Heel and Face


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I don't think i am alone when i say the ME on raw is borning. It has just been done to many times. But i think it can be fixed. I think raw needs a big shake up. Heels and faces should change. Here are some ideas

HHH/HBK DX started as a heel stable and i think it should end that way. Shawn and hunter need to stick out there chests talk about what they have done and just be assholes. I think it would be more entertaning than them as faces.

Randy Orton Now i didn't Get to see his face run in 2004 so i don't relly know but Orton might be able to pull off Rock style Face. Even if it aint that good at least it would be new. I would like to here what you think about Ortons as a face and what you thought about his old face run.

Jericshow I think Y2J and big show should go face without looseing Tag team Belts. Y2J is good eather way but he is better as a Face. Big Show is alfull as a Heel and good as a face. The only reason he is a Heel is so He can loose over and over to Faces. Like david vrs. Golith. But that storyline is over 2000 years old. and Mike Knox and kane can carry the roll.

MvpHe is doing a hole lot of nothing on Raw as a face. His first show on RAW it looked like they where going to use him. Sence then he lost his U.S. Belt to that joke Koffy Kinston:wtf: without a real fude and besides his scuffels with swagger done nothing. On Smackdown he was one of my faverite guys as a Heel. and he is better than you.

:worship:Jack Swagger I have nothing aginst Swagger as a heel but with my changes we need more Faces. Swagger will be a big star and most lickly be a Heel most of his Carrer but i think WWE should give him a face run to see how he does and get him some little kid fans. I really do think he is a future hall of famer and his lisp is not that bad.:worship:

John Cena:confused: I would like to see him as a heel but it might not work good. WWE put a micky mouse image on him and i don;t think he will switch for years so he is a MABY.:confused:

So this is my thred. i am curious to see your ideas on these guys or people i forgot. if you like this thread hook me up with good rep i need it.
Sorry about the spelling.
Essentially you want all the faces to be heels and heels to be faces?

HHH and HBK would probably get cheered still even if they turned heel. Though both of them tend to act heelish (HHH more) at times anyway
Orton, as a face now? No
Jericho is a pro heel, Big Show sucks either way
MVP isn't a main eventer on Raw. If you aren't Cena/HHH/HBK/Orton/Batista on Raw you are nobody
Swagger, same as MVP
Cena, all Cena needs to do is loose the Superness against everyone besides HHH/HBK/Taker etc. (Though thats for another topic)
DX- will go tweeners at most and they will never be booed as heels because they bring back the nastalgia of the attitude era and what not and in order for them to be booed they have to lose their comedy which would defeat the entire purpose of DX.
JeriShow- How could you turn them face whhile making sense so suddenly
Randy- I'd rather have good then ok and new
Swagger- perfect as heel and to soon to change his face and heel
Cena- same as randy
MVP- I don't really care hes one fo the few wrestlers who is equally good at being heel as he is at being face.
well i agree totally with Cena, i loved it when he had the rapper gimmick...he needs to start combining that with the hatred that he showed the other week
I don't think i am alone when i say the ME on raw is borning.

I enjoy the main event. It was the only entertaining part of RAW this past Monday.

It has just been done to many times.

The fueds all make sense, and they're mostly done with long enough breaks, that we've not seen the fueds in a while.

But i think it can be fixed.

I assume you're going to tell us.

I think raw needs a big shake up.

What would that do to anyone? That could cause some serious injurys. Thats wouldn't be good, now would it?

Heels and faces should change.

Oh, I thought you meant literrally, picked up, and shaken. My bad.

HHH/HBK DX started as a heel stable and i think it should end that way.

Having HBK, and Triple H, two of the biggest babyfaces in the company turn heel? Wheres the logic in that?

Shawn and hunter need to stick out there chests talk about what they have done and just be assholes.

Because it tottally makes sense for 40 year old men to pick on 30 year old men, and actually proclaim to do more. Shawn and Triple H can adress the disrespect factor, while staying face.

I think it would be more entertaning than them as faces.

The croud wouldn't go for it. Neither would Vince. People still buy DX shirts, and DX glow sticks to this day. I assume they send merch sells up HUGELY everytime they make an appearance. Once they start to go down, we get a "reunion"

Randy Orton Now i didn't Get to see his face run in 2004 so i don't relly know but Orton might be able to pull off Rock style Face.

People love to hate Randy Orton. Simple as that.

Even if it aint that good at least it would be new.

Why take the chance, to take your best heel, and possibly turn him into a mediocre face?

I would like to here what you think about Ortons as a face and what you thought about his old face run.

I wouldn't. His last run was terrible, and you see where it got him. He had to build up heat another 3 years, before being taken seriously again.

Jericshow I think Y2J and big show should go face without looseing Tag team Belts.

No, they should stay tweeners like they are.

Y2J is good eather way but he is better as a Face.

Incorrect, Y2J's best work in history was done as a heel. He just has that ******** personallity.

Big Show is alfull as a Heel and good as a face.

...Big Show, aweful? You lie.

The only reason he is a Heel is so He can loose over and over to Faces.

Big Show dominates almost every match he is in. When people like John Cena overcome the odds, and defeat him. Its good business.

Like david vrs. Golith. But that storyline is over 2000 years old. and Mike Knox and kane can carry the roll.

Knox and Kane are on SmackDown. It does good for each brand to have one big guy, for matches like this.


Sigh, the guy never posted Part 2, but this match makes a fine example of what I'm getting at. Big Show can absorb as much punishment as the other guys combined, and still come out looking strong after the match. Thats basically why a big guy is needed.

MvpHe is doing a hole lot of nothing on Raw as a face. His first show on RAW it looked like they where going to use him. Sence then he lost his U.S. Belt to that joke Koffy Kinston:wtf: without a real fude and besides his scuffels with swagger done nothing. On Smackdown he was one of my faverite guys as a Heel. and he is better than you.


:worship:Jack Swagger I have nothing aginst Swagger as a heel but with my changes we need more Faces.

Swagger played a good heel, but I could see him playing a great face.

Swagger will be a big star and most lickly be a Heel most of his Carrer but i think WWE should give him a face run to see how he does and get him some little kid fans.

Not at this moment, he needs to keep on the heel track, until 2010-2011. People seriously have the attention span of ADD kidds, because of watching seseme street, and playing to many video games. Give shit some time, please.

John Cena:confused: I would like to see him as a heel but it might not work good. WWE put a micky mouse image on him and i don;t think he will switch for years so he is a MABY.:confused:

Just like DX, John Cena draws, and sells so much merchandise, it just wouldn't make any logical sense for the WWE to do this. After the Hogan heel turn effect wore off, it'd get boring, quick.

So this is my thred. i am curious to see your ideas on these guys or people i forgot. if you like this thread hook me up with good rep i need it.

Never ask for rep. If people deam it worthy, then you'll get it. Its not like it matters anyways.

Sorry about the spelling.

Heh, its cool man. I used to be the same exact way. You've got some good ideas here, but its probably best you get yourself an ABC check, I still need one myself.
Ok. This is getting really tiring. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH RAW!!!! This is a time, or era if you will, where the WWE is developing new stars to replace the previous stars of the previous era. Austin, Rock, Bret Hart, Goldberg, Hogan, etc. are all gone!!! Gone for good, never to comeback in any sort of wrestling capacity. No one on these forums is old enough to remember the last time WWF/E was like this. WWF/E went through a similar period of transition in 1993-94 when Hulkamania was dying, the Ultimate Warrior was long gone, Macho Man's best days in WWF/E were way behind him, and gimmicky characters were growing stale and intolerable.

At this time, Bret Hart and Yokozuna were carrying the torch of the New Generation and new characters were being developed like a cocky young heel named Shawn Michaels, an arrogant tweener named Razor Ramon, a monster bodyguard named Diesel, etc. These characters eventually took over the reigns from the aging and, more importantly, departing stars of the late 1980's. This led to the further development of even more young characters in the mid card like "The Ringmaster" Steve Austin, Rocky Maivia, and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Then WWF/E was forced to compete HEAD TO HEAD with WCW for ratings. This is why the Attitude Era is always going to be the greatest era of wrestling.

Raw is currently in one of those in between stages where in order to carry the torch of guys like HHH, Batista, HBK, new guys have to be developed. I will admit the writing has been stale and quite uncreative, but the Superstars are developing and we need to be patient. WWE will never compete head to head with another company in the near future, or possibly ever again, so the edginess we all loved 10-12 years ago will never be present again. What you're seeing now is the upward turn to the Main Event for a roster filled with midcard talent. Without moving through the midcard, you can't be in the Main Event.

Also, Cena as a heel won't work. He doesn't possess the ability to be hateful enough to have the kids turn on him. Heels have to have a screw loose, something that bothers them so much that they take it out on the crowd verbally or on another Superstar via physical, unprovoked assault. Cena is a guy who doesn't cower from a challenge and is too "in your face" to ever be a successful heel.
Ok so no one agrees with me about this. But i don't think is is verry good to see the same fore or five guys fighting over the wwe title.i am bord with it. I still think they sould do somthing. allthou i don't know what.
Ok so no one agrees with me about this. But i don't think is is verry good to see the same fore or five guys fighting over the wwe title.i am bord with it. I still think they sould do somthing. allthou i don't know what.

Well you could try a spellchecker. People want to see Cena fighting for the title. Hell,i I want to see it. So that's what the fans get. I know personally I'd be bored as hell if MVP vs Orton faced each other at Summerslam. I won't bother quoting and commenting every single sentence because Milkyway! has already done it for me. Thanks Milk.

If you don't like who is main eventing, try watching Smackdown! Great show. Oh and ECW, William Regal in the main event. Pretty fresh right?

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