Heyman Interested In Working With CM Punk


We all know that Heyman is back and has a prominent role in the Brock Lesnar storyline, which is expected to culminate at SummerSlam.

However, Heyman has expressed a lot of interest in working with Punk at some point a little later down the line. Heyman is said to be a big fan and has a great deal of respect for Punk. He's going to be working on the upcoming CM Punk DVD with Punk, which led to Heyman expressing a desire to work with Punk in some future angle.

Off the top of my head, the first angle that springs to mind is Heyman continuing to be Lesnar's mouthpiece if Lesnar is put into an angle of going after the WWE Championship after his feud with Triple H is over with.

Would this be something that you'd find interesting?

Any ideas on an angle or storyline that you'd personally like to see?
I'm going to keep this short and simple;

I'd find CM Punk w/ Paul Heyman a hell of a lot more intresting than the CM Punk we get now.

CM Punk has become very very stale IMO
Each time Paul E returns to WWE good things happen. It's that simple. WWE is better with Heyman in it and add CM Punk to Heyman and the sky is the limit for the things we'll see happen. Add the possibility of Brock Lesnar being involved with all of that, the watchability goes up tenfold. Honestly, this is what WWE needs to shake things up.
I would like to see Punk at odds with Heyman. I agree with Jerichoholic that Punk has become extremely stale at the moment and I think a feud with someone like Heyman would help. I don't think Punk should go over Lesnar, because to be honest if Brock is only going to lose 2 matches (Seems like a logical number at this point) Punk isn't worthy of one of them. At this at this point. Maybe he could sway me later down the line.
I'm going to keep this short and simple;

I'd find CM Punk w/ Paul Heyman a hell of a lot more intresting than the CM Punk we get now.

CM Punk has become very very stale IMO

To be quite honest, I think it's just as much WWE creative's fault for bad booking as it is Punk being stale. I mean just look at how Jericho's entire 2012 return has been done. It screams shitty booking at best and I don't blame Punk at all.

I do agree that putting Paul E with Punk would definetely speed things up, though. Although that could be said of 99.9% of today's WWE roster and not just CM Punk specifically.

I see alot of people complaining nowadays that Punk has become stale. Yeah, and Chris Jericho isn't? That's laughable.
I'm going to keep this short and simple;

I'd find CM Punk w/ Paul Heyman a hell of a lot more intresting than the CM Punk we get now.

CM Punk has become very very stale IMO

I do agree to a certain extent. But like Storm said, it's more creative than Punk. Punk was allowed to do whatever he wanted right before his contract ended because Vince knew he needed him back badly.

If anything, Punk should be allowed more freedom in his promos. The whole "You're a toolbag" schtick wreaks of Cena.

As for Heyman, I'd love for him to be involved with Punk somehow. I don't think Punk against Heyman would be good considering Punk told everyone in his shoot that Heyman was one of the only guys who believed in him.

So I think the only way he could work with him is to turn Punk heel again. Which, all things considered, would do his character some good since it's gotten very stale since winning back the title.
He's only been a face since when, around the time of Money in the Bank last year? It hasn't even been a year since his turn, for cryin out loud! Geez, talk about a bunch of whiny smarks. Y'all are as bad as Christian right now.

Anyways, on to the op, it would be awesome in my opinion to see Lesnar vs Punk due to the promo battles between Heyman and Punk, though theoretically a swerve would be interesting with Heyman swerving on Lesnar and we get a double turn, but that wouldn't be done, I don't think. But yeah it would be interesting since Lesnar's been a UFC champ and Punk has Martial Arts mixed into his ring style, so that would be fun to see.
The only reason why Punk has gotten "stale" if at all, is due to booking. Creative thought they had something with the Jericho return, but its not been stellar at all. We've gotten great matches but the verbal back and forth, and the "pipe bombs" most of us were expecting didn't turn out the way most of us thought it would. I expected over the top promo's and they went a totally different way with the whole alcoholic thing.
Nevertheless, I'm very interested in seeing what would come of Heyman/Punk as I enjoy both of their mic work and I would love to see what ideas Heyman would come up with to further push Punk.
His promos just aren't what they were 9 months ago. They have become repetitive and predictable. I don't think it's all about booking, though. Insults like "toolbox" and "ugly," for instance, just doesn't do it for me. It seems very Cena-esque. Plus, putting Cena over? When did he become a Cena mark? I explained Punk's decline in great detail in the Raw thread, but on topic, I feel working with Heyman would do Punk's character wonders. I envision a Lesnar/Punk showdown for the title after Lesnar dispatches HHH at Summerslam.
Punk and Heyman promos would be awesome. Especially if it was a main event fued that they actually thought about and planned each week instead of the ones between Punk and Jericho where they were forced to do the same thing each time. I would like to see Brock put over Punk though. I think Punk is probably the most popular guy in the WWE right now and they really need to solidify him as the Best in the World.
Talent overcomes bad booking. Period. Punk has three promos. 'Pipebomb', 'Johnny is a toolbox' and 'Best in the World' with a little variation. Most of the time, he is just a over-rated, entitled whiner who is sloppy in the ring. Heyman could help him with the promo stuff but Punk will never replace Cena as the face of the company. Not talented enough. Main event. Sure. The man? Never. Not even with Heyman's help.
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I tend to agree, although there was a month or so window last summer when I really thought we were headed for another megastar. I think the direction they took with the whole Nash/HHH text message storyline took a little wind of out Punk's sails, but that doesn't excuse anything about his performances as of late.
I tend to agree, although there was a month or so window last summer when I really thought we were headed for another megastar. I think the direction they took with the whole Nash/HHH text message storyline took a little wind of out Punk's sails, but that doesn't excuse anything about his performances as of late.

I'm not defending Punk's staleness of late, or the stement that talent overrides booking... BUT Punk's storyline is the one that gave birth to "Big Johnny". He has been feuding with him, even before the casuals knew he existed and yet it is John Cena who gets the PPV Main Event match against him!??!

I'm not the biggest fan of Punk's, but man did he get screwed on this one.

How can Vince complain about not making the next big superstar, when it is Cena that gets Nexus- and wins, rides high the whole next year to ensure he looks strong against the Rock. Main events Mania against the Rock, then main events against Brock Lesnar and wins! And then steals Punk's feud with Johnny Ace! The match will probably main event again with Punk/Bryan (Bryan being mega over at this point in time) being below them at OTL.

Getting back to the topic at hand about Heyman, it would be great to see him ask Punk to join him. Punk says sure but then Heyman wants him to turn his back on the WWE Universe like Brock is doing. Punk says he can't do that. Heyman asks Punk if he has ever steered him wrong and Punk goes along with it for a while as the WWE Universe beg Punk to stop doingwhatever it is he is doing.

Punk finally breaks out of Heyman's "spell" and so sics Lesnar on Punk. We get a WWE Title match between the two (with great mic work back and forth between Punk and Heyman in the build up) and Punk puts up a huge fight in a way that he looks very strong, win, lose or draw.
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I'm not defending Punk's staleness of late, or the stement that talent overrides booking... BUT Punk's storyline is the one that gave birth to "Big Johnny". He has been feuding with him, even before the casuals knew he existed and yet it is John Cena who gets the PPV Main Event match against him!??!

I agree that the storylines got tangled. To be honest, I'm surprised that they haven't acknowledged the fact that Cena knocked Johnny out at the end of MITB 2011 which led to Punk winning the title. It seems like there are tons of holes in logic with who should be feuding with who, but if you're going to pick Cena, drum up past conflicts! Otherwise, it seems really contrived.

All Johnny has to say is, "Don't think I forgot about you knocking me out at MITB last year." It's easy.
id love to see heyman manage cm punk down the road not really sure how it could happen but another way is brock lesnar w/ paul heyman to go after cm punk and the wwe title but i just hope heyman sticks around for a long time
It is not punks fault he has become stale as everyone hasa said its creative fault! With Paul E though only good things can happen IMO. If he is truly interested in working with punk and Obviously Lesnar can u imagine the possibilities? Punk doesn't need a mouthpiece like lesnar but with Paul E,punk would be put over the top ala summer 2011
His promos just aren't what they were 9 months ago. They have become repetitive and predictable. I don't think it's all about booking, though. Insults like "toolbox" and "ugly," for instance, just doesn't do it for me. It seems very Cena-esque. Plus, putting Cena over? When did he become a Cena mark? I explained Punk's decline in great detail in the Raw thread, but on topic, I feel working with Heyman would do Punk's character wonders. I envision a Lesnar/Punk showdown for the title after Lesnar dispatches HHH at Summerslam.

Punk doesn't hate Cena. He said so in his shoot promo.

"I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate… this idea… that you’re the best… because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world."

But he obviously hates John Laurinaitis and if he can't beat the hell out of the guy, the next best thing would be watching Cena do it.
I know he said he doesn't hate him but that doesn't mean he has to put him over and basically express how good he is by sucking up to him via promo. He hated the fact Cena was the top dog and doesn't seem bothered that Cena is still the man despite Punk being champ.
He's only been a face since when, around the time of Money in the Bank last year? It hasn't even been a year since his turn, for cryin out loud! Geez, talk about a bunch of whiny smarks. Y'all are as bad as Christian right now.

Anyways, on to the op, it would be awesome in my opinion to see Lesnar vs Punk due to the promo battles between Heyman and Punk, though theoretically a swerve would be interesting with Heyman swerving on Lesnar and we get a double turn, but that wouldn't be done, I don't think. But yeah it would be interesting since Lesnar's been a UFC champ and Punk has Martial Arts mixed into his ring style, so that would be fun to see.

Perhaps stale is just a nice way of saying CM Punk has sucked since the moment he finished up his feud with John Cena. Is that better? Hope so, because it's true. Punk's current direction isn't interesting, which is funny because he said his goal was to make the WWE interesting again. Well Paul Heyman on the other hand is very interesting. We've seen Punk be entertaining when working with the right people (Cena) so the same should work with Heyman seeing as both are guys who are good at making others look better than they are.
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I love it!!! Im not a fan of his, but if Cena wins/has a bad promo/gets put in a main event, John Cena sucks and its HIS FAULT!

But if CM Punk (who i think is fantastic) grows a little stale, hasnt had anything good, blah blah blah, its not Punks fault, its THE WRITERS/BOOKERS fault!!

Just a reminder guys, its creative doing both! If Cena is being booked that way its no different to Punk being booked that way! Its creative that makes John the superhero, not Cena himself!

Just seems to smell of a little hypocrisy to me!
I love it!!! Im not a fan of his, but if Cena wins/has a bad promo/gets put in a main event, John Cena sucks and its HIS FAULT!

But if CM Punk (who i think is fantastic) grows a little stale, hasnt had anything good, blah blah blah, its not Punks fault, its THE WRITERS/BOOKERS fault!!

Just a reminder guys, its creative doing both! If Cena is being booked that way its no different to Punk being booked that way! Its creative that makes John the superhero, not Cena himself!

Just seems to smell of a little hypocrisy to me!

You may have it wrong here. I don't think most people who dislike the John Cena persona, blame John Cena the actor. I also think majority (if not all) of the people who have bashed the character, have made clear their discontent of the writing staff for the way he's been booked. I have seen no allusion to a majority of Cena-haters blaming the actor for being booked the way he is.

I feel people have done the same exact thing to express their disappointment in the direction CM Punk has headed in these past few months. No one is blaming the actor, Phillip Brooks, they're blaming the writing staff. I understand the need to make enemies out of some of the people who annoy you but I think this is one of the instances where they are correct at whom they're directing their anger.

Heyman working with CM Punk will be a huuuuge deal if somehow they can showcase both of their gifts of gab in an angle allowing a lot of verbal buildup to a match that truly pits Punk against someone as seemingly indestructible as Brock. I am interested in seeing how it would turn out since it's so easy to look at both Punk's involvement and passion for Pro Wrestling as something making him worthy of confidently proclaiming himself the best. An on the other hand, it's easy to view Lesnar's actual fighting background as an even bigger threat. The story makes for a true hurdle for Punk.
To be honest, I think the Jericho feud deserves a lot of the blame for Punk's recent "slump" -- if all the reports we had read around the time of his return were accurate. I think their matches have been good, if not great, but the storyline itself took a long time to gain steam and then just wasn't really all that interesting. Here's why: when Jericho first returned, reports suggested that he returned with a concept in mind. For a few weeks he came to the ring and did nothing and people preached patience, they chalked it up to him being fantastic at flipping a crowd against him without saying a word. But then, almost all at once, that act ended and he was feuding with Punk. There was no real transition. In essence, Jericho took a highly anticipated return and sat on it for a month, deflating the excitement of that return. We all knew he was going to feud with Punk. By procrastinating, what happened was they went into WrestleMania before their feud had hit a climax. None of the intense personal attacks began until WrestleMania had ended. At that point, Jericho had lost the Rumble, he'd lost against Punk, and it really seemed like there was no point in continuing the feud. From the beginning it was about who was better; they had a match and Punk won. So are they supposed to just wrestle over and over until Jericho wins and can say he's the best? It was a very, very faulty rivalry. And then it just... ended.

Certainly, Punk deserves some blame. His promos haven't been nearly as good. However, when his popularity first exploded, his promos were far and away the best in the business. The quality he was bringing and the type of promo he was cutting can't be duplicated every week. They just can't. I mean, he's been the champion for long enough now that he can no longer pull the "being held back" card or the "imaginary brass ring" card. He's not an underdog anymore.

But to address the original topic: Punk working with Heyman would most likely be great, if only because Heyman has a ferocity that few in the business have. He brings out the very best in people, especially on the mic. I expect a Lesnar/Punk storyline at some point (people that think Punk isn't "big enough" or "doesn't deserve" it don't really make sense to me -- you really want to see Brock and HHH? Or Brock and Undertaker again?). Personally, I think Brock and Punk could put on a hell of a match. Brock had some great battles with Eddie Guerrero, why would it be any different? If you can suspend your disbelief to buy into characters like Brodus Clay and Santino, to buy into the Undertaker and Kane's lineage, to believe a guy like R-Truth actually has an imaginary friend, then why is it so hard to suspend belief that a smaller wrestler, like Punk, could actually wrestle and pose a threat to a bigger guy, like Brock?
Talent overcomes bad booking. Period. Punk has three promos. 'Pipebomb', 'Johnny is a toolbox' and 'Best in the World' with a little variation. Most of the time, he is just a over-rated, entitled whiner who is sloppy in the ring. Heyman could help him with the promo stuff but Punk will never replace Cena as the face of the company. Not talented enough. Main event. Sure. The man? Never. Not even with Heyman's help.

Again, this is bad booking and not Punk's fault. If I were to put a moment when CM Punk fizzled out, it would've been when Triple H took Nash out of the match with Punk and inserted himself in. And guess who's decision that was? Yep, creative. It may not seem like a big deal, but, Punk was on a major roll up until that loss to HHH. It would've been alot better if Punk had've indeed faced Nash and won. At least that would have been a good payoff to the storyline since Nash started it by Jacknifing Punk. Then they could've drug that out and had Triple H being aligned with Nash. All options that would've feuled the Punk storyline making him look great.

As for the comment that Punk is the same every week, the same can be said of every big name to ever come down the pike in professional wrestling. Hogan had the same Hulkamania thing every week. Steve Austin had the beer drinking and kicking Vince's ass. The Rock had the quick witted trash talking schtick. What all these men have in common with CM Punk is that they all became wildly popular, caught on hugely, and then were stuck being routine guys doing the same things week after week[for the most part]. To say that Punk is overrated or a sloppy whiner in the ring shows how ignorant you must be as far as pro wrestling knowledge goes. He's one of the very best in the ring and his routine work is no worse than those who came before him as far as I'm concerned.

Pretty much in a nutshell, the original poster whom I quoted above is a textbook example of why I rarely post on here anymore. A bunch of self-righteous whiners who will complain about the most miniscule or insignificant detail and will praise whatever seems popular just to do it. You say Punk is a sloppy worker and a whiner? You must be watching a totally different program than I am. Because the CM Punk I see is the future of the WWE who is a damn great ring technician who puts alot of effort into his work and gives his all every time he steps into the ring. Quite a contrast, isn't it?
While Heyman and Punk working together would be great for back and forth exchanges and 'pipebombs', i believe it is probably better to keep the two apart. Realistically, these are probably, alongside jericho, the two best speakers in the wwe right now, therefore have them boost separate feuds with their mic skills instead of throwing all the eggs into one proverbial basket.

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