Holy Freaking Shit!!!!


I Am The One Who Knocks
I cant believe that warrior has kept himself in this good of shape. Kind of a funny video though. Hes lost some muscle mass. But still looks as jacked as ever. Steroids Much??

funny thing is, that wasnt much weight at all. He is STUPID fucking cut tho, dizam

Yea I noticed the same thing, He must be using HGH as it grows muscle mass but doesn't contribute to strength.

Those veins are disgusting though, yuk, looks like if Batista was normal and did a massive cycle.

Wonder if Warrior will wrestle anywhere else other than Spain(think thats where the fed is). I've read that TNA has sent out feelers to him.

Now I might be alone on this but if he were to go to TNA it would give me another reason to tune in. It may be just for the nostalgia but I'd like to see him in the ring in a "major" fed again.
Fuck me. Id hate to have veins like that, looks horrible.

But yeah, he has kept in shape. He is either really commited or he used steriods.

Also, don't go to TNA. Pointless at your age mate lol
I was really uncomfortable watching that video. The music and grunting were reminisent of pornography.
Well Warrior never really was HUGE. He was always so friggin over developed and cut that it wasn't even funny. But now? Fuck. How in the hell does Arnold Schwartzenager look like a fat piece of shit but Warrior looks like this at 50? I mean what the fuck did he do to stay in this kind of shape? Lifting Jack Palance and Clint Eastwood's Iron Balls all day or wut? lol
And I'm sure by that you mean alot of unnecessary grunting and very little being said that it actually understandable. Wow, sounds like my ex girlfriend. lol

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