Honkey Tonk Man Claims Hogan is Leaving TNA

This might even be true because we never know until we are really sure. we know that The Honkey Tonk Man has a problem with Hogan. If Hogan was to leave TNA, all i can say applaud him for his time in TNA even though he didn't do anything for the ratings or the company and we all know he needs money and he needs to stop talking about taking the company to the next level, they still getting 1.4 ratings and its been going up and down and has not yet reach 2.0

all i can say is I don't think he going to leave anytime soon, but if he is oh well am sure we see him on reality tv shows
I'd say it's just HTM trying to get some publicity again. He's always stirring up trouble; he's got so much beef with so many people, I don't trust what he's saying.
Is HTM still close friends with Hogan?

Either HTM made this up - which is embarrassing for Hogan and not the kind of thing a friend would do.

Or Hogan told him in confidence and he told the world - which is embarassing for Hogan and not the kind of thing a friend would do.

Or Hogan fed him the information to post on his website deliberately in order to get leverage for a better deal in TNA or send out feelers to the WWE.

Option 3 sounds most likely to me.
Honky Tonk Man also did that blog blasting Hogan a few weeks ago. So I don't know. But Hogan leveraging for more money as bongorider said sounds like a good possibility.
I'm not gonna lie, he SHOULD leave.

He's been there a year and he's done...nothing. He hasn't drawn in any big names, he hasn't popped the ratings, he hasn't even been there most of the time!

TNA are better off using the huge paycheck in other ways than on a crippled part-time legend. For instance, hire a private eye to find out where Desmond Wolfe is!
Who would he speak with in order to be privy to that kind of information? Jimmy Hart?? I really wouldn't think much of what Honky says, until it actually happens. If it does happen, bring back the six sided ring and push AJ Styles and Samoa Joe back to the main event.
Is HTM still close friends with Hogan?

Either HTM made this up - which is embarrassing for Hogan and not the kind of thing a friend would do.

Or Hogan told him in confidence and he told the world - which is embarassing for Hogan and not the kind of thing a friend would do.

Or Hogan fed him the information to post on his website deliberately in order to get leverage for a better deal in TNA or send out feelers to the WWE.

Option 3 sounds most likely to me.

Orrrr how about an option 4....Honky Tonk Man dislikes Hogan?? I swear I saw a week or so ago that Honky Tonk Man has some disparaging words to say regarding Hogan. Check this to refresh your memory:


Now as for whether or HTM is right about Hogan I couldn't care less. To be honest I don't think Hogan leaving TNA would help them out much seeing as how Vince Russo is probably the mastermind behind a lot of the shit ideas TNA has been throwing at us. Sure Hogan leaving TNA would mean a few wrestlers who aren't currently suffering from arthritis might get more air-time but in the long run it'll take more than Hogan going for anything significant to happen. I think I'm just at a point where I don't care if Hogan shows up or not. He's in the hospital every other week anyhow.

If he does leave, I highly doubt WWE will take him. Firstly there's a lot of heat on Hogan right now in WWE. I mean you only need to see that Hogan was number 20 something in the 50 greatest of all time dvd. Secondly Hogan isn't really relevant to WWE now or useful. They're going on a whole youth movement, they don't want some borderline 70 year old running around telling people to take their vitamins. That's TNA's thing. WWE only brought some 90s wrestlers back to boost mania sales but that's it. 80s is just too irrelevant and also Hogan hasn't been the most loyal to McMahon and is a shit worker when it comes to helping the youth. At least The Rock is giving the Miz a rub in his own electrifying way. Hogan would want to beat everyone!

So if he does leave....simply expect another shit reality programme about Hogan's new marriage. "Hogan Knows Better" I think would be an apt title!
If Hogan were leaving I seriously doubt anyone other than Hogan would be the first to report it. We all know how much Hulk is a camera fiend, and he'd love to get the media or reporters together to say these things himself. I take HTM's claim as HTM basically trying to get people to talk, and look at it as nothing more. In fact, I seriously doubt HTM has even talked to a source concerning this issue. Nothing to make of it people, just HTM looking to stay relevant. Let's not give into his ploy.
If Hogan's leaving TNA then all i have to say is 1 down, 2 to go!! Get rid of bischoff and flair!! I miss the old TNA with Jarrett calling the shots!
While HTM may hate Hogan, give HTM some credit, he had Jimmy Hart leaving TNA for WWE about a week or before anyone else had it. Not that Hart bolting was the biggest news ever, but he did indeed leave, when HTM said he was going to.

As far as Hogan leaving or not, it would be the best thing for TNA if he did. Lets be honest and call it what it is, 14 months in and where is TNA now? The same spot they were before they signed Hogan. I'm not a "TNA hater" or a "WWE mark", I'm a 25+ year wrestling fan who can call it like it is. TNA is still on Thursday nights, they are still for the most part drawing low 1's with the occasional mid 1 in the ratings. The roster has expanded but at the cost of true TNA talent like Joe, AJ, Daniels, and so on. They have a 52 year old World Champion, and a soon to be convicted drug felon as the # 1 contender. They wasted tons of $$$ on Hogan friends like the Nasty Boys, Hall and Waltman, and Bubba. This will not kill TNA if he leaves.
dnt believe a word htm says! hes full of shit! a washed up nobody that wants to be relevant! that would be like zach gowen reporting that tha rock is retiring as an actor to wrestle full time for tna!
I don't believe a word HTM says. That guy is full of shit. He just stirs up trouble so that he people will talk about him and possibly book him. It's pathetic. I call bullshit on this one.
Hi all, I am a LONGTIME lurker to this forum for many years, I am a longtime wrestling fan and love reading all your posts on here at Wrestlezone...I felt the need to create an account tonight because for the first time I feel like I have something USEFUL to contribute, and it has to do with this topic...

This past Friday TNA came to my hometown for a house show. That same morning, Jeff Jarrett was on the local radio station doing an interview to hype the show up for that night... I didn't go, I am not a big TNA fan.. but anyway the host and Jarrett were going back and forth like a Q & A, at one point the host says something to the effect, " I love your guys ring" blah blah blah, he obviously doesn't watch the show becasue he is talking about the old 6 sided ring, thats been gone for a year now...Jarrett quickly interupts and says "whoaaa...we've made some changes to the ring, it's now 4 sided", or something to that effect, and the host reacts in slight shock, because he was probably embarrased at the fact he didn't know this and claimed he was going to the show that night with his kid....In any event, the host then asked "so when did you change the ring"? Jarrett says something like "oh about a year now, but I can tell you it probably won't be staying like that for very long", and the host says something like "yea thats too bad I like that six sided ring", and Jarrett says something like "well, hopefully we'll be getting that back one day soon", or something like that...

So Basically is what I am saying here is this HTM claim kinda goes hand in hand with what Jarrett was insinuating on the radio the other day...maybe what Jarrett was saying has something to do with this HTM claim....coupled witht he fact Hogan has not been on TV, AND the fact he could probaly use the extra money for a final WWE run and then fade away....I just can't imagine Vince ever employing Hogan EVER again for the decisions Hogan has made by jumping ship....I dunno.. what do you all think???
News flash Hogan & Bischoff ain't leaving TNA till they milk Dixie and Panda dry. I guess on 3-3-11 when Hogan told Dixie you supply the money period, it was his way of saying you can't fired me and I'm not leaving the easiest paycheck in the history of sports and entertainment. And for Honky Tonk Man , he just angry at Hogan & Bischoff for not letting him in on this heist.
if HTM said something about WWE, a big spoiler perhaps, how many of us would really beleive him? None... why would i care what he has to say about TNA then?
HTM isn't the most reliable fellow wouldn't you agree? I don't believe what he says, or anyone for that matter, till it happens.
Has anything HTM has said actually come to fruition — honestly?

I can't recall any events or would-be events he's "broken" ever really coming through, so why should I care about what he's saying now?
I already covered Honkey Tonk Man's strange infatuation with Hulk Hogan here and about how he's doing it because of some incident he irrationally misunderstood, blamed on Hogan, and is now trying to kill two birds with one stone through libelously attacking Hogan as well as using his name to gain any form of relevancy again. It worked for about 30 seconds last time so now here he is trying to resurrect another 30 seconds in hopes for maybe a minute.

The number one common sense rule when doing research and getting your news is to look at the messenger and/or author. Often times there is a major conflict of interest in either reporting nonsense or withholding information. So my advice is to be careful, use your head, and do some research before coming to your conclusions. And this isn't just about the Honky Tonk Man - as he's utterly irrelevant and pointless. This is in general. In life. Because if nobody ever uses their head - we'll all be at the mercy of the agenda and those who supply it.
I would take anything he says with a grain of salt. Considering last night's debacle though, I wouldn't be surprised if Hogan left TNA by the end of the year. WWE could probably offer a better environment and more money for him just to sit at home.
I'm not saying Hogan SHOULDN'T leave and take off for greener pastures to finally retire from the entire business, but if he did... I don't know what I would think of him. He came to TNA and said he was going to turn the promotion upside down, and it was going to be this big success, but now... even TNA fans see that this company is going right down the drain.

If Hogan leaves and ends up back in the WWE where we see him have yet another "last run," I'm just going to see him as the person who copped out, simply so he can say that anything bad that happens to TNA isn't his fault. Several people have said this about him during this time in WCW. He would take perfectly-timed breaks from the WCW over the football season, come back afterwards, and tell everyone that the ratings have risen because of him. I could see him doing the same thing. He sees TNA is a sinking ship, so he leaves, TNA finally goes under, and Hogan goes, "See? TNA went under because I left. I'm a wrestling god."
Please let it be true. Please let it be true. Oh, please let it be true. I'll promise that I'll be a good boy if you give me just this one thing. No more Hogan on TV ever...

Oh, and if TNA can unload Bishoff, Flair and Jarrett (and his dog Karen too) the product would be so much better.
It really wouldnt surprise me especially with nash going back to WWE and getting the pop he got hogan is probaly starting to realise that TNA isnt what he wanted it to be. Hogan is like a moth always wanting to be in the spotlight . I dont see this hurting TNA Hogan has done nothing for them really so no great loss.

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