Hogan is right/ Theres more to be The Guy(s)


#Evil Empire
From Hulk Hogan's Twitter feed in response to AJ Styles criticizing him over Bobby Roode is not ready remarks.

"Just waiting for somebody to figure it out and do Today Show,Fox & Friends,Leno,Radio ,Tv etc. Instead of the same 5 star matches over and over...and mainstream and worldwide international media on a miss my ass basis( he probably meant kiss my ass basis) brother HH.

He's right. As much as I do not like today's Hogan he's right. Here he is doing what the top guys are suppose to do and put the PPV over and his match with Sting for TNA. Last week all over tv and radio there was Hogan staying in character for the most part and putting the match and the PPV over giving reasons why people should watch Bound For Glory. Going from LA to NY to Connecticut back to NY (on your Hot9-7 everyday that's my word) all within a week.

So that's when it hit me. Where in the hell were the other top guys in TNA (besides Angle because he's known to do this) where is AJ,Joe,Roode,Anderson,Morgan the guys fans think should be the guy. Why should old ass Terry Bolea go coast to coast plugging Bound For Glory. If you want to be THE GUY this what you have to do.

WWE has Cena as their guy but Cena is not the only one doing national promo's for the brand The Miz did Subway and 7eleven, Del Rio and R-Truth did a few radio spots but where are the internet darling's. When your giving the ball you run when they tell you to run,but don't put yourself over put the brand over as well.

Back in the day kiddies Ric Flair would go from coast to coast territory to territory even Japan not talking about himself or the horsemen but "how the NWA was the best professional wrestling organization in the world today".not just Ric Flair he said NWA which means he's talking about guys he's feuding with Dusty,Magnum TA, Whindham. We don't see much of that anymore doing that built competition back then because Hogan and Savage would do the same for WWF.

In conclusion being the guy doesn't mean having the best matches,how many titles does he have or merch sales it's about what are you going to do for your brand the people you work with because in the long run it helps the business grow it creates competition.


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