Austin Aries Is Back (And I Hope He Stays)!

I don't know if Aries back to TNA is a good thing for him or not. I mean sure, he'll put on top notch matches for the X-Division. But that only works if TNA continues to showcase said division. TNA hardly puts focus towards the X-Division and with that, Aries could be getting less and less TV time.

Plus, I was kind of rooting for Kid Kash during that match. The guy is literally one of the top X-Division pioneers who put the division on the map and I'd love to see him back in TNA. Hopefully they do a "last chance to advance" match for him cause I'd love nothing more than to see Kash in TNA again.

Not exactly. Creed's signed to WWE... It's going to be kind of hard for him to show up on TNA with a WWE contract isn't it?

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware Creed was with FCW/WWE until now. I'm sure most of the other guys could come back though.
Fantastic little surprise that was, with Aeries returning along with Jimmy Rave and Kid Kash in the X Division match early on to determine who'd move on for a chance to win a TNA contract at Destination X, no?

For anyone who didn't catch it, TNA put up a portion of the match on their YouTube channel:


Frankly, I'm pulling for the guy to win. I know Aeries is an internet darling, and most internet darlings aren't nearly as good as they are cracked up to be, but this kid has got two things that really matter — talent and personality. Superstar in the making as far as I'm concerned.

Thoughts on his return?

Very very talented. Has it all. The most important things he does very very well.

Great promo. Carries himself like he IS somebody. GREAT GREAT facials. Some fans have no idea that facials are probably 2nd or 3rd most important thing for a worker.

Total package.

Needs a new outfit though. Mind you Im not fashion critique haha

Btw good to be back. Still kickin' doors down as you can see.
Mark out moment! A couple of months ago I started a ‘TNA Signing’ thread, and the one guy I wanted TNA to sign was Austin Aries. I’ve never seen Aries for an extended period of time but what I have seen of him, he entertains me every time. In the few months I watched ROH, Aries made a big impression on me. And once he left, I stopped watching it. I then found out he was in NWA Hollywood and started following that (have since stopped).

And now that he’s finally (back) in TNA, I’m with IDR in that I hope he sticks around. I believe Aries could be the perfect tonic for the X-Division. The biggest thing that prevents the X-Division from being one of TNAs main focuses, IMO, is the lack of characters. Sure they are all exciting to watch in the ring, but that’s basically it. And that’s why they don’t receive large amounts of air time. A good character can be featured in multiple backstage/promo segments during an episode of iMPACT! Where as a good wrestler can only be in a match.

Austin Aries just oozes charisma and is pretty damn good in the ring to. And if he were to become the centre piece of the X-Division, I’m of the opinion that he could take it to another level and bring some meaning to the X-Division. It’s just ‘spotfest wrestling’ really, which is awesome to watch but I can also understand why it hasn’t received too much attention over the last couple of years.

Hopefully Aries can win the match at Destination X. Because it doesn’t matter who comes in from here, I’ll be rooting for A Double, the greatest man that ever lived!
I thought the match was probably one of the best matches I've seen on Impact this year and Aries was a big reason for that, he is absolutely one of the smoothist moving wrestlers I've seen in TNA and he has personality to, which alot of the x division wrestlers are lacking. He is a good addition to the company and I hope he gets signed long term.

I would really like to see him and Alex Shelly go at it, I know they had the Paparazzi picture thing going before but I dont recall any matches between the two and I think the matches could be mind blowing. I would also like to see him and Kaz, and him and Kendrick go at it.
I remembered him from his prior run with the company and never quite got into him. Just watched his match and holy shit can this guy move! I dunno if it's maybe the TNA/IW ring being smaller but when he dove onto Kash and Rave through the 1st and 2nd ropes I thought I'd missed a couple of frames!

Great to see some past names return and just go for it full tilt, more of the same and I will be a happy bunny. Sucks that only one will get the contract though considering how many other guys we are yet to see.
I wouldve enjoyed Kid Kash winning, i rather liked kid kash at some point in the WWE and thought he was a very exciting cruiserweight. He did look older here, and more so not ready for a "Big time" return (Big time as TV not as in WWE).
^^ I wish Kash also would have got a contract with Aries. I liked that Tenay mentioned that Kash was the most hated guy in the Division years ago. Aries and Kash would be great for IW. Aries as X Champion could really bring back the Division.

Aries vs. Kendrick, vs. Kazarian, vs. Red would all be great matches.
I literally squealed when they were announced. It felt like the old X-division again. Now I cannot wait to see who else they pull out for it. :p

I never understood Aries' "Austin Starr" gimmick and why he was saddled with it. It didn't seem to suit him at all, especially since he was/is better as an intense competitor. The guy really needs no frills to stand out. (See his ROH work. Great intensity!)

And Kash is just awesome. I just wish he had more air time with WWE. The guy can do some amazing stuff and has kept in shape. Some of my favorite early TNA feuds/skits were with him. Like when he was bossing Abyss around, or paired with Lance Hoyt (How many guys that size can do a suicide dive?)... Or when he was wrestling Trinity and her top broke. :lmao:

Rave, I could give or take. I'm just not a fan of the Rock Band gimmick.
Yes, I wasn't a fan of the Austin Starr/ Greatest Man Alive playa gimmick either. I preferred just his plain intensity. And if you think Austin Aries can simply do just high-flying you're dead wrong. He can work a technical style and use Triple H like ground manuevers too.
Austin Aries seems to have changed since his last run in TNA to say the least, more charisma I'd say.. Anyway, there's more faces I wanna see return from the X Division and perhaps even new/familiar faces.

Paul London
He was in TNA in it's new era, and I think he'd be good teaming with Kendrick should he win the whole thing.

Jimmy Yang
Jimmy Yang should be back for a match as he was around for TNA's first ever match. Not necessarily win, but I wanna see him.

Low Ki
He has returned to TNA before, plus I think he's needed for the X Division. One of the faces that I think would be good should they have a contract.

Abdul Bashir
He keeps making dark match appearances at either end of WWE/TNA and I can't tell if he's coming or going, this tournament should help him decide. I could see him get the contract, not as a X Divisiony type guy though.
I love me some A Double, one of the main reasons I watched ROH when it was available on youtube. Excellent in the ring, damn entertaining when on the mic and has more character then 99% of the x-division combined. If they bring AJ back to the X division to help the title gain more prestige I would love every second of an Aj/A Double feud.

I always enjoyed Kid Kash sad to see him not get a shot but Aries brings wayyyy more to the table.
I Haven't Seen Aries A lot but I Remember his past TNA Days I have to say I love this guy what ever it is he has It. Just Need Better Wrestling Gear to match the skills and ATTITUDE but I hope he stays and never EEE EEE EEver goes Back A gain

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