Heel announcer wanted in TNA

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well I've IMO good idea about the next announcer even for a short period of time and that person is speacial but I'm actually not sure for the mic skills and that kind of ironic but the person is Dixie carter!, IMO this would be not bad idea, I would like to see dixie as the 3rd announcer on the table with Done and Tenay or with Tanay and another one, I mean why not? make her a heel or even top heel or even a babyface turning after that to be heel, and I believe when the time is right she will involve in the ring action just like what happened to vince mcmahon when he was calling matches and then he gets involved in big way, I think the world must see the president and the world must know who's the number one really in TNA I mean I believe if she appears on TV a lot of storylines will come to the mind of the managment, I know she maybe doesn't know that much of wrestling, and maybe she is not the perfect choice to be announcer but it will create some thing, however I think really TNA must get rid of Done West he is screaming so much.
i got 3 words, what about raven? The man is amazing as far as pshycology goes in the ring and on the mic. He can make you believe the face is the greatest man in the world or the heel is the equivlant of the guy running around kicking puppies and beating on children.

Okay that was a bad refrence but seriously, id take ravens commentary over mitchells....assuming raven can mold his character into an announcer. But the guys so damn smart, if anyone could it would be raven
Agree with this entirely. If Mesias returns, I'd love to see him attack and injure Don West in a frenzy, sending him off TV for a few months and giving James Mitchell an excuse to commentate, I'd love to hear him argue with Mike Tenay. Or they could just put him on asap to argue seeing as he has nothing to do right now, make it a three way if they couldn't bear to let useless talent go.

Kill the scripts also for gods sake. Mike Tenay is decent and I've heard Don West outside of commentary, his voice isn't actually as crooked in real life. I mean I'd love to hear some cool interesting facts and funny comments rather than ''Rellik is killer spelt backwards'' every week and saying the same thing about Robert Roode punching Sharmell, this is professional wrestling, women get hit, it's hardly a subject to talk about at all three months later. I guess the main people to blame are the storyline writers.

In conclusion, thumbs up for Mitchell as a commentator
Be4 any of that both announcers suck!!!Mike Tenay he sucks in wcw n this lil league wrestling.The whole wrestlingsucks they bad mouth wwf(yall say e)but copies what they do!!Copy Stone Cold to a jobber wearing a fuckin fish suit!I dont give a fuck theirs only 1 Macho Man n the black guy aint.His name is Lethal whats Lethal about a skinny guy like him wit no talikn skills n the tryin to have a Elizabeth wit that ugly big fore heaede bitch!What about the guy skinny guy (he bigger than me) wit Scotty,(slick ass move cant lie)he tryin to be Luger when he was the Narcissit.New Age looks like Old Age.Rhyno i mean Rhino(ren no) suck in ECW,WWF has no talent.Gore,gore,gore tha guy biting King when he say that i mean stole that!Tell Kurt to quit bitchin about how he was gettin fuck in wwf who cares he like it steroid boy!The announcer tryin to be a Kevin Kelly rip off the one wit Kurt group!Christian mid carder ass a main eventer n former champ please!!Kurt my boy but stop bitchin we all know u got kiss ass in wwf which he was doing til he aint wanna travel?Its funny how tna tapes every two weeks in same arena wit 500 peeps now that bullshit!!He now should done that to people who was fuckin u like vince micheal n paul not internet people!AJ a fake ass RVD!Where my boy old as Sting?Wear a wig i hate seein that bald spot(like wwwf now do wit OLD BREAK KID they cover his bald spot up good).To ya topic they got a announcer Cornette n get Schavoni!Jeff no talent Jarret a cheap bastard!Im a tna hater n wwf hater so u cant say his on wwf dick!!Tna is the old ECW n WCW what that do?Went outter business tna i mean Nwa or whatever they call it will be out by 2009 mark my words spendin money on old wwf fuck up talent its a matter of timewe all know!!Vince is the man in wrestling!
How old are you bro about seven becuase you type like it and your veiws on shit are the most WRONG ive ever heard but thats a WWE mark for you.

Shark boy-It pains me to do this but i agree he is shit.

Black Machismo-AS far as wrestling goes this dude could wreslte macho out of his boots. about his gimmick it was his damn savoir you think he would of got over without it? NO. You think he would get time to showcase his great wrestling abilty without? NO. Even Macho man likes the gimmick but i know how you wwe fans are its not even about the wrestling at all its all about the gimmicks.(and anyway val is alot hotter then elizabeth)

Christain-He got treated like shit in WWE he comes to TNA proves himself to be a damn good wreslter and mic man and they give him a deserving push and you diss on him and the company for that.Sounds like a typical WWE mark to me

Aj Styles-This has to be the most riducolus statement on there. How many times you see AJ doing karate kicks not side kicks or pele's i mean karate shit like RVD. To hard for you? What about this one how many times have you seen Aj get hardcore, bloody, and use chairs and tables and shit like Rvd lket me guess never. There technique is different Ajs more technical then RVD but unlike you i can admit they both kick ass.

Vince-I know he revolutionized wrestling but as far as he goes hes not that great i mean i love his on screen charcter but i hate his angles for every good angle he has,he has a couple shitty ones to.Good one Austin Vs Vince. Bad ones. Vince vs lashley,Exploding Limosoine,Hornswoggles dad, i could go on but my stomach would problay get sick thinking about how bad vince as the creative team is.
I like the idea of using Raven. However, Raven posted in his most recent column here on Wrestlezone that he is finished with TNA. He said that he was going to spend time working on his wrestling academy and selling some personal items on Ebay. From the way that his column sounded, I wouldn't think that he would come back to TNA for an announcer's position. However, if the price is right - anything could happen. I just don't see TNA putting out a price to attract Raven back to them. They wouldn't pay Judas Mesias what he was worth and let him walk out the door on them...so, I doubt that they would offer anything lucrative to attract Raven to the announce table. From the way Raven's column sounded, they let Raven walk out the door on them with a pissy monetary offer that was not worth his time either. I think Raven would be interesting as an announcer since he is very intelligent, knows the business and is a heel. He is a good choice to bring to the table. Someone that I spoke to in person about this topic even suggested Glenn Gilberti aka Disco Inferno. He is intelligent, well-spoken and everyone loves to hate him. I see Gilberti as a future Don West replacement with my original choice of James Mitchell as the heel announcer. As for James Mitchell's voice not being clear enough, I have listened to his promos and interviews online, in person at live tapings, ppvs, shows and on television. His voice is scratchy and rough like sandpaper - heel like - but I think it is clear enough to understand. His voice is dramatic sounding. He doesn't sound scripted and monotone when he speaks - even when he is scripted in a promo. The current announcers sound like they are reading a book to me. When he speaks, James Mitchell is intelligent and uses proper grammar and an advanced vocabulary. He works well with the fans in the Impact Zone studio and has his own established fan base. He has mannerisms that are interesting with his eyes and hands. He keeps you wanting to know more - even when the script in front of him lacks substance. He has an announcer's look to him since he is always dressed professionally on camera. He has been in the business and with TNA long enough to know how to sell the wrestlers, which wrestlers to sell and how to sell the TNA promotion and product properly. I have never heard or read about Mitchell making any statement online, in interviews or on television that was negative about TNA or how their business is run so, I can presume that he is a "company man" despite his heel character. Since he is currently on the roster and off the air, I think he would be the easiest person to transitition into the heel announcer position. TNA couldn't offend him with a pissy monetary offer - like they did with Mesias and Raven - or could they? I like all the suggestions that everyone has made on this topic. This post would be my "bullet points" to TNA human resources if I was asked to "sell" James Mitchell for the heel announcer's position.
this goes back to something I have been saying about wrestling for the past few years....wrestling needs to reinvent itself, and in this case, just like the rest, it needs to be with someone new and not just take angles and idea that have worked in the past. A heel announcer in TNA, perhaps, just because they have 2 babyfaces out there that couldn't sell a glass of water to someone in the desert. Maybe not even a heel, but a paul heyman style announcer
I think both announcers need to go. Don West is brutal and Mike Tenay always brings back memories of that dreadful show WCW Thunder. I think Jeremy Borash should take over as the play-by-play guy. He gives TNA an original sound because he was made famous for being in TNA. They should have a former wrestler who is good on the mic be color commentator. I think Jeff Jarrett could do well as the color commentator who usually backs the heels. He could also get in the wrestlers faces at times if needed. Other ideas would be Kevin Nash or B.G. James because they look to be nearing the end of their wrestling careers.
A new announcer for TNA...hmmm the possibilities. Now a great heel announcer for TNA would be Paul Haymen, I personally think Haymen and Tenay together could be great with Haymenas the heel because they would clash about everything. But a guy who should be working for TNA and i do not know why he is not is Joey Styles. The man is a great play by play announcer and would fit TNA beautifully because he calls a match how it should be called but WWE wants him to story tell instead of doing what he's good at...I wish that promo he had on raw before they started WWECW wled to something...like him going to TNA and calling the moves better then the so called "Professor" does.
I thought they really missed the ball when they had Shane Douglas under contract. The guy's always been pretty good on the mic and he could've been a good heelish color guy. I think he did some color commentary in ECW way back when and I recall it being decent at the very least. Which is more than I can say for Don West, anything is an improvement on him and his horrible voice.
To be honest, I'm not sure if wrestling really has heel announcers anymore. Alot of the people who say that the of Jerry The King Lawler and Jim Ross are a good heel/face team really haven't been watching wrestling since The King returned to the WWE. If anything, The King is a face as he usually agrees with Ross and even gets in the ring with alot of the up and coming heel wrestlers.

Now I will admit that Don West needs to improve dramatically. He has the position. He has the distinctive voice. And he has a good set up man. If utilized correctly, this team could be better than the WWE announcing team that just seems to sit there and say "wow" and "what a move" while miscalling every signature move that wrestlers work hard to pull off. But before he can truly be looked at objectionably, people need to stop comparing this team to the team that Lawler and Ross USED to be, because they aren't that good anymore.
I read the spoilers for the tapings in the Impact Zone for the 6/19 show. I hope that Frank Trigg's interference in the AJ Styles match is not a sign that he is going to become the heel announcer in TNA. That would be a huge mistake. He is not interesting enough to attract new viewers. He is boring and monotone. He isn't interesting enough to the eye to make a channel surfing viewer stop and look. He does not have a pro wrestling fan base. How can he bring new viewers to the show or bring back old viewers who gave up on the product (like myself)? I would rather spray a whole can of Pam cooking spray on my hot Hulk Hogan endorsed electric grill than listen or watch Frank Trigg on TNA. Here is another example of TNA hiring someone's friend or someone that they admire rather than hiring a person that is qualified to do the job. Don West knows more about pro wrestling than Trigg does. I hope that this incident is not the first step in creating Trigg as a heel announcer. Trigg won't bring me back to the Impact Zone tapings. Trigg won't get me to watch the shows or add Impact back to a series taping on my DVR. I often wondered if Adamle in WWE was a spoof of the poor announcing in TNA?
I don't even listen to TNA's announce team when the show is on. I just tune them out. Listening to Mike Tenay reminds me too much of watching WCW Thunder. (the B show) Don West on the other hand sounds like he is a bloody cough away from losing his voice all together.

Anyway.. on the heel announcer. Yes! They should bring in a full time heel announcer and my pick would be Ernest "The Cat" Miller.

In a perfect world the team would be Tony Schivone and Ernest Miller. Or Joey Styles by himself.

Frank Trigg is doing ok in his short trips to the announce table. Even if he is only Kurt Angles cheerleader.
I read the spoilers for the tapings in the Impact Zone for the 6/19 show. I hope that Frank Trigg's interference in the AJ Styles match is not a sign that he is going to become the heel announcer in TNA. That would be a huge mistake. He is not interesting enough to attract new viewers. He is boring and monotone. He isn't interesting enough to the eye to make a channel surfing viewer stop and look. He does not have a pro wrestling fan base. How can he bring new viewers to the show or bring back old viewers who gave up on the product (like myself)? I would rather spray a whole can of Pam cooking spray on my hot Hulk Hogan endorsed electric grill than listen or watch Frank Trigg on TNA. Here is another example of TNA hiring someone's friend or someone that they admire rather than hiring a person that is qualified to do the job. Don West knows more about pro wrestling than Trigg does. I hope that this incident is not the first step in creating Trigg as a heel announcer. Trigg won't bring me back to the Impact Zone tapings. Trigg won't get me to watch the shows or add Impact back to a series taping on my DVR. I often wondered if Adamle in WWE was a spoof of the poor announcing in TNA?

You wonder if Adamle is a spoof of TNA's announcing? Are you friggin kidding me? Adamle was a spoof of himself, a spoof that went nowhere, much like many of Vince's ideas. Hey Vinnie Mac, how is that million dollar give-a-way going? Man it's really drawing in the fans isn't it!

Seriously Adamle is worse than Tenay or West ever dreamed of. I mean I hate Don West and Mike Tenay, they are the worst part of the broadcast but you really think Adamle was a spoof of TNA's announce crew. MY GOD that is truly the words of either a very bitter TNA fan or a complete and utter WWE mark.

Adamle was given a job he should have never had. Adamle was given a paycheck he should have never had. When Vince decided that he couldn't keep paying this guy for doing nothing, they decide to take Joey Styles.....the greatest play by play guy in the history of the business.....and put him on the WWE's website, giving Adamle his spot. Vince did this to once and for all kill what little original spirit the new ECW had. Why? Because Vince is a fucking moron that has lost touch with what the true wrestling fan wants.

Adamle was and is a spoof on himself or I guess he is a spoof of himself still. Honestly I quit watching ECW when RVD left and could care less about the show.

Now as far as Trigg on TNA's announce crew, I think it's better than nothing, which is what we have right now. Trigg is genuinely hated by the TNA fan and I think he is mediocre but at least he would bring a heel atmosphere to the announce table and give Tenay and West someone to argue with. I mean he'll do for now.

In a perfect world I would love to see Ernest "the Cat" Miller and Joey Styles doing play-by-play. Actually I would love to have Joey Styles and Bobby "the Brain" Heenan doing play by play bless his heart.....if he was in a capacity to do so. These guys were by far my two favorite announcers of all time. But realistically I could see a guy like Cyrus or Syrus, can't remember how it was spelled, from the old ECW doing commentary in TNA. I don't know what he's doing now but he would be a great heel announcer to bring in.
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