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How any wrestler, could beat Brock Lesnar

Ever since Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker & squashed Cena at Summerslam, eveyone, mainly the WWE, have been talking about who could possibly beat Lesnar. In reality, anyone from the current roster could beat him. How? Two things are needed from WWE's part.

1) Momentum for the wrestler, in order to build up the hype
2) Some homework on the wrestler's behalf

The two current challengers are Reigns & Lesnar. If Bryan goes into Wrestlemania, I'm pretty sure he'll take the things I'm about to say into consideration and would possibly apply them in the match. However, there's a problem with Reigns. Knowing the WWE, the way Roman Reigns will beat Lesnar is going to be by "overpowering him & brawling with him". On my part, that's just crap. Reigns overpowering Lesnar when Cena & Taker couldn't do it, will come off super fake and super dumb.

Also, Reigns (or Bryan) need some counter moves against Brock's two most devastating moves. The kimura and the german suplex. I'm not taking the F5 into consideration, since it's a wrestling finisher and can easily be countered and has been countered many times in the past. I don't want to see Reigns (or Bryan) lifting Lesnar while he applies the kimura, John Cena style. I want to see Reigns (or Bryan) legitemately countering the kimura.

I've found some youtube videos that showcase how to do such things.






I want these moves to be showcased into the match. I'm pretty sure there are tons of other stuff like that. If Reigns (or Bryan) is going to beat Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania, then I want them both to be better and one step ahead of Lesnar at every given moment. I don't want to see a barbarian fight between two gorillas, I want to see the guy that's going to take down Lesnar really put his heart into it and use his brain.

I want to see something different. I really want Reigns (or Bryan) to train like hell on the road to Wrestlemania and the WWE to really showcase the results of this training at Wrestlemania.

Reigns (or Bryan) can use these technics and then use their strength/speed to finish off Lesnar.

You are hideously over thinking this match up. Sports entertainment is light relief and you are trying to complicate it. This is almost everything that is wrong with sports entertainment/pro wrestling in the modern era. People/Posts like this. Wrestling is mean't to be a spectacle and 'over the top', not believable like this because it doesn't matter how you dress it up - Lesnar would kill Bryan every day of the week and twice on sundays in a legit fight.

Your post would be far more suited on a MMA forum, not a pro wrestling forum.
According to something Bryan said in an interview within the past few months, a match between him & Brock Lesnar would have a different feel to it than what most American fans are used to. Bryan said that he'd want to incorporate a lot of the Japanese strong style with aspects of mixed martial arts with the energetic style that's helped get him over so strongly.

Daniel Bryan is well versed in mixed martial arts, kickboxing and jujitsu. He incorporates them as part of his regular exercise routine and he's simply had a lot of training in various different styles & techniques prior to his time in WWE. Before coming to WWE, Bryan had spent a decade literally traveling throughout the world learning different styles, training with mixed martial arts veterans and guys who know their stuff in terms of submission wrestling.

Daniel Bryan isn't as big or strong as Brock Lesnar, that's obvious, and that's one of the reasons why I think a lot of people prefer to see him against Lesnar. Human beings rely on what they can see more than anything else and by looking at Bryan & Lesnar, it's typical to think that Bryan would have no chance due to the size difference, even though pro wrestling is scripted. However in an actual fight, size isn't the dominating factor:


This clip is Gerard Gordeau vs. Teila Tuli, the very first fight at the very first UFC event. This is before UFC was really organized into what we know today, namely with different weight classes. Gordeau stands about 6'5" and weighed around 200 pounds at the time whereas Tuli is about 6'1" to 6'2" and was somewhere in the vicinity of 350 to 400 pounds. Tuli loses the fight in less than 30 seconds. What's the point? The point is that size & strength don't automatically just trump everything else. As a corrections officer, I've had to break up too many fights in which some 5'9" 170 pound guy is kicking the piss out of some 6'2" 250 pound skinhead to know that it's all about size & strength. Also, even though this would be a pro wrestling match rather than a real fight, it just bugs me that some people automatically would write off Daniel Bryan if it was an actual fight just because Lesnar's bigger than he is. It comes off as ignorant and makes me think that the people with such a mind set have never been in a fight in their lives.

In my opinion, the story is much more interesting as these are two guys with different styles, strengths and weaknesses. David vs. Goliath stories can often be highly entertaining, especially when the David in the match, namely Daniel Bryan, is as popular as he is. I agree that Reigns would be pitted against Lesnar in a bout of strength vs. strength, brawling, two alpha males going at it, etc. and it's an idea that bores me. Unfortunately, it's just the sort of thing that Vince McMahon is preferable to.
Wrestling is mean't to be a spectacle and 'over the top', not believable like this because it doesn't matter how you dress it up - Lesnar would kill Bryan every day of the week and twice on sundays in a legit fight.

Yes, and as evidence of the "wrestling as spectacle" claim, remember that as invincible as Brock has seemed since beating Undertaker, he has been beaten in WWE since re-joining the company almost 3 years ago......by John Cena and Triple H.

They accomplished it by out-wrestling Brock; they possessed the size and strength to battle with him until being able to launch maneuvers that sealed the win.... and size & strength are qualities l'il Daniel doesn't possess, so by rights, he shouldn't be able to win.

Still, one might ask: How did Brock suddenly get so unbeatable? How did he come to completely overwhelm Cena when John was able to battle him evenly in 2012?

You might as well ask why certain "finishing" maneuvers on the part of wrestlers became "non-finishing" tactics as time went on. When Cena used to deliver the STFU, the opponent was subsequently pinned, right? Today, even guys like Seth Rollins are able to kick out of it. It used to be when Ric Flair applied a Figure-4 leg lock, the match was over; the opponent in too much pain to continue. Today, a guy caught solidly in the hold drags himself to the ropes and gets out.

How can this be? Did the devastating hold get less effective all by itself? Are the opponents suddenly tougher?

No....to all of that. The answer is that the wrestling companies decide who submits (or not) to what.....and it's also the answer to how someone beats Brock Lesnar head-to-head. It's all in the presentation.....and if Vince McMahon wants Daniel Bryan to defeat Brock Lesnar..... as ridiculous as they might look throwing down in the ring....that's what's going to happen.

It's in the writing.....not the wrestling.
Yeah, I'm not just overthinking, I'm way super overthinking. You're right, it is a bad habit. But that's why we have wrestling forums. So that people can discuss their ideas & views on pro wrestling.

At first, I didn't want to see Bryan vs Lesnar either, because of the size difference. Then I read Bryan's interview. I thought, "wow, this guy has wrestled all over the world and can trully offer something different for once, I'm hooked". But then Reigns wins the Rumble. Now, I'm in a position, "Yeah, I want to see something different, but Reigns losing his main-event spot would instantly kill him and I also don't want a triple threat match again".

I'm also thinking, Regins goes in there, brawls, spears, clotheslines. Goldberg did that, too. Not to mention that powerhouse vs powerhouse matches usually suck. Only The Undertaker & Triple H can really carry these into spectacular bouts, because simply they're Triple H & Undertaker.

I've also suggested these clips, because simply, I don't want it to go down to Brock throwing Reigns around the ring and beating him up, only for Reigns to make a comeback at the end and win. There needs to be some counters to Brock's moves.
Yes, and as evidence of the "wrestling as spectacle" claim, remember that as invincible as Brock has seemed since beating Undertaker, he has been beaten in WWE since re-joining the company almost 3 years ago......by John Cena and Triple H.

They accomplished it by out-wrestling Brock; they possessed the size and strength to battle with him until being able to launch maneuvers that sealed the win.... and size & strength are qualities l'il Daniel doesn't possess, so by rights, he shouldn't be able to win.

Still, one might ask: How did Brock suddenly get so unbeatable? How did he come to completely overwhelm Cena when John was able to battle him evenly in 2012?

You might as well ask why certain "finishing" maneuvers on the part of wrestlers became "non-finishing" tactics as time went on. When Cena used to deliver the STFU, the opponent was subsequently pinned, right? Today, even guys like Seth Rollins are able to kick out of it. It used to be when Ric Flair applied a Figure-4 leg lock, the match was over; the opponent in too much pain to continue. Today, a guy caught solidly in the hold drags himself to the ropes and gets out.

How can this be? Did the devastating hold get less effective all by itself? Are the opponents suddenly tougher?

No....to all of that. The answer is that the wrestling companies decide who submits (or not) to what.....and it's also the answer to how someone beats Brock Lesnar head-to-head. It's all in the presentation.....and if Vince McMahon wants Daniel Bryan to defeat Brock Lesnar..... as ridiculous as they might look throwing down in the ring....that's what's going to happen.

It's in the writing.....not the wrestling.

I could be wrong, but didn't Paul Heyman point out that Lesnar was sick and was fighting at limited capacity before? Granted, that was probably a reference to his MMA career, but that is how I interpreted it. If anything, I was more confused as to how Big Show and Undertaker seemed significantly stronger than Cena in 2014.

But wrestling has never been friendly with continuity. I remember laughing when it seemed like Cesaro might beat Big Show in the match after the Andre the Giant BR, when only a couple months prior Show had squashed him.
Lol easy. Get vince to agree. Ok but seriously (or maybe not so much) How do you beat Brock Lesner to Quote "A Knights Tale" With a stick while he is sleeping.

If it is storyline study vids of Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesner. Kurt was an exceptional athlete but he had the blue print to beat him. Given that Kurt was the best Amateur Wrestler to grace a Pro Wrestling ring it would still be tough to out wrestle Brock. Stay away from trading shots and power moves. If it is a smaller guy (Seth Rollins or Daniel Bryan) even though Brock is in incredible condition there is a saying "Speed Kills" it might be suicide but if you can outlast Brock maybe the guy could have a chance.
Ali vs Foreman...wait since this is Pro Wrestling...Rocky Balboa vs Clubber Lang II...Just hope that the one big shot that his opponent would get would be believable enough to make it look believable.
I could be wrong, but didn't Paul Heyman point out that Lesnar was sick and was fighting at limited capacity before? Granted, that was probably a reference to his MMA career, but that is how I interpreted it. If anything, I was more confused as to how Big Show and Undertaker seemed significantly stronger than Cena in 2014.

They did. In between Mania and Summerslam I remember Paul Heyman saying this was the healthiest Brock Lesnar had been since he returned to to WWE and was fully healed.

And people don't think Lesnar would kick Bryan's ass JUST because he's bigger but also because he's fought for real at rhe highest level and been the world heavyweight champion. Collegiate wrestling champion, UFC champion, WWE champion freak of nature the beast Brock Lesnar. Nobody else in the WWE can say that. If i was booking the match today. I would base it around his mid section being his 1 Achilles heel. Rollins supposedly broke his ribs at RR i would have him subtly re-aggravate the injury during a brawl or something like that and then you can have Reigns devastating spear being a believable death blow or if Bryan does some of those kicks to Lesnar's gut that could put him in a position to be vulnerable for the running knee or something. I agree I would like to see more.or at least attempted counters of his signature moves because it shows someone took him serious enough to study and form a game plan. Attempted counters for the german would be cool because they say Lesnar is just too strong and powerful to not throw you around against your will lol
I could be wrong, but didn't Paul Heyman point out that Lesnar was sick and was fighting at limited capacity before? Granted, that was probably a reference to his MMA career, but that is how I interpreted it. If anything, I was more confused as to how Big Show and Undertaker seemed significantly stronger than Cena in 2014.

But wrestling has never been friendly with continuity. I remember laughing when it seemed like Cesaro might beat Big Show in the match after the Andre the Giant BR, when only a couple months prior Show had squashed him.

TBF Cena dropped Lesnar on some steel steps - head first so that is enough to defeat anyone in the real world or the weird and wonderful world of pro wrestling. It wasn't a 'clean win'....you can't really win clean in an Extreme Rules match. As for the Triple H loss, pretty sure HBK was involved hitting superkicks into pedigrees and Triple H didn't win that clean either.

Lesnar hasn't really lost fairly and squarely since his return.
I'm just glad someone put a decent amount of effort into one of their fan theories.

I can see Daniel Bryan finding ways to out-maneuver Brock and show that sometimes the underdog can win. Then again, if that's the story they tell at WrestleMania then that has to be the story they tell from then on. Maybe Daniel can slip a bit by having a relationship issue or a kayfabe injury, but using technique to completely disarm Brock would likely mean that in a straight up match nobody can touch Daniel Bryan.

Beating Brock means owning every one of his accomplishments. Granted, beating Brock in a triple threat might not look like as much as a one on one encounter, it's still a more powerful accolade than literally anything else. The Championship is practically secondary to the notoriety of knocking off Brock Lesnar under any circumstances.

We all know what to expect from the WWE. Brock dominates dominates dominates and repeats that cycle a few times before... "OOPS!" he ran into the corner pole or "D'OH!" he attempted a top rope elbow drop and his opponent rolled out of the way.

I hope, and I mean I REALLY REALLY hope that for a WrestleMania main event we fans get to see more of what you proposed. I'm starting to believe that they might possibly just have Brock retain by the skin of his teeth and retire as champion.
TBF Cena dropped Lesnar on some steel steps - head first so that is enough to defeat anyone in the real world or the weird and wonderful world of pro wrestling. It wasn't a 'clean win'....you can't really win clean in an Extreme Rules match. As for the Triple H loss, pretty sure HBK was involved hitting superkicks into pedigrees and Triple H didn't win that clean either.

Lesnar hasn't really lost fairly and squarely since his return.

Fans like you are the problem, who buy into this "mystique" around Brock Lesnar, and believing him to be unbeatable and invincible. The majority of Lesnar's wins were in No DQ and Extreme Rules type matches as well, so by your logic he doesn't WIN cleanly either.

Anybody can beat Brock Lesnar and it would be 100% believable. This isn't 1980, the fans know it's scripted. Stop buying into WWE's crap.
Fans like you are the problem, who buy into this "mystique" around Brock Lesnar, and believing him to be unbeatable and invincible. The majority of Lesnar's wins were in No DQ and Extreme Rules type matches as well, so by your logic he doesn't WIN cleanly either.

Anybody can beat Brock Lesnar and it would be 100% believable. This isn't 1980, the fans know it's scripted. Stop buying into WWE's crap.

I really dont understand what you are getting at. WWE is scripted and always has being. We believe in Lesnars mystique because it is BELIEVABLE. He could lose tomorrow to the finger polk of doom for fucks sake if WWE wanted that and anyone over the age of ten gets that too.

If Bryan was to go over Lesnar i would have no issue. Its scripted i get it.
I'm just glad someone put a decent amount of effort into one of their fan theories.

I can see Daniel Bryan finding ways to out-maneuver Brock and show that sometimes the underdog can win. Then again, if that's the story they tell at WrestleMania then that has to be the story they tell from then on. Maybe Daniel can slip a bit by having a relationship issue or a kayfabe injury, but using technique to completely disarm Brock would likely mean that in a straight up match nobody can touch Daniel Bryan.

Beating Brock means owning every one of his accomplishments. Granted, beating Brock in a triple threat might not look like as much as a one on one encounter, it's still a more powerful accolade than literally anything else. The Championship is practically secondary to the notoriety of knocking off Brock Lesnar under any circumstances.

We all know what to expect from the WWE. Brock dominates dominates dominates and repeats that cycle a few times before... "OOPS!" he ran into the corner pole or "D'OH!" he attempted a top rope elbow drop and his opponent rolled out of the way.

I hope, and I mean I REALLY REALLY hope that for a WrestleMania main event we fans get to see more of what you proposed. I'm starting to believe that they might possibly just have Brock retain by the skin of his teeth and retire as champion.

After seeing the smaller Velasquez beat Lesnar in UFC for his championship, anything can be believable. It definitely would be a shocker to see Brock walk out WM 31 with the championship. Supposedly he's scheduled to be on the RAW after WM 31, I'd love to see him have a match on RAW and lose the title on there. A lot of eyes would be on the show especially with him appearing with the championship.
I think if they book the ending correctly you can certainly have Bryan go over Lesnar.Yea i would like to see brock win at mania and have rollins cash in and take the belt either at mania poor raw the next night.

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