Hogan's "Impact" on TNA/Impact Wrestling

On the issue of Hogan, I just think he's outlived his usefullness. I loved his schtick back in the day. Even liked the Hollywood Hogan character. But to me he thinks he's still the reason for success in the business and that's just no longer true. He's long since passed his prime and it's painful to watch him hobble out to the ring just to cut some silly promo talking about 'the network', Mick Foley, or who the man is. Yeah Hulkie we get it. Back in the day you were a big deal. You aren't anymore. But since he and Bischoff are joined at the hip, I doubt we'll see anything much different going forward.

As for Winter/Sky, I get what you're saying. But I see Winter as a much better wrestler than Sky. I keep hoping to see improvement in Sky's in-ring technique, but I'm no longer sure she's capable. Maybe she's not putting in the time off camera, who knows? But her results in the ring are, at times, atrocious. And to me, they've wasted the talent of Angelina Love thru all of this, who I also see as a good wrestler. Boy when I think of the talent they've lost over the last 2 or 3 years in the ladies division, no wonder it's suffering.

Thing is a lot of people in the company WANT Bischoff promoted from Executive Producer to Vice President or even to replace Dixie Carter as President and are willing to keep Hogan around as long as they can keep Bischoff. From what I have read Bischoff is really the guy they want, they just feel they cant have him without Hogan.
Thing is a lot of people in the company WANT Bischoff promoted from Executive Producer to Vice President or even to replace Dixie Carter as President and are willing to keep Hogan around as long as they can keep Bischoff. From what I have read Bischoff is really the guy they want, they just feel they cant have him without Hogan.

I could see that as being the case as Bischoff and Hogan are tight by all accounts. So sounds like the strategy is "it's a package deal or nothing."
I think Hulk Hogan has made a positive impact on TNA and there is no doubting people are more aware of TNA now. The ratings may only be slightly better but that doesn't mean people aren't watching the show by other means. For example I watch iMPACT! online and I'm betting there's thousands of others out there who watch TNA but not neccesarily on Spike TV. From what you read, their house show attendances and merchandise sales are also higher now they have previously been.

The roster is also a lot stronger now and has a bit of absolutely everything on it. There's probably a dozen guys on the roster that I would say I was a 'Mark' for. Where as a couple of years a go I would say there was probably 4 (AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan). The characters are so much stronger now and I for one approve of the change in TNA over the last couple of years.

The only thing I believe Hogan still needs to do is get the PPVs filmed on the road.
What impact?

He hasn't really done much for TNA, at all. Have the rating's gone up, slightly, instead of a 1.0, they get a 1.1. Not much has changed on the business level, I haven't heard one positive report come out about this company since Hogan has showed up in TNA.

Basically, Hogan's there for a paycheck, nothing more, nothing less. If Vince McMahon called him tommorrow to have a return, he would be on a airplane to Stanford in a day to conduct business. He's in TNA for himself, he can't wrestling anymore, much less take a bump, and I can't stand the sight of him anymore. I may not know his personally, but I've garnered enough opinion's of him to know that's he's just a very bitter, old, delusional, and pathetic man.
What impact?

He hasn't really done much for TNA, at all. Have the rating's gone up, slightly, instead of a 1.0, they get a 1.1. Not much has changed on the business level, I haven't heard one positive report come out about this company since Hogan has showed up in TNA.

Basically, Hogan's there for a paycheck, nothing more, nothing less. If Vince McMahon called him tommorrow to have a return, he would be on a airplane to Stanford in a day to conduct business. He's in TNA for himself, he can't wrestling anymore, much less take a bump, and I can't stand the sight of him anymore. I may not know his personally, but I've garnered enough opinion's of him to know that's he's just a very bitter, old, delusional, and pathetic man.

I am not saying I disagree with you on any of your points about Hogan in the ring, I admit I still have some bias towards him because I for one am still entertained by Hogan as long as he's not wrestling, because even I see that him in the ring is a BAD idea. However, he only wrestled one match before his back surgeries started and from what was indicated he even said that his contract with TNA was never intended to showcase him as a full time wrestler. Therefore any talk of him getting back into the ring in the first place is just that talk, so people who use the whole Hulk Hogan has to stop wrestling argument should put that claim aside until he actually is able to wrestle again, if that day ever comes in the first place.

Now as far as discussing Hulk Hogan's personal character, let's all be honest with ourselves people and this isn't to defend Hogan, but just to make an obvious point, since when did wrestling became the haven for saints and moral compasses?

Well newsflash, it plain and simply isn't. I mean it's disappointing Hogan's name does nto bring more to TNA at the moment, but at the same time they are not failing like all these other marks are saying. It'd be nice to see bigger progress but hell I'd be more worried about TNA's product if WWE was back up to 6.0 ratings like they had when they were still WWF.

I think that's one thing that everybody leaves out of the argument, WWE still does great numbers, but look at the then-WWF and make a comparison and you'll see a major difference. Wrestling as a whole right now just doesn't have it, let's put away the partisanship and realize that.

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