get over with the fans much faster. That's why I was such a fan of the brand exclusive pay-per-views, the lower card wrestlers would get more time on TV and the fans could determine whether or not the wrestler was good enough to entertain them.

Other than that, I think the WWE has been doing a pretty decent job.
The WWE has shown it can still be very exciting and the fans can still really get into it. Case in point would be the episode of RAW where Edge and Chris Jericho came back to team WWE and them and The Nexus were about to face off.

Yet another storyline the WWE blew when Team WWE with Cena at the lead of a group of heel / face veterans acted like a bunch of rookies. Exciting would have been the veteran WWE team showing their Professionalism and love of what they do by banding together to destroy Nexus showing their solidarity through the match and the end of the PPV. Instead, the WWE in its predictable way, had the heels / faces unable to get along and Nexus coming off as a more professional group than the Veterans.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. When we were kids, the internet wasn't there to provide spoilers and such, which made it more exciting. Back then, we thought it was real. When we found out that it wasn't, the magic was gone, much like Christmas. WWE can still shock us however(i.e. Seamus winning the WWE title, Miz winning the title for 6 freakin' months), but it ain't what it used to be. If they can give more stars that we're interested in, they'll be fine.

Agreed, remember when the NWO was starting in WCW? I really thought that WWE was invading. Of course then we didn't have the internet so we didn't know about the 90days no-compete clause. Now we know pretty much everything, so nothing can shock us now. Even when Nexus debuted, you would have been a fool to not know that the guys were already under contract.
Simply put. More surprises. Mid-carders being launched into main event status at a blink of an eye. People may say that's not fair. But as WWE progresses towards an entertainment company, I believe this should happen. Have a think. Who would love, just say after a WWE Championship match, John Cena has retained the title after a extremely tough match. Out comes VKM to tell Cena he still has another. Down comes Drew McIntyre and snatches the title. It instantly creates a new main eventer, a fresh new feud and keeps you on the edge of your seat. So for me, that would be an awesome way to bring back the excitement to WWE and escape these stale and predictable storylines.
Have more then 2 main event faces other then John Cena and Randy Orton. And i mean legit main eventer not a John Morrison or Kofi Kingston. I mean back then they had more then one face main eventer. Kurt angle, Benoit, Undertaker, Shawn Micheals, Chris Jericho, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Gurrerro, Batista. Those were all buyable top faces. But who do we have now? Not a damn sole.
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