Have you ever met a person that


Dark Match Jobber
Look just like a wwe wrestler.Just a few days ago i went to the gym with a lady friend and met her personal traineer who looked just like Randy Orton. i swear if Randy ever got injured again all they have to do is find this guy and hire him to replace him. He was trying to convince me to join the gym and make him my personal trainer but i was to afraid he'll rko me if i f*** up.
My college roommate looked like Hogan. Not quite as tall--only 6'4" but a very imposing build and facially and hairstyle looked a good deal like him, and he wore the 80's Hogan mustache (It was the 80's, so that wasn't that weird.) He was a pitcher on the college baseball team, so when he was up on the mound, it made him look taller, and the resemblance seemed even greater.

We were dorm tag-team champions, performing in front of crowds that frequently neared the dozen mark, until the hall director came into the lounge to see what the ruccus was and I thought it would be funny to put him in a Cobra Clutch. He didn't think it was as funny. The next week we were informed that there would be no more wrestling for "insurance reasons." I drew some heat in the locker room for that--all three of the other guys in the Fed were mad at me.

At the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, I ran into a guy who looked exactly like Scotty "Flash" Norton. You could stand them next to each other and not be able to tell the difference. I was amazed how much he looked like him. Turns out it actually was him.
Oh yeah! That guy that looks like Sin Cara! I've totally seen him around...

It's this guy right...

It's alright bro, they got him. I hear he has some crazy, messed up breathing thing going on now, and that his body is half robot... I kinda feel bad for the guy. I'm sure his life will improve with time though...


Just watched Return of the Jedi... Spoiler alert... Things don't end well for him.

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