High School Musical


Shawn Michaels ❤
The non spam version :). Wow these films see a lot of hate. I can see why on this forum - Men in their 20s who watch wrestling aren't really who they're aimed at. But in general, people seem to automatically discount these films as being anything other than shit. It's funny when I ask if they've seen them, the answer is usually no.

Personally, I love them. The song lyrics are unbelievably catchy - you could watch a film once and have picked up at least some of the words. The films themselves are interesting, very cheesy, which I love.

What do you think of them?
The non spam version :). Wow these films see a lot of hate.
Wow, I really wonder why. :D.
I can see why on this forum - Men in their 20s who watch wrestling aren't really who they're aimed at.
No they're aimed at kids. I was once on a camp filled with about 30 kids and 30 adults. at the end of the first HSM, only 20 people was still awake. All the female kids, half the female adults, me and another guy. and we was only awake because we was talking about....(no comment) the movie ended at 5 in the afternoon. This movie was horrible.
But in general, people seem to automatically discount these films as being anything other than shit.
I try hard to think of two good things about it. but I cant. the only good thing i can think about it is the fact that venessa hudgins is in it :).
It's funny when I ask if they've seen them, the answer is usually no.
I have only seen the first one. would i watch the other two? Only if i had a gun to my head...
Personally, I love them.
Thats your opinion.
The song lyrics are unbelievably catchy - you could watch a film once and have picked up at least some of the words.
I agree with you here... but that makes it one of the many reasons i hate it.
The films themselves are interesting, very cheesy, which I love.
cheesy but lame. Really? for instance in the first one, when the girl comes running around the corner and bumps into the guy. he says something about time ant looks at his hand....


What do you think of them?
24 hours of non stop TNA> HSM.
Based at kids, catchy tunes, I see nothing wrong with them. They're not Pixar films with the aim to entertain the parents who have to go and watch them. They're soley for chidren from 5-15.

The HSM films are to kids today what the Turtle films are to people of a certain age. They're cheese, but try telling that to the people who grew up watching them.

The songs in HSM have nothing on the songs in Camp Rock. FACT.
I like the first one but other then that the second sucked and didn't see the third as I was not gonna pay to see the movie. It might be good. I might watch it when it comes on TV on Disney one day but other that that I won't be paying to see it.
I loved the first one(not the other two so much). They are great for kids, tweens, and teens, and even some older people enjoy them. While they are not going to win oscars or emmy's they do what they aim to do(entertain young'ins).

I'm a fan of musicals and although the storyline in the movies are light(makes sence since who they are geared towards)they are still very enjoyable. The musicical numbers are very catchy and I could probably sing every song. The dance numbers are also very fun.

They have become successful for a reason(including the merchandise)and that's because they entertain the market that they are geared towards. They have made millions of dollars from the series, made stars out of a few cast members, and have made millions of children(and others including myself) happy. The series wasn't aimed towards adults or most males so it makes sence that alot of thoes people don't like them.
The general thought from people who rent this movie, is that it's targeted at Children and pre-teens. Mostly anyone under the age of 12 loves this movie, but anyone over that age more often than not doesn't. (not that there aren't exceptions, obviously)

It's nothing more than a new-Generation "Grease" type musical, only not as adult versioned. (I dispised those movies, as well)

As for the songs and lyrics being catchy and great. The funny thing is, every single song in the world is "catchy & great" to someone, or multiple someone's, so it's not like that is helpful to why this Franchise is anything more than passive at best.

The thing I loved the most about this entire Franchise, is (I believe) the main Male cast member was sick and tired of doing it. He did an interview that said he was tired of doing "kiddy" movies and wanted to break into the grown up, serious roles. He was afraid doing too many more of these movies, would ruin his career. Thus, apparently they did a "Graduation" movie. (the 3rd?)

I'm sure they could do a 4th, that's a sort of prequel, but I'd be shocked to see whoever the guy was that openly was sick of doing them, come back. Unless he couldn't get any other role with any other serious movie, that is.

On a personal note, I dispise almost every Musical and have only ever been able to get into Johnny Depp musicals. So I don't have a true opinion, other than bad, toward this Franchise one way or another. It's nice that children like it, but it's just one more multi-million dollar television/movie(s) that keeps today's youth in FRONT of a television, instead of outside playing.

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