Hogan vs. Cena


Championship Contender
This isn't really a TNA/WWE thread, but it does feature performers in both companies... so I thought it fit here.

I got this idea while reading the thread about the 1992 Royal Rumble where a poster says "Cena ... though no Hogan ... is probably comparable to Savage."

I read that and thought, "He's way bigger than Savage... but how close is he to Hogan?"

So that's the question. How close is John Cena right now in terms of mainstream attention to where Hulk Hogan was during his time?

Before people go insane, I'll give my two-cents.

Hogan blazed the trail that Cena currently walks. He was the first, truly mainstream pro wrestler, and wrestling wouldn't get the attention it does today without Hogan. But that aside... Look at the facts:

1) Both put on repetitive matches.
2) Both won matches by taking beatings and mounting ridiculous comebacks
3) Both rarely lost
4) Both were disliked by wrestling fans 14-years old and up
5) Both sold ridiculous amounts of merchandise
6) Both made crappy movies.

There are a ton of other similarities, but I'm curious what you all think. How does Cena stack up to Hogan?
This isn't really a TNA/WWE thread, but it does feature performers in both companies... so I thought it fit here.

I got this idea while reading the thread about the 1992 Royal Rumble where a poster says "Cena ... though no Hogan ... is probably comparable to Savage."

I read that and thought, "He's way bigger than Savage... but how close is he to Hogan?"

So that's the question. How close is John Cena right now in terms of mainstream attention to where Hulk Hogan was during his time?

Before people go insane, I'll give my two-cents.

Hogan blazed the trail that Cena currently walks. He was the first, truly mainstream pro wrestler, and wrestling wouldn't get the attention it does today without Hogan. But that aside... Look at the facts:

1) Both put on repetitive matches.
2) Both won matches by taking beatings and mounting ridiculous comebacks
3) Both rarely lost
4) Both were disliked by wrestling fans 14-years old and up
5) Both sold ridiculous amounts of merchandise
6) Both made crappy movies.

There are a ton of other similarities, but I'm curious what you all think. How does Cena stack up to Hogan?

You're right, Cena is the modern day Hulk Hogan. Now more entertainer than technician, his character relies on mic work and sympathy to create the attention it does.

But, Cena ALSO is alike to Hogan in one way. Hogan COULD wrestle, and he could do it well. Check his match with Inoki from 86. His work in Japan would drop your Jaw compared to what you saw in the US. Then think of Cena. When he first debuted against Kurt Angle in his Hometown Hero Gold Metal gimmick matches, he showed a fairly decent amount of technical ability, and with that said, he knows how to wrestle quite well, unfortunately, his character is what keeps him from actually doing anything more than his versions of the 5 moves of doom.

If and WHEN Cena does turn Heel, his character will be even more built up than now, who knows maybe some smarks will actually embrace him, but when he does, it will be nearly like when Hogan dropped the leg on Savage and started the nWo (also depends on how they do it as well).

It is obvious they're designing a second hulk hogan, and they're doing a perfect job, because, like you said, all the 14+ males despise him just like Hogan was back in 91 - 94, so there really aren't many differences between Hogan and Cena, except one :

Cena has hair and Hogan doesn't.

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