How about Chris Jericho defends the Tag Titles himself?

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Representing Seattle's Finest
Let's try this again...

So I've been chatting with people about Chris Jericho and his lack of tag team partnerness. In these conversations I came up with the seemingly absurd idea of Chris Jericho defending the Tag Titles single-handedly.

I think it could be possible. There is really nobody on any other brand that could possibly live up to being Jericho's tag team partner, especially on Smackdown, where if there will be a new partner I believe it will be from that brand.

But I could definitely picture what could happen if he single-handedly defends the Unified Tag Team Championships on his own:

After Legacy comes out, Jericho enters and announces that his tag team partner is here. He turns to the titantron and says, "My new tag team partner is...Me." The crowd is in shock and confusion. Jericho explains that he is the best in the world at what he does and that there is nobody else in the WWE that can match his skill and ability. Legacy and Jercho have the match and Jericho wins.

Imagine his ego after that match. The next day on RAW he comes out with all 4 of the tag titles (2 on his waist, 2 around his shoulders). As a nod to him winning the Undisputed Championship, he starts calling hiself the Undisputed Tag Team Champion.

I know it completely defies the laws of the tag team division, but for Jericho, I think it would be perfect. What do you think?
Your right, it would work perfectly for him, he'd have to do it well in order to stay as a heel though, I mean it's going to be hard not to recieve some sympathy from people if your going up against a pair of ***** like Legacy alone.
both members of Legacy = one wrestler pretty much. Look at all the 3vs 2 matches they are in w/ Orton. Jericho winning the match is a possiblity. I'd love to see him gloat the next night on Raw and talk trash to the supposed "future" of the WWE. I would really like to see him w/ a parntner but Chris defending the belt himself just makes him a better heel. More acheivments to talk about...
No offense to you. but i dont like ur idea, only for 1 reason. Jericho beating legacy alone? i mean come on havent they been tortured enough by triple h's bs? if these 2 r gonna have any credibility or dignity left they have to win at NOC
It's an awesome idea bro, especially for a die hard Canadian Jericho-holic like me! One thing though is that it kills all of Dibiase and Rhodes credibility as a tag team but as much as that pains me, Jericho owning all 4 belts... WoW! I'd love to see that. Great idea man, green rep for you!
I like that idea, but I must say one thing. After all that's happened since Edge got his injury, with Jericho saying that Edge was never in his league and that he will find a partner that is the exact opposite of Edge, wouldn't you think he actually meant that to be someone else? I'm not saying that it's not possible, but I think it would really hurt Legacy. I mean, the way that WWE was pushing Priceless in the beginning of their team, having them lose single-handedly to Chris Jericho would really ruin any momentum they ever had. I thought that having Priceless added to Legacy would be great for them, but nope! But, even if Jericho did defeat Legacy at Night of Champions, I have a feeling that Jericho will disrespect Shaquille O' Neal some way causing him to book a rematch, where Legacy would win the titles. But that's just my opinion.
I said this before. He is the man who beat both the Rock and SCSA in the same night to become the first Undisputed Champion. Jericho is also the man who beat 3 different Legends in one match at WM this year. It would only add to his cocky heel persona, and gain him more heat in his upcoming feud with Edge and hopefully a returning Undertaker.
If anyone could do this it would be Chris “The Best in the World” Jericho
If Jericho did defend the titles himself, they could preserve Legacy's credibility by either having one of them turn on the other before or during the match, or by one of them getting "injured" before the match. That way, Jericho could still brag about being Undisputed Tag Champion by himself, and the Legacy member who fought Jericho alone wouldn't look weak as he fought him alone.
It's a brilliant idea and would give Jericho a very good heel heat and since there is no credible tag team to bury it won't damage any team.Jericho beating Legacy alone?Why you're shocked at least they'll be beaten by a credible main eventer not a 60 year old yeller or a man who is not even a wrestler.Accept it.Tag team division is dead and no one can return it to what it was titles and all tag teams are all waste of space so this actually makes people care about tag team matches much more.I think WWE should get rid of tag team titles and it's the best way to do it.After a long reign just think about it Jericho burning the titles and declares himself the man who destroyed tag team division.I'm also a huga fan of tag teams but there are no credible ones and WWE don't care this division anymore so it's the best way to get rid of them and would give Jericho a good heel heat.
It's not a bad idea (Jericho defending alone) and sure it would get Jericho some heat and make him look even more credible but I would only endorse him defending the titles by himself so long as he were to lose. The thing is, Jericho is already arguably the top heel in WWE right now....he doesn't need to defend the belts alone and beat Legacy by himself because his position is safe and secure.

However, Legacy's is not and that's why I ultimately think that if Jericho is going to win this match and retain the titles that he should do so with a partner. That way, at least Legacy won't be totally crushed and beaten by one man (which would make them appear even weaker than they already do at times)....people say Rhodes and Dibiase are the future which is why I feel Jericho should try and help them get over as much as he can rather than burying them by defending alone.

Jericho (despite being champion) has nothing to lose and he's so over with the crowd it's untrue, it's time to help the young guns in my opinion. Overall, if Legacy are to lose I would like to see them lose to a 2 man team...
I love the idea of Jericho defending the tag team titles by himself and I think it could be a very plausible option for this Sunday. Jericho is as good as he's ever been right now as a megaheel and choosing to wrestle on his own would only add to his cockiness and self centered attitude.

I am going to assume that the titles will be switching hands to the boys of Legacy. However, the concept of Jericho being his own team will make him look strong even in defeat. No single man should logically be able to beat two. This may be the best way to get the belts on Legacy while still building Jericho's character.
I don't like the idea, just from the standpoint that they've been heavily pushing this mystery partner idea.

I personally would rather see Jericho pick a legit partner. Maybe we could see Jericho and Morrison? It would be interesting because they can begrudgingly work together for the sake of wearing gold and Jericho can kind of try to take Morrison under his wing. It would ultimately end up in a feud at some point which would be awesome.

Morrison doesn't have much going other than this title shot he wants after Night of Champions. I'm not opposed to him getting a shot, but it won't be at Summerslam. WWE isn't ready to use Morrison for a World Title shot at arguably the second biggest event of the year. I think he could very well get a shot on Smackdown!.

It could be as simple as Morrison costing Jericho the tag titles at Night of Champions and Jericho costing Morrison his match against either Punk or Hardy.
the only problem is that he would have to lose. i mean you cant have legacy loose to a single person. talk about burrying a tagteam. and even if they did win they would still look weak cuz it would be a 2 on 1 match.
I can see this working. Jericho comes out and fights, he does a decent job at first but Legacy/Priceless finally overruns him. And then it happens,

Ted Debiase lunges for Jericho

Jericho dodges and Ted hits Cody (referee then sees this as a tag)...

Cody steps in the ring, but instead of going for Jericho he confronts Ted, slaps him in the face, finally


its mayhem, both men are fighting each other, Jericho finally comes to it and while Cody is distracted... bam!


Jericho pins Cody... one two three! Chris Jericho the undisputed tag team champion!

Ted makes his way out of the ring, and then bam!


Orton then procedes to the ring whacks Jericho with the chair, then RKO... Orton is about to punt Jericho and then...


they save Jericho...

then on Smackdown, Jericho awards the Undisputed title to DHS and Tyson, they announce him as the new leader of the Hart Dynasty... the Lionhart!

new heel stable on Smackdown!
I highly doubt Jericho will be defending the titles himself, although it's still possible. He wrote something on Twitter today that said his partner was "EVIL". While Jericho's character could fit that description, Kane is the choice that first pops up seeing as how Jericho was talking to him last night. However, I think it's a smoke screen. I actually think Jericho's partner is going to be the Undertaker. I remember back in his American Badass days, the commentators often called Taker "Big Evil".

I might well be wrong, I probably am, but I think having the two come together as a team only to fall apart would be an easy and logical way to start a feud between the two of them.
I like the correlation you made between Big Evil and EVIL. I hope it's taker, not because I'm a taker fan *personally i see him as shelton benjamin..someone who only delivers on random spurts when they feel like it* but because kane would be so.....lame. kane is nothing anymore and they can't instantly rebuild him in a match.

NOC should be good
Wait...EVIL??? INDEED!!!

I think it would be absolutely hilarious if Taka Michinoku came back to be Jericho's partner!

If, and most likely when Jericho reveals his partner, there can really only be two options.

1) His partner will be from SmackDown. He can choose from all three brands, but having his partner be from a different brand can cause some confusion, unless Jericho jumps ship to RAW or ECW. Like people have already said, the best possible options would be Kane and, as Jack-Hammer said, Undertaker. I don't really see anyone of importance currently on SmackDown that would join Jericho at NOC simply because most of the major players on SD already have programs. Which brings me to my next option...

2) His partner will either be a rookie or a returning WWE Superstar. Lots of people have been claiming Chris Masters to be Jericho's partner and it got me thinking. In my opinion having a good rookie or a returning WWE Superstar would be a great choice. And if the nOOb and Jericho defend the Tag Titles, it would instantly build the rookie up as a credible Superstar. Possibles in this category would be Chris Masters or Matt Hardy (provided he has recovered from his injury).

But as originator of this thread, I will stick with option 3.

3) Jericho singlehandedly defeats Legacy and he himself is the Undisputed Tag Team Champion!!!
No he can`t.hey 2 jobbers are stronger than one main eventer(in this case)!i know this isnt about the thread,but y2j`s partner is cody rhodes.this happened last year,so why not again.
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