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Hogan Opinions on The Rocks Return Retort to Hogan

Again, all of that was Vince's and creatives fault---not The Rock's. At all.

When did I say it was the Rock's fault? Also, at some point the performer does have to bear some responsibility, even if it is a small amount, for delivering a message. I thought it was obvious what I was referring to but I guess some people do not know I am talking about when the Rock said who the hell are you to Booker T.

I take no issue with what the rock did in his hollywood career, in fact I clearly already said that. However, I have a hard time believing that wrestlers would not feel what he did would fall under disrespecting the business. He distanced himself so far from wrestling. Personally, I think the idea of respecting the business is a crock of shit because the business disrespects the fuck out of the wrestlers in practically every way. Good for the rock for realizing that and doing his own thing. But I think we all know most of the wrestlers still hold that odd idea dear. To me, Hogan's comment sounds like he is skeptical the rock is going to stick around, which he has every reason to be based on the rock's behavior over recent years.

If rock is going to wrestle cena at some point then Hogan is wrong. However, I am not holding my breath for that to happen.
Hogan is right. I'm not blaming the Rock if he was scripted to say what he said. I blame the WWE. I don't see the point in the WWE letting the Rock tear Cena apart for no apparent reason.

The entire Rock coming back thing is going to be detrimental in the long run anyway. I'm already sick of people that "are coming back because the Rock showed up." As Sam said in another thread, go fuck yourself if you're only watching because the Rock came back.

The WWE is in a panic because of a bad 4th quarter, and in a knee jerk reaction, they brought back a guy that is really going to bring nothing to the business right now. Yes he draws, but what good is that draw going to do in 5 weeks when we don't hear from him again in 5 years? Now you have a bunch of bitter fans that will leave because the Rock isn't back, and Cena has been torn down...again.

Makes no sense at all.
If rock is going to wrestle cena at some point then Hogan is wrong. However, I am not holding my breath for that to happen.

Pretty much where i am right now. If this doesn't lead to a possible Wrestlemania 28 match in Miami, then it looks like a colossal waste of time to me.
SURELY you jest. Surely. I can name on one hand the people Hogan put over clean. Warrior, Billy Kidman, The Rock...yeah I'm already out of names.

Honestly man that's just flat out false. Guys like Foley and The Rock put over more people than Hogan ever dreamed of.
Hey, remember when I said:

3) There is NO ONE in pro wrestling who has made more guys main-eventers than Hulk Hogan. For all of you saying he "buries" people, you are fucking nuts. He has put over more people than anyone in history.

Of course, you'd have to understand what "put over" actually means, so I can see why some of you fail to understand this point.
You're talking about people he's lost to, I'm talking about people he's put over. They are two entirely separate issues.

Odd, seems like a few have done so already.
Not really. They just say that Hogan shouldn't be the one to say it, which is also false. I think most people agree with Hogan's point.
Well, you did implied it, when you said plenty of Cena fans won't remember who Rock is. So either you were deliberately being misleading, or you were implying Cena's fans are mostly children.

Either way, it looks bad for you.

I didn't imply that his fanbase is limited to children, hence my use of the word "plenty". Although I don't have any figures, I'm willing to guess with some confidence that Cena's fanbase is predominantly children (under the age of 18). So either you are deliberately being difficult or you couldn't grasp what I was saying.

Either way, it looks bad for you.

Except the IWC was the group who began the influential "let's hate on Cena" schtick back in 06 and 07, so my statement remains true.

I didn't watch wrestling before 2010 so I'm not even going to go into that. The fact is, however, that Cena was always going to respond in the manner that he did. Therefore, I can't see how what The Rock said could be seen as damaging. Yes he's an IWC darling. Does that mean Cena shouldn't feud with people the IWC likes?
So now it's his fault McMahon asks him to wrestle in a match, and his star power is greater than those in the main-events? I don't understand. Did Hogan ever come out and say "hey, I'm the whole show, and these other guys don't deserve to be on my stage"? If not, you don't really have an argument here.

Sure he did. Or are you forgetting WCW? I believe Jericho even pointed that out in his book (among all the other guys that knew how Hogan dealt backstage). I think Jericho's proven himself to be the polar opposite of Hogan in that regard (putting people over) so I'm inclined to accept him at face value concerning Hogan.

Not really. He's CLEARLY the biggest star TNA has ever had walk through the doors. If his being in the spotlight helps put TNA on a different level, then it's worth it.

But it hasn't. How long has he been there? How much ratings stability has he garnered? And again, he's put himself at the top of the heap, making sure he's in the main event spotlight in some way, shape, or fashion. Think I'm making that up? Just wait another Impact or two.

At least you said biggest "star", and not "talent" (or worker). Wording is the only way I can't comment about that one...

And I'm just not seeing the hypocrisy. No one has put over more workers in their career than Hogan. I'm not talking about "losing", as the IWC generally misunderstands it, I'm talking about legitimately putting over. Do you remember Zeus? If so, then that's all I need to say about Hulk Hogan.

Hogan used most of these "overages" as means to an end. He would "put somebody over" in the vaguest sense of the word until he could come back and take them out, hence making himself look better. And I'm sure if we negated every "over" for every "bury" he's done, the average wouldn't look so good.

Again, a great person to look at is Jericho. He's a future HOFer, no doubt about it. He's solidified his legacy. Yet I don't recall ever hearing him being talked about as negatively as Hogan. You could even look at Cena, too. He's this era's "Hogan" yet you don't hear about him politicking in the back, refusing to work and/or put over people, etc. etc.

Hogan is the pot calling the kettle black here. Whether he's right or not, he's guilty of the same crime. It's like Jeff Hardy bitching at Michael Phelps for getting caught w/a bong.
I didn't imply that his fanbase is limited to children, hence my use of the word "plenty". Although I don't have any figures, I'm willing to guess with some confidence that Cena's fanbase is predominantly children (under the age of 18). So either you are deliberately being difficult or you couldn't grasp what I was saying.

Either way, it looks bad for you.

Whatever, you got busted trying to imply Cena's fans wouldn't know Rock, which was the whole basis of your statement of how Rock's promo wouldn't hurt Cena. You can play word games now, but if Cena's fans include "plenty" of adults as well, then those fans remember Rock, and Rock's promo could hurt Cena.

Play all the word games you want, no matter how you spin it, you're wrong. Either you intended people to think most of Cena's fans wouldn't remember Rock, or you're wrong that "plenty" of Cena's fans WOULD remember Rock, and thus his promo would hurt Cena.

I didn't watch wrestling before 2010 so I'm not even going to go into that.
Just because you didn't watch before 2010, doesn't mean it's not true.

The fact is, however, that Cena was always going to respond in the manner that he did. Therefore, I can't see how what The Rock said could be seen as damaging. Yes he's an IWC darling. Does that mean Cena shouldn't feud with people the IWC likes?
You're completely missing the point. You do not want an IWC darling to come in and mock your biggest cash cow who's there every week. If you want to do a feud hyping promo, that's fine. If you want to make fun of whether or not Cena deserves to talk shit to Rock, that's fine. But to mock Cena's very character, to demean the character in the manner he did, is just not good business. Even with Cena coming out the next week and rapping.

Sure he did. Or are you forgetting WCW?
No, I haven't forgotten Giant, Sting, Luger, Hall, Nash, Bischoff, Kidman, etc. Hell, even Buff fuckin' Bagwell and Nick Patrick were over in WCW thanks to the Hogan led nWo.

I believe Jericho even pointed that out in his book (among all the other guys that knew how Hogan dealt backstage). I think Jericho's proven himself to be the polar opposite of Hogan in that regard (putting people over) so I'm inclined to accept him at face value concerning Hogan.
And Bret Hart said this:

Bret Hart said:
I can remember, even during the glory days of Hulkamania, how Terry would come into the dressing room and say hi to every single wrestler. Every night he headlined there was a sell out and throughout the night all the wrestlers would come up to him and whoever his opponent was and thank them both for the house, for putting food on their tables and making wrestling something worth respecting.

I can say that Hulk Hogan was not only a hero to millions of Hulkamaniacs, but to all the wrestlers too.

And that's coming from Bret Hart, who doesn't even like Hogan because of the way Hogan left in '93. I'll take Hart's word just as soon as you'd take Jericho's.

But it hasn't. How long has he been there? How much ratings stability has he garnered?
How has he hurt them? Since when is ratings the sole determinant of impact on a promotion? I guess things like merchandise, the promotion's credibility with other wrestlers, increased mainstream visibility, etc. don't matter now?

At least you said biggest "star", and not "talent" (or worker). Wording is the only way I can't comment about that one...
In his prime, there's not a single person in wrestling history who can claim to be as great of a worker as Hulk Hogan. Not one.

Hogan used most of these "overages" as means to an end. He would "put somebody over" in the vaguest sense of the word until he could come back and take them out, hence making himself look better. And I'm sure if we negated every "over" for every "bury" he's done, the average wouldn't look so good.

So, now it's not whether or not he put someone over, but how Hogan looked at the end? You're right, Hogan should have gone to Vince and said, "Hey, Vince, I know I'm the biggest superstar in wrestling history, and I know I make you millions and millions of dollars, but I think I want to lose to this young kid Big Bossman tonight. I think that will be best for the WWF"? :rolleyes:

That's just stupid. Hulk Hogan made a main-eventer out of everyone he feuded with, or anyone he associated with. He even made that talentless hack Beefcake someone people loved, and if not for Beefcake's accident, he would probably have been a multi-time IC champion.

Again, a great person to look at is Jericho. He's a future HOFer, no doubt about it. He's solidified his legacy. Yet I don't recall ever hearing him being talked about as negatively as Hogan.
And I don't ever recall anyone calling him the biggest draw in the company, much less history.

Perhaps you are young, and don't realize this yet, but people always hate those who are great. It's called jealousy. They don't realize they just don't work as hard as the top dog, and so they get jealous and spew jealousy and talk bad about those who are on top.

The fact of the matter is no one helped Hulk Hogan become who he was. He didn't marry a promoter's daughter, his best friend wasn't booking the shows...Hulk Hogan worked his ass off in the gym, and had a natural charisma in the ring we had never seen before, and haven't seen since (and include The Rock in that as well, in terms of working a match). Hulk Hogan was an incredible talent, and for people to get upset because he wouldn't lose to some talentless midcarder is just absurd. He made believable main-eventers out of Zeus, Earthquake, Curt Hennig, and that was just from 1989-1991. None of those guys ever came CLOSE to achieving what they did when they feuded with Hogan.

Hogan put people over, and to say otherwise is absolutely silly.

You could even look at Cena, too. He's this era's "Hogan" yet you don't hear about him politicking in the back, refusing to work and/or put over people, etc. etc.
He doesn't have the clout Hogan did, or even the clout Austin did. You damn sure heard about Austin not putting people over, right? How about HBK? HHH? Before he became old and worthless, Flair used to be notorious for holding down talent.

Hogan is the pot calling the kettle black here. Whether he's right or not, he's guilty of the same crime.
Except he's not, because Hogan HAS given back plenty to the wrestling world. He's earned the right to say what he did, because he has never gone out on TV and buried someone the way the Rock potentially could have buried Cena.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not upset with the Rock, or even the WWE. I think it was just a mistake. But to say Hogan doesn't have the right to voice his opinion is just silly, because he's put over MORE than his fair share of talent, and he's never worked a program with someone and not tried to make them look good.
I respect and enjoy and understand all the opinions on this thread. I'm happy to see all of us discussed this and I have watched in ernest for every post to come. Its been 3 days I think this topic is closed! I do wish people like slyfox wouldn't call people idiot's. It's sorta counter productive in my opinion to walk in with a overly high opinion and non partisan view on things and put others down like your overly special. That's just me though and I still respect your views. Have a great one guys and thanks for giving feedback!
I do wish people like slyfox wouldn't call people idiot's. It's sorta counter productive in my opinion to walk in with a overly high opinion and non partisan view on things and put others down like your overly special.
You're obviously new here.
I dont really think The Rock should have trashed the face of the company in that way, even though I do agree with him. Cena is there week after week so shouldn't have been embarassed like that.

However, Hogan is one of the worst ever for failing to put people over and expecting to win and look dominant in almost every one of his ever-more-boring WWE returns. He would have done exactly the same if he had the opportunity, to be honest he would probably have demanded to hit the leg-drop on Cena as well.

Hogan needs to know his role, shut his mouth and fuck off
I dont really think The Rock should have trashed the face of the company in that way, even though I do agree with him. Cena is there week after week so shouldn't have been embarassed like that.

However, Hogan is one of the worst ever for failing to put people over and expecting to win and look dominant in almost every one of his ever-more-boring WWE returns. He would have done exactly the same if he had the opportunity, to be honest he would probably have demanded to hit the leg-drop on Cena as well.

Hogan needs to know his role, shut his mouth and fuck off

Hogan put plenty of people over. I don't know why a majority of the posters fail to see this.

How was his dominant in his 2002 return? He did win the title from HHH, lost it to the Undertaker, and lost to Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar

I wouldn't call his matches with HBK and Orton as a dominant return and people are delusional if they think Orton should have won that match.
However, Hogan is one of the worst ever for failing to put people over
Oh really? Would you care to support that statement? When you do, keep the names Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Randy Savage, Brutus Beefcake, Big Bossman, Mr. Perfect, Zeus, Earthquake, Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker, Big Show, Lex Luger, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, the entire nWo, WCW, Sting...

Actually, on second thought, don't bother trying to support that statement. My list shows how ridiculous your statement is.

and expecting to win and look dominant in almost every one of his ever-more-boring WWE returns.
Why would he lose?

He would have done exactly the same if he had the opportunity, to be honest he would probably have demanded to hit the leg-drop on Cena as well.

No, no he wouldn't. Hogan has never been in a program where he didn't work to get the other guy over and make the other guy look like a legitimate threat. And as he has shown with Warrior, Goldberg, Rock, Angle, and Brock Lesnar, when there is someone worthy of getting a clean win over Hogan, he has taken the clean loss.

This is just more silliness.

Hogan needs to know his role, shut his mouth and fuck off
Funny, I was thinking the same about you...
What was the whole deal behind the HBK/Hogan match to make HBK act the way he did during the match?

While HBK would never say it as such, the reason he acted that way is jealousy. He was jealous he is not as big of a star as Hogan, and that he didn't deserve to go over Hogan. HBK saw guys like Angle, Undertaker, Lesnar, Rock, etc. go over Hogan, and when Hogan basically told HBK he wasn't a big enough star to steal credibility from Hogan's starpower, he pouted like a child in the ring.

Hogan is a smart businessman. He knows that if you lose too often and to the wrong people, then getting a victory over you is no longer special. Use Foley and Flair as an example. If someone were to beat Foley and Flair, does anyone care anymore? Does the guy who beats them get any kind of rub anymore? Of course not, because everyone has done it. But if someone were to pin Hogan, it would still mean something.

Hogan is not so dumb as to let someone who doesn't deserve a victory over him get one, because not only does that Hogan financially, it also hurts the business as a whole. Even today, at his old age and broken down body, getting a victory over Hulk Hogan would be the pinnacle of wrestling. And for that to go away just so some 42 year old man, who wasn't sure how long he was going to stay in the business, to feel better about himself is just bad business.
What was the whole deal behind the HBK/Hogan match to make HBK act the way he did during the match?

A. He was trying to do one hell of a sales job.

B. He wasn't happy being booked to lose.

I've never heard an official reason for this.

Also, anyone attempting to make the case against Hogan probably shouldn't use this match as an example of him holding people down. Neither man needed to win this match.
While HBK would never say it as such, the reason he acted that way is jealousy. He was jealous he is not as big of a star as Hogan, and that he didn't deserve to go over Hogan. HBK saw guys like Angle, Undertaker, Lesnar, Rock, etc. go over Hogan, and when Hogan basically told HBK he wasn't a big enough star to steal credibility from Hogan's starpower, he pouted like a child in the ring.

Hogan is a smart businessman. He knows that if you lose too often and to the wrong people, then getting a victory over you is no longer special. Use Foley and Flair as an example. If someone were to beat Foley and Flair, does anyone care anymore? Does the guy who beats them get any kind of rub anymore? Of course not, because everyone has done it. But if someone were to pin Hogan, it would still mean something.

Hogan is not so dumb as to let someone who doesn't deserve a victory over him get one, because not only does that Hogan financially, it also hurts the business as a whole. Even today, at his old age and broken down body, getting a victory over Hulk Hogan would be the pinnacle of wrestling. And for that to go away just so some 42 year old man, who wasn't sure how long he was going to stay in the business, to feel better about himself is just bad business.

I see where you're coming from.

I just wonder if HBK would have won that match, would Hogan have requested a rematch?
I also think HBK was expecting for the crowd to be split right down the middle, and when they were heavily behind Hogan, he decided to oversell and make a mockery of the match.

Personally, I thought it was a good match, but it could have been great if HBK had acted like a professional.
I figured that since they tried to make HBK heel leading up that match. It reminded me of the Batista/Undertaker WM match. People were behind the Undertaker more.
I see where you're coming from.

I just wonder if HBK would have won that match, would Hogan have requested a rematch?

There's no telling. I mean, it's a pointless question because Hogan wasn't going to lose the first match, and looking back on it, Hogan was right in refusing to lose to that big baby.

And speaking of "not putting people over", how come HBK always gets a free pass? I've yet to figure out why people hate Hogan, and yet praise HBK when HBK is NOTORIOUS for not doing the right thing. If it's not a buddy of his, HBK rarely is willing to put others over if it doesn't benefit him.

I also think HBK was expecting for the crowd to be split right down the middle, and when they were heavily behind Hogan, he decided to oversell and make a mockery of the match.

Personally, I thought it was a good match, but it could have been great if HBK had acted like a professional.
Exactly. It's a shame to think how good that match could have been.
I figured that since they tried to make HBK heel leading up that match. It reminded me of the Batista/Undertaker WM match. People were behind the Undertaker more.

Yeah, if The Rock couldn't get the crowd behind him at WM 18 against Hogan, they had no reason to believe HBK could at Summerslam. That's how I've always looked at it.
There's no telling. I mean, it's a pointless question because Hogan wasn't going to lose the first match, and looking back on it, Hogan was right in refusing to lose to that big baby.

And speaking of "not putting people over", how come HBK always gets a free pass? I've yet to figure out why people hate Hogan, and yet praise HBK when HBK is NOTORIOUS for not doing the right thing. If it's not a buddy of his, HBK rarely is willing to put others over if it doesn't benefit him.

Exactly. It's a shame to think how good that match could have been.

HBK and Austin always get a free pass when it comes to things like that. I guess it comes down to people like those two more than Hogan and always look for a reason to hate Hogan.
That's true. Attitude Era was a blessing and a curse in many ways. I still don't believe Kurt Angle held the title for four months during the era of HHH, Rock, Taker, and Austin.
HBK and Austin always get a free pass when it comes to things like that. I guess it comes down to people like those two more than Hogan and always look for a reason to hate Hogan.

Both you and Sly try bringing up this point of how Austin used to hold people down but I think that this is total bullshit.

First of all you guys agree that people got a rub by just being in the same ring as Hogan. Guys like Zeus, Curt Hennig, Earthquake and a few others come to mind. Why is it not the same case for Austin? Didn't guys like Rock, Foley, HHH, Jericho, Benoit and Angle get a rub by being in the same ring as Austin? It is like you are using two different sets of criterias to judge either guy. Hogan gives a rub by just wrestling guys but Austin has to lose to give the rub. What kind of logic is that?

Frankly you guys will keep bringing up how right it was for Hogan to win against HBK but that Austin should have jobbed to Lesnar in a KOTR qualifier. If Hogan had his reasons so did Austin. If Hogan does not deserve to be blamed for holding guys down, so does Austin. And Attitude Era fans are not ignorant, at least not more than the fans of the Hogan era.

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