He Blew It!


#Evil Empire
In the movie Copland Robert De Niro gives Sylvester Stallone the oppertunity to come forward against some crooked cops, Stallone passes. So Sly wises up to what's going on around him, he goes to police headquarters and speaks to De Niro, but it's too late case is closed. And De Niro tells him " I gave you a chance AND YA BLEW IT"

So those two scenes brings me to the latest comments by Sting heres an excerpt.

"I'm not going to lie to you -- who wouldn't want to say that they did 'Wrestlemania' at least one time?" Borden said Tuesday in a telephone interview. "It's the ultimate event in wrestling. It's still in the back of my mind that there's a chance of it happening someday, somehow. I think time may have run out completely now, but who knows?

"The timing couldn't have been better (to work 'Wrestlemania'), but I'm glad it turned out the way it did."

So Sting decides to tell the world one minute that it was because of how WCW guys were "buried" that's why he would not do a program with Undertaker. It's the last line that kills me."The timing couldn't have been better (to work 'Wrestlemania'), but I'm glad it turned out the way it did."

So which way is it Sting you wanted to do Mania but you didn't wanna be "buried" but your glad it turned out the way it did knowing you would have made it better.

My questions to you is
Are You Tired Of Being Played By Sting?
Do you now regret even wishing that Sting faced Taker at Mania?
Or are you just tired of hearing about Sting joining the WWE so Fuck Him he can stay in TNA and have 1:28 PPV Main Event Matches

My answer is all 3. Cry me a river Sting you had your chance to join the BIg Boys at the biggest event in the business and your presence could have made the event much better but you decided to whine about the past while forgetting Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero,Booker T ( 5 time WCW champ) were not "buried" they're careers be came better your legacy would have been better. So stay in TNA.

But to me your still one of the greats.
I'm going to guess that you have never, ever had a second thought about anything you've ever done? And that you've never given justification for your actions which, upon time and reflection, you realize might not cover the entirety of your feelings?

Jesus Christ, he's HUMAN. He made a choice, and while he's happy with the choice he made, he still, like anyone else on the planet, wonders about what could have been.
I'm going to guess that you have never, ever had a second thought about anything you've ever done? And that you've never given justification for your actions which, upon time and reflection, you realize might not cover the entirety of your feelings?

Jesus Christ, he's HUMAN. He made a choice, and while he's happy with the choice he made, he still, like anyone else on the planet, wonders about what could have been.

If you mean for years tell people some bullshit then when that opportunity comes knocking again again and again but I'm sticking by my convictions because WWE is not what i would like my family to watch, but when said company goes full "PG" then it's no nah man I don't wanna be "buried" then the worse non scripted event in wrestling history happens now your gonna change your tune the sorry man no I honestly can't say I have.
Well, duh, obviously. You haven't been in the professional wrestling company for years, so you never would have gotten that opportunity or chance. So you'd have no idea what you are talking about and no basis for comparison for this decision.
I admire Sting, he's had the courage of his convictions his entire career to stay with one company and not let money or public pressure force him to the E.

John Cena's credo is 'Hustle, Loyalty, Respect' - Borden still shows great 'Hustle', his in-ring ability has lessened but he still outshines many younger guys in both the TNA and WWe rosters and his match with Hardy when he won the TNA belt on iMPACT was very well worked (something that couldn't be said of the ladder match between Hardy & Anderson). As far as 'Loyalty' is concerned, Sting was the reason behind TNA's deal with Spike and they have been very good to him - as such he is the personification of 'Loyalty' to them because he has 'Respect' for how they have treated them.

I'm bloody sick of people pissing on Sting's legacy because he is being a stand up guy to a company who have a mutually beneficial arrangement with the Icon. You want to vent your spleen on someone, why not go for Kevin Nash who was treated as well as Sting by TNA and yet he couldn't wait to take pot shots once the E came calling (and his attempt to return to the Diesel jet black look is the most ridiculous thing I've seen this long and many a day:lmao:).
Well, duh, obviously. You haven't been in the professional wrestling company for years, so you never would have gotten that opportunity or chance. So you'd have no idea what you are talking about and no basis for comparison for this decision.

So if I'm not a pro wrestler I don't Know what I'm talking about. Please wake up I don't bullshit people around I'm living my opportunity because I didn't bullshit people around. Opportunity was given to me that others WANTED I didn't pass it up then when the shit hits the fan sound like a dope. Like pro wrestlers I'm not home for over half the year but that's besides the point. If Vince McMahon walked up to me right now and said "Hey you put these tights on I need you for a dark match" I'll be stupid if I said no I don't like your product knowing how many people crave to be apart of a dark match let alone Wrestlemania Oh sorry Vince Your gonna bury me. I'm sorry Friendo but I live on Planet Earth
"The timing couldn't have been better (to work 'Wrestlemania'), but I'm glad it turned out the way it did."

I wonder exactly what he meant by that? Is he referring to a match with the Undertaker? What else could he have been referring to?

The thing is, time certainly is running out, especially given the notion that Sting might still want to do WM someday. After all, if he's signed a 2-year contract with TNA, he'll be 54 when it expires, yet he's talking like a man who has years of active ring participation left to him.

In addition to all that, he surely could have gotten more money from WWE than he's earning now. At his advanced age and with retirement looming, you would think a performer would want to sock away as much as he can, while he can.

It turned me off when he said that 'Taker vs Sting is a match the fans would want to see. Well, if they want to see it, why didn't you give it to them? Instead, we got to see Sting vs. Jeff Hardy. Meh.

Maybe Sting did blow it, after all.
Are You Tired Of Being Played By Sting?

I personally don't think Sting is playing anybody. It's not like he has teased going to WWE before. His answer on the subject has always remained the same (specifically, No) although the reasons have changed a bit over time (getting buried, brand loyalty, etc.) Who's really to say that all these "reasons" for turning down the E can't happily co-exist? They aren't mutually exclusive.

Do you now regret even wishing that Sting faced Taker at Mania?

The only time I thought that Sting might have a chance to go to WWE was that first promo where nearly everybody speculated that what turned out to be Undertakers return on RAW was actually Stings debut. That was a product of WWE creative though and not Sting himself, so no I don't blame him.

When I really consider the matter objectively, Sting vs. Undertaker would've certainly been good for WWE, but not so much for Sting. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he would've got "buried" in that match, as there is no way Vince would've let Sting be the guy to end the streak. After taking a loss to Taker at the biggest event of the year, where does Sting go? He's 54 and either can't (or won't) work a full WWE schedule... other than possibly a HOF induction, he is probably of little use to Vince.

Or are you just tired of hearing about Sting joining the WWE...

As long as Sting is actively competing in some capacity, the rumor of him going to WWE will always exist. I'm sure Vince would love to cash in on Sting at least once... probably at a Wrestlemania and probably against a top, yet aging star (Undertaker, HHH, Rock, etc.) Sting also remains one of the biggest stars to have never graced a WWF/E ring. For those reasons alone "Sting going to WWE" will always be on the minds of the WWE fanbase at large.

It's just one of those things that until it happens (or until Sting legitimately retires), the idea will continually be brought up, discussed, and speculated upon by fans... just like it's being done here.
I was never a Sting fan because I didn't watch WCW like that to really care about any of their wrestlers outside of Harlem Heat and The Outsiders, so it doesn't matter to me what the hell he does. I think he shouldn't face Taker at Mania because I don't see it being that interesting. At least the story for H/Taker made some sort of sense (although it was horrible and was just I don't have shit to do and you don't either) but what would the story be? Sting just wants a shot at the record? Sting wants to face Undertaker just because? I mean, honestly, I don't see Sting staying in WWE even if he competed at Mania so I don't see the reason why he should. He's good where he is. I think the only reason why he is even talking about it is to get himself noticed by WWE fans to hopefully get them to watch him on TNA. He didn't really want to do Mania because if he did, he would have. I think he holds a grudge against the WWE and refuses to be on any of their shows.
Sting didn't blow it. He is sticking to his beliefs. If Sting claims he does not want to work for Vince for personal reasons, then let him make his own decisions. He should not have to compromise on what he thinks is right. Obviously Sting would want to work at least one Wrestlemania match and working with Undertaker this year would have been perfect. However, you can't blame Sting for being concerned that WWE would ruin his character or give him a bad gimmick. It's happened to lots of guys that federation jump. Why would one regret wishing to see Sting VS Undertaker? That's a dream match. There's never anything wrong with wanting to see one of those, even if it will probably never happen. Sting is doing a good job of helping establish new stars and a new organization over in TNA. They aren't anywhere near WWE's level and might never be, but they do have bragging rights for being the #2 wrestling federation right now. You should thank Sting for what he's done for TNA instead of being upset that he chose once again to turn down an offer from WWE. Let the man make his own decisions and if it's due to personal reasons then I support his decision 100%. It might be due to something that's none of our business.

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