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Has the downfall of the WWE finally come to an end?


Dark Match Winner
To me, the WWE is great fun to watch these days. It's not predictable, something new happens all the time, and everything is really nice.

Almost all the top stars are healthy, Cena is being used a LOT better than he did in 2006/2007, and Orton is really starting to develop into the next mega star.

Raw just got a 4.1 rating, which is great. Not too long ago, they were pulling out 3.0s or under all the time.

The future looks good too, with a lot of young talent showing a lot of potential, like Swagger, Morrison, Miz, Orton, Kennedy, MVP, Bourne, Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes etc.

We sat through 2006 with a lot of "wrestling is dead", 2007 improved somewhat, 2008 was good, and so far, 2009 has been fantastic.

I agree the product has improved Raw put on a great show last week and the ratings are improving. I think PG rating is helping improving the shows, you dont need sex and blood to have good wrestling.
I don`t know yet. Since wrestlemania xx...there`s probably only a couple of PPVS/storylines i`ve liked. However I thought No way out was pretty good and I`m actually excited about Wrestlemania this year.
Well, I've always thought wrestling was great, to be honest - hardly ever understood the complaints about it. But that being said, it has got a lot better recently. I mean, last year there were great feuds going on, this year, Royal Rumble was great, No Way Out was also a great PPV, and the last Raw was the best in a long time. I think things are going up for WWE.
The past 12 months of wrestling has been great, whilst it's had many people complaining, you've had both Jericho and Jeff built up into Main Eventers, you've had the IC belt start to mean something again, you've had Miz and Morrison shoot up the tag ranks and you've had Orton and Legacy.

Now the surprises started at Survivor Series, Armageddon, Rumble and then NWO. When NWO out finished I could not wait to see Raw, and I'm sure many people had done the same.

But I wouldn't get ahead of yourself though, the 4.1 rating could coincide with the fact that MNF has stopped for the season.
I'm digging it more now too now that you mention it. I can totally see that Cena has won over a ton of fans which is nice because I really like his love of the business. I also feel like Jericho proved that old dogs can learn new tricks and the past can be reinvented and made better than ever.

Lastly, HBK-aholic... your sig is terrifying... just kidding... ha ha ha
It's definitely improving. The storylines are getting way less predictable, and the championship picture is improving, with different feuds not being overdone. Non-title feuds are becoming the focus of shows and young guys are getting shots. Wrestlers are getting more and more frantic trying to win their titles before Wrestlemania. So yes, it is currently better, but the question I think is will it last. I'm not so sure. The time leading to the big show is often more exciting than the rest of the year, and I'm hoping they won't slow down the pace after Wrestlemania. So if they do keep up the excitement, I say the downfall is over.
It definitely has gotten a lot better. But that could be because of Wrestlemania around the corner. Usually WWE keeps everything exciting heading into Mania. I just hope they keep up with the surprising factor and keep us on our toes.
The WWE has certainly improved recently. For a while I would finish watching Raw feeling a bit dissappointed as it was evident that the show was struggling. Now though its suddenly become an unpredictable thrill-ride every week, though I notice that it does this before every Wrestlemania.

I just hope that they keep these exciting storylines going all the time now as we, the viewers, are sort of becoming used to them again.
I think that Raw has vastly improved over the last few weeks, but I do not think that getting a 4.1 rating after one of the most shocking PPVs in recent memory is a HUGE sign of good things to come. WWE is going to still need to captivate its audience and make it WANT to watch every week by revealing things gradually. For the last year or so, it seems like the shows directly after the PPVs are far too overloaded, setting up all of the matches for the next PPV, leaving the remaining shows to have nothing surprising and being filled with 6 man tag matches. If WWE can captivate its audience and have it buzzing like it was after NWO and the proceeding RAW telecast...then I see good things for its future.
Less Predictable ? I knew Edge was going to win The World Title as soon as he was allowed to be in The 2nd Elimination Chamber. Nobody wants to see Edge, Cena or HHH as Champ. It's Old and Outdated. Time for a change. how about putting The Belt on someone like William Regal or CM Punk. If The WWE keeps up The Family Friendly Image, CM Punk Will Be The Face Of The Company !
While I agree that the overall product, the matches, promos, feuds.. all that has gotten a lot better recently we have to remember that Wrestlemania is right around the corner.

At this time, each year, the product gets a bit better because it has to. I'm hoping that this Wrestlemania's card will fill out and look awesome, and that the show will impress. Then we have RAW, and the draft, where the WWE can drop the ball.

I hope that they don't, but it seems that recently after Wrestlemania the product becomes stale again and the storylines become more weak. Granted we have some good superstars at the top of there game at the moment, so if they are used correctly things should go smoothly from here on out.

Like someone else mentioned, we've had Jeff Hardy and Jericho back, both as Champions, Matt Hardy has also elevated himself along with other superstars such as CM Punk and to a certain extent Randy Orton. I'm hopeful of the future, just hopeful though, the WWE creative team has let us down in the past numerous times and I wouldn't put it past them to do it once again.

As for the thread title, I never thought the WWE was in a downfall I just thought that they were in this constant rut, where they know they have very little competition so they can basically wing it each week and still pull in alright numbers. They need to stop thinking like they don't need to go all out just because there isn't another organization currently that is really challenging them, and they need to get back to keeping fans excited with fresh feuds, storylines, and match ups.
Less Predictable ? I knew Edge was going to win The World Title as soon as he was allowed to be in The 2nd Elimination Chamber. Nobody wants to see Edge, Cena or HHH as Champ. It's Old and Outdated. Time for a change. how about putting The Belt on someone like William Regal or CM Punk. If The WWE keeps up The Family Friendly Image, CM Punk Will Be The Face Of The Company !

Yeah, I'm sure you weren't about crapping your pants when Rey Rey had Edge at 2.9 counts at the end of the match. Everyone "knew" Edge was going to win, but everyone "knew" that Orton was going to drop the belt at Mania last year. Everybody "knew" that Cena was going to waltz through the Chamber and move on to fight Orton at Mania XXV. Now Cena doesn't even have the title and looks like he'll be facing Edge at Mania instead of Orton. So, while we may "know" things, WWE will always find a way to surprise you.

No one wants to see Edge, Cena, or HHH as Champ? Is that why ratings are higher now than they were when Punk was carrying the belt? Cena is the biggest star in the company, and just because the internet blindly gives him crap, the general audience wants to see him...they pay to see him. Triple H has been getting it done for years, and while I don't necessarily like him as champ, it's just folly to say that no one wants to see him with the belt. If you watched Raw, you know this because of the huge reaction he got when he ran out to save Steph. And Edge? Because you are sitting here complaining about him being champ means that he's doing his job. If you WANTED to see him as champ, he wouldn't be a very good heel, now would he?
Creative has definantly improved, the last few years they seemed to be almost idle. at least now they appear to be doing the groundwork to feuds and not just jumping in and giving up after 2 weeks if it fails, or just continuning blindly with no innovation or character development if it appears it does.

I wouldn't read too much into ratings pre-wrestlemania though, they always go up pre-wrestlemania. That been said a 4.1 rating is extreamly good, and not far off attitude era ratings. I think you can factor in the economy in addition to improved creative. People have less money so they stay in and watch TV more, and look to other forms of entertainment.

The real acid test will be after mania and the draft to see if WWE can keep at least some of the viewers it is gaining in the buildup to mania.
I never noticed it but it actually has gotten a lot better. I was originally against the the whole PG era that started because look where it was heading when Vince tried it in 94? but then again it was the only logical cover up during the steroid ordeal. One thing that has always bothered me is John Cena being constantly pushed. I think NWO '09 was the first time that he actually jobed to somebody. I think the only thing that I was looking forward too in 2007 was when the hell was Cena going to loose the title?
Bottom line is anyone in the WWE can have a great match, but what good is it when its not heavily anticipated? I'm glad Orton improved on is Mic skills because he even though he might be one of the best wrestlers alive today besides Shawn... he was the most boring person to listen too, his promos were beyond brutal. Vinny Mac is on the right track!
WWE has gotten heaps sicker the past few months. I think with the McMahons back on TV somewhat, Jeff Hardy finally getting the big one, CM Punk's surprise win, Edge snaking his way into the Raw chamber, Christian's return and Orton's Legacy the show has gotten so much better than what it was 8-10 months ago.

I'm really excited to watch both Raw and Smackdown these days and even ECW isn't the bore fest it was, with Christian, Swagger and Finlay all holding the company up.

We're also seeing some awesome new guys coming through like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger.

I think 2009 is going to be an amazing year, hopefully they don't lose too much steam after Wrestlemania...
I too am very excited about wrestling right now...well WWE anyway. I have always been a fan, never stopped watching, but I will admit there was a stale period there a couple years ago. Idk what the deal was, but it just didn't seem like they were even trying. Now they are clearly trying to surprise us at every turn and are doing a damn good job. I also like the fact that some different people have been given chances with the world titles (Jericho, Punk, Hardy). And you can see the next generation being developed before our eyes which is cool as well. Remember when Trips was still an upper midcarder and feuding with the Rock over the IC title, or Edge competed in the tag team TLC matches with Christian? You just knew these guys were the future and now those guys are here. We are now seeing the development of guys like MVP, Morrison, and Punk who are going to be fighting for the world title when these older ones retire. It's a very exciting time.

However, I wouldn't read too much into this rating..at least not yet. I mean, it's great for WWE, and they have every reason to be ecstatic but you have to look at it in context. They just came off a huge swerve of a ppv and are heading into Mania. Not to mention the end of MNF. Of course it's gonna pull a good number. When I will read something more into the rating is if they consistently stay at or above 4.0 for the weeks going into Mania, and then can follow it up afterwards.
Well the past few months have improved things. As for predictability, it's still predictable somewhat, and always will be. There's only so many storyline you can come up with that won't mirror a previously used one, but the worst thing, which still happends is both Smackdown and Raw use some of the same storylines just different characters
I think the whole downfall will start again after Wrestlemania as WWEs ratings are always good around Wrestlemania time every year

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