Sequels You Want To See Made


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
With Jake's thread about the serious efforts being poured into a 3rd Ghostbusters film (fingers crossed, knocking on wood, not walking under ladders), it begs the question of other films that YOU want to see ANOTHER sequel made for.

"Bloodsport 5 - Kumite in Hell" is not an acceptable answer, nor are Charles Bronson in "Death Wish 7 - Wasting Punks Postmortem," or "Anaconda 3 - I Have a Huge Snake."

I am truly wondering if "Freddy vs Jason" is going to get a sequel, as so many have speculated on. Rumors have abounded about added appearances from Michael Myers or Ashe from "Army of Darkness." I'd personally like to see ONE Jason/Freddy/Myers fil, and then one film of each of the franchises alone to end the series forever, but in a proper way.

What are sequeled films YOU want to see another sequel to?
While I could live without it, I was always wondering why the Gremlin films stopped at two. From what I know beother did well, have got a fan base, and have a marketable immage. But I'm guessing that if Ghostbusters 3 is a success, which it will be, then we could well be seeing a thrid. From what I can remember Ghostbusters 1 & Gremlins 1 came out on the same day.

Deep Blue Sea. There really aren't enough shark films around. There's nothing wrong with B movie cheese.

I DO NOT want a Goonies sequel.
Dammit, most of my favourite movies don't have endings that could lead on to sequels.

I'd like to see a sequel to Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz. The Shaun of the Dead sequel could be about how the zombies break free and they have to stop them taking over the world. Again. The Hot Fuzz sequel could be that Nicholas gets transferred back to London, but when he leaves something horrible happens back in Gloucestershire and he has to go back and stop it again.
wikipedia said:
[edit] Austin Powers 4
During an interview Entertainment Weekly, Mike Myers discussed the possibility of studio sources moving forward with a fourth Austin Powers film. "There is hope!" says Myers of the latter. "We're all circling and talking to each other. I miss doing the characters."

In an interview with IGN (May 16, 2007), IGN asked, "So no more Austin Powers?" and Myers said, "No, no, there is a fully conceived idea for a fourth and I can just say that it's from Dr. Evil's point of view. So if you balanced how much of it was Austin with Dr. Evil, it's more about Dr. Evil than Austin." In mid-February it was announced that Roach will return for this film.

In May 2007, at the Shrek the Third premiere, Mike Myers announced that a fourth Austin Powers film is planned but that it would focus more on Dr. Evil than Austin himself. He also said that he'd be starting work on it after he starts work on another film project, The Love Guru, in August 2007. It was also thought that Gisele Bündchen had been offered a role in the film. Myers recently stated in an interview with TV Guide Network that he plans to begin serious work on the fourth installment in the Austin Powers series. Confirming earlier reports, Myers stated that the upcoming film will indeed be shot from the point of view of Dr. Evil, Austin Powers' nemesis.

In a June 2008 interview, when asked about another Austin Powers film, Myers stated, "I have an idea, and again it's one of those things that will emerge or it won't."

This is a film series that could go on and on as long as they can continue to come up with jokes about balls, penis's, boobs, farts, and copious amounts of painful crotch shots and shadow puppetry scenes. There were tons of James Bond films - no reason why Austin Powers cannot continue on. said:
Although its star Jackie Chan is already 53, Rush Hour director Brett Ratner is optimistic they can make a fourth installment in the Rush Hour franchise.

"I hope so. Why not?" he said. "If people like the movie and they go and see it. Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are great entertainers. Rush Hour for me is an international film."

And the film's producer Arthur Sarkissian was optimistic they would soon be starting work on the next film. "I've spoken to Chris Tucker," he stated. "I said, 'We've waited six years to do Rush Hour 3 and if we wait another six years, Jackie is going to be way too tired to do this stuff. So Chris is on board - he said he would love to do it.

"But we have to make sure it stands on its own. And it hinges on how successful 'Rush Hour 3' is, for the studio to say we want to make another one.

"If we do, I'm strongly thinking about setting it in Moscow."

AWESOME! Tucker and Chan have legendary chemistry, and they take the cops with cultural barriers storyline (48 Hours, Leathal Weapon) to a whole new level. If they get a European Canine partner, however, I am moving on.
You are joking Irish? Rush Hour 4? I didn't think anybody wanted to see anymore of those film. They make a lot of money. But I always thought that was down to the fact that there was no football or something on those weeks. Ok films. But three is enough.

Regarding Austin Powers, Mike Myers realised that it was Dr. Evil who was the star of the film. And as a result he's juct changed the focus round. I'm guessing your quote said that though.
Yeesh. I hope they don't make Rush Hour 4. The third one was terrible. First and second were decent, but #3 was just.....

Anyway, some know, I can't think of any. Its hard to do a sequel for a film without totally screwing it up. Sometimes, despite how good they are, they need to just stand alone. I wouldn't want to see a botched sequel to "A Clockwork Orange" or for them to recast the roles and do "Grumpiest Old Men" lol.
Slither, only if Nathan Fillion returns because he is awesome. I loved that movie and want to see more of it. I also want to see 28 Months Later, if it ever gets made.
Well, Ghostbusters would've been the obvious answer, but of course....

Anyway, umm... would love to see a "Clerks 3" ten years from now that revolves around Randal still being single and trying to finally find the love of his life. Also, seeing Dante bitch and moan about what his life has become as a middle-aged father who owns a barely profitable store would be a quite enjoyable aspect of the film as well.

And I also wouldn't mind a "Kill Bill: Volume 3" if Tarantino could think of something cool. I think there's a lot you could still do with the 'Kiddo' character.
A sequil to Trainspotting would be good, I know "Porno" was a sequel in book form but I'd like to see something on TV

City of God could of had a sequel. I have the spin off series but another film would have been good.

speaking of sequels is there any info on Angels + Demons?
I would love to see Ash return for one more Evil Dead movie. (remember, Army of Darkness is really just Evil Dead 3)

Other than that, I am anxious to see what happens with the rumors of a film version of Tom Clancy's Without Remorse, about uber-spook John Clark...the book is amazing, and while there are rumors and preproduction stuff going on with a film, it remains to be seen if it will actually ever get made. I don't know though, I suppose Without Remorse is technically a prequel to the other Clancy movies...Same goes with Sin City 2. Until its closer to a release date, or I get more concrete evidence that it definitely 100% absolutely is gonna happen, its still on the sequel wishlist. I guess with those two, they are supposedly already being worked on, but still, until it happens, I am not going to assume.

I wanna see another Shoot-Em-Up too. Movie was just plain fun.

I would be down with Disturbia 2 as well. I had very low expectations, but Disturbia was surprisingly good.

This one is out about a sequel to Tron, updated to use today's technology?
Well, there are lots of sequels I would want to watch. One that comes to mind immediately is another Jason Bourne movie. I watched the trilogy last week (I love my Netflix!) as I havent watched the third... Fucking good movies were these! Lots of action, great story, and Matt Damon delivers as always, great actor. I've heard that they are working in a original story for the fourth movie, as they dont want to stick with the newer novels (I forgot the name of the author, but I've heard that they are not as good as Robert Ludlum's)
We'll see.
This one is out about a sequel to Tron, updated to use today's technology?

Lucky you. It was announced a couple of months ago. I can't find the footage. But from what I can remeber the graphics are going to be the same as the original. I might be wrong on that though.

Should be good, but does it hold enough name value now? It might have been huge in the early 80's. But I think it's one of those films that has more of an effect on the people that saw it when it was out.
Although I doubt it would ever happen...More Trouble In Little China. If no one has had the pleasure of seeing "Big Trouble In Little China," please do yourself a favor and either rent or buy it. I had no idea movies could be so fun until I saw this movie (I tend to be one who likes more serious fare).
I'd like to see another TMNT movie made in the style that the one was made in last year. It just worked so well to see the turtles, my childhood heroes, up on th ebig screen again. They was a major hint at a sequel in the end of the movie which would be nothing short of awesome to me. The movie was just great and if you factor out the time that it took to set up the plot of the last movie, then there's nothing that would be better than a new TMNT movie. The popularity is clearly there, so why not?
I would have said Terminator 3, until I got my wish and they #$%$ed it all up.

I'd love some more Indiana Jones movies, I'm in the thin group of people that enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, even if its the weakest of the 4. Still, being the weakest Indy movie is like saying you have a scuffed diamond. Its still a diamond!

Alternatively, I'd really like a sequel to The Quick & The Dead. I'd love to see Sheriff Cort.
One other that I'd like to see made is Ghostbusters 3. The series never got a proper sendoff and it almost seemed as if it ended prematurely. Bringing the guys back for one last run to hand it off to a future generation woiuld be a great idea as it would allow a new series to be created, possibly on tv. I've heard talks of a CGI version which could be great, with the limits being so much higher in that genre. Ghostbusters is the kind of series that has no ceiling as there's so many different things they could face. If you can get the original cast back for the voices, there's no way this could go wrong.
One other that I'd like to see made is Ghostbusters 3. The series never got a proper sendoff and it almost seemed as if it ended prematurely. Bringing the guys back for one last run to hand it off to a future generation woiuld be a great idea as it would allow a new series to be created, possibly on tv. I've heard talks of a CGI version which could be great, with the limits being so much higher in that genre. Ghostbusters is the kind of series that has no ceiling as there's so many different things they could face. If you can get the original cast back for the voices, there's no way this could go wrong.

Luckily for you Ghostbusters 3 has already been green-lit and is in the early stages of pre-production.

One sequel I'd like to see, and I honestly do expect to see, would be a 3rd Christopher Nolan Batman film. Obviously the Joker cannot be brought back considering how much Heath now officially owns the role, but there are still plenty of villains that could work nicely. Bringing back Ra's Al-Ghul would be nice definately, he's always been one of my favorite Batman villains. As long as they avoid any of the cheesy villains from the original films; no Penguin, no Poison Ivy, no Mr. Freeze. Two-Face could work as long as they continued to follow the darker comics version of Harvey Dent (Two-Face) instead of turning him into a shitty cartoon character like they did in Batman Forever. The Riddler could also work again, but only if the role took a much darker turn. No green suit with question marks all over it. If the Joker could be made dark, the Riddler could just as easily.

They definately need to make the Nolan films a trilogy though, Batman Begins & the Dark Knight are hands down easily the best Batman movies yet.
The movie I think would make a great sequel is Noise. If no one has ever heard of it, it's a lesser known movie that Tim Robbins did in either 2007 or 2008. He plays a vigilante, vandalizing cars that have their alarms going off. It could be a great sequel if his character decided to move away from NY to get away from the alarms, but then finds a new annoyance that he crusades against...
Xfear already touched on mine. I'm thinking that there could be atleast two more Batman films with Nolan. The next, most logical choice would be Two-Face. I love the whole concept of that villain. It's just.. Awesome. Then the Riddler has awesome potential. I wish Ledger could play him.. But, he's.. well.. dead. Like xfear said.. Riddler would have to take a very dark turn. I won't worry about that. They've down a masterful job so far.

*Fingers Crossed*
I'm glad I found this topic...

It's not exactly official, but it looks intriguing, and I'd definitely be interested in it...

I loved the Aliens movies, and thought the first AVP was decent, but not nearly good enough to be considered a part of the franchise.

A new Aliens would be redeeming, even if they go the route of just telling Ripley's story. It's been done (see "The Sarah Connor Chronicles"), but it would refresh the franchise, and probably set up some more sequels in the future...
Although I doubt it would ever happen...More Trouble In Little China. If no one has had the pleasure of seeing "Big Trouble In Little China," please do yourself a favor and either rent or buy it. I had no idea movies could be so fun until I saw this movie (I tend to be one who likes more serious fare).
Hell yes. This is the best idea of this thread. Of all the Carpenter films that were produced during what most consider his strongest period, this is the one that I feel could have easily had a sequel. Jack Burton and Wang are two of the coolest characters around and the possibilities are endless. I only hope that they could get Kurt Russell to bring back that kick-ass mullet.
There are tons of sequels that I'd love to see:

Ghostbusters 3 - Currently in development, we'll see if the scripting team can put together something strong enough to make Bill Murray want to strap on the old Proton Pack one more time. Another clincher of the role would be both Akyroyd and Ramis conjoining themelves to the Gerard Butler fitness regimen used for 300.

The Incredibles 2 - I loved the first film and although lighthearted, Brad Bird was really able to capture a wonderful essence that comic books can be and translate that to a really accessible type of film that everyone from hardcore fanboys to little kids and even old folks could get down on.

Alien 5 - This was going to be the ultimate sequel that would've really rescued the franchise after two lackluster (even if I loved 'em) entries that didn't quite live up to fan's (or critic's) expectations. James Cameron strolled the offices of Fox with a script outline in tow that would've finally laid the groundwork for the actual origin of the Alien species and finally closed the book on Ripley's nearly 300 year saga battling the best xenomorph ever to creep the shit out of somebody's girlfriend. It's too bad that as Cameron was beginning early negotiations to return and right the ship, Rothman and the rest of the ******s at Fox were being...well...******s and they greenlit the gigantic hunk of shit that became Alien vs. Predator (Oooh! From the director of Mortal fucking Kombat!).

Matrix 4 - I loved the whole series and only thought that they got better and more elaborate as they progressed. I loved the half-ending the last film had and that it didn't end on a super-high note that most films try to get these days. Everyone in the film just kind of got by. They didn't get out of everything squeaky-clean, but at least they got out in one piece (well, except for Trinity). I'd love to see those crazy Wachowskis return to their favorite sandbox and really blow us away with another entry into the franchise that could seal the deal for a final and definite showdown between Zion and The Machines.

Superman Sequel - Well, being that I'm an uber-fanboy first, I loved Superman Returns. I'd love to see a sequel because I want to know where they'd have taken that story. Although, the rumor mill has a potential reboot coming down the pike, I'm still optimistic that regardless of what happens, they'll keep Brandon Routh in the title role. Why? Because he looks the part and can play the part. Casting Superman has proven to be nearly fucking impossible as evidenced by the nearly 20-year production history of a slew of Superman films that in most cases didn't even make it to the casting phase (and for good measure...because those projects blew pecker). I say Warner Brothers gets the lead out and hires a credible script writer like Paul Haggis and a comic writer like Geoff Johns and just lets them go apeshit on a script that'll knock the movie fans of Earth on their collective asses. Dare to dream, though. These were the same shitheads who were going to let Tim Burton direct a Superman film starring Nicholas Cage. Uggh. And nobody mention Tom Welling if you don't want to see me freak out like an angry little nerd. Fuck that guy.

Blade Runner - At Harrison's current age, I feel that a sequel would likely be impossible, but I wouldn't mind a reboot that starts over with Philip K. Dick's original source material and then progresses the story even further based off of the Kevin Anderson sequels, which really expanded on a little story in the way that Aliens did to Alien (except highly magnified.

Godzilla 1998 - Yes, I'll receive much flak, but as simple as this film was, I feel that it was more effective than most gave it credit for. Seeing as the Japanese versions were some of the corniest pieces of fluff ever produced, this version actually gave the impression that it was a legit summer tentpole film. I would like to see some sort of other creature worked into the thing so that Godzilla could finally throw down against something of it's own size. Besides, in the original film there was an entire island exposed to that radiation. Dig up a giant monkey (yes, even bigger than Kong) and have those bastards fight it out.

Stargate 2 - I loved the first outing and think it is still the quintessential effort of Roland Emmerich's career (with The Patriot being a close second). It was creative and unique and they were able to bleed several episodes and tons of stories (not all great or even good). I'm talking about a full restore set aside from that stuff with all the original players intact (mainly Kurt Russell and James Spader). Get those boys in shape and get them hopping to other galaxies and shit. Hurry it up, Devlin and Emmerich. These guys ain't getting any younger.

Star Wars Episode VII - Well, I'm going to be the guy to start by asking Mr. Lucas what the fuck he was thinking when he took a dump on his own franchise...THREE TIMES. Take the bat out of his hands on this one. He had originally envisioned the Star Wars films spread out over nine films. This would be perfect, but they need to get rolling now. They don't have to spend shitloads of time developing scripts as guys like Kevin Anderson and Timothy Zahn have already written tons of stories that could easily be applied to scripts by someone like Larry Kasdan. Then maybe I could use this to stop the recurring nightmares I have regarding Hayden Christensen trying to act. Don't even get me started on that fuck Jar-Jar. As long as someone else writes and directs, the original luster of the series could easily be restored. Next they can cut off plans to do another pre-episode IV television show. Damn you, Lucas.

Willow 2 - Another Lucas film that he'd probably bungle up if he was the sole creative mind in the driver's seat, so get another script writer and then get Ron Howard to come back and direct this thing. Kilmer would have to get back in shape, but shit, I'd pay to see a sequel to the original.

Hot Shots! 3 - I loved the spoof nature and screwball comedy in the first two films (and I even liked the sequel better). Jim Abrahams struck gold when he put Charlie Sheen in a comedic role like this. The jokes were great and I still laugh my ass when watching the first two. There isn't much that would be needed and Abrahams writing would be better than the recent crop of horseshit spoof movies that guys like the Wayans have shat forth (even if Jim had his hand in Scary Movie 4). Because hey, if Mel Brooks isn't going to be the top dog of this genre, then Abrahams needs to get back in the saddle.

2061 - Seeing as I'm a geek and love 2001 and 2010, I really think that further adaption of Arthur C. Clarke's remaining novels would be a trip and wouldn't be nearly as expensive as they were in days past. The sets are simple and the FX required wouldn't be nearly as painstaking as in days past.

Serenity 2 - Firefly was a great show and Serenity was an even better film. It's just that most people don't even know about it (which pisses me off in a downright galactic fashion). I really want to see the continuing adventures of Malcolm Reynolds and his crew documented on film, instead of just being relegated to comic books that Whedon had to produce because his film wasn't marketed with a fraction of the aggression that it desereved (especially since it was a good film and only cost a paltry $35 million to produce).
I want to see the rumored Boondock Saints sequel. The movie is set in Boston, so New York would be a good place to pick up the story. The brothers could go to New York, and clean up the city. They could go to LA and eliminate MS-13. I really don't care, but I may have watched the original too many times to not see what happens next.

I keep hearing that there was a sequel planned, but Troy Duffy burned too many bridges in Hollywood.

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