High School Reunions FTL


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
These people are pissing me off...

They're 3 years older than me, and acting like they're 3 years older than Zack. "We can be drunk and loud, it's our reunion!"...

My reply:

"No...You can't. You're in a hotel, it's 3a, there's other guests trying to sleep, and the noise ordinance is 11p. You're lucky I didn't call the cops. Now get your pants on and go to your room."
It appears the cops are being called anyway...

Now it's the non-reunion guests pissing me off...Let me do my fucking job...Christ...
NSL layin' down the law. Niiiice.

The guy told me he's calling the cops, and he's not paying for his room.

My reply: "The cops will stop the noise, and if there's no complaint, then we can't comp the room."

He hung up on me. His wife called back:

"Blah blah nag nag YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE blah...*click*

Hung up on her...
The best complaints are "We're not paying for shit!"

"Well, we have your credit card information, and according to the card you signed at check in, you are."

There's no reply to that.
And to think, I've been considering a job at a hotel. You, sir, have changed my mind. I didn't realize you actually have deal with the public.
I may comp the room, and just charge it to the Reunion. It's in their contract that they are responsible for any "loss or damage" to the hotel...

I usually only use that for weddings though. That usually scares people quiet...

You are doing your job, and you're the asshole. Well that certainly puts things in perspective. People are fucking ******ed.

I'll probably get quoted for an earlier post I made about people doing their jobs and being called assholes. Oh well. Bound to happen.
And to think, I've been considering a job at a hotel. You, sir, have changed my mind. I didn't realize you actually have deal with the public.

It's a fun job. You just have a handful of nights out of the year that fuck it up for everyone.

This guy is just being an ass. His wife ain't any better. I'm like a baseball umpire. If I hear one of the "magic words", you're outta here...

You are doing your job, and you're the asshole. Well that certainly puts things in perspective. People are fucking ******ed.

I'll probably get quoted for an earlier post I made about people doing their jobs and being called assholes. Oh well. Bound to happen.

I'm the asshole because I told them it's either the cops or a free room. I didn't have to fill them in on that, but I'm a nice guy.
Yeah, I got yelled at by a customer and accused of racism. I made the ungodly mistake of calling the woman ma'am. Apparently, that's a racial remark.....
I'm the asshole because I told them it's either the cops or a free room. I didn't have to fill them in on that, but I'm a nice guy.

What a fucking dick you are NSL. How dare you tell them the cops or a free room? [/sarcasm]

I've come to realize how many fucking idiots there are in this world. It pains me. It truly does.
Yeah, I got yelled at by a customer and accused of racism. I made the ungodly mistake of calling the woman ma'am. Apparently, that's a racial remark.....

I had a guy threaten to get me fired because I was out of breath, and when I was answering, "Yes sir" came out as "yessur", and since he was black, he thought I was making fun of him.

I busted out laughing, which did not help my case. In the middle of my boss "reprimanding" me, the black girl I was screwing around with showed up to pick me up from work.

What a fucking dick you are NSL. How dare you tell them the cops or a free room? [/sarcasm]

I've come to realize how many fucking idiots there are in this world. It pains me. It truly does.

If I'm looking at these new fancy cameras right, I think he may be on his way to the desk...This could be fun.
Fancy new cameras? Awwwww shit. If it goes down like I think it could, Every...Fucking...Detail. lol.
Fancy new cameras? Awwwww shit. If it goes down like I think it could, Every...Fucking...Detail. lol.

It's hard to tell what's where on these. They just put them in on Monday, but on the big 50+ inch HD TV we get for them, they're out of order.

4 floors, 2 cameras per floor, and they're out of order...

It was probably just some guy looking for his room...
ChiHawks, I agree with you on the camera deal.

NSL, I've also learned not to refer to black co-workers as "Boss", even if they are your boss, in front of an overly sensitive customer.....
I was once called a fucking asshole by a patient for doing my job.

Just thought I'd contribute to the job stories. :shrug:
NSL, I've also learned not to refer to black co-workers as "Boss", even if they are your boss, in front of an overly sensitive customer.....

So...TNA Calling Lashley "The Boss", is bad? :disappointed:

I once told my supervisor (jokingly) to kiss my ass, and the new waitress ran to the GM complaining that she was uncomfortable with all the "sexual harassment" in this hotel...
Considering people's ability to enjoy a relaxing night at a hotel is being compromised by other guests, I can understand their desire to be comped. Many credit card companies like American Express would stop payment on something of that nature if a valued customer contested it. The poor schmucks you're dealing with probably put it on their ATM/Debit card, though. Sucks to be poor!
Considering people's ability to enjoy a relaxing night at a hotel is being compromised by other guests, I can understand their desire to be comped. Many credit card companies like American Express would stop payment on something of that nature if a valued customer contested it. The poor schmucks you're dealing with probably put it on their ATM/Debit card, though. Sucks to be poor!

They can put a stop payment on it, and then we present the registration card that says "I accept the hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage that may occur during my stay", and we get payment.
So...TNA Calling Lashley "The Boss", is bad? :disappointed:

I once told my supervisor (jokingly) to kiss my ass, and the new waitress ran to the GM complaining that she was uncomfortable with all the "sexual harassment" in this hotel...

Yeah, I got bitched out about it by the customer (white guy) telling me I'm an uncaring human being. Then the manager told the customer it was my way of acknowledging his authority, and the customer called him, and I quote, "an Uncle Tom"!!!! Guess who got kicked out that day?!

Reminds me of the time at the families Christmas dinner, we were singing carols and my cousin and I decided to rip off "A Christmas Story". Then his Asian girlfriend walked in.......:disappointed:
So if this is all happening in real-time in FTL -- That's Fort Lauderdale, right? -- it means someone is being disruptive at 4 a.m. Personally, I'd have called the police myself. I don't like people fucking with my sleep. You really should comp those people's room and bill it to the reunion.

Jesus, when I went to my 10-year reunion, people were worn out way before 4 a.m. Best I can recall, I grabbed the chick that was voted "Most Elegible Bachelorette" to my "Most Eligible Bachelor" and we bailed shortly after 11 p.m. when everyone else was getting drunk and sloppy.
So if this is all happening in real-time in FTL -- That's Fort Lauderdale, right? -- it means someone is being disruptive at 4 a.m. Personally, I'd have called the police myself. I don't like people fucking with my sleep. You really should comp those people's room and bill it to the reunion.

Jesus, when I went to my 10-year reunion, people were worn out way before 4 a.m. Best I can recall, I grabbed the chick that was voted "Most Elegible Bachelorette" to my "Most Eligible Bachelor" and we bailed shortly after 11 p.m. when everyone else was getting drunk and sloppy.

FTL = For The Loss...But yeah, 4a here.

The cops showed up and said they can either arrest the head troublemaker, or leave without incident. The guy decided to take the comp room instead.

If the cops had gone through with arresting the group leader, I'd have added to their pain and suffering by charging them for the guy's room. It usually depends what time, and what mood I'm in on what I'll do.

Being the only employee in the building has it's perks.
It only seems fair that the people shouldn't pay. Really, for most people in this day and age, staying at a hotel is a bona fide luxury. Hell, sometimes I want to go for an overnight somewhere just to get away from home to unwind.

Can't imagine if I was forking out a good 100 bucks to stay somewhere only to be kept up all night by some dumb fucks reminiscing about past glory.
It only seems fair that the people shouldn't pay. Really, for most people in this day and age, staying at a hotel is a bona fide luxury. Hell, sometimes I want to go for an overnight somewhere just to get away from home to unwind.

Can't imagine if I was forking out a good 100 bucks to stay somewhere only to be kept up all night by some dumb fucks reminiscing about past glory.

Usually, I'd agree. But once you roam into four-letter word territory, I don't give a fuck how unhappy you are. I'm not giving you shit.

In this instance, I need to comp the room, because I told them it was that or the cops. A police report is infinitely more worse/dirty than just giving the guy his money telling to stick it.

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