Hernandez, Christopher Daniels, & Matt Morgan: Future stars or a waste of time?

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I can do whatever I want
This 3 TNA guys again and again get mentioned in threads about who should be elevated to the big times. TNA fans have wanted Christopher Daniels to be a huge star ever since his X-Division days with Styles.

Hernandez has always been the "shinning light" of LAX. Both men were loved, but everyone always said Hernandez could be a huge star. The last year TNA has slowly began to legitly bring him up the ranks.

Then you have the "Blue Print" of TNA, Matt Morgan. People have been impressed with him lately, praising his improved in ring skills, stronger mic work, and overall character. And his "flirting" with the MEM has only made him a bigger prospect of a future star, in fans eyes.

But is it really worth it, to elevate this stars? Can you honestly say any of these guys will be future "Kurt Angles" or even "AJ Styles". With the track record of TNA, can these guys push through the so called "rejects" and become company carriers, even though guys like Joe & Style are still playing
2nd fiddle to Angle, Booker, Nash, Sting. Worth it to build these guys up? Or is it a waste of time since TNA's track record at producing viable stars is lousy, and/or when they create a star they just replace them with the latest WWE release.
I love how all these threads created are about TNA and its talent being a waste of time. Matt Morgan is going to be a huge star and as long as TNA sees that I think Morgan will be in the main event by Bound For Glory. They are pushing Hernandez also with that win over Joe and his briefcase for a world title shot. Christopher Daniels could be main event but I think he will be lost in the mid card shuffle unfortunately. TNA can create their own stars besides just WWE releases. Look at Eric Young, I never thought he could be anything but after that promo he cut last week he is another rising star. Of course TNA is going to expose former WWE stars such as Lashley, Foley, and Angle since they are big talents. The fact of that matter is that by Bound For Glory you will see all kinds of new talent get pushed through the roof. The ratings keep steady and are the highest to date. As long as everyone gives TNA enough time I feel they can beat out stale WWE sooner or later.
Waste of time? Seriously? TNA's main event is going to be gone in 5 years or less, with the possible exception of Kurt Angle (if he sticks around), who by that point would be on more of an Undertaker or Shawn Michaels schedule, certainly not capable of carrying world titles for an extended time period. If TNA isn't building up stars now, they're going to collapse.

Hernandez is a fantastic prospect, with a natural look, a great power game, good mic skills, and is already over with the crowd. He's a world champion in the making, and if not for his injury he might very well have been on the front lines in the war against the Mafia, and possibly captured the world title from them instead of Foley. Nevertheless, Hernandez is still a guy that can get up there, and his feud with the Mafia is a good place to start. Getting him over as a top face against a big heel like Joe is the right direction to go in.

Christopher Daniels is TNA's most wasted propsect. He's every bit as good as AJ Styles in the ring, and better on the mic. Daniels, however, is a natural heel and is thrown into the face role too often in the last few years, which is crippling him. Add in the complete lack of push, the silly feuds, and the Curry Man disaster, Daniels is in a huge hole. With the inability to turn heel and not be crushed by the Mafia, he's in an extremely tight spot. His best hope at this point is to try to get noticed in the Frontline, but since he's barely on TV, that seems like a difficult prospect. It's sad, really. Daniels could be as good as or better than Styles is right now, but he gets nowhere. But yes, Daniels is completely worth it, if they actually do push him - he can main event right alongside Styles.

Matt Morgan is absolutely 100% worth it, out of anyone in this line up. He's got one of the best natural looks in wrestling, he's strong on the mic, he's great in the ring, he can play a face or heel, he's over, I mean, what more do you want? He's a bona fide world champion in the making, and I think we'll get to see him as capable of main eventing a PPV (assuming he wins over Styles in the Best of Three). He's a brilliant talent that it's almost unbelievable the WWE let get away, considering Vince's love of big, hulking men.

So, yes, these three men are all worth it. At this point, Morgan and Hernandez should be the focus of the push. When the Mafia dies off, a Daniels heel turn could lead to main event prospects, and he is most certainly worth a main event push.
i dont think daniels is anything special. hernandez and morgan are the next break out stars. they are both big strong and quick. morgan is becoming a better heel everyday and hernandez is super over with the crowd. i dont see daniels as the next thing for tna. if anything they need to push styles more.
I think its safe to say that Matt Morgan will be a future star in TNA (whether we like it or not because he's being groomed as such and has been getting groomed for a while now).

Hernandez has had the look of a breakout star for a while now and it seems like they are ready to break him off from Homicide for good. Where he goes from there is anyones guess as wrestlers in TNA can go from Main Event to jobber in the span of 2 weeks, but if they book him to look consistently strong in his matches, I can see Hernandez doing well. I like Hernandez and hope to god he gets a solid push in the upcoming weeks/months.

Heres the sad one, Daniels. He has more talent then the previous 2 combined but will never be more than a mid-carder, jobbing to different X divisions stars that the Back Office wants to push for a little bit (Suicide for example). Daniels job in TNA is unfortunately very clear (or what I call the Bret Hart late 80's singles role) he puts over wrestlers and makes them look better than they ever could look by themselves, while at the same time getting ignored and slowly pushed to the back. Its a shame as Daniels could have been TNA's top heel at this point.
My thoughts on each one,well to be honest,1 of them isn't a future star,one might be,and one of them certainly is. Who:

Daniels: The thing is,Daniels can't be considered a future star,as he's already past his prime I think. I might be wrong,he might just become much better,but I just think his days as the X division and tag team champion were his best,and he's dropped since then.He's great in the ring,but he lacks one of the things needed to be a main eventer,and that's charisma and mic skills. I'm one of those guys who does believe that wrestling skills are more important than charisma,but I also believe that a slight bit is still needed. And he only ever really got over when he was with or against AJ and Joe.Do I think he's good. Of course. Main event material? No.Upper mid card at the most.

Matt Morgan:
I dunno,I just don't like him. There's just something about him. Sure he has a great look,good mic skills,fast for a big man,but I just don't think his ring skills are up to scratch.Sure he can punch,kick,elbow and hit his finisher. Who can't. But other than the occasional cross body,I just don't see anything from him special. He can say he's fast and agile for a giant. Well,I'm more impressed by Joe. He's fat aswell. And hernandez. I can see why people like Morgan,I just don't.But I do see him as being high up the card pretty soon.

Hernandez:Now he's my pick for the brightest prospect of the 3.He's incredible.He's strong,agile,strong,quite charismatic,strong,good at psychology. And oh yeah,did I mention he's strong as a fucking ox.The man could manhandle any wrestler on the roster. Noone is strong enough to match him strength wise. His border toss and cracker jack are sickening,and his suicide dive is one of my favourite things of all time. But there are a few things that I don't like recently.

1.No stache.I loved that.

2.Shit music.What was wrong with the LAX music.

3.Shit shorts.I prefered the old jeans type shorts.

4.Did I mention No stache.

Out of these 3,he is my favourite,and the one who I think will get the biggest push out of them all. But only time will tell.
I'm with Boss Jim on this, all three of these guys have a lot of potential to be among the future stars of TNA. However, TNA has to start building up these guys, and the general young stars of TNA, and they have to start doing it now.

Hernandez and Christopher Daniels, while still young-ish, aren't that young At 36 and 37 respectively, they're both at an age where they're staing down both barrels of 40. Don't get me wrong, just because someone hits 40 doesn't mean the end of a promising career in wrestling, but the questions about the wear and tear on their bodies will start to pop up, some will no doubt complain just because of their age and so on and so forth. Wrestling fans can be quite fickle. Which means the build up has to start soon, it looks as though it may have started already with Hernandez.

Matt Morgan, like Hernandez, has a great natural look and build, he's good on the mic and he can put on some entertaining matches. At 32, he has a larger window of opportunity than Daniels and Hernandez, but I think the sooner it starts, the better.
Daniels? No. Definitely not. The other two? Ehh, maybe.

I've made no secret that I'm a big fan of big Hernandez. I've also made no secret that I'm not a big fan of his new "latino pride" gimmick. As it is, it actually looks as if they might be building him for a title push. Personally, I'm gonna really miss LAX Hernandez. That guy was bad ass and I was sure that he was world title material.

Morgan's OK. I was shortly a believer for about a week of seeing him perform live. He got great heel heat, y'know. Then I remembered that he was beating up AJ Styles. Jesus could get heel heat from beating up AJ Styles. The jury's out. He sure looks and talks silly though.

Daniels isn't shit. He's average in the purest sense of the word. If somebody asked me to show them an average cruiserweight, I'd pull out the picture of Christopher Daniels I keep in my wallet for such occasions. Not main event material, says Sam. Particularly after matches with Sting and Kurt Angle showed absolute zero potential.

In fact, I still say he should form KKK (Kookie Kutter Kruiserweights) with Kaz. We'll just have to wait and see.
Daniels: At the age of 37, I think the time for Daniels to be a future star has passed him. With a good part of TNA's main event already being aged, pushing Daniels now would be a waste I would say. Daniels push should have came during his fallen angel gimmick. It was a unique gimmick, worked for him I felt, and his promos were quite good. The idea of some higher being telling him what to do may sound silly, but it worked for Daniels. I felt that's when he was at his best. I could have seen the gimmick having success with the idea of Daniels pinning all the wrongs or rights he does on some being. Maybe not main event caliber, but upper midcarder who can main event for sure.

Hernandez: I'm really not sure what all the hype this guy gets is about. His mic work from what I have heard to date is quite poor, poor mans Homicide on the mic. I'm not really impressed by his in ring work, but i guess his in ring abilities appeal to some apparently. I think the appeal has something to do with speed and strength? Morgan does that better in my eyes. Not a fan of his look either, looks generic to me. Like I said, I have no clue what the appeal in Hernandez is, I in no way see it. So I brand him a waste of time.

Matt Morgan: The future of TNA in my eyes. Morgan to me is the whole package, and someone TNA should really invest some time into. His mic work i find good, not amazing, but good. The way he talks about himself in 3rd person with that tone, you just know the guy is full of himself. You actually feel the guy thinks hes all that, very believable. Actually he might be full of himself outside of TNA also, can't blame him when you look like that. It's why his promos work so well since he can back up all he says just by looking at him. His in ring work i find decent, agile for a big man, but more importantly i like how he already set up some notable signature moves. For example, my favorite is when he throws you to the corner and elbows you without his elbow pads. Simple, and very effective. A good in ring wrestler in my opinion needs some notable signature moves, not just any moves, but as the name says a
signature one. Which i feel Morgan has already done quite well for someone to my knowledge has had little long 15-20 min matches. His look is great. His look itself speaks all that he bills himself to be, and the intensity he brings with his facial expressions are also great. When he walks down that ramp shouting whatever he shouts, I just can't help but get fuckin pumped. So yeah, basically I feel he is a future star that TNA should invest time in.
Christopher Daniels will be 38 this year.
Hernandez is 36.
Matt Morgan will be 33 this year.

I don't know what future you're looking to unless the future is now.

If you push Hernandez and he gets over fast, he can have a few years but I think he needs at least a year of buildup to become a main event guy. He can't just go from being a tag champ to top main event all of the sudden. He's a big guy and can move, so he has that going going for him. I just hope they are not going for the "if we put the title on him everyone who is Mexican will be a fan" angle.

Morgan looks great and he talks okay. There's just something about his promos that don't grab me. He has the look to be main event. If someone can help him with promos of give him a great character he could do well. Right now he's just a little plain. I do like him though. I'd call him a god prospect.

As for Daniels. He's not going to be main event. I think he's too small looking to be main event. He happens to have a thin frame and I think that hurts him. He's also not the youngest guy around. The thing with him is that longtime TNA fans have seen him for years and want to see him get a shot, but I don't think casual or new fans would buy it. He is one of the best wrestlers in TNA, if not all of wrestling, and can actually talk. I also agree that he works best as a hell, a dark heel. The only way I could see him as the champ is if he becomes a "lord of darkness" type of character again with a stable around him similar characters (not Elix Skipper or Senshi) and they help him. I think that could be a great angle, but if nothings happened for him in TNA yet it likely will not.
After tonights episode I can say, it's totally worth pushing Hernandez into the mainevent. He seemed to fit right in, and he's the type of "anti-hero" type character fans can get behind. He has a great look, and since he's working with guys like Angle, hopefully he will get a nice rub from them.

Tonight I saw "Hernandez" not "Hernandez from LAX". Also he's pre-taped interview with Mike Tenay was really good, and showed he can "talk" pretty well too. While he might not be the best at everything, he is someone TNA should invest time, and slowly make into a legit mainevent quality contender.

Christopher Daniels after tonight is a lost cause. Right now, he's in the position he should stay in. X-Division and random feuds. I just don't think there's enough special or unique qualities, and it's been years and he still hasn't progressed, character or wrestling wise like Joe & Styles.

Finally after tonight, I'm torn about Morgan. He has a great "batista" like look to him, and he seems decent enough in the ring and on the mic. He still seems stiff and akward in the ring sometimes, but I guess if guys like Batista can mainevent the WWE, someone like Morgan should be able to *possibly" mainevent TNA someday. Although he's a dud. It doesn't hurt, that he's decent to look at either.
Two of the Three individuals in question are great Athletes for T.N.A. The odd man out, is just a reject from the Alternative promotion that didn't feel he was worth wasting a "stuttering" gimmick on.

Hernandez: Without question, SuperMex is becoming my favorite Superstar to watch in T.N.A. His new look is a bit.. well, much. And this flying body splash that seems to be some type of finisher, is quite the downgrade from the Border-Toss. However, all in all they're finally starting to push Hernandez in the proper direction. That being, Up.

I have high hopes that he'll become the first (would this be true?) Mexican Heavyweight Champion for T.N.A, and I am willing to bet it'll be before the year is out. He had a great showing against Sting, and even made Samoa Joe seem remotely interesting again.

In the end, once he gets more adjusted to his character, and begins to dig deeper into the roots of it, I think he'll be one of the best guys to watch from T.N.A.

Christopher Daniels: A year ago, I begged for him to return and be the Fallen Angel that got me hooked on T.N.A in the first place. Daniels is the only true Original from this group, thats been there almost since the beginning.

At one point in time, he was considered just as good, if not better in some cases, as A.J Styles. He holds a similar style, but can carry his character far better than Styles can. He, (Daniels) also has great mic ability. Or at least used to have.

My biggest problem thats hurting me right now, is Daniels isn't the same guy he was when he was feuding with A.J. back in 2005. He's not the same guy from Triple X, that put him on the map. He's something different, but not better. I'd say he's getting sloppy and stale at this point and once again, that hurts to say.

Daniels is still a main reason why I love watching, but if he doesn't change his current direction soon.. he'll be back in a Yellow costume, dancing to funky music once again just to gain a crowd reaction once more.

Matt Morgan: Is simply, a piece of shit and needs to be flushed. I've commented far more on the subject of Morgan over the course of the past couple of weeks than it truly deserves my time.

Maybe one day I'll come to change my mind. Maybe one day, I'll come to give Morgan a deeper chance. But that day won't be TOday.
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