heel triple-h or dx triple-h?

You could specify your answers more.

And as for the question.. I like both honestly.. Heel because that was his persona.. Played an amazing heel, entertaining, always came out on top.. And Face because I find him hillarious.. I would like to see how he works as a face with his singles carear tho. I know he was a face before.. Nobody needs to tell me that. But it was only brief.
I think Triple H is better when he is in DX because I like watching the way Shawn Michaels and Triple H always give some sort of crisis to Vince Mcmahon!!!!
heel hhh....wore the fancy suits rolled around lookin high class....played as a heel AMAZING its as if its natural for the man....
I prefer Triple H face hes much more entertaining, im not sure if its just me but I got bored of his heel promos, "I am the game-ah" got boring for me.
Xtreme Impact said:
I prefer Triple H face hes much more entertaining, im not sure if its just me but I got bored of his heel promos, "I am the game-ah" got boring for me.

No, it's not just you. Triple H is a lot more entertaining as a face, I think.
Xtreme Impact said:
I prefer Triple H face hes much more entertaining, im not sure if its just me but I got bored of his heel promos, "I am the game-ah" got boring for me.

No, it's not just you. Triple H is a lot more entertaining as a face, I think. Game Over!
Wow.. thats inspired..

The Heel Triple H was the best heel in the industry at the time, and can measure up to some of the best of all time.

The face Triple H is entertaining, but we havent seen him have a challenge yet.

Ill stick with the Heel, until he gets some credibility as a Singles Face.
I actually don't know. That's a good question. Pretty hard to decide.
I much prefer heel Triple H. I think Face Triple H is a bit of a pansy, after seeing the absolutely outstanding heel performances against John Cena earlier in the year, When he went face with DX the character got a hell of a lot softer, which I really hate because they had a fantastic thing going With the King of Kings Triple H persona, it was the best thing they had done in ages.

He could have elevated the company a little bit if the kept him heel, but I think they ruined it by turning him face, he lost all of that great momentum he had going when he was the King of Kings, now he just seems like a big wuss, it's terrible. For me, he was much more entertaining as a heel, the sharp, quick witted & hiliarious one liners, he knew he was the best. The arrogance & over-confidence, the ****yness, the way he moved, they way he walked, his whole body language, as soon as you saw him you knew that he was the f'ing man! He knew he was the best & so did you. He was so f'ing cool!!!

Triple H was the best, I was going to buy a King of Kings shirt, but then he went face with DX & it really put me off him, & I have never got that shirt because of it. I would have been proud to wear that shirt.

It just doesn't seem as believable that he could kick anyone's ass anymore now that he's a face. Bring back the King of Kings because he WOULD kick anyone's ass & you would seriously believe it!

Triple H is at his best when he's Heel, He seems too watered down & seems a bit uncomfortable & held back by being face. You can see it in his expression, he just wants to burst out, he wants to lower his voice & get us all with his heelish wit & smart King of Kings persona. But he has to restrain himself & you can see it on his face, he's too restricted & It makes such uncomfortable viewing for me when I look back on what he did as a heel, it just doesn't feel right, something just doesn't quite click with face Triple H, something is lacking. It's just bad, It's a real shame that they're wasting all that talent, they've replaced a World Class Heel with an painfully Mediocore face who does stupid jokes for kids.

You know, it's like on Ghostbusters 2 when Ray & Winston are forced to do kids parties at the beggining of the film because no-one cared about the Ghostbusters anymore. It's a step down.

I can't wait for the return of the King of Kings!!!

Right that's it, I've vented my frustration. I'm really glad you started this thread Aron, thankyou. I've finally been able to get that off my chest, that's been bugging the s*** out of me for ages, good topic, thanks alot.

It's time to play The Game!!!
he is definitely better as a heel and is one of those few superstars that makes being a badass cool like taker(biker gimmick) and austin
Both he does them really well
Heel he talks a lot of bull :shit: and does it well
dx he's the fan fav and makes good comebacks
about 1999 (ex corporate ministry) Triple H is my favourite...

when they actually made him someone u loved to hate (i still remember the casket match on Raw when Taker beat Rock and HHH came out with a sledgehammer and beat the livinig shit out of the casket, wtih Rock inside).
I like Triple H as a heel better because it's no longer entertaining to watch a man in his mid 30's pulling off juvenile pranks. When he was a heel, he actually looked intimidating and his gimmick complemented his look. We all know that Triple H is never truly a heel anyways, he always has his supporters. I'm kind of fed up with DX (already)
I like Triple H as a heel better because it's no longer entertaining to watch a man in his mid 30's pulling off juvenile pranks. When he was a heel, he actually looked intimidating and his gimmick complemented his look. We all know that Triple H is never truly a heel anyways, he always has his supporters. I'm kind of fed up with DX (already)
I liked both too, heel more, but i would like to see him in singles action as a face, but do you think, that as hes in dx, if, the champion is Ric Flair or someone else thats a face that is very loved by fans maybe like the undertaker, do you think that the fans would boo him or cheer him? i would like to see flair the wwe champ one more time, and see the dx triple go after it, do you think that since triple h was more heel than flair was, the fans would reflect back on evolution and maybe boo HHH?
D-Generation X, Face Triple H. I like him way better than a Face, I hated it at WrestleMania when he was Heel and going after the Title.
Well HHH is amazing both ways...but the main reason for this angle should have been for the NWO angle, HHH was at his best in 2000 (heel) vs rock

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