Homosexuality & Children: Education or Pushing an Agenda


Mid-Card Championship Winner

This article explains how there was a petition going around to marry Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. Sesame street fired back by pointing out that the two children's characters are not homosexual.

That being said, do you think its right to introduce homosexuality to children at such a young age. Keep in mind the age of children watching Sesame Street. I dont wish to single out homosexuality but if I was a father I wouldnt want my 5 year old exposed to stuff like that at such an early age. Am I showing bias because if it were Bert and Annie (made up female) I wouldnt mind as much, I certainly am. As much as it feels wrong to say I absolutely would take caution to how I introduce the topic of homosexuality to my kids and I'll touch more on that in a second.

We're heard time and time again of an alleged "homosexual agenda" and its hard to miss the "signs". Clothing styles (in the US) have begun to resemble that of what you would find in a stereotypical homosexual's wardrobe. Bright shirts, tight clothing, v necks, etc. Even the "gangsters" are going around showing their asses to everyone on the street in a practice called "sagging". Theres also the immense push for homosexuality to be regarded as something acceptable, regardless of someones personal or religious views. We've seen celebrities and even wrestlers get in trouble for their choice of words. We know that some of these incidents arent as bad as they're made out to be and we also know that they could get away with saying something like that if they werent famous.

Now as for why I would take caution in introducing my kids to homosexuality:

We know that what I've mentioned has become more intertwined in the newer generations. You dont see an 80 year old man in a v neck sagging his pants. I think that overexposure to certain things can affect a child's mental development. If a kid is raised around violence he could grow up to be violent. So why cant a child thats raised around homosexuality grow up to be homosexual? I would never teach my kid that judging others is wrong or anything of the sort, but if it aint broke dont fix it. If a child is already born with love in their hearts, and is destined to fall in love in the future, why interfere in that process? Nature has a way of working itself out, and kids who are going to be gay are going to be gay regardless. But what I'm trying to touch down here is when I hear 11, 12, 13 year old kids saying that they're full on gay. When some older people see this they laugh at the idea because they very well know someone that young cant have sexuality figured out. I agree with them. A lot of people have stories of stuff they've done with a buddy when they were younger. Sexual experimentation is regarded as something very natural in the growing up process.

So anyway I dont know what to think regarding the whole gay agenda thing. I think its normal. Everyone wants others to share their ideals. I know theres already a thread out there about gay sons and daughters and I have to say I would love my kids regardless but I would tell them the truth. Gays dont have an easy life and if you're planning on leading a religious lifestyle it could be a serious problem. I dont have a problem with gay people, but I do question the intentions of people who want 1 year olds exposed to a gay relationship on a show thats supposed to teach them how to count and read. In my theory that would just screw with the kids head.

So what I'm trying to ask here is, do you believe in a homosexual agenda? Do you believe that they're targeting young children? What role would you allow homosexuality to play in your kid's development.
No one is targeting anyone. No one is trying to recruit someone to be a homosexual. Usually the speakers for LGBT often tell people to be who they are no matter what anyone else thinks. That is a great way to live your life. A child isn't old enough to be introduced to anything like that but at the same time if you're watching Sessme Street, chances are you aren't that concerned about your sexual identity. They don't need to be influenced by anyone just let them grow the fuck up. No one needs to teach their children to be a homosexual or straight, let them be whoever they grow up to be. If that turns out to be a homosexual then good for them. No one is targetting an audience who can't even think for themselves yet.

EDIT- Since when has sagging and v-necks been considered "gay"? I hate stereotypes.
(I think you should know it is 3:01 in the AM and I am extremely pissed off so I had to read this thread 4 times... If I misinterpret anything you say please forgive me ,and correct it)

I am black.... From 1500/1600- Now my race, ancestry, history have been spit crapped and soiled on.... In 1911 being Black was like being a common house roach. We were nothing to our white peers. When African-Americans start expressing for change and love and peace and equality most racist said "I don't want my kids exposed to those "******s" in school".... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Bridges You see that! Thats Ms. Ruby Bridges the woman who at a very young age was the 1st black student to go to a all white school...

You know those racist who didn't want their kids "exposed at a young age to blacks" did? They boycotted the school. Only lil Ruby got a education for a long time to a lil pretty girl by the name of Pam went and stoop up for equality...

Mr.H33LTURN regardless of how you twist and look at it Gays love who they love just like you and I do.

Gays have taste in fashion just like blacks cant get mad at that. and Saggin has nothing to do with the stereotypical homosexual movement but more with the get raped in jail motto.

So no I do not believe in this "homophobic" idea you have spewed
EDIT- Since when has sagging and v-necks been considered "gay"? I hate stereotypes.
I think I kinda pointed out that its all a stereotype. Not my idea, but old people point it out frequently where I'm from. I rock v necks and sag from time to time and I dont have sex with men.
(I think you should know it is 3:01 in the AM and I am extremely pissed off so I had to read this thread 4 times... If I misinterpret anything you say please forgive me ,and correct it)

I am black.... From 1500/1600- Now my race, ancestry, history have been spit crapped and soiled on.... In 1911 being Black was like being a common house roach. We were nothing to our white peers. When African-Americans start expressing for change and love and peace and equality most racist said "I don't want my kids exposed to those "******s" in school".... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Bridges You see that! Thats Ms. Ruby Bridges the woman who at a very young age was the 1st black student to go to a all white school...

You know those racist who didn't want their kids "exposed at a young age to blacks" did? They boycotted the school. Only lil Ruby got a education for a long time to a lil pretty girl by the name of Pam went and stoop up for equality...

Mr.H33LTURN regardless of how you twist and look at it Gays love who they love just like you and I do.

Gays have taste in fashion just like blacks cant get mad at that. and Saggin has nothing to do with the stereotypical homosexual movement but more with the get raped in jail motto.

So no I do not believe in this "homophobic" idea you have spewed
I dont see how I'm promoting a homophobic idea. If anyone misinterpreted, I was looking at this from a conspiracy theory standpoint. People are really throwing around the "homogenization of America" so I wanted to see what everybody here thought. I love conspiracy theories, even the dumb ones.

I wasnt trying to twist anything. I was merely pointing out that kids are impressionable and some parents dont want their kids to fully embrace homosexuality, maybe for religious reasons or something else. I dont see why where a complex relationship fits into a children's show and due to the simple nature of the minds of children at such a young age a child could easily become confused and not point it out to their parents until there are some serious social problems. I'm not homophobic, I could care less what my son/daughter does in bed, but I would hate that they grow up confused and it affects their sex life. I've seen stuff on modern day cartoons like Spongebob with a homosexual undertone. Its ok for grown ups to do certain things but if a kid goes into school and tries to do certain things to one of his male classmates it would be considered borderline harassment. I would say the same thing for a boy doing something to a girl, except I've seen a strange absence of male/female relationships in kids shows there days.

I hope your not angry on account of the thread, it was merely for fun. And as for the race thing, I dont think kids grow up confused about their race like kids grow up confused about their sexuality. You can look at your skin most of the time to determine what you are. Sexuality is something far more complex, and the mere labeling of a sexual orientation bothers certain young adults.
First of all, the only 'agenda' is that everyone should be respected and treated the same regardless of sexual orientation. There isn't a push to make someone gay. And I happen to 100% agree with that agenda. Who really gives a shit if 2 men get married or share a bed? It's ridiculous to be offended by it, or to even care.

I think that overexposure to certain things can affect a child's mental development. If a kid is raised around violence he could grow up to be violent. So why cant a child thats raised around homosexuality grow up to be homosexual?
Well, first, homosexuality isn't something someone chooses to be, in the same way someone does choose to be violent. So someone who grows up around homosexuality isn't automatically going to grow up to be gay, in the same way someone who grows up around heterosexuality isn't automatically going to grow up to be straight.

Second, there's hardly an 'overexposure' to homosexuality - and why don't you have a problem with 'overexposure' to heterosexuality? I mean, we're bombarded with the 'perfect family' - a married mother and father with children - as soon as we start watching tv shows, almost. All having slight homosexuality in a show aimed at kids will do is show them that not everyone grows up the same way, and that it's okay to have a different lifestyle. That's not to say we should explain the ins and outs of the relationship - that should be taught alongside regular sex education. But if a child grows up continuously around that perfect family ideal with a straight couple being normal, then suddenly we add in homosexual relationships, is it any wonder many think of homosexuals as abnormal?
I've seen stuff on modern day cartoons like Spongebob with a homosexual undertone. Its ok for grown ups to do certain things but if a kid goes into school and tries to do certain things to one of his male classmates it would be considered borderline harassment.

I don't think that matters all that much. How many times did Elmer Fudd try to shoot Bugs Bunny? Or Tom try to kill Jerry? Or Coyote try to capture the Roadrunner? When's the last time a kid planted dynamite in another kid's bookbag or set complex traps trying to kill one another. Kids aren't as influenced by shows as you think they are. Chances are, if a child witnessed a marriage between two puppets on Sesame Street, they won't grow up to be some sexual confused person. Even in a show like Spongebob, the audience targetted isn't going to realize whether he's a homosexual or not.
First of all, the only 'agenda' is that everyone should be respected and treated the same regardless of sexual orientation. There isn't a push to make someone gay. And I happen to 100% agree with that agenda. Who really gives a shit if 2 men get married or share a bed? It's ridiculous to be offended by it, or to even care.

Well, first, homosexuality isn't something someone chooses to be, in the same way someone does choose to be violent. So someone who grows up around homosexuality isn't automatically going to grow up to be gay, in the same way someone who grows up around heterosexuality isn't automatically going to grow up to be straight.

Second, there's hardly an 'overexposure' to homosexuality - and why don't you have a problem with 'overexposure' to heterosexuality? I mean, we're bombarded with the 'perfect family' - a married mother and father with children - as soon as we start watching tv shows, almost. All having slight homosexuality in a show aimed at kids will do is show them that not everyone grows up the same way, and that it's okay to have a different lifestyle. That's not to say we should explain the ins and outs of the relationship - that should be taught alongside regular sex education. But if a child grows up continuously around that perfect family ideal with a straight couple being normal, then suddenly we add in homosexual relationships, is it any wonder many think of homosexuals as abnormal?
Who said there isnt such thing as an overexposure to heterosexuality, especially at a young age. On sesame street we're not talking about kids who are ready to date or even experience their first crush. We're teaching them random things that wont be applied to life until later on, but thing that they retain nonetheless. Again I'm speaking on a conspiracy theory standpoint and how some believe they're trying to sneak in homosexuality to make kids gay.

As far as homosexuality being abnormal, it sort of is, no offense to anyone out there. Think about it, the male and female sexual structures are built for eachother and sex for procreation. In a homosexual act of intercourse an alternate method of sex needs to be used, one that can even be potentially harmful to the human body. Also, procreation is impossible during homosexual sex.
I don't think that matters all that much. How many times did Elmer Fudd try to shoot Bugs Bunny? Or Tom try to kill Jerry? Or Coyote try to capture the Roadrunner? When's the last time a kid planted dynamite in another kid's bookbag or set complex traps trying to kill one another. Kids aren't as influenced by shows as you think they are. Chances are, if a child witnessed a marriage between two puppets on Sesame Street, they won't grow up to be some sexual confused person. Even in a show like Spongebob, the audience targetted isn't going to realize whether he's a homosexual or not.
Where would a kid access dynamite. I'm saying if a kid sees Ernie kiss Bert, then he goes and kisses one of his male classmates, chances are the parents arent going to take a liking to such a situation due to many cultures regarding homosexuality as taboo. If a kid gets scowled for doing something he saw on a show that teaches you how to do good things, chances are that might scar him.

And no, the target audience might not realize that Spongebob might be homosexual, but they might pick up some of his traits. I know kids who grow up around sisters and are vary flamboyant. These are the kind of people who get constantly harassed for being "gay" when they really arent.

Again, my intentions arent to label homosexuality as something bad, I'm just saying that if Sesame Street has a good thing going with Ernie and Bert, teaching kids to be friends, why include a romantic relationship when most kids wont even grasp the idea?
First off I find that anyone that uses the word 'agenda' usually has their own 'agenda' to instill fear in people and turn them against an idea or a group of people (i.e. - blacks, immigrants, homosexuals, unions).

Secondly, I'd like to know where the OP is getting all of this information regarding the media's impact on a child's sexuality.

My 3 year old says she is going to marry the two 7 year old twin boys next door, one of her little girl friends and cartoon character Super Why. She is a kid, kids say and do silly things. If they get embarrassed they learn from it and bounce back. They are who they are, don't get all deep and Freudian about sexuality.

Finally, I want to say that anyone who sees sexual undertones in SpongeBob may have their own very unique sexual preference. However, I will not criticize your need for acceptance, I will not discriminate against you, I will teach my children to be tolerant of your preferences and I will accept you for who you are. Just stay away from my daughter's Squidworth stuffed animal. :)
I dont see how I'm promoting a homophobic idea.

Then it seems you have defeated your case because your post screams we need more education on homosexuality in people of all ages.

I would never teach my kid that judging others is wrong or anything of the sort

This slip basically says it all.

You should probably get over your hang ups and go bang a guy. Your choice if you tell your kids about it when you get home.
Then it seems you have defeated your case because your post screams we need more education on homosexuality in people of all ages.
How exactly does it say that? I'm asking people if they're familiar on the conspiracy theory that they're trying to turn more Americans gay and I found something that has been used as "evidence" to support it. Because I would be a loving enough father to care about my kids' development to save things for a latter time would that make me a bad father? I dont think they're going to encounter a gay person from 1st to 6th grade so I dont see the point of bringing it up until they can grasp the entire idea.

This slip basically says it all.

You should probably get over your hang ups and go bang a guy. Your choice if you tell your kids about it when you get home.
Look if you guys cant read then dont post, quite simple. I dont have hang ups, if I wake up tomorrow and decide to fuck a guy (impossible, I know) I would do it. I love how since I'm not praising gays on this thread I'm off the bat considered a homophobe.
People were just as concerned that Ellen and Rosie O Donell were bad influences on their children when they came out of the closet on their TV shows. The producer of glee even receives death threats. It doesn't matter if a child plays with other children who parents are gay or even if the show they're watching has a gay couple. I watched Ren and Stimpy as growing up and they were pratically a. Married couple but didn't. Admit it. People need to allow their children to live their lives. Sesame Street is used to educate children about different cultures and lifestyles around the world. No kid is going to wake up one day and change his or her sexual orientation from gay to straight because they watched a TV show.

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