Hilarious Urban Dictionary Terms


Gone but never forgotten.
I don't know why, but this stuff just popped up in my head. If you don't know what they are, I'll give you an example and you guys can feel free to add the funniest ones you find in here.

Urban Dictionary said:
Stranger - The act of sitting on one's hand for 20 minutes to make it go numb, and proceeding to jerk off with that hand. This will give the feeling of a hand job from someone else.

This is fucking hilarious. I wonder if anyone's ever tried it before...

EDIT: Don't forget to include definitions.
I've tried, but I can never get it to work properly. Someone on here proposed the alternative, "The Danger." Right when you're about to bust, you have to yell at your roommate, "Dude hurry up!! Come check this out!!" and try to finish before he get's there.
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This is fucking hilarious. I wonder if anyone's ever tried it before...

I actually heard about that one from one of my friends, who said he liked it.. so I guess someone has tried it obviously.

Felt I needed to contribute, so I was hitting random on the site, and this odd one popped up.

Ham: When a person is unstoppable or just in the zone in any type sport or competition setting; It can also be defined as going crazy and buying up everything in a store; or even doing something beast like:

I went ham on Tyrone out on the court yesterday; I went ham in the Gucci store earlier today; Damn you went ham on them wings
The video is an explanation of a dutch rudder. Basically you grab your dick and someone else works your arm.

Dirty Jose

The Dirty Jose is a traditional love making skill from a small town outside of Guadalupe, Mexico. After bringing his swollen member to climax in the buttocks of his partner, the man proceeds remove the cum and fecal mixture and put in in his partner's belly button. He then makes sweet, slow love to his partner's belly button with his right index finger (using your left finger is considered inappropriate and is highly frowned upon in most circles).
I find that wearing a low-ride thong makes it much easier for my BF to dirty jose me after he humps my anus.
Blumkin-The term blumkin is when a man is sitting on the toilet taking a shit. And has his woman come in and give him head during the act of shitting
Dirty Rodriguez - when a guy sticks his dick up a girls ass and wipes it on her upper lip. this is commonly confused with a dirty sanchez, when a guy fingers a girl and wiped his finger on her upper lip

buy ferbie mugs, tshirts and magnets
Someone that always moans and doesnt shut up..
you want to hit him but you just aint alloud..
His girlfriend is fit tho.
"This place is so borin, stop being a ferbie before i hit you"

"well why do we do wat you want, and not what i want, BECUASE YOUR BEING A FERBIE

I officially hate Urban Dictionary, the word "Ferb" sucks as well
Abe Lincoln - When an unconscious person gets jizzed on their face, gets their pubes cut and applied to their face to form a beard, then adorned with a top hat.

ferbie 4 up, 8 down
buy ferbie mugs, tshirts and magnets
arielle a.'s non-existant penis...
alicia s. hopes that arielle a.'s non exsistant penis is in penis heaven getting sucked on rite now

arielle a.'s non existant penis gets more action that that of kyle j. and paulo combined...

Angry Dragon - Immediately after you blow your load in a girl's mouth, smack the back of her head and make it come out her nose. When she gets up she'll look like an angry dragon.

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