Has the Miz unknowingly become an internet darling?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't know, recently I noticed that majority of the people who really, REALLY love The miz (other than reality tv viewers) are folks on the internet. I know Daniel Bryan was an internet darling but I notice the live crowd loves him more than The Miz and the internet loves the Miz more. So has it happened? Has The Miz become the new main internet darling?
Its been pretty obvious sine his US title run days when he was cutting awesome promos that the IWC was on The Miz wagon. Just read. The man is not without his doubters but overall hes with a big IWC fan base.
Em yes but it's hardly unwillingly he has been for quite a while now. Miz has created a character that appeals to the slightly older audiences and therefore the 'IWC' (still hate that term). Personally I still don't like him but I'd say the majority of people on here probably do.
I'm with Iversen, I'm not at all a fan of Miz.

Unfortunately it doesn't take much to impress the "IWC." If a wrestler makes any progress in skill, no matter how minute, he's quickly embraced. Miz is a recipient of this, as is R-Truth, as is Zack Ryder.
Yeah sTyLnK all of the IWC that thinks the Miz is awesome are just complete idiots. It makes no sense for us to think he is talented. He barely even gets tv time on Superstars. He is never involved in big storylines. Live crowds don't react to him. Vince and creative are extremely low on him....oh wait...Vince loves him, IWC loves him, and he does get reactions from live crowds. Basically IWC, Vince and the entire creative team have NO clue what they are doing. The 3% of fans that don't like him are right and EVERYONE else must be wrong. Jackass.
Every popular wrestler will have their haters. Just look at it this way...no WWE star gets into the main event, along with a 6 month title reign, if they aren't talented. It took a while but Miz found his character and he really has replaced Jericho as the best cocky heel in the WWE. He can get his point across on the mic, he can hold the audience's attention, his in ring skill has improved, and most importantly his intensity in the ring is getting better every day. The IWC is split on him but pretty much everyone else loves to hate the guy. Hes gonna be a top guy for a loooooong time and I guarantee you that in the coming years when he turns face he will be a refreshing change from Super Cena and he will be even more popular than he is now.
Just about everyone who wrestles has a flock of folks who love him and a flock who hate him. One thing I have noticed on this forum though is that as someone is being built towards a potential title run, many folks become slavering moaners, anticipating when this person will actually get the title. I can't count the number of times I saw people highly anticipating the miz getting his first title. We saw similar things with Barrett when he was receiving a major push.

Once said person receives the title, then the haters come out in droves. It's pretty cyclical.
I wouldn't say the Miz is an internet darling, simply because that seems to imply exclusivity. The Miz is simply the darling of the industry in general. Whether it's the IWC, live audiences or Vinnie Mac almost everyone is high on the Miz, and long may it continue as he stands head and shoulders above the crowd and is simply refreshing.
To go from a reality star (MTV) to a bonafied WWE Superstar is a long and arduous path; his growth from crap to gold has been well documented.

Obviously the IWC loves pro wrestling enough to take the extra step and blog about it... we appreciate what he has done for himself, and are simply 'high' on him, rather than others (Mark Henry, Great Khali, etc)
i'd say he's not. i hear just as much hate for the miz as i do love on these forums. now he's not my favorite wrestler but he's definitely not as terrible as some make him out to be. i do give him credit tho. he's come a loooooooooooong way from mtv and hosting the divas search contest.
It's nothing new, he's been well liked by many in the IWC for quite some time now. Of course he has hatters within the IWC as do many other wrestlers. One of the main reasons I like and have respect for him, and I think many other fans feel the same. Is what he went through to get to the top.

He really had to bust his ass to prove himself to the fans, other wrestlers and of course Vince McMahon. It took a while for him to be taken seriously as a wrestler. He was disliked by many other wrestlers when he first got on the main roster. Most veterans and other established stars felt he got a WWE contract, because of his reality show fame.

He had to shed his reality show image and he overcame all the hazing. He eventually won the respect of the other wrestlers. The IWC and myself love stories like his, were someone goes through hell to truly earn their top spot in WWE. He wasn't just pushed heavily or handed the WWE title without earning it.
I don't like the Miz one bit. His gimmick is bland, granted he does enough with the gimmick to garner heat from the crowed. But if his promo last longer than 2 minutes, I change the channel and start watching something else until the break.

His move-set stinks of Chris Jerichoesque moves back in 1998. His only real move that looks like has any real impact is the Skull crushing finale, which if you don't know, was Y2J's finisher when he debuted. Watching the Miz wrestle bores me, no good spots, decent selling. And once the guy he is fighting takes a break to catch a breather from carrying the match they get hit with that botch friendly finisher for the win.

However the Miz is selling, he sells T-Shirts, which is hard for a heel to do. And he can make guys like Cena look better. Which is all Vinnie Mac cares about these days in his heels.
I'm with Iversen, I'm not at all a fan of Miz.

Unfortunately it doesn't take much to impress the "IWC." If a wrestler makes any progress in skill, no matter how minute, he's quickly embraced. Miz is a recipient of this, as is R-Truth, as is Zack Ryder.

Exactly bro. I honestly don't get the appeal of Miz and Ryder(Truth is alright). If anyone improves in the slightest, they're all over him.

Back to the topic, absolutely. The majority of fans I see on the internet love Miz, and I don't get it. I respect him as far as being a hard worker, but as a "superstar," he just doesn't do anything for me. I really don't get it at all.

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