Austin Aries: A Man Among Boys

It's Damn Real!

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When you look back to the majority of the history of TNA's X Division, you'll notice a strong trend repeating over the years/times when it was at some of it's highest peaks: the depth of the division was deep, and deep with talents that went on to really make a major impact in the company — namely Styles, Joe, Daniels and Hardy.

So what's the problem? Simply this — TNA's X Division has one and a half stars (Aries, Kash) despite being home to at least 7 (Kendrick, Aries, Kash, Sorensen, Ion, Haskins, Neese) performers (10 if you count Sabin, Shelley and Shannon Moore), and Aries is lightyears better than any of the mainstay 7, which really hurts the credibility of not only his title run, but the importance of it to boot because frankly the competition just isn't there. Even though I was never much of a fan of guys like Jay Lethal, something he was always good for was making his opponents look great. Unfortunately Aries isn't nearly as lucky to have strong faces like Lethal and Styles to feud with. I mean when Brian Kendrick is your strongest feud/program, there's something seriously wrong with what's happening around you, especially when you're as good a performer as Aries is. Shame, too, because I really thought TNA had something going with Aries/Shelley but it just never materialized, likely because TNA wants to bring back the Guns to aid an even weaker Tag Team division.

I know timing is an issue and with the pushes being given to Roode, Styles and Storm we really shouldn't be complaining too much, but I still think that something as important to the TNA brand as the X Division was should remain as such, which means this issue requires a solution, or at least a better attempt at one than Jesse Sorensen or Brian Kendrick (and I actually like Kendrick).

My initial idea would be to re-inject both Daniels and Pope back in, but Pope, like Shelley, is likely to be tied up in the tag division a while, and I'm not so sure Daniels would even want to go back having finally made it to somewhat of a consistent mid-card spot (feuding with RVD right now).

Thoughts? Ideas on what could be done to spark a division that's largely treading water right now?
Thoughts? Ideas on what could be done to spark a division that's largely treading water right now?

Wait it out and help the new blood establish themselves. It doesn't do the division any favors if you keep throwing former X-Division back into the fray. I mean, you could probably slot Kazarian back in there easily (he's pretty much floundering in terms of storyline) as well as Shannon Moore if this rumored release/OVW demotion of Jesse Neal goes through, and that should be enough to strengthen the division's "stars" until the new guys get up to scratch and learn to hold their own. :shrug::shrug:
I'll be honest I saw Hash post here and I came back.

I made a thread earlier praising Aries' charisma and he is just so good as that smug heel. I mean if we take a personality check of the whole X-Divison, it's not so good. I can rgue here saying X-Division has always been about the great spots and awesome ring work than belting outta 'talk about your John 3:16'.

The X-division is a trampoline where great workers get their chance, but at the moment the champ is just head and shoulders above anyone in sight so ye, that's a problem. After he goes beyond, then what do we have?
I agree that Aries is by far the jewel in the X-Division crown right now. The man is a fantastic performer, and isn't able to show all he can do when the rest of the division is weak.

Kid Kash is a personal favourite of mine, has been since his ECW days and while he is still good, he is probably past his prime but is more than worthy of a spot in the division. Apart from him, the rest of the talent is pretty worthless.

TNA have the option of using Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin (when healthy) and Daniels in the division. Hell, even bring AJ Styles back to the X-Division to challenge Aries the next time he is out of the title picture, those 2 would have a great match. Shannon Moore could also be involved if Jesse Neal is fired.

Other that that, I would be looking at other X-Division style talent to bring in....why the hell didn't TNA sign Low-Ki?? Petey Williams, another quality performer is nowhere to be seen....get him resigned. There are alot of exciting young talents around the indie scene that TNA could look at. They just don't seem to be bothered right now, and are rehashing the same 4 guys (Aries, Kash, Kendrick, Sorensen) over and over.
I love just about everything about AA from his beard, to his mic work. He has a great heel moveset, and knows how to sell like a proper heel.

The thing about him is he just needs to lead the division, he can make this better. I like Kash, and Kendric, but that's about it. I have no real clue who any of the other mentioned men outside of Ion and Jessie are.

Ion got it from the trials they held, and Jessie got it from his fued with Kash. If Austin wants to make this better, and he has the tallent to. Just keep the belt on him for the time being, he can put on a great match with just about anyone in the division right now. So just keep him doing what he is doing. Maybe bring a few wrestlers in that aren't doing anything.

Daniels shouldn't be mad about going back to the X division, and Rvd could be a huge face fued for the champ if he could still keep up.
Aries is without a doubt the brightest star of the X Division and I think everyone knows it, but at the same time it does get dull and take away some legitimacy when it's the same small group of dudes to challenge him, as much as I enjoy him and even though I think the build for the current feud with Kid Kash is pretty good I am getting tired of this rinse and repeat cycle.

When it comes to guys who are currently in the mix I like Kash and Sorenson, like Naitch I really enjoyed Kash back in the ECW days and I remember him for those times, that being said even though I still enjoy watching him and he can still compete that doesn't take away the fact that he isn't the same guy in the ring.
Sorenson is still pretty raw, but I think in a year or two this kid could be on the top, his mic skills are decent but I really enjoy his skills in the ring and see him being a steady figure in the division in the future.

So aside from these guys who can we throw into the X Division to mix things up? I say Kazarian, Shannon Moore and maybe Daniels, I think it would be cool to see Styles get involved as well but I prefer him in the World Heavyweight Championship mix. But I think since Kazarian has been doing absolutely nothing for a while now why the hell not? Moore's Ink Inc tag team partner Jesse Neal is being shipped off to OVW it seems so he's stuck with nothing to do,I think this would be the perfect oppertunity to give him something relevant to do and help the division as well. Daniels I am not sure about, he definitely could but I'm liking where his is right now in the mid card spot feuding with RVD and I'm curious as to what they have in store for him next, if it's something cool then I'd rather not see him head for X but if it's a crap direction then bring him on to feud with Aries. There is definitely talent to revive the X Division, TNA just needs to take the steps to putting the right guys in to make it better.
why the hell didn't TNA sign Low-Ki?? Petey Williams, another quality performer is nowhere to be seen....get him resigned. There are alot of exciting young talents around the indie scene that TNA could look at.

I agree...another name I thought of was Chavo Guerrero. Established name, some credibility, good worker...he'd be fantastic. Daivari would be good as well. Other guys like Sonjay Dutt, move Shelley into the division (Sabin too when he returns)...I mean there are some quality names out there. Why not go for them?
I think you hit it right on the head when you said that Aries is "A Man Among Boys." I get that same feeling too watching him week in and week out. The rest of the division (save for established guys like Kendrick and Kash) seems quite young, hasn't really been featured in any other national spotlight besides TNA and thus, is unfamiliar to a very high majority of the audience. I'm not knocking the talent at all, they're just young and if anything, green to the audiences notion of them being stars or just "on the periphery".

This isn't necessarily a bad thing though. Aries seems like the kind of guy that can pull off the "Ric Flair" role if given the right opportunity, with the right talent. To elaborate, in the late 80's Sting was certainly an exciting up and comer, but he just simply hadn't broken through yet. In my opinion, the NWA took a huge chance in putting him in the ring against Ric Flair for the World Title opposite Wrestlemania at the very first Clash of Champions. Because of Stings ability to rise to the occasion, coupled with Flair's indiscriminate ability to "make guys", Sting became a star that night and went from the aforementioned periphery to being completely in the hunt.

I thought that's where TNA might have been going with the Aries/Sorenson feud. Austin strikes me as the kind of guy that can not only play the heel role convincingly well, but also make other guys look good and believable while he's doing it... kinda like Flair did throughout a majority of his career.

In my opinion, Austin Aries doesn't need to be "made" or "enhanced" anymore by bringing in an outside star (read: former WWE talent) with some name recognition. That would just put him further ahead of the pack, and you don't want to rest an entire division on just one star if you can help it. It goes back to the old argument of turning young, unknown guys into stars and creating superstars out of familiar guys that are right on the edge of greatness. Start with your current talent first (Sorenson, Ion, et. al) and see what clicks and what doesn't. If after awhile the crowd isn't buying it, look to the indies and developmental for "inspiration" and talent.

Overall, I feel at this point in time the "X" in the X division should stand for experimental, experience, and most importantly, exposure.
We really can't be like why didn't TNA sign said wrestler without knowing what either side ( wrestler/company ) wanted. I do know Petey Williams is under contract or at least was at the time with another organization and isn't allowed to wrestle elsewhere.
I've said it before, so I'll say it again:
Austin Aries is one of the five best pro wrestlers in the world, today.
His wrestling is great, his personality sells, he pulls off his gimmick great, and people respond to him.
He's got personality and wrestling ability...that's better than 95% of the WWE locker room.

It's a shame Aries isn't a top player in either company, yet. I believe he's ready for it, perhaps even just born for it. He has a natural ability that you just can't find in many guys who try their hand at this profession, and he's better than most of the other guys in the business who do also have the talent.

I say just let him hold that X-Division title until he's ready for a promotion to the TNA Championship. None of the other guys are as good as he is, so why should they get put over him? If TNA wants a better X-Division, then just raid ROH and the Indies of all the talent they can get and just see who fits. Other than that, it's probably best to just throw guys at Aries, because this guy is a star in the wrestling business.
I agree...another name I thought of was Chavo Guerrero. Established name, some credibility, good worker...he'd be fantastic. Daivari would be good as well. Other guys like Sonjay Dutt, move Shelley into the division (Sabin too when he returns)...I mean there are some quality names out there. Why not go for them?

Just cause someone's available doesn't mean either party can agree on terms.
they had Petey/Daivari/Sonjay Dutt and TNA dumped them for no good reason
if i was them i wouldn't want to return either.

Low Ki well ok he burned a bridge with both companies but he's still perfect for the X-Division.

Chavo i don't think will fit in, he's not super fast like the XDivision guys, and his comedy would be lost in TNA imo.

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