Heh, I need to vent off some sorrow.


I don't like to show my emotions to people in real life, so, here goes. My mother has all the major signs of cancer, something the past 3-4 generations of the women in my mothers family has died from, at a very young age. Hopefully they've caught it intime to preform the hysterectomy safely, as its more than likely ovarian cancer, says genes, and symptoms. I'm really scared, and I don't really know how I would deal with dealing with my mothers death, if something bad were to happen. I'm just 15 years old, I tried talking to some of my better friends, and none really know anything, most of you are above the age of 20, and have been through more life problems than I have, your advice on this situation would mean a lot to me, expecially you NorCal.. Anyone have some serious advice?
My mother recently went through a similar situation Milk. She did the surgery close to my current city, so I drove over to see her. Was really worried about her as she had skin cancer before. It was pretty sad, but she has fully recovered now.

Good Luck to her though Milk, cancer is never a good thing to go through for a family. Stay strong for everyone.
My mother recently went through a similar situation Milk. She did the surgery close to my current city, so I drove over to see her. Was really worried about her as she had skin cancer before. It was pretty sad, but she has fully recovered now.

Good Luck to her though Milk, cancer is never a good thing to go through for a family. Stay strong for everyone.[/

This is what I'm scared of...My older sister is fairly emotionally weak, and talks to me about a lot of shit, and our mother is really the quarterstone to her life. They are litterally best friends, I don't know if I can stay strong for her through this one. Shes always my main concern when it comes to crap like this, as I know she can't handle it, but what happens if she can't lean on me, because I can't handle it either. Thanks TM.
Well, I am not very good with words in these situations but hopefully your mother is alright... Detecting it, is the first sign of treating it...
I have some advice, and hopefully it works for you.

Right now, you're going through an extremely difficult time, and I understand, to some extent. I've shared a bit of this before, and I don't exactly know if this is the correct way to do it, but I lost my father at an early age to heart disease. I tried to do everything, and cherish whatever time I had left with my father. Not even because the man was dying, but because I loved him more than anyone else in the world. Without him, I was nothing, and I made an attempt to do everything I could with him before we passed.

I'm originally from the notheast, and he always wanted to go to a Sox game. We did just that. We didn't care about tests, or about sodium intake for that one day. We were just a father and son enjoying the very best we could of the day. My dad toldme it was the happiest day he ever had.

I guess my point is this.... Cherish every moment. Spend as much time with your mother as you can, just because you love the woman. I can see how much she means to you, and it's a scary time, I know this. But make the best of any chance you can. Do all the things you both love together. Go do whatever together. Spend time, and do whatever you can to make her happy. I'll assume that you make her extremely happy as is. You seem like a nice person to me, and I'm sure your mother is proud to have had you. Tell her how much you love her, and spend all the time you can with her. Not because of health; because you love her.
I don't like to show my emotions to people in real life, so, here goes. My mother has all the major signs of cancer, something the past 3-4 generations of the women in my mothers family has died from, at a very young age. Hopefully they've caught it intime to preform the hysterectomy safely, as its more than likely ovarian cancer, says genes, and symptoms. I'm really scared, and I don't really know how I would deal with dealing with my mothers death, if something bad were to happen. I'm just 15 years old, I tried talking to some of my better friends, and none really know anything, most of you are above the age of 20, and have been through more life problems than I have, your advice on this situation would mean a lot to me, expecially you NorCal.. Anyone have some serious advice?

Ok, firstly. This is the year 2009 we live in man. Thats like, almost 2010. The success rates of procedures like this, and in treating cancer in general, are very very high, and far better than ever. So IF she is diagnosed, a big if, then it doesnt MEAN something terrible is gonna happen man.

Second, the good Lord will never give you something he doesnt think you can handle. He will not move the mountain for you, but he will walk beside you the whole way over it. You are not alone bud.

Third. I dont think anything bad will happen. but if it does. Everyone has a time man, everyone. If the Lord feels it necessary to call someone home, then the best thing you can possibly do for them is to make sure their time is as comfortable and happy as possible.

Everything will be ok, lil buddy.
I'm fairly speachless on that one. Thanks Tentzilla, it means a lot. We don't have much in common, but yeah, you're right I need to spend as much time as possible with her. Thanks again, when I can, green rep coming your way for the advice, it means a lot.
Thanks NorCal, knew you'd say something to really help me out, you seem to be really good at these situations. :) I'm going to sig that whole little buddy part, and make you regret it forever.
Brother, ain't no need to worry, man. I feel you, and if there's anything I can do, I'm there.

Plus, NorCal hit the nail on the head. He's exactly right with he said. Medicine is such a great thing now, and the time we're in, doctors are as good as they'll ever be. Please, keep strong man
heh, yeah. Its just I've seen what a bunch of the elders, my papaw, and my grandmom have gone through, the radiation is tough, and honestly, my mother saw my grandmom every step of the way during her cancerous stages, and if shes diagnosed with cancer, I've heard her say many times, she'll be taking no radiation treatments for it. If the hysterectomy doesn't work, I can't see her doing much to try and stop it.
If you do find it, and its anything to do with Sparky, and TM being my illigitimate parents, then yeah it was a joke. :\\

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