Hernandez Returns; Joins Immortal

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Sure seems like it if that segment was any indication...

If you didn't catch iMPACT!, "Super Mex" himself, Hernandez returned to TNA after a lengthy hiatus and joined the depleted ranks of Immortal after Eric Bischoff offered him a spot backstage following the opening segment. Bischoff chalked up Hernandez as a superstar who built a name for himself down in Mexico where he's been working for AAA for the last couple weeks.

At the conclusion of the Anderson/Morgan match, Hernandez attacked Morgan allowing Anderson to retain the title — solidifying the Anderson/Hardy match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds, but also attacked Anderson afterward, allowing Hardy to hit him with the Swanton Bomb.

He's been rumored to be returning for a few weeks now, so no one should be surprised to see him back, obviously, but I'm not so sure many saw him joining Immortal either, frankly.

Thoughts? Concerns?
This could only be good for Immortal. Now, even though they won't, they could get Rob Terry out of there. Push him to be a good guy, hell maybe even on the lower card. But Hernandez was best imo as a heel in LAX. That "Super-Mex" gimmick is great, but got old very fast. So as a heel, I can't wait to see how they use him.
maybe we can see hernandez feud with matt morgan, this time in reverse, hernandez being the heel and matt morgan being the face

it could bring interesting matches Im pretty sure, hernandez could say how matt morgan was stupid by letting go off such a good offer by being a part of immortal, and how he took it instead,
How the hell could this "only be good" for Immortal? nWo much? We just gonna start throwing random TNA wrestlers into Immortal or FOURtune until the entirety of WCW is just these two factions against each other?

I mean, TNA. Totally unintentional, but still ironic.
I say they put him in the X-Division hunt after Kazarian. Not like they have anyone else worthy of the Division in Immortal right now. :shrug:

And if they don't do that, we always have an uninteresting feud between Morgan & Hernandez to spend 2 hours of programming on.
I don't understand it too much. TNA's whole point of loaning him to AAA was to gain some of the Mexican audience. Hernandez returning full fledged heel doesn't make sense. It seems as they would've taken their time cooking Hernandez as a face before turning heel in which they don't really need at this point. What is Hernandez's point in the Immortal? The muscle? No. Brians? No. I'm not seeing the point of sending Hernandez to AAA only to come back to be turned heel. Did anyone else notice how no one gave a shit when he returned? Hernandez will likely have a short feud or two, and go back to what he was before... nothing.
Why doesnt this make any sense? Matt Morgan put him on the shelf so he still has unfinished business with him. Just because Morgan is a "face" now does that mean Super Mex should just forget that he destroyed him awhile back? I absolutely HATE TNA, I dont even know why I watch it but for once they are doing something somewhat logically.
Ok guys this is easy try to stay with me on this:
1. Morgan was a Heel when he put Hernandez out, but they were tag-champs when this happen.
2. Hernandez been at AAA for about 6 months as a loan from TNA.
3. At AAA Hernandez hooked up with Konan to form some type of mexican NWO / DX group.
4. Mr. Anderson been a on and off visitor to AAA and butted in on Hernandez business in AAA.
5. Fast-forward to tonight , Hernandez just paid back both guys, Morgan for putting him out and Anderson for what happen at AAA.
6. Hernandez just don't fit or look right with immortal, he either is going to run solo or bring in people from AAA and start a real take over. But who knows with TNA maybe they sent him to AAA because he missed the 6 sided ring lol .
How the hell could this "only be good" for Immortal? nWo much? We just gonna start throwing random TNA wrestlers into Immortal or FOURtune until the entirety of WCW is just these two factions against each other?

I don't really think that is what is happening. The fact is the way this storyline played out, it left Immortal looking shorthanded, they needed someone to help fill out there ranks. Actually this even more contrary to the opinion you stated, in that they used a returning wrestler instead of having some random member of the active roster just suddenly jump ship to Immortal. Also, Hernandez is perfect because just adding him is like adding two of almost any other guy. Hernandez has the type of size and credibility to even the numbers enough that they don't need to keep adding guys to Immortal.
How the hell could this "only be good" for Immortal? nWo much? We just gonna start throwing random TNA wrestlers into Immortal or FOURtune until the entirety of WCW is just these two factions against each other?

I mean, TNA. Totally unintentional, but still ironic.

Obviously you dont watch TNA so why comment on it? Last time we saw Hernandez, Hogan and Bischoff were both faces and both gave him support and he was feuding with Morgan. They both have history with each other.
Taking out Morgan was simply a way of Hernandez getting some revenge on the guy who put him on the shelf, but him becoming a member of Immortal is interesting.

I would have thought that TNA would have tried to keep Hernandez face, as he is their ticket into the Mexican market and could be worth a lot of money, as Mysterio and now Del Rio are being positioned in WWE

I hope that random wrestlers are not just going to be becoming a part of Immortal on a regular basis, but with Hernandez and Terry, as well as Gunner & Murphy, Immortal have a good wrecking crew with size, strength and power and could really look a force. It will be interesting if Fortune add any more members in the near future.
Is he actually with Immortal? I was kind of under the impression that he was sort of along the lines of a hired thug at this time.

At any rate, him being part of Immortal could be a good thing for them because I'm certainly not the least bit impressed with most of the guys that make up Immortal's membership. As far as the in-ring aspect goes, once you take away the no talent scrubs out of the equestion, you're pretty much left with Jeff Hardy and even he's not really what he once was. Well, there's also Jeff Jarrett but he doesn't strike me as really being a full time guy anymore.
After seeing him go out there with his typical look, fist bumping with Bischoff and gangster-esque head bobbing antics, I'd say he'll fit in Immortal about as well as Kid Cudi would fit in Guns and Roses.

Then again, he's pretty much doing the exact same thing he was doing in AAA, and that's being a part of the top heel faction. He worked over there, I guess he can work here too. The only difference is he won't have Konnan for a mouthpiece like his early LAX days or like in AAA. I've always enjoyed him in the ring and I doubt that'll change this time around but I can't help but wonder what his interaction with the rest of the faction will be like. I doubt we'll see him in a suit any time soon or in even a shirt with sleeves for that matter. Happy to see him back though.
Well, give Hernandez 4 to 6 weeks and he'll start talking about 'They are comming' and He will turn on Immortal with some guys from AAA. Wasn't there were rumors about Zorro and another guy or two suppose to be coming over? Maybe even have Sarita and her Cuz join them too.
Hernandez can benefit from being a part of Immortal. In Immortal, Hernandez can be the muscle and be in a "hit man" type role. His speaking can be limited and it will allow TNA to capitalize on his physical appearance and his ring work. Let's face it, some people just aren't meant to say a lot, and Hernandez is one of them.

As far as Hernandez replacing Rob Terry permanently in Immortal...I'm all for it. Rob Terry not only sucks in all areas of wrestling and speaking, but he is fucking disturbing to look at. While Hernandez will never be electric like the Rock, he will always be better than Rob Terry!
Any place that Hernandez can go where he is paired up with good talkers is good for his game.

Let's face it... Hernandez sucks in every way possible from an "acting" standpoint. He can't cut a promo, he can't act in a segment... hell, when he first appeared on-screen with Bischoff, he's so bad that he was actually overacting the nodding of his head in his agreements with Bischoff's game plan. He just lacks in all categories of charisma.

Joining Immortal is the smartest thing for him. The guy is build like a brick shithouse, has an impressive physique and look, and fits the mold similar to Rob Terry's current position in Immortal as a powerhouse enforcer. He should be seen and not heard and should be utilized in a tag team with Rob Terry. If those two were paired and given a good mouthpiece, they could give Beer Money a believable run for their money (no pun intended) by having a powerhouse vs. tag team-specialist program. It would remind of the days of the Rockers vs. The Natural Disasters or Strike Force vs. the Powers of Pain.

Keep Hernandez in quiet roles that make good, physical impact. That's where he belongs.
Not only does Hernandez need a faction like Immortal to hide his under par acting and mic skills, Immortal badly needs someone like Hernandez.

The defection of Fourtune and with Jarrett and his security tied up with Angle and Hardy going after Anderson and the World Title, it has has turned the tables so much that Immortal has been left lacking in the actual wrestling department. Despite Bischoff anf Hogan's control of the company, it does not depict them as much of a threat to TNA if they cannot dominate in the ring or numbers wise.

Even if he does not officially join, Hernandez as a hired goon provides that extra bit of menace. He could easily be unleashed on the smaller enemies of Immortal, doling out Border Tosses to the likes of AJ, Kazarian, Red and Crimson like they were candy. It would build him up as the monster he was when he first appeared with LAX and boost Immortal at the same time.

In all, a good move by TNA
I was glad to see him returned and if they want him face eventually he could said that Immortal gave him his job back so he could finish his business with Immortal.

But there's one thing I don't get and maybe I am wrong but he wasn't there at the end of Impact, he never came to help Immortal as far as I can tell.
I was glad to see him returned and if they want him face eventually he could said that Immortal gave him his job back so he could finish his business with Immortal.

But there's one thing I don't get and maybe I am wrong but he wasn't there at the end of Impact, he never came to help Immortal as far as I can tell.

I was also glad to see him back in Tna, and it makes sens for him to be heel since Morgan is face and is the one that put him on the shelf. As for him not being in the ring at the end with immortal, well i could explain it like this : 1 Bischoff might have hired him as a hired gun thus not being an official member of immortal. 2 Is an official member of immortal, but since Morgan wasn't there at the end and he wants revenge on him it didn't make sense for him to be there.
I was also glad to see him back in Tna, and it makes sens for him to be heel since Morgan is face and is the one that put him on the shelf. As for him not being in the ring at the end with immortal, well i could explain it like this : 1 Bischoff might have hired him as a hired gun thus not being an official member of immortal. 2 Is an official member of immortal, but since Morgan wasn't there at the end and he wants revenge on him it didn't make sense for him to be there.

Yeah I guess I just wished he would have cleaned the house until Anderson came, have a fist fight and throw him out. That way Hernandez look impressive and your champ too. Not saying that the big guy wasn't impressive when he took out Morgan and Anderson, but thought he could have really be seen as the new monster of Immortal.
This is a Perfect fit for Hernandez and Immortal. Immortal needed someone that is good in the ring which is what Immortal is lacking Good Wrestlers and Hernandez is a good wrestler and this is a good fit for Hernandez because he can't talk or act for shit and now that he's in Immortal he won't have to speak he can just go in the ring beat some people up and thats it he wont have to do much speaking or acting which is a good thing because he's sucks at those two things.
I think Hernandez in Immortal could be great. Immortal needs another guy and Hernandez could work well in there.
but, I didn't see it set in stone that he IS in Immortal. Bischoff never said anything about him joining Immortal or even mentioned the word Immortal.
Bischoff said he wanted Hernandez to "hurt a few people", "we pay you the big money, you make a big impact, leave a couple bodys laying".
maybe it's a done deal, but it wasn't worded that was last night.

I think TNA coul have done a betetr job of having Hernandez join Immortal. it maybe could have been a good "surprise" to see Hernandez return and be heel joining Immortal? last time we saw Hernandez, wasn't he face? maybe seeing him back people(fans/wrestlers) could have assumed he was returnig face, but then he helps Immortal get a win? it could have been one of those surprises Russo seems to like. surprised it wasn't done that way, rather than Bischoff talking to him backstage.
I don't like it much that he is in Immortal. Unless, they really push him hard from this. I am glad the guy is back and I think he is pretty good. I think a Heel return kind of hurts him though. He is pretty over with TNA fans and has been out for a good while.

A return as Face and then having him screw someone over to turn, like Matt Morgan. I think it would have had some solid impact to it, and probably would have meant more. They have made him look more like a follower now. He shouldn't have come back and looked to do Bischoff's dirty work to hold a position in the company.

Oh well, everything won't always go the way I want it to. But, I think this was a mistake to just have him return right into Immortal.
Hernandez joining Immortal is best for everyone. Immortal needs an enforcer and lets face it, Terry isn't cutting the mustard. Hernandez is awful as a face and awful on the mic. Hernandez can be used as a bodyguard that takes out members of TNA. Matt Morgan injured him and put him on the shelf months ago. It is logical for Hernandez to join Immortal to not only get recognition, but to take out Morgan as well.
I don't know if Hernandez "fits in" with Immortal, but they definitely need a little more talent in the group. They went from being loaded when paired with Fourtune to looking like the n.W.o. b-team post-turn. I agree that Scott Steiner would be a good fit, but turning him now would surely be too much even for TNA.

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