How can the WWE afford to keep Brock Lesnar?

Aside from your suggestion in the original post about firing 4 black guys (*facepalm*), what you fail to realize (Mark Henry is hurt currently) those guys are full time and make up the matches in a good majority of their live event shows, Main Event shows, Smackdown shows and the earlier hours of Raw. This is opposed to a guy that shows up very rarely and asks for a lot of money and doesn't like to be around for longer than one night before he catches a flight. I don't know what those guys are getting paid, but they'd might have already been cutting a lot of guys if it was substantial enough to get Brock... right... that probably wouldn't be great for locker morale to randomly fire full timers for a part timer (and I mean very part time) and I doubt they'd have enough shit to fill up however many hours of TV per week and their live events without bringing up wrestlers from NXT and paying them more or putting other people in their shoes.
why pay a guy more money just to appear what a couple more times when you know he will leave shortly after words and probably does not even care about holding the WWE title, I was excited when he first come back because I figured it would add to the product but when I found out he had limited dates and other restrictions I just looked at it as he is there for a quick in and out so trying to get rid of other wrestlers just to keep one guy around who does not care to be there focus on the ones who want to be there and help build the product then trying to pay one guy who does not want to be there and for what it looks like does not care about the product
Dude works 3-4 times a year and wants more millions.
Fuck him, let him go back to UFC if he wants. They pay him to do very little as is.
in my opinion Lesnar is nothing but a mercenary who came back to WWE for a big payday when he could'nt fight 4 UFC anymore. He doesn't give a damn about holding the WWE WHC and putting the strap on him is disrespectful to some of the legens who do/did care about the business and never held it like Piper, Mr. Perfect, Jake, DiBiase etc.
With all the talk of Roman Reigns this and Daniel Bryan that there should be only one thing being said........Brock Lesnar should walk out of Wrestlemania 31 with the WWE title. Brock is the biggest star in the company by far and with more dates he would bring even more value to the WWE. WWE's first focus should not be who headlines with Brock but how to pay Brock the big money. The solution is simple really, fire 4 jobbers and give their money to Brock. Brock is more than willing to work more dates if the WWE gives him the right amount of money. The four jobbers who should be fired are Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and Big E. Those four contracts should be big enough to keep Brock around.

It really is a good job that you don't work in the Public Relations department of the WWE. Try explaining to the press that you have decided to fire 4 black people to keep one white guy... Nice! :lmao:

Still, you have no idea how much the WWE make on a daily basis, they are a huge company with a huge turnover. If the WWE couldn't afford to keep Brock Lesnar, then they wont. In fact, they wouldn't have signed him in the first place. They are not going to break the bank for guy. And furthermore, they would only have done so if it was a short term thing with bigger financial rewards further down the line. The WWE can afford anyone, let's be honest. It might eat into their profits a little bit but they have money coming from everywhere.

None of us are in a position to say how they would afford him to stay but I am absolutely positive that if they couldn't then he wouldn't have been there in the first place.

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