Freddy & Jason: Would You Want To See More?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

Hmmm, this piece of news is interesting. The Jason sequel seems like it could actually happen, but Freddy might be dead. I thought the Nightmare On Elm Street remake was garbage, but that didn't surprise me too much, because anything Michael Bay touches usually turns out to be shit. Although, I thought the Friday The 13th remake was okay. It wasn't a memorable film, but it was bearable.

If they decide to make these movies, I'll watch the sequels to both of these films. The films might suck, but I'm always anxious to see a film which features Freddy and Jason. Fans of these two famous horror legends might have hated the remakes, but both films were very successful at the box office, so it wouldn't surprise me if these films were made.

I would watch both sequels if they were made, but why not do another movie with Freddy and Jason in the same film? I don't know about the rest of you, but I really enjoyed Freddy VS Jason. It was cool to see these two square off against each other. This film had a ton of creative kills, there was plenty of blood and gore, and this film takes you on an adventure from beginning to end. The ending for Freddy VS Jason left plenty of room for another film to be made, and I would love to see these two on screen together again.

What are your thoughts?
I thought the Nightmare on Elm Street was a better remake then Friday the 13th. They did put a new twist on Freddy making him be the groundskeeper of a preschool instead of just being a plain old child molester who kidnapped kids. It put a better backstory for Freddy then with the orginal. Friday the 13th was all three parts of the orginal mixed into one. I thought it was a total clusterfuck i was happy when they had Jason running and not being the zombie he once was and using different weapons instead of the machete, but the ending just didn't scare me now granted that nightmare remake wasn't that scary but it did get me with the cheap scares.

I would like to see a sequal to Freddy vs. Jason because both man can't die because no matter what they always find a way to come back. I remember watching something thing and that the ending that the flim crew wanted was to have Jason and Freddy down in hell still fighting and chains come out of the ground and pull them to there knees and through the flames Pinhead comes out and just askes them whats going on, I think that would have been an awesome ending but New line didn't own the rights to Pinhead. I also think they should add somebody else to the mix too like maybe the Pinhead or Michael Myers just to see how they would fare out. For me if they do make a Freddy vs. Jason 2 they have to get Robert England to do Freddy, I do like the new guy that played Freddy in the remake but he is just not the freddy that made the series what it is today

Hmmm, this piece of news is interesting. The Jason sequel seems like it could actually happen, but Freddy might be dead. I thought the Nightmare On Elm Street remake was garbage, but that didn't surprise me too much, because anything Michael Bay touches usually turns out to be shit. Although, I thought the Friday The 13th remake was okay. It wasn't a memorable film, but it was bearable.

If they decide to make these movies, I'll watch the sequels to both of these films. The films might suck, but I'm always anxious to see a film which features Freddy and Jason. Fans of these two famous horror legends might have hated the remakes, but both films were very successful at the box office, so it wouldn't surprise me if these films were made.

I would watch both sequels if they were made, but why not do another movie with Freddy and Jason in the same film? I don't know about the rest of you, but I really enjoyed Freddy VS Jason. It was cool to see these two square off against each other. This film had a ton of creative kills, there was plenty of blood and gore, and this film takes you on an adventure from beginning to end. The ending for Freddy VS Jason left plenty of room for another film to be made, and I would love to see these two on screen together again.

What are your thoughts?

If you go back on some of these horror threads, it is well documented on how big of a "Nightmare On Elm Street" fan I am. That alone is the reason I will not watch the remake. If it's not Robert Englund, in my mind, it's not Freddy Krueger. He made those movies and that franchise. He was creepy, scary, cool and funny all in one. It honestly doesn't matter to me if they create a sequel for that because I will not watch it.

As for the Jason remake, I never got into the original movies. I don't know why really. I just never did. I did watch the the new one a couple years ago though and I liked it. I thought it was pretty good and would watch a sequel if made.

Now, I would absolultely love for them to make a Freddy Vs Jason 2 if Englund plays Freddy. I remember the exact weekend this came out because it's the first movie I ever wanted to see so bad that I actually went on opening weekend. This had been a fantasy of mine since the 80's and they were each others main rivals in the horror industry. I thought how they did the first one was pretty cool. The whole movie had the creepy, dark aura of a Freddy movie, while you got some cool gore scenes from Jason. I've watched the movie with Jason fans who'd never seen a Freddy movie and they were weirded out about the things that happen in his dreams. Really, with the sequel you wouldn't have to do many things that differently, since most horror sequels are pretty similar to the originals anyways. Actually, a good opening I think would have Freddy rising out of Crystal Lake kind of like Jason does, just in his own way. Anyways, I'm all for it as long as we get Robert Englund back.
Personally, I don't like all these remakes they've been doing. They're not scary at all and just not even in the same league as the originals. The only one that was even passable was the new Nightmare on Elm Street, but even that wasn't close to the old 80s ones.

That being said, I know it gets bad reviews but I agree with Mitch. I loved Freddy vs Jason and would gladly pay to see another in that series. It was just cool to have two movie icons from two different series squaring off. It was also cool how they incorporated the locations of both Elm Street and Camp Crystal Lake. These two have a heated history and I'm sure some film makers could do a spectacular job with them.

Now, like someone mentioned it has to be Robert Englund playing Freddy. Jackie Earle Haley was good, but there's just no replacing the original. It's like trying to replace Bob Barker, you just aren't going to win. Another idea that's been thrown around alot is incorporating another horror icon such as Michael Myers, Pinhead, or Ash into the series. What I think would be best is to use Myers for the following reason:

Could you imagine a horror movie with Wes Craven and John Carpenter tag teaming it?? They're well passed their primes of course but I think something like that could draw out the best in both of them one last time. Hell use Sean Cunningham too and let them make something truly special.
Yeah if they were to make a Freddy vs. Jason 2 then Robert Englund has to play Freddy and Kane Hodder play Jason, but make Jason the fast hunter and predator Jason but still have superhuman Hulk like abilities. I also like to see Robert Rodriquez direct Freddy vs. Jason 2 as it could be badass and epic to watch.

Personally, I don't like all these remakes they've been doing. They're not scary at all and just not even in the same league as the originals. The only one that was even passable was the new Nightmare on Elm Street, but even that wasn't close to the old 80s ones.

That being said, I know it gets bad reviews but I agree with Mitch. I loved Freddy vs Jason and would gladly pay to see another in that series. It was just cool to have two movie icons from two different series squaring off. It was also cool how they incorporated the locations of both Elm Street and Camp Crystal Lake. These two have a heated history and I'm sure some film makers could do a spectacular job with them.

Now, like someone mentioned it has to be Robert Englund playing Freddy. Jackie Earle Haley was good, but there's just no replacing the original. It's like trying to replace Bob Barker, you just aren't going to win. Another idea that's been thrown around alot is incorporating another horror icon such as Michael Myers, Pinhead, or Ash into the series. What I think would be best is to use Myers for the following reason:

Could you imagine a horror movie with Wes Craven and John Carpenter tag teaming it?? They're well passed their primes of course but I think something like that could draw out the best in both of them one last time. Hell use Sean Cunningham too and let them make something truly special.

Sean Cunningham? Kane Hodder was a much better Jason then Sean Cunningham. And I rather they use Ash instead of Micheal Myers, because he could be more entertaining then Myers. I mean Myers is a supernatural force too but he would not fit in with Freddy and Jason. I mean Jason can brawl with Freddy, I cannot see Micheal brawling with anyone. Ask on the other hand could use weapons to fight off Freddy and Jason and it would be badass. I mean seriously you have fucking Ash Campbell back played by Bruce Campbell who is a cult icon. That be epic right their.
So it seems everyone would love to see a Freddy VS Jason part 2. I think this would be a great way to go, because It seems like I'm not the only one who enjoyed the first film.

Also, a lot of you seem to be opposed to the idea of another man playing Kruger. Don't get me wrong, I love Englund just as much as anybody else, but I don't think Jackie Earle Haley did a bad job in the remake. I actually liked his performance in the remake, and he really was the only highlight in that piece of shit remake. He brought out this dark side in the Kruger character. I know a lot of Elm Street fans hate the idea of another man playing Kruger, but Haley really wasn't that bad, and I wouldn't be upset if he was chosen to play the role again.
I also make Freddy vs. Jason a grindhouse style flick with alot of blood and gore. I always felt that if these films were grindhouse style, it would make the films even better.
Also, a lot of you seem to be opposed to the idea of another man playing Kruger. Don't get me wrong, I love Englund just as much as anybody else, but I don't think Jackie Earle Haley did a bad job in the remake. I actually liked his performance in the remake, and he really was the only highlight in that piece of shit remake. He brought out this dark side in the Kruger character. I know a lot of Elm Street fans hate the idea of another man playing Kruger, but Haley really wasn't that bad, and I wouldn't be upset if he was chosen to play the role again.

I said before the remake was alot better then most remakes today. Halloween and Nightmare on elm street were the only ones who didn't get a fucked up too bad, Halloween 2 is a totally different story. I would rather watch the nightmare remake then the clusterfuck known as friday the 13th remake again. I did like Jackie Earle Haley as the new Freddy but Robert England was the orginal and nothing beats the orginal. Now granted you can put different people in the mask but if they talk it will never be the same. If they would make another Freddy vs. Jason i just wish they would give Freddy the Fingerbladed hand they gave him in Wes Craven's New Nightmare.
I was not amused in the least with either the Nightmare reboot or the Friday reboot. Both were rather predictable and poorly constructed. Pluses being that Freddy was pretty good in Nightmare and I loved the new incarnation of Jason, honestly what killer can't run? That was way to long coming. All of this leads me to say that I would much rather see Freddy vs. Jason 2. The first one was rather fun, while not a great movie it did keep me entertained. I would love to see some sort of a conclusion to their rivalry, even though we all know that there can be no clear winner. I would especially like to see either Pin Head, Ash, or Michael Myers show up and make some sort of cameo. It would just make for a mark out moment as a fan of the original franchises.
Sean Cunningham? Kane Hodder was a much better Jason then Sean Cunningham. And I rather they use Ash instead of Micheal Myers, because he could be more entertaining then Myers. I mean Myers is a supernatural force too but he would not fit in with Freddy and Jason. I mean Jason can brawl with Freddy, I cannot see Micheal brawling with anyone. Ask on the other hand could use weapons to fight off Freddy and Jason and it would be badass. I mean seriously you have fucking Ash Campbell back played by Bruce Campbell who is a cult icon. That be epic right their.

Sean Cunningham is the creator and director of the original Friday the 13th. He's never played Jason.

I only saw the Friday the 13th remake and enjoyed it. It helps I went into it not expecting much thought. I haven't seen the new Nightmare on Elm St., just never got around to it.

But I loved Freddy vs Jason. It was so entertaining and everything I was hoping for since I got into the Friday the 13th franchise. I'm really hoping that if they make a sequel, they bring in Ash from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness. I don't know if anyone else read the comic they had running for a bit but it was awesome in the way you'd expect it to be. It had a story that blended all three characters into each other perfectly and kind of made sense. It might be difficult converting it to the screen and it might be less likely since I've heard rumors of an Evil Dead remake sans Bruce Campbell. But nonetheless any type of Freddy vs Jason 2 would make me happy.
Sean Cunningham is the creator and director of the original Friday the 13th. He's never played Jason.

I only saw the Friday the 13th remake and enjoyed it. It helps I went into it not expecting much thought. I haven't seen the new Nightmare on Elm St., just never got around to it.

But I loved Freddy vs Jason. It was so entertaining and everything I was hoping for since I got into the Friday the 13th franchise. I'm really hoping that if they make a sequel, they bring in Ash from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness. I don't know if anyone else read the comic they had running for a bit but it was awesome in the way you'd expect it to be. It had a story that blended all three characters into each other perfectly and kind of made sense. It might be difficult converting it to the screen and it might be less likely since I've heard rumors of an Evil Dead remake sans Bruce Campbell. But nonetheless any type of Freddy vs Jason 2 would make me happy.

Who is that in your sig by the way? And sorry I thought Sean S. Cunningham was Jason in the original films before Kane Hodder, my mistake.
2 things to keep in mind, robert england says he will only reprise freddy if its in another freddy vs jason flick. thats the good news. kane hodder when i met him seemed game also to reprise jason. now for the bad news, there has been talks of adding another character to the movie, but it will not be ash. sam raimi will not let it happen, for he stated he wanted to protect the character for a possible eveil dead 4/army of darkness 2. with the reimaging of the characters making them more real, pinhead would be out the door also. im guessing micheal meyers if they could get the rights and rob zombie would let it happen.
2 things to keep in mind, robert england says he will only reprise freddy if its in another freddy vs jason flick. thats the good news. kane hodder when i met him seemed game also to reprise jason. now for the bad news, there has been talks of adding another character to the movie, but it will not be ash. sam raimi will not let it happen, for he stated he wanted to protect the character for a possible eveil dead 4/army of darkness 2. with the reimaging of the characters making them more real, pinhead would be out the door also. im guessing micheal meyers if they could get the rights and rob zombie would let it happen.

Nobody wants Rob Zombie's lame version of Micheal Myers. Sam Rami needs let Ash be in a Freddy vs. Jason film it will be pretty badass for him in the film too.

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