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I noticed a lot of knowledgeable wrestling fans on here, and am just hoping to hear opinions and gather more information if there is any on this topic regarding why Rock vs HBK never happened.

Now i know Shawn and HHH werent the most popular in the locker room back in the 90s, with the hole Clique and all. ive read how Shawn and HHH had some backstage pull and had sort of a reputation of burying other talent in order to keep their spots and climb higher. Ive heard they tried this with the Rock even, and there is this tale that this is a reason why HBK and Rock never worked a program let alone a macth, as Rock Rose to Stardom he did not want anything to do with HBK. If this story is true i have more admiration for the Rock as no matter what they tried to pull he still rose to the top and is arguably now the Most Famous Pro Wrestler in History.

With that said, Rock has still worked programs with HHH and may yet again at WM.
Rock wasn't big enough during Shawn's time imo. Not saying that's a bad thing either. The majority of the time Rock was in the NOD, and Shawn was in the ME with the likes of Taker, Hart, and Austin. Rock was climbing, and that's a good thing. Shawn wrestled two times a month then, and was known as the Headliner and honestly they were trying to make every appearance special. Which is why 1997-1998 shawn was better than 1996 shawn.

It wouldn't have made sense for Rock vs Shawn to happen then. That's why imo.
There have been stories that the two had legit heat and Rock wouldn't work with HBK, over exactly what is anyone's guess. Rock certainly had no problem working with HHH, and put him over a few times as well. Supposedly Rock wasn't interested in working with HBK when he made his 2002 comeback either.

Timing does play a role here. Regardless of whether they had legit heat with each other, Shawn was pretty much done in WWE by the end of 97. At that point post S-Series his role was to set up Austin's momentous Title Win at Mania. HBK was severely injured facing Taker in a Casket Match at the 98 Rumble and although he continued to appear regularly on TV to further his feud vs Austin he never wrestled after the Rumble, except for putting over Austin at Mania (allegedly when Shawn was legit injured and complained Vince threatened to fire him and never let him in WWE again if he "screwed up" Austin's big Mania Moment, since HBK had developed a bad rep for needing time off to rehab "injuries" that may not have been that serious but always seemed to pop up right when he was booked for a major loss).

Rock was way behind HBK & Austin and even HHH at the end of 97, he was gaining ground, but he wasn't quite in their tier yet. He continued to soar through 98 (and worked with HHH) but with HBK only working two matches the whole year , none after Mania, there wasn't much room for the two to face off.

In 2002 I don't know if the idea of them meeting was ever broached. However, right when HBK was cleared to wrestled again and was being re introduced into WWE storylines, Rock left (remember he put over Lesnar at S-Slam and split for Hollywood, there would be a few short returns then an extended absence afterwards that didn't end until he came back to face Cena, by which time HBK wasn't wrestling anymore).

I don't believe HBK spoke much about it in his book (correct me if Im wrong).

So while there may have been some heat between them, the timing more than anything ruined it. Besides, when the money was right a lot of guys with legit heat between each other found away to wrestle and sell tickets, including HBK-Hart, Flair-Rhodes, etc. WWE also hasn't been shy about capitalizing on supposed "backstage issues" between talent for on air storylines, including the somewhat sordid Edge-Hardy-Lita angle and Flair-Foley.
To date, I've never heard about any heat between the two. But I wouldn't be surprised. Being as I wasn't backstage in the late 90's, and I've never talked to anyone who was, I have no evidence either way to support the theory they had heat.

I think it was just a timing issue. By the time Rock debuted, Shawn was a Main Event Guy. Rock didn't become a main event guy until Survivor Series 1998, about 8 months after Shawn retired. So obviously in '97 and the first quarter of '98, Rock wasn't a big enough name to make a money match/program with Shawn before he retired the first time. When Shawn returned in 2002, he was only suppose to have one match, that being at SummerSlam. On that night, Rock lost to Brock, and wouldn't be seen until 2003. At that point, Shawn had his feud with Jericho, and Rock had his final programs with Hogan, Austin, and Goldberg. So it didn't work.

In short, Rock wasn't a big enough name to face Shawn before he retired in 98. Once Rock was a main event guy, Shawn didn't return until Rock was either booked elsewhere, or off in Hollywood. And once Rock went to Hollywood for good following the Goldberg loss (and a few select appearances through August 04) he wouldn't come back until after Shawn retired the second time. All came down to timing.
Shawn took what 4 years off to "recover"? Rock was getting bigger during those years, do you think Rock being in that top spot played a role in why hbk stayed away all those years or do you think he needed the 4 years to recover?
I think the whole HBK/backstage heat stuff is way overrated at this point. Kinda the way a story gets told and passed on, things always get exaggerated. Of course it's well documented and understood HBK was a huge prick at the time, but most of the nitpicky details are probably paper thin at best... The way I see it, if HBK can find it in him to work with Bret, than he could find it in him to work with anyone...

That said, of course the reason HBK-Rock never happened was timing. If Shawn never left after WMXIV than there's no doubt they would have crossed paths once The Rock became a money draw. I don't think there's one professional sports locker room anywhere where everybody gets along with everybody. That doesn't stop people from putting that BS behind them when they step in the ring, walk on the field or court. This is their job, and if there is money to be made than the BS is left in the locker room, never carries onto the field, into the ring, etc.

HBK was too big for Rock in 97. Same reason a lot of guys didn't get in the ring with him At that time. The same reason most of the roster today doesn't get in the ring with Cena. By the time Rock was ready, HBK was gone. And the question about HBK putting off his return because the Rock was on top is just a foolish thought.
Timing, as others said. However, HBK and Jannetty were wrestling in The Rock's grandmothers promotion and Rock felt HBK was being disrespectful towards his grandmother and hated him for a long time. There's also a story I've seen where a young Rock asked Shawn for advice and he told him to fuck off, so he instead went to Bret. Though I don't know how true it is.
The reason Rock/HBK never happened is simple timing.

That's got nothing to do with the heat that they had for a very long time though, which was very real, and speaks a lot to both HBK's general attitude as well as his paranoia for holding onto his top spot. What I'm posting here is information gathered from the web, as well as various autobiographies of wrestlers from that time.

Their heat began when Dwayne Johnson was a teenager in Hawaii. Sound far fetched? You bet. But as the story goes, the man who would be known as the Rock felt that a young Shawn Michaels was disrespectful to his grandmother Lia Maivia at a Polynesian Pacific Pro Wrestling show (first the Rocks grandfather Peter Maivia and later after his passing, Lia ran that promotion). It was something he never forgot (who would forget the guy who was a jerk to their grandma?), so years later when he joined the WWF, he already wasn't a fan of Shawn Michaels.

After the Rock had joined the WWF, both Michaels and Triple H had a serious hate for the kid. Part of that was that he was so talented that they were worried that he would eventually take the top spots that HBK currently had, and Triple H hoped to later have. For anyone skeptical of this because 1996/97 Rocky Maivia was the drizzling shits? True, but no matter how green the guy was, people in the business were ridiculously high on Rocky, and even back then was being pegged as the guy who was going to carry the company.

The other part of why they hated the Rock? Because Bret Hart liked him and took him under his wing somewhat, and in the WWF back then, that was all it took for someone to earn the wrath of the clique.

Since both HBK and HHH were on the booking committee back then, they cooked up a spot shortly after Hart's heel turn. HBK told Vince McMahon that Hart should beat Maivia for the Intercontinental belt, while HHH insisted to Hart that he beat Rocky for the belt. They felt that this would serve three purposes. Derail Rocky's push, and get Hart out of the World title picture, which Michaels wanted to be back in. Then later, when HHH booked himself to win the IC title from Hart (since he was on the booking committee), the win would help make HHH even bigger.

The problem was, that Hart refused to go along with it, and convinced McMahon to let him only beat the Rock by DQ. Shortly after, they did have Rocky drop the title to Owen Hart, and looking back now, it's doubtful that the clique's plan to sabotage the Rock would have worked (he came back shortly after the Owen loss in his new character anyways). But that's where the heat between the two came from. HBK went from just being the guy who was a jerk to his grandma, to also being the guy who tried to ruin his career. So later on, the Rock simply didn't have time for Michaels whenever he was around. He went on record stating that he didn't want to work with him. He told Bret Hart later on that he should come back to the WWF and not to worry about Michaels, because it was guys like the Rock and Austin on top now, and they wouldn't let Michaels get away with anything. There was that one time on Smackdown where it looked like a Rock/HBK program was going to start, but then HBK just disappeared.

Had HBK not dropped out of wrestling during the Rock's peak performing years, I'm sure they would have worked together. Rock and Triple H did famously, and Triple H had as much to do with trying to hold Rocky back in his early days as HBK did. They even sorted things out somewhat. But I think since HBK wasn't there, that the resentment the Rock felt for him just grew, because they didn't have the chance to work things out. I guess they're fine with each other today though.
There have been rumours floating around about Rocks real life dislike of Shawn... floating round as early as 1985 where a young rookie Shawn supposed upset a then 13 year old Dwayne Johnson on a card Rocks dad (Rocky Johnson) appeared on (possibly a reference to the Grandmother remark mentioned by MrMojo).... and then in 1996-97, where Rock was struggling as the smiley babyface, and received apathy from the audience.... Shawn was rumoured to have again undermined Rock (the kid doesn't have it).
As mentioned above, Bret Hart looked out for Rocky.... and Shawn may have seen Rock as an ally of Bret during 1996-97. Bret mentions in his book that Rock was very thankful of Bret looking out for him in his early WWE days.... and when Bret opened his Twitter account, I remember Rock tweeting praise to the Hitmans account.
At WM15 Shawn tried (but unsuccessful this time) to use his backstage clout to put HHH in the main event (Rock wasn't good enough to headline).

That's what they are rumours... but what is certain is that Rock and Shawn had potentially 2 years to put a match together from 2002-04 ... and it never happened.

Though Rock worked well with Tripper numerous times, their relationship was said to be more business like than friend like
Heat aside, there really was no time this match could have happened. HBK and the Rock were both heels during 97/98. If that alone doesn't prevent the match from happening timing does. HBK had another one of his "injuries" for much of 97 taking him out of action. Before 97 the Rock was so low down the card (Even as IC champion) he wouldn't have been on HBK's radar. By March of 98 HBK was retired. So there was such a small window for Rock vs HBK. By the time HBK came back in 2002 the Rock was for the most part gone.
Shawn vs. Rock absolutely could have happened from 1996-1998. The idea that Rock wasn't big enough doesn't stand up, since he main-evented the March 31 1997 Raw against Bret Hart. He also worked with The Undertaker on the December 11 Raw, wrestled Steve Austin (the hottest ticket in the business) at DX: In Your House, and competed against Mick Foley (a prominent upper-carder and WWF title challenger) throughout 1997. A Raw match with Shawn could easily have happened, but Shawn didn't like Rocky because he saw Rock as blocking Triple H's route (as if Trips was ever in Rock's league), and Rock didn't like Shawn because HBK acted like a jerk at a wrestling event organized by Rock's family.

Shawn vs. Rock didn't happen from 2002-2004 because the bad blood remained. Rock went on record saying a match with Shawn didn't interest him, though he later retracted this statement once the two had made amends. By then, it was too late.

If you're sad that Shawn vs. Rock never happened, you know who to blame.
Shawn vs. Rock absolutely could have happened from 1996-1998. The idea that Rock wasn't big enough doesn't stand up, since he main-evented the March 31 1997 Raw against Bret Hart. He also worked with The Undertaker on the December 11 Raw, wrestled Steve Austin (the hottest ticket in the business) at DX: In Your House, and competed against Mick Foley (a prominent upper-carder and WWF title challenger) throughout 1997. A Raw match with Shawn could easily have happened, but Shawn didn't like Rocky because he saw Rock as blocking Triple H's route (as if Trips was ever in Rock's league), and Rock didn't like Shawn because HBK acted like a jerk at a wrestling event organized by Rock's family.

Shawn vs. Rock didn't happen from 2002-2004 because the bad blood remained. Rock went on record saying a match with Shawn didn't interest him, though he later retracted this statement once the two had made amends. By then, it was too late.

If you're sad that Shawn vs. Rock never happened, you know who to blame.

You have both of them to blame. HBK for being an asshole and Rock for straight up saying no to working with him. Though Shawn said yes to working with him in 2003 or so when Pat Patterson asked.
Shawn vs. Rock absolutely could have happened from 1996-1998. The idea that Rock wasn't big enough doesn't stand up, since he main-evented the March 31 1997 Raw against Bret Hart. He also worked with The Undertaker on the December 11 Raw, wrestled Steve Austin (the hottest ticket in the business) at DX: In Your House, and competed against Mick Foley (a prominent upper-carder and WWF title challenger) throughout 1997. A Raw match with Shawn could easily have happened, but Shawn didn't like Rocky because he saw Rock as blocking Triple H's route (as if Trips was ever in Rock's league), and Rock didn't like Shawn because HBK acted like a jerk at a wrestling event organized by Rock's family.

Shawn vs. Rock didn't happen from 2002-2004 because the bad blood remained. Rock went on record saying a match with Shawn didn't interest him, though he later retracted this statement once the two had made amends. By then, it was too late.

If you're sad that Shawn vs. Rock never happened, you know who to blame.

Thank you for that info. That's what I figured. I followed both wwe wcw promotions in those years and I think I remember at the time thinking why hasn't Rock mixed it up with hbk yet.
There have been rumours floating around about Rocks real life dislike of Shawn... floating round as early as 1985 where a young rookie Shawn supposed upset a then 13 year old Dwayne Johnson on a card Rocks dad (Rocky Johnson) appeared on (possibly a reference to the Grandmother remark mentioned by MrMojo).... and then in 1996-97, where Rock was struggling as the smiley babyface, and received apathy from the audience.... Shawn was rumoured to have again undermined Rock (the kid doesn't have it).
As mentioned above, Bret Hart looked out for Rocky.... and Shawn may have seen Rock as an ally of Bret during 1996-97. Bret mentions in his book that Rock was very thankful of Bret looking out for him in his early WWE days.... and when Bret opened his Twitter account, I remember Rock tweeting praise to the Hitmans account.
At WM15 Shawn tried (but unsuccessful this time) to use his backstage clout to put HHH in the main event (Rock wasn't good enough to headline).

That's what they are rumours... but what is certain is that Rock and Shawn had potentially 2 years to put a match together from 2002-04 ... and it never happened.

Though Rock worked well with Tripper numerous times, their relationship was said to be more business like than friend like

That is true and probably correct. Rock has mentioned bret with all time greats, and performs the sharpshooter in tribute to bret in his matches. So with the bad blood hbk and bret had, I could see shawn using that against Rock.
Shawn took what 4 years off to "recover"? Rock was getting bigger during those years, do you think Rock being in that top spot played a role in why hbk stayed away all those years or do you think he needed the 4 years to recover?

I think it had absolutely nothing to do with Rock's popularity, and more to do with the fact that HBK was legit hurt and also pilled out of his mind from around 1998-2001.

I've read probably every thread on here there is to read about it and collectively i think we all know the same facts:

* If it had not been for drug problems, Michaels would most likely have been medically cleared to return to the ring late 1999-early 2000 at the latest.

*Shawn wrestled one match in his own federation (Texas Wrestling Alliance) in 2000, basically as a "test" to see if he could ever come back and wrestle again - at the time he was negotiating with the WWE to an in-ring return at Wrestlemania X-7

*Shawn sold his wrestling school and the TWA in 2001 because at the time a WWF return was inevitable. However this got severely screwed up because Shawn was supposed to appear back on WWF TV the night that Shane McMahon appeared on monday Nitro. It is well known that Shawn showed up drunk/high and in no condition whatsoever to appear on TV. Shawn blamed triple H for not "going to bat" for him that night and the two did not speak for over one year. Shawn did not return until mid-2002 after getting clean, in shape, and patching things up with Trips.

If Shawn and the Rock would have wrestled, it would have been gold, IMO...

There is a rumor that a match was considered around 2009-2010, and Rock said he was "not interested" in working with Michaels due to the past problem that Michaels and Rock had when Rocky was just a kid. It legit happened but i'm not sure how big of a deal it was because honestly the only wrestler I've ever heard talk about it is Bret Hart...
There are many rumors that circulate around what caused the supposed "heat" between The Rock and Shawn Michaels but some of the more prominent ones were started by Bret Hart in his book. In his book, Hart alleges that both Shawn and HHH disliked The Rock "immensely" because he was friends with Bret and a because they saw him as a "threat" to their spots.

He also alleges that Hunter and Shawn set out to ruin The Rock's push in early 97 after he won the IC Championship, by trying to convince Vince and The Rock that it would be a good idea for Rocky to drop the belt to Bret subsequently taking the title off of The Rock and taking Bret Hart out of the main event scene.

Another rumor that has been mentioned already is that The Rock has harbored animosity towards Shawn ever since he was a teenager, because of the "disrespect" Shawn apparently showed his grandmother at a wrestling show. Who really knows? It seems likely that there was definitely some tension between the two throughout there runs though.
I don't doubt that Rock had "some" heat with Michaels during the late 90s...it seems nearly everyone did. Michaels was polarizing: You either loved the guy, or you thought he was a raging asshole and you wanted nothing to do with him. But that doesn't mean the heat was overwhelming, or even legit. Ever meet someone that you just don't like or have your opinion about someone colored by someone else? Also, Rock was not at Michaels' level early on, and so an HBK/Rock match wouldn't have had the same impact at that point. Remember, HBK left the WWE after WM14, and the Rock was still a member of the NoD at that point...he wasn't truly THE ROCK yet as we know him.

The only real interaction I remember the two having was at one of the very first Smackdowns, where Triple H and Rock fought for the title with Michaels at the special referee. Michaels came in and laid out Rock with Sweet Chin Music to give Trips the win. I figured they were setting up an angle then for Michaels return, but it didn't happen...Michaels stayed out of the ring, and the angle was just used to build to give Triple H a dirty win over Rock, nothing more.

By 2002, Rock was the one getting ready to leave, just as Michaels was coming back. All in all, whatever "heat" they may've had, I think Rock would've faced him because it was about business and making money. I just think their time really didn't overlap. I can't see Michaels necessarily having a problem with Rock either. Let's put it this way: if there was heat, it's over some fairly nebulous circumstances that really haven't been confirmed.
The only thing I have heard is that allegedly The Rock wanted to feud with Shawn Michaels back then, but Michaels didn't feel that Rock was on his level. Then when Shawn came back and Rock has surpassed him in every sense of the word, Shawn wanted to work with him but Rock in turn said that Shawn wasn't on HIS level.

There is always allegations in wrestling as to why things don't happen and in the world of professional wrestling, it's hard to believe damn near any wrestler, promoter what have you especially when it comes to politics or any other controversial topic because they will put in their own words and if it benefits their behalf more than 90 percent of the time. Maybe it was bad timing, maybe it was politics, hatred any of those things. I highly doubt we will ever know and it will all be hearing it through the vine.
If Hogan promises to work a match, I guess it's not totally too late for this. Street fight, maybe? If Rocky watches out not to work HBK's back too much, it could work.

On the other hand, HBK had a good send-off and should just keep to non-wrestling roles. Also, Sting vs Undertaker could well have the last word about having a dream match too late just for the sake of it.

That is true and probably correct. Rock has mentioned bret with all time greats, and performs the sharpshooter in tribute to bret in his matches. So with the bad blood hbk and bret had, I could see shawn using that against Rock.

Rock does the Sharpshooter as a tribute to Owen, though. ;) They were in the Nation together and also were good friends.

It's an easy mistake to make.

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