Help Wanted: I Need At Least Eight New PPV Names ASAP!!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WWE Throwdown
WWE Ballgame
WWE Outta Nowhere
WWE Carpool Lane
WWE Pure Stiking
WWE Fight Forever
WWE SlapDown
WWE SmackUp
WWE Raw vs NXT
WWE High Octane
WWE Biscuits & Gravy
Bring back the UK-only pay-per-views, or as close an approximation as you can in an era when everything ends up on the Network. Buy Earl's Court, save it from demolition, put Rebellion in it. It's time.
Free Beer Tomorrow
Three Pump & Pull
Cross Cuntry Tour
Coat Hangers or Staircases
The "Trump" Card
XCW: F the E (produced by Paul Heyman)
Tyler Perry Presents.......
ScissorSlam: Clam Jam
New Merchandise
Only 9.99
Sinking Ship
Best PPV Of All Time Until The Next One
Piss Break Mania
Old Stars But Totally New Era
WWE Barbed Wire Backfire; ring posts are filled with exploding barbed wire instead of fluff.
WWE Brain Rapture; all competitors wear headphones that broadcast symptoms of exploding head syndrome.
WWE Crisis Logic; relay races are held, winners book their own matches.
WWE Violent Reflux; a microphone is present in the ring, you lose by forgetting your own name.
WWE Hell's Bells; all matches are held in a Hell in a Cell, the entrance ramp is replaced with hot coals.
WWE Big Bang; wrestlers must drop all gimmicks and compete as their normal boring selves.
WWE Loud Noises; entrance themes are recreated by the performers with their beatbox abilities as they walk to the ring.
WWE Heavy Metal; performers must construct nuclear submarines and captain them in a race to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
WWE No Bullets In This Club

WWE See Enzo Run

WWE Swerved Ride Along Camp

WWE This PPV That Totally Reeks Of Awesomeness

WWE Oversaturation

WWE Anothermania
My noun generator contributions:

WWE Capitulation (more like a TNA PPV haha!)
WWE Sombrero
WWE Cemetery (Undertaker's last match?!)
WWE Newspaper
WWE Dwarf (the return of Hornswoggle!)
WWE Prizefight (not bad actually! KO wins the title?!)
WWE Mayonaise

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