Have any Wrestlers Influenced your Lifestyle?

This is easy- Ultimate Warrior- the guy is the picture of great physical health and intensity. He was able to accomplish more in a small amount of time than most wrestlers ever will in their lives- Warrior had brains and a strong will to succeed- those are admirable qualities.
I wouldn't say i'm "influenced" by any wrestlers, but I greatly respect what they do behind the scenes, with Be A Star, Make A Wish, etc.

My daughter, however, is a pleasantly different story. She's nine, and a huge Sheamus fan. This made her prouder of our Irish ancestry, and probably brought us a little closer as we discuss and learn about it together. I guess in that respect maybe there had been an influence on me.
Well i remember something john cena said that he will not compromise his personal beliefs for anyone you can cheer me u can boo me but i will continue to be true to myself. Any time i have a bad day at work...or when people try to affect my reality i remember that and john lives that...he hasnt compromised by going heel...he kept a steady course...

props to cm punk for making straight edge a cool thing to be,,,but i would hope daniel bryans vegan lifestyle would rub off on me...eating flesh is actually unintelligent but we were brought up on it so we are use to it.
I'd say with wrestling and TV, movies, books, and various other forms of media are easy to draw inspiration from. For me everything Shawn Michaels has overcome in real life is hard not to respect with his drug habits and to comeback past his prime to put on some of ther best performances in his career.
yes cm punk convinced me its better to be straightedge because straightedge means im better than you hense the "SXE" in my username as its the abrevation for straightedge
Chris Benoit influenced me to be more aggressive and violent towards others.

Undertaker influenced me to light houses on fire, kidnap girls, hang people and do satanic rituals.

HHH/Kane influenced me to have sex with dead cheerleaders/mannequins.

Brock Lesnar taught me to abuse the handicap by breaking their leg and pushing them down a flight of stairs.

Stone Cold taught me to get drunk at work and piss off my bosses and get fired..... Shit....well...this one is actually true...:(...LOL.:lmao:
John Cena. No matter what people think of you, Rise Above the Hate. Look at his current fued with The Rock. Rock throwing all sorts of abuse at him and Cena's reply is that he will not change who is and he is proud of who is his. I'm not a fan of John Cena, but iv'e learnt a lot off him. He truley is a great role model.

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