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Hornswoggle NEW Crusierweight Champion!


SmackDown! is MY Show
From WWE.com

The rules of the Cruiserweight Open certainly benefited Hornswoggle who happened to be in the ring when the match started, making him a legal participant. And as luck would have it, the little guy shockingly pulled out the win to capture the gold.

Now I have to say this should somewhat interesting as there are so many different angles that WWE can do. though you almost have to think this shows how much WWE cares about the crusierweight championship as they let Hornswoggle win it. Though I have to say this funny as all ge out and cant wait to see how they play it out. Though I expect to not last long.
Dammit, you beat me to this one!

Yeah, it's an interesting move, but I'm not sure exactly what they're gonna do with it. Obviously, booked against another Crusierweight, eg. Jamie Noble, he'll get his ass kicked. Let's face it, Noble's foot is already level with 'swoggle's ass when they're standing. However, the angle could be interesting. Any other opinons here?
Ok, I dislike Smackdown because it bores me to tears. I refuse to watch 2 hours of mediocre wrestling just to see Edge for 5 minutes in the main event. However, now they put a belt on my man, Hornswoggle- this changes things a bit. I am intrigued as to what the hell they are going to do with the little guy. This could get very interesting.
Tell me it wouldn't be hilarious if he lost it to a returning rey mysterio on smackdown this week. They build up rey so much for him to beat a 3 foot dude. However, i think they may run some comedy with this one. Hornswoggle could easily not defend this for awhile considering the recent people who have had this belt rarely defending it. Once he does defend it, he will lose, but until then he can torment these cruiserweights and at least build up a little interest... get it, little.
I'm working on a Hornswoggle/Khali sig right now. Seriously, this could bring some humor back into SD!. Horns could bring some fun matches and I can't wait to see how it's going to turn out.
You know, I used to be one of those guys who defended the WWE when someone said that TNA was better. Now, after this bullshit with that room full of monkeys the WWE calls writers, I could care less. Cena retains title? Wow. Khali wins title? Incredible! A leprechaun wins the Cruiserweight title? Respect for WWE = Gullotine.
This is abo****ely incredible WWE actually shocked me for once...whoever thought of this is a creative genuis and its the best damn thing thats happened to SD! since Khali became champion...no really the cruiserweight title seems meaningless now and it really doesnt hurt to have a little fun with it..I actually love this idea and i wonder what happens next??? Hell maybe an asian redneck vs a leprechaun that would be classic...best part of the whole night Hornswoggle new cruiserweight champ I love it
Who said Vince only pushes big guys... I mean you can't get any smaller than Hornswoggle...This is great. I mean yeah it shows just how much the of a joke the cruiser divison is to Vince but hasn't it always? Think about when it was called the Light Heavyweight title... Freaking Gillberg held it for 15 months! So this is just another joke... Only thing that would be better is to have The Great Khali and Hornswoggle form a tag team and call it Biggie/Smalls///
I dont care about him being champion. It's worthless. What bothered me is that he pinned Jamie Noble. WTF? Why not Funaki or Moore. Instead he pins one of the best wrestlers in the company.

Cant say it surprised me. As soon as he run across the screen at the beginning I thought he would win. It's not like the Cruiser title is promoted like a proper title anyway. When was the last time the title got a good solid 15 minute match on PPV. One that the crowd cared about, and one with only 2 superstars involved? It was probably when Rey held the title.
Monkey Turds anyone? Thats what this is. This just goes to show that the E doesn't care about the cruiserweights. What they need is a legit champion, not a joke run by a guy who can't even wrestle. I was never amused by this guy and most of the time he just annoyed me.

I guess this means the title is about to be buried and turned into a joke, a very bad joke. The best thing to do was to bring in people like Mistico and put the belt on a GOOD wrestler and build the division up based on solid matches...But I guess thats a sin to vince.
Is this some surprise to people that WWE doesn't give a rats ass about it's Cruiserweight divison? When have they ever? Sure there was a bit of a golden period with guys like Ultimo Dragon & Kid Kash coming into the company, but that didn't last long. These days its just a joke, the matches are nothing like the real original old school WCW cruiserweight matches. I think one major thing that destroyed the division had to be when they moved Mysterio up to the main event scene. Without him it just seems dead, though Jimmy Yang is pretty good and as said many times before, Jamie Noble is probably the best wrestler in the company now that Benoit's dead.

I can't believe how fast Smackdown declined. A month and a half ago I was watching it all the time because they actually delivered quality wrestling unlike RAW between guys like MVP, Matt Hardy, Regal, Kennedy, Benoit, and Edge. Now they've got The Great Khali as champion, and Hornswoggle as Cruiserweight. Why not give the Tag Titles to Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson while we're at it? They arleady don't mean shit right?

But I must say...Hornswoggle Appreciation Week must begin ASAP.
this just sucked, i dont find it funny at all, sorry but the guy never amused me and everytime he appeared i would skip the match, this just pisses me off cuz the cruiserweight division is looking like crap

for a long time now ive wanted them to start steping up and being important, and they were getting better (b4 jimmy wang yang started jobbing), but now its just puts the title back to square 1... and its a damn shame cuz WWE has some awsome cruiserweights...

if this actually was funny i woulndt mind it that much but its just stupid IMO o_O
I think that all the cruiserweights in the wwe are underused. It was a stupid move by wwe giving hornswoggle the championship. Sure some people might find it amusing for about a week but i think it will get old quickly. Moving London & Kendrick to raw was a bad move, as they were 2 of the best CW's on smackdown. But eh, wwe just keeps getting worse. The CW division at the moment has nothing on the x-division
Maybe Vince felt since he put the WHC Title on the tallest guy on Smackdown that after he finished smoking his crack it would be a good idea if he put the CW Title on the shortest guy to even things out, i mean seriously can he even pick the belt up. Jimmy Wang Yang (Akio) who is awsome in the ring can't even sniff the belt but Hornswoggle becomes champ, WTF. i bet he gets a long tittle run too cause they'll probably have Finley hiding under the ring to help him win, they should have him start coming out dressed all flashy with bling now that he's champ, hell go all out.
Hell its a daft idea for him to be CW champ, first of all it ruins the credibility that Chavo gave the belt and all of the previous champions. Its only on him so that it looks like Hornswoggle is there on Smackdown for a reason.

Possibly a joke on the X Division wher Samoa Joe is a Heavyweight but X Division Champ (No Limits)
So WWE decided to joke on that so that its about you can be as small Hornswoggle and be champ.

I hope they don't bring back little Boogey man to fued for the belt!

Have him lose the belt by him getting beat by Chavo in a rematch where Finlay decides to help Hornswoggle defeat Chavo but Chavo gets like 5 other Cruisers to take out Finlay in return for them all getting an entrance to a Cruiserweight battle royal.
Now,ya see guys,this is why i like to watch TNA.Now you've killed wrestling Vince.Thank god we've still got Dixie/Jeff even if there only on 1 hour there still offering better wrestling than Vince does in about 6 hours and ten minutes.Hornswoggle as champ.If you had other midgets for him to wrestle then it might be okay,but i don't think even Tim ""The Toolman"" Taylor ever screwed up as bad as Vinnie did here.
I just don't understand this booking at all. why shit on the CW title even more than they already have done? and with making jamie noble a promoter for it i has a glimmer of hope that they would have been booking some quality match's but no, they make the midget(sorry if i offend anyone) the champ, they belt it nearly bigger than him! I am sorry, but the WWE has gone crazy
I just think the WWE has totally forgotten the CW title. And there has not been a credible title holder since Rey Mysterio. And this is just ridicilous what's happening now. But I'm not even interested on CW title and looks like those who were, will not be for long
I still dont get why you all act like this is something bad that happened. Look the WWE doesnt give a crap about the Crusierweights and they have been like that for long time now. This whole thing have Hornswoggle as champion is funny and should bring some interesting angles. So i say go with as the championship dont mean crap in WWE.
wrestling has gone down hill for years. I long for the days of wcw and ecw. Vince, for all he has done positive...has ruined wrestling for me. He destroyed some GOOD orginizations. Putting the belt on a midget is roughly equal to wcw putting the title on david arquette. Its stupid..its pathetic...its wrong. Hey vince....its FUCKING STUPID. Step down....you don't have a clue anymore. I can't stand wrestling today. I watch old matches on youtube before I will watch a current WWE match. The current product is the worst its been in my lifetime. If you folks want to see REAL wrestling...check out the old stuff on youtube...WWE today....crap.
Putting the belt on a midget is roughly equal to wcw putting the title on david arquette. Its stupid..its pathetic...its wrong.

Putting the Cruiserweight Title on Hornswoggle isn't even close to what WCW did with Arquette because its the Cruiserweight Title and It's nothing these days and WWE couldn't care less about the CW Title or The Cruiser-weights themselves . The World Title is the one of the most historic belts ever and it credibility was taken away when they threw it on Arquette. I agree with A.J. people need to lighten up and enjoy this angle IMO its funny and could lead to interesting things at least Hornswoggle isnt holding the WHC..if he was then we should be bashing WWE but not for this,Also it seems everytime Vince trys a different angle out of the ordinary he gets bashed (limo explosion) I dont really see why people like taking shots at Vince. He does his whatever he can to entertain us...Im not saying I agree with everything Vince does cause sometimes its BS but this is off topic and shouldn't matter but people need to lighten up about this Hornswoggle thing, Hell his title reign will probably won't even last very long anyway
Putting the Cruiserweight Title on Hornswoggle isn't even close to what WCW did with Arquette because its the Cruiserweight Title and It's nothing these days and WWE couldn't care less about the CW Title or The Cruiser-weights themselves .

i agree it is only the cruiserweight title.....seeing him carry the belt for some odd reason is going to open up things for finlay.i.e. he is going to help hornswoggle hold his belt,in the same way he helped finlay keep the us title.......i want to see what vince is going to do but he probably wont hold it for long but i know one thing he isnt going to lose it to rey mysterio because if he goes from being wwe champion to cruiserweight that is a blow... but anyways i want to see what vince is going to do with this.
the limo idea i didnt mind because it reminded me of wwf, i actually thought ''wow maybe it will start becoming what it used to be''.. but then with so many recent deaths the angle had to be dropped =(

but this idea was just plain stupid, i dont see how its fun, and i dont see how its ok to make the CW belt seem like crap

+ the wwe and WHC title are nothing now anymore IMO, a wigga/marine champion for almost a year?? oh ya thats great... and to make things even worse they put that stupid stupid spinner thing on the belt, way to ruin a historic belt =D

and WHC all i have to say is batista and khali...
Putting the Cruiserweight Title on Hornswoggle isn't even close to what WCW did with Arquette because its the Cruiserweight Title and It's nothing these days and WWE couldn't care less about the CW Title or The Cruiser-weights themselves . The World Title is the one of the most historic belts ever and it credibility was taken away when they threw it on Arquette. I agree with A.J. people need to lighten up and enjoy this angle IMO its funny and could lead to interesting things at least Hornswoggle isnt holding the WHC..if he was then we should be bashing WWE but not for this,Also it seems everytime Vince trys a different angle out of the ordinary he gets bashed (limo explosion) I dont really see why people like taking shots at Vince. He does his whatever he can to entertain us...Im not saying I agree with everything Vince does cause sometimes its BS but this is off topic and shouldn't matter but people need to lighten up about this Hornswoggle thing, Hell his title reign will probably won't even last very long anyway

Maybe, but tell me what is Smackdown? Is it a CIRCUS? If it were it would be all right and even funny, but it is NOT. Having the Great Khali as the WHC is already bad, he's someone that could also come out of a circus, but at LEAST he's big and plays a monster role. He's just doing his job. But a midget as a champion? Give me a break!

I don't have probleme seeing wrestle with the mini boogeman, I even tought their match was kind of funny for what it was, but c'mon, giving him the title and let him even retain is just plain stupid and boring. I watch the match with my son, he's 6 years old btw, and even HIM tought it was stupid! He asked me how a guy so small could beat this big man.... I said well, you know, it's just a show son....

I'm feeling so sorry for what is happening to smackdown, it seems like everything is going down the drain.
Maybe, but tell me what is Smackdown? Is it a CIRCUS? If it were it would be all right and even funny, but it is NOT. Having the Great Khali as the WHC is already bad, he's someone that could also come out of a circus, but at LEAST he's big and plays a monster role. He's just doing his job. But a midget as a champion? Give me a break

Well obviously being a Batista fan..You really aren't use to seeing anything funny or fun but anyway No SD! isn't a circus its the show I watch to see wrestling and sometimes in wrestling WWE does funny angles and this to me was one..It's the CW title it doesn't matter anymore. The WWE pretty much showed you at the GAB that they don't even care about the division or the belt anymore. This is funny and can lead to entertaining things with matches if dragged on to long then.. your right... it could get boring

You also said Khali does his job at playing a monster heel...Well Hornswoggle does his job quite well if you ask me. Hornswoggles job is to be scared of the bigger guys like Noble and run around acting like a jackass...He does that

Who Cares if he is champion like I said its probaly just a short time thing anyway I wouldnt doubt Noble wins it next week...but lighten up enjoy TV for once I understand its a midget holding a world title but that title is the Cruiserweight Title and its means nothing anymore and was rarely defended in the first place till now. If it were the WHC then we all should be pissed but its not...so chill out

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