Honkey Tonk Man Rips Hogan in Blog

The fact you take a wrestler's personal life into consideration as your criteria for how you enjoy the wrestling product shows you're going to set yourself up for constant disappointment. And as a result you're going to waste your time resorting to the "level" of people like me arguing about it. These people as entertaining as they are and as much as we idolized them when we were kids the reality is that this is

Just face that fact, asshole. And I could give a fuck about what university you attend, if you have to bring up your personal accomplishments to try to win an argument with me just shows you are completely as petty as I am. Good for you, did you get in based on merit or do you have rich parents? Either way who gives a fuck this thread isn't about your academic excellence. I don't think anyone here gives a flying fuck.

You can say all you want about me being stupid and ridiculous and not as "intelligent" as you are, but you keep replying to me. I never told you to believe what I was saying exactly, but you sound like you love all the backstage dirt more than the actual product itself. I am not saying that's the case for sure, but I am suspicious because it sure seems like that to me. You pretentious little prick.

And yes I stand by my statement that Terry Bollea, Hulk Hogan's portrayer is probably an asshole. But I don't let it stop me from enjoying what I have seen of his career and that applies to any wrestler. I hear people like you and people like that other fuckstick piss and moan about this type of shit all the time.

Get over it none of these people are saints, just sit back and enjoy the tell all books, the DVD releases and the dirt sheets but don't act like this has got to be the gospel. It just ain't! I don't need a college degree like your mommy and daddy are probably buying for you to know that. You stupid fucking puto.
The fact you take a wrestler's personal life into consideration as your criteria for how you enjoy the wrestling product shows you're going to set yourself up for constant disappointment. And as a result you're going to waste your time resorting to the "level" of people like me arguing about it. These people as entertaining as they are and as much as we idolized them when we were kids the reality is that this is

I don't dislike every wrestler because they're an asshole, they have to take selfishness to a new level to really irk me. Even so, I still enjoy their wrestling and their work, I just don't like them. Case in point, Benoit is one of my favorite wrestler to watch, but obviously I don't like the man. Just because I don't like the person behind the persona doesn't mean I can't enjoy the product.

Just face that fact, asshole. And I could give a fuck about what university you attend, if you have to bring up your personal accomplishments to try to win an argument with me just shows you are completely as petty as I am. Good for you, did you get in based on merit or do you have rich parents? Either way who gives a fuck this thread isn't about your academic excellence. I don't think anyone here gives a flying fuck.

You should learn to express yourself without cursing, it would make you sound much more intelligent.

You can say all you want about me being stupid and ridiculous and not as "intelligent" as you are, but you keep replying to me. I never told you to believe what I was saying exactly, but you sound like you love all the backstage dirt more than the actual product itself. I am not saying that's the case for sure, but I am suspicious because it sure seems like that to me. You pretentious little prick.

I replied to the OP of the thread before I ever replied to you. You were the one who attacked my way of thinking instead of letting it go.

As for enjoying dirt sheets more than wrestling itself... once again, go back to my first post. I said that you can't trust anything these guys say, and that goes double for dirt sheets. They are unreliable and usually complete conjecture. There is rarely anything of value about dirt sheets and I find them to be a total waste of time.

And yes I stand by my statement that Terry Bollea, Hulk Hogan's portrayer is probably an asshole. But I don't let it stop me from enjoying what I have seen of his career and that applies to any wrestler. I hear people like you and people like that other fuckstick piss and moan about this type of shit all the time.

I don't let it stop me from enjoying it either, but it helps me gain perspective on why Hulk Hogan refused to job to HBK at Summerslam 2005 or why he refused to fight Cena at Wrestlemania 25. That doesn't mean I can't go back and watch his old matches without thinking about the asshole he turns into, but it certainly sets my expectations for his career going forward from the present.

Get over it none of these people are saints, just sit back and enjoy the tell all books, the DVD releases and the dirt sheets but don't act like this has got to be the gospel. It just ain't! I don't need a college degree like your mommy and daddy are probably buying for you to know that. You stupid fucking puto.

You really seem to have a chip on your shoulder. Is it because you know that you have nothing on me? You picked a fight with me based on a misconception that you and I disagreed on something. Turns out we did, you demand that everyone conforms to your way of judging wrestlers while I say to each their own. You want to pick your favorite wrestlers based solely on in ring ability? Fine. You only want to take mic skills into consideration? That's cool. You're not going to root for them if they aren't okay guys in real life? That's okay by me too. You on the other hand seem to think it's a travesty if anyone dares take a wrestler's personal life into consideration before rooting for them. Newsflash, it's none of your damn business how other people pick what wrestlers to root for, nobody asked you, and nobody cares what you think.

Despite what you think I quite enjoy wrestling. I can separate the reality and the fantasy, but that doesn't mean the two can't relate. I can enjoy the wrestling and entertainment from a total asshole, but after the show is over I no longer concern myself with them. I can appreciate the type of guy Cena is outside of the ring, but I don't respect Hulk Hogan at all.
Dude, cry me a river about my use of profanity, because I saw a few uses of it in your posts too. And I am the pot calling the kettle black. "Puhhhhlllleassseeee"! But you know what? Just to appease your whiny little self I'll abstain from using a single cuss word. I'll do that just to make you happy. Face facts sport, you are just an individual sitting behind a computer desk like me, you don't work in the wrestling business and neither do I, we're on the same level as far as that goes. The only difference is I am content in knowing that I don't know what the truth really is in the wrestling business and I prefer keeping it that way. As far as profanity goes, does your status as a "Scholarly All-Star" frown upon such nasty words, Mr. Academia? And yes man, you do indeed keep replying to me or else I'd have already been ignored by you. You interjected yourself in my business first and therefore you started it. I might have started with that other user for calling him out over expressing happiness over Hogan's death but hey I stand by what I said, expressing any sort of glee over someone's death is a shallow thing to say and it was only used to troll it wasn't used to add any merit or discussion to a point.

The wrestling product I grew up watching wasn't about what was going on behind the scenes it was about what was going on in the ring in front of the camera. Anything else is not my concern. I mean for example Bret Hart is one of my top ten favorites of all time admitted in his book to cheating on his wife multiple times. Do I necessarily think it's true, yeah it could be because that's a simple enough thing that many men do to their wives. Being a pro wrestler with the road schedule and the travel certainly provides motive and opportunity. But seriously man, it was a book, I certainly hold out the possibility that some of what he said being added to get people to want to read more and more. I stand by the probability that many of these autobiographies use creative license just based on the nature of what the entertainment business is. If you don't think that way, you're a gullible fool. Period. Still a Hitman fan anyway, his personal life is not criteria to how I feel about his work.

And as far as who picked a fight with who, oh my good man I dare to contest that statement. You started this you sad sack. You posted rep about me that I read in my CP and you went and spoke for another user on an issue I had with him. You can say all you want about his statement but expressing happiness over someone's eventual death shows him to be an idiot.

Oh and bringing up Chris Benoit is a lame point to this argument. That guy is a whole level of questionable character above and beyond guys like IWC public enemies; Hulk Hogan, Triple H, and JBL combined. The guy if you remember right murdered his wife, kid and himself. Benoit is a horse of another color and if all we read in the media was true about that case what happened still happened. Brain damage might be the excuse they all use for him, but no one told him to take so many chair shots to the head and jump off the rope so many times.

If all that is true about his medical condition he chose to endure the massive head trauma all those years as well as take performance enhancing substances. People can say all they want about any other wrestler they don't like but I've yet to hear about another murder suicide controversy in the business yet. Maybe it'll happen again at some point, but please let's not sugarcoat and just say "you merely don't like Chris Benoit" but then be so adamant to talk about the selfishness of Hulk Hogan. Right minded or not, I can't think of anything more selfish than offing yourself and your whole family. And again it's not like an epidemic of murder/suicides in the wresting industry followed Benoit's case. Solely buying the whole brain damage angle and thinking that's the only factor like some people have thought is a ridiculous justification for what he did. I am not saying you necessarily think that but in case you do think that I have to say something. Bringing up Hogan's ego and Chris Benoit in the same post is outright stupid. But the sad thing is most armchair experts will probably side with you and talk so much more fondly about a guy who spent a whole weekend killing his immediate family and himself than someone like Hulk Hogan who for all his faults has yes to murder his family and kill himself. Although yes I have heard him say some stupid things in the press but hey it's what it is, not the smartest choice of words but a far cry from what Benoit did. And nothing that might have happened back stage in Hogan's career could ever compare in being morally reprehensible to what Benoit did.

Grow up dude, you're obviously someone with just as big of a maturity problem than you care to admit. At least I'll admit is how abrasive, adversarial and outright petty I can get sometimes but hey that's just how passionate I feel about my point. In this modern era with so much of the business exposed you should know better than to just pick and choose what you think really happens behind the scenes because there's just so much that is questionable when it comes to what really goes on.

While I personally enjoy reading the "dirt" not a single smidge of it is something I will EVER believe, I take it all as speculation no matter what. Oh and just to let you know this isn't the first time Honky Tonk Man's ripped Hulk Hogan a new one just watch his YouShoot from 2009, called Hogan every name in the book. Then sometime later, he was getting all sentimental about the guy:

Honky Tonk Man Talks About Hogan And Friends (From YouTube)

And now he's back to talking crap about him, if Hogan finds himself another sweet deal and Hogan wants Honky in on it, I bet you, Honky will sing a different tune, pardon the pun. These people contradict themselves all the time and if you can't keep this in perspective you got the bigger problem than me. But please continue replying I am pleasantly amused and enjoy the banter of such smart marks like yourself. It brings a tear of joy to my eye.

Keep the posts coming, college boy...I look forward to more of your wisdom from your college dorm room that you probably never leave.
"You guys keep asking what's the issue with Hogan. Here's the deal. Hogan is in a back brace and without it he is on a walker as an old crippled dogshit of a man who could only be found with his feet in Lard Ass Bubba's ass. You ask why HTM doesn't like Hogan?

Who keeps asking the Honky Tonk Man about Hogan? Who keeps asking about Hogan, period? It's no secret that Hulk Hogan is past his prime, is old, and can barely move anymore. Everybody already has their own opinions about Hulk Hogan, good or bad - irrational or logical, based on whatever "facts" and "sources" they chose to believe over the years. Odds are that NO ONE is asking about Hulk Hogan anymore and Honky Tonk Man, like many others before, is trying to get his face in the public again through libelous insults of a legendary wrestler from his era of wrestling. Even those with surpreme confirmation bias have probably moved on from digging up dirt that backs up their anti-Hogan party because it's no longer necessary. He's really no longer relevant - at least in the aspect of libel and "digging up dirt" on them. It's kind of like Jack Nicholson. He's still relevant in a business sense but nobody really cares about what he's doing personally anymore. He's too old and he's not relevant in a "personal interest" sense any longer. 20-30 years ago? Absolutely. Today? There are much younger more attractive and appealing stars out there that are more 'relevant' toward what people care about. Disclaimer: This is a broad analogy for the general public - I personally don't care about the personal behaviors of any of these people. I have my own life to live.

Jeff Jarrett approached HTM for a TNA merchandise deal in 2010 and "sent" a contract. Contract never came. HTM signs with WWE & Mattel. The same time, Hogan and Bischoff join TNA and Bischoff publicly insults HTM. HTM is called up for the "Hogan & Friends Tour", went to the show and had a great event with the boys and the fans. HTM and Jimmy Hart spend hours setting up the show, spots etc. HTM and his web team promote "Hulk and Friends" everywhere which Hogan's agent praised and admitted none of the other stars did! Bubba the lard sponge calls out HTM on his radio show so HTM posted a video owning Bubba in retaliation. Hogan goes off without seeing the facts and HTM is off the tour.

So he's basically claiming that he KNOWS Hogan must have had something to do with him not receiving a tentative yet-to-be-signed contract that was negotiated? Since when is talking about a contract - the contract itself? A company has every right to negotiate, hire, and make any decisions they please - especially regarding an unsigned contract. That's like me going in for an interview, convincing myself that it went well - and then when the offer never comes, at the same time my girlfriend dumps me, and I jump to the conclusions that my girlfriend and that particular company I interviewed for were in cahoots the whole time based on timing. At the time, TNA brought in the Nasty Boys, Jimmy Hart, and all these other old wrestlers - why would they just randomly sabotage just your chances specifically?

HTM went to Hogan's room on the Hogan & Friends tour and spent hours talking to Hogan. Hogan was nice to HTM's face. That's the deal with Hogan. That's always the deal with Hulk Hogan. Ask Vince McMahon or Randy Savage.Hogan is a walking dead because he went with that travelling door to door meat salesman Bischoff instead of hanging with the guys who stood beside him and once again turned on WWE. McMahon's done with Hogan and WWE have no interest in his dead ass. They put over Hogan, built him up as Babe Ruth and he spat in their face. Hogan was due to wrestle John Cena at a recent past WrestleMania but couldn't commit due to his health issues then announces at Vince's backyard MSG that he's signed with TNA. Now after taking TNA nowhere Hogan's had to take a pay cut with TNA and mark my words within 6 months he'll be gone.

If that was always the deal with Hulk Hogan than why are you so shocked to see it happen again and never say anything about it in the first place? Why would you go see him in person if you know he's just going to be nice and manipulate you like he has done "always"?

So is Hogan a "dead ass" in a backbrace or are his problems with Vince McMahon solely due to him "always" being nice in person? Hulk Hogan not facing John Cena at Wrestlemania due to health reasons makes him an asshole all of the sudden? And because the WWF helped build him up earlier in his prime of his career - he should face John Cena on the biggest stage ever regardless of not being able to put even a remotely good show on while also risking career and even life-threatening injury? I don't see the correlation. You were also propped up once before (albeit not nearly as well) and I don't remember seeing you giving the prorated amount back to the same system that made you. In fact, I recall reading you declined the WWE Hall of Fame based on money alone.

What is WWE going to do with a free agent crippled Hulk Hogan? Nothing. They own the entire back catalogue, anything of worth they have. Hogan has his chance to be the Babe Ruth of WWE and spat in their face. He demands top money from Vince and has nothing in return to offer.Hogan's "Hulk & Friends" Tour is dead in the water. Events were cancelled due to poor ticket sales and performance and Hogan's $100k fee demand while paying his fellow boys $3k.

So now you're contradicting yourself. What is the real reason here? In one paragraph you're insulting Hulk Hogan for not facing John Cena at Wrestlemania due to claiming to have health issues - the very next paragraph you call him a cripple and say the WWE has no need for him. And even before the former - you claimed everybody hated him solely because he was "always" nice guy in person. Make up your mind! Besides, nobody cares. Or shouldn't anyway. "Hogan and Friends" failing is what happens to true private free market businesses. It's a part of the true free market life cycle. If a company is poorly run (i.e. apparently Hulk Hogan's wrestling tour) it will fail accordingly. If the business or service is properly run? It will succeed on its own as well. It's reallythat simple. So his business failed (over 95% of all businesses do at some point) what is your point exactly?

THQ recently signed Hogan to WWE Allstars as his contract allows for outside licensing which is a slap in the face to TNA. Would McMahon let any WWE star sign a TNA merchandise deal? How is that taking "the company to the next level" Brother!.

The guys in the back have no respect for Hogan and Nash is laughing his ass off now that Hogan is broke and Nash is back as a player.

A major TNA backstage player has bolted TNA for WWE, someone close to Hogan which has left Hogan reeling. More on that to come..

If you were working elsewhere and a company came to you offering you a significantly large sum of money for doing nothing (based on previous reputation and legacy) after you've had some financial issues - you're telling me you would turn it down? The Honky Tonk Man would turn it down?? Get a pulse...

I see the Honky Tonk Man as just another goofy character I used to enjoy watching as a child - who turned into a sad jealous character later in life. Never taking any responsibility for himself and always looking for other people to blame things on. In his eyes, everybody must love the Honky Tonk Man and want him at all costs no matter what - and if that doesn't happen flawlessly and match his best-case (only-case) scenario in his head - it's certainly because somebody backstabbed him and everybody is out to get him. It has nothing to do with him, also, being even more washed up...and even less legendary than his new, ill-perceived adversary.

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