Team Finnley Baylor
Picking Ric Flair's best feud is like picking a favorite child. Flair is an icon. A legend. Anyone he wrestled was better for wrestling him. Plain and simple. Flair made stars because he was made a star himself by Harley Race. But in a close finish, between Steamboat, Funk, Race, and Rhodes... I'm taking Steamboat.
Not many people can say they had a match that was deemed the greatest of all time. Flair and Steamboat had TWO of those matches. In less than a year. Chi-Town Rumble and Wrestle War will go down as marquee events because of the Flair/Steamboat matches at both of those events. All these guys did were bust their ass, wrestle the match of their lives, and tell a great story to boot.
Steamboat was the good guy. As good as it gets. Family values, honesty, and courage. Flair was money, babes, and booze. He talked the talk, and for once, someone shut him up. Steamboat did that in their first contest. Many thought Steamboat was over matched by Flair, but it was the other way around. The story was that Flair overlooked Steamboat and ended up losing his belt. THEN, the next time they met, Flair had his A game, and so did Steamboat. And the match was epic. Oh so epic. There hasn't been a set of matches that can replicate Flair/Steamboat. Maybe HBK/Undertaker. They can make history, but to me, the standard for rivalries was set by Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat.
Not many people can say they had a match that was deemed the greatest of all time. Flair and Steamboat had TWO of those matches. In less than a year. Chi-Town Rumble and Wrestle War will go down as marquee events because of the Flair/Steamboat matches at both of those events. All these guys did were bust their ass, wrestle the match of their lives, and tell a great story to boot.
Steamboat was the good guy. As good as it gets. Family values, honesty, and courage. Flair was money, babes, and booze. He talked the talk, and for once, someone shut him up. Steamboat did that in their first contest. Many thought Steamboat was over matched by Flair, but it was the other way around. The story was that Flair overlooked Steamboat and ended up losing his belt. THEN, the next time they met, Flair had his A game, and so did Steamboat. And the match was epic. Oh so epic. There hasn't been a set of matches that can replicate Flair/Steamboat. Maybe HBK/Undertaker. They can make history, but to me, the standard for rivalries was set by Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat.