Has The Big Show Surpassed Andre?

No and it's not even close.

Andre was the biggest attraction in the world for a very long time. When he lost to Hogan, that is what cemented Hulkamania as the most powerful force in the universe. Until then, Hogan was just pretending to be the top guy because Andre could ahve taken it over at any time.

It's hard to put it into perspective for newer fans because there isn't anyone truly like Andre today. The closest thing would be Undertaker: a guy that's legendary and awesome, but the problem is there are guys that are bigger and stronger than Taker. That simply wasn't the case in Andre's time. The other key thing was that Andre was just a cool guy and character. He had this connection with the fans that you either have or you don't. Hogan had it. Rock had it. Austin had it. Warrior didn't have it. HHH didn't have it. Shawn didn't have it. I don't think anyone sane would argue that those first three aren't on a different level than the second three and Andre belongs with the first group.

Big Show has had times where he's been very entertaining, but there are times where he's just been AWFUL. 2002-2007 or so is a good place to start. The guy was just brutally bad back then with nothing interesting at all and a woman's one piece swimsuit for attire. He's big, slow and lazy a lot of the time and his comedy stuff, while good, doesn't make up for that.

Andre wasn't great in the ring, but he had this presence about him. This isn't close at all and it never will be. Big SHow doesn't ahve that X factor to him that Andre had in droves. No, he's not ahead of Andre and never will be.,
1)You also have to remember that Andre did a lot of his drawing power back when tv was a vehicle to promote events. Andrea didn't have tv to get over. This was done thru magazines, newspapers or word of mouth. Give Andre a tv push for his whole career and he may of been even bigger. IEX Hogan.
2) Andre was the first. Granted you could argue that, but you still had big guys..Hastack, Erine Ladd among others and Andre stood out. Where Bigshow had Taker, Kane, Nash and never established dominance over them. Also if its first, then why didnt Big John Studd become a bigger star? He didnt have the charism Andre had.
3) Athletic ability...well Curt Henning/RDV can do athletic things that Flair couldnt, but who is better?
4) Andre could be over major today...with all that is pushed, Hornswoggle?? Andre would be over huge.
5) Talk about different times. have Andre properly trained and taught how to cut better promos and he would be right up there...which of Big Shows promos are good?? The comedy ones??? Wrestling was still "real" back then and not a comedy show.
LOD clearly over Demolition.
But William Regal isn't a better technical wrestler. There's a flaw in that. He's good but still.

And in those terms the fact that he is better overall in the ring does make him a better all-around talent. Because he's better on the microphone as well as in the ring. While he might not have the same look. He still is quite a sight nonetheless.

See, I feel William Regal's appearance serves as a weakness when looking at his abilities in the ring. I think he's far better than a lot of guys that get pushes. But it's all relative I guess. Fact of the matter is - comparing people solely on in-ring ability is pointless because that's not what professional wrestling is. It is the entire package...and you knew Andre was going to go down in history while he was still alive wrestling in front of you. You don't get that feel with the Big Show whatsoever. You'll have that "oh yeah I remember him" moment maybe...

Yes the legacy. But that doesn't create the whole package. The all-around wrestler isn't someone who has a long list of accomplishments. At least not to me. The all-around wrestler with the whole package ordeal is the guy who has the look, the in-ring ability and microphone skills. Two of which Big Show is pretty damn well standing in compared to Andre (Mind you I don't know too much of Andre's technical abilities but I do know he wasn't exactly Bret Hart)

I wasn't saying that the legacy, itself, created the whole package. I was actually adding everything up as if it were on a scale - and Andre the Giant's legacy outweighs whatever advantage The Big Show may have over him with in ring ability. The Big Show could have had the Undertaker's agility and still fell significantly short to Andre the Giant due to this.

Arguable. Big Show could probably still have appeared. He would just have been repackaged in some other way during his time with WCW. But he would most likely still be Big Show in WWE.

Andre the Giant and The Big Show both had/have acromegaly. Unlike Andre the Giant, The Big Show underwent surgery to halt the progression of his condition.

That being said. I think it's a very good educated guess to say that Paul Wight (The Big Show) probably wouldn't have gotten into professional wrestling without someone like Andre the Giant being there before him. He played basketball and football in college and just as easily could have continued down that path instead - but I think since a wrestler of similar stature and condition became so successful - it was certainly a major factor in his decision on what to do with his life.

Could he have randomly just wanted to become a wrestler had this not been the case? Sure. But it's certainly not nearly as likely.
See, I feel William Regal's appearance serves as a weakness when looking at his abilities in the ring. I think he's far better than a lot of guys that get pushes. But it's all relative I guess. Fact of the matter is - comparing people solely on in-ring ability is pointless because that's not what professional wrestling is. It is the entire package...and you knew Andre was going to go down in history while he was still alive wrestling in front of you. You don't get that feel with the Big Show whatsoever. You'll have that "oh yeah I remember him" moment maybe...

Arguable. William Regal was never really any draw either. Drawing ability does just as much for you as the look. And you cannot deny that charisma and in-ring ability still makes the man. Vince loves big charismatic guys. That's a proved fact.

And I'm not comparing Big Show and Andre solely by in-ring ability. I said that looking at that point Show is bigger than Andre. But it's not the whole package, I know that perfectly well.

Big Show will still go down in history. Sure Andre has gone down in history but there's no denying that Big Show isn't a definite Hall of Fame inductee without a shadow of a doubt. Saying otherwise is ridiculous.

I wasn't saying that the legacy, itself, created the whole package. I was actually adding everything up as if it were on a scale - and Andre the Giant's legacy outweighs whatever advantage The Big Show may have over him with in ring ability. The Big Show could have had the Undertaker's agility and still fell significantly short to Andre the Giant due to this.

True that. But still the legacy to me has nothing whatsoever to the whole package. The whole package as I described is a thing to look into the guy whether he has the ability to achieve those things that builds a legacy. It's obvious that for example Wade Barrett is looked to the guy as having the whole package - Looks, in-ring ability and microphone skills. No legacy there whatsoever.

Andre the Giant and The Big Show both had/have acromegaly. Unlike Andre the Giant, The Big Show underwent surgery to halt the progression of his condition.

What does that make of difference to the fact that Big Show could've still accomplished stuff in the wrestling business without Andre The Giant's existence? Absolutely nothing.

That being said. I think it's a very good educated guess to say that Paul Wight (The Big Show) probably wouldn't have gotten into professional wrestling without someone like Andre the Giant being there before him. He played basketball and football in college and just as easily could have continued down that path instead - but I think since a wrestler of similar stature and condition became so successful - it was certainly a major factor in his decision on what to do with his life.

Of course Paul could've continued down that path. But there's no saying he did. There's no saying that Paul was influenced by Andre The Giant. And there's no saying that Paul wouldn't have become the star and future Hall of Fame inductee without the existence of Andre.

Could he have randomly just wanted to become a wrestler had this not been the case? Sure. But it's certainly not nearly as likely.

Arguable. I doubt that everybody is influenced into wrestling due to someone else looking like them making it. I mean there's a lot of people looking like John Cena. Triple H looked damn fine before John ever got into wrestling. But John wasn't influenced by anybody to get into wrestling. He was a fan. But not to the point where he grew up wanting to be a wrestler. At least from my understanding.

The same goes for a lot of the talent. They're influenced into loving the business. But they're not influenced into the business due to some talent making it before them.
I feel like Big Show has surpassed Andre, but then again Big Show has been wrestling my entire life and he's always been around, whereas I didn't exist in the time of Andre the Giant. I know a lot about him, and I've seen a bunch of his stuff, but it's just not the same as living through the Hogan/Andre era. But, from what I can tell I think Show has surpassed Andre. No, he hasn't been able to out-sell like Andre. He doesn't sell out arena's and that's a huge part of the business, so there's always that good argument to use against him. BUT, I think Show has pretty much accomplished everything there is to do in the business, no matter how big he got with the fans. He has had certain times of immense popularity with the fans, and I think he's hilarious. He has a really subtle sense of humor, and I enjoy watching him. In the past few years his matches have slowed down and he isn't able to do some of the crazy moves he used to pull off as a giant. I think he's coming to the end of his time in the WWE, and they're really using him successfully to put over other guys. It's a close race to me, because like I said I don't really connect to the Andre character because I'm 20, but...I respect both of their careers. In the end, and yeah it could just be my age in the wrestling world, but I'm going to have to go with Big Show.
Big Show will still go down in history. Sure Andre has gone down in history but there's no denying that Big Show isn't a definite Hall of Fame inductee without a shadow of a doubt. Saying otherwise is ridiculous.

I'll agree with you that Big Show will be in the Hall of Fame...but I don't think he will be remembered NEARLY in the same light as Andre the Giant was. No way. Mainly, because back then...being a "giant" was intimidating and used properly. Andre the Giant just didn't easily lose to a Koko B. Ware to the effect that The Big Show would lose to smaller mid-card wrestlers.

Also, they wouldn't cheapen Andre's monster-like-look and have him hanging out with the Gobbly Gooker or any other ridiculous gimmick like The Big Show would with Hornswaggle, etc.

Giant's just aren't seen in the same light as they used to be. Back in the day a flash-in-the-pan (i.e. Giant Gonzalez) could be a Wrestlemania headliner (so to speak). Where as a Great Khali is like a satire of giants today. It's embarrassing what they do with him and other giants these days for that matter.

The whole package as I described is a thing to look into the guy whether he has the ability to achieve those things that builds a legacy.

Agreed. Which is why I originally said it was almost impossible to compare the two because Andre the Giant already has a legendary status (due to his legacy) where The Big Show doesn't. But you knew Andre the Giant was something special WHILE he was wrestling. He represented something and pioneered something. The Big Show just followed suit.

What does that make of difference to the fact that Big Show could've still accomplished stuff in the wrestling business without Andre The Giant's existence? Absolutely nothing.

Of course Paul could've continued down that path. But there's no saying he did. There's no saying that Paul was influenced by Andre The Giant. And there's no saying that Paul wouldn't have become the star and future Hall of Fame inductee without the existence of Andre.

Correlation is a factor for causation. It doesn't necessarily imply it...but it is a major factor nonetheless. There's more of a factor to say that since he has a very very uncommon disease and there was a person who was VERY successful who had the same thing...that you may travel down the same successful path due to this than there is that you would just randomly and arbitrarily take up professional wrestling because that's what everybody considers when they are at a crossroads. Not to mention who's to say wrestling would even be what it became without Andre the Giant. Without him, Hulk Hogan could have been completely different - which could have dramatically changed the path for professional wrestling all together. Thus making the appeal of becoming a professional wrestler significantly less than The Big Show's other options. But we don't know this for sure...but it's a very likely scenario.

Arguable. I doubt that everybody is influenced into wrestling due to someone else looking like them making it. I mean there's a lot of people looking like John Cena. Triple H looked damn fine before John ever got into wrestling. But John wasn't influenced by anybody to get into wrestling. He was a fan. But not to the point where he grew up wanting to be a wrestler. At least from my understanding.

The same goes for a lot of the talent. They're influenced into loving the business. But they're not influenced into the business due to some talent making it before them.

My point wasn't that the Big Show joined wrestling because Andre the Giant "looked like him". As I said above...their abnormality was incredibly rare and uncommon. So when somebody has become so successful with the same obstacles in their way...it's a pretty good avenue to head down. John Cena and Triple H are completely normal without any defects and have countless amounts of others before them that were successful in almost any profession.

Triple H and/or John Cena could have been almost anything they wanted to be (barring that they tried hard to get there and were capable of doing so). The Big Show and everybody like him are limited to what they can do. In fact, The Big Show just bought a school bus and is paying a driver because the inconvenience his size causes when flying on planes and when buying a car. It's apples and oranges.
Andre the Giant was way better and despite some people saying it's not even comparable to a degree yes it is.

Andre at the end of his career was still respected from the entire wrestling world. The Main Event at wrestlemania 3 proved he could still be a draw

He is the man that basically gave million dollar man his credentials for using the quote, "everybody has a price for the million dollar man" because Andre sold the world title he won in order to solidify Ted Dibiases character.

He won tag title with Haku in a point of time which was tag team wrestling was dominant.. I mean the Rockers never even won the title..

The Big Show on the other hand was popular in the sense of a new giant came along, but he never drew crowds.. WCW ratings did not increase from his coming into the company they increased when the nWo formed. The Big Show did not increase WWE/F ratings he was just someone from WCW that Vince was able to lure over because he was a "young stud" not being used proper. THEN Vince has never used him properly; The feud he had with Big Boss Man was a joke. His world titles have always been mediocre at best.. it's not like he has ever headlined wrestlemania on his own his biggest claim to fame is being in a 4 way dance at Wrestlemania.

Big Show was more of a force when he was slender and had hair in wcw when he could do drop kicks and enzigures, and feuded with bigger stars (Ric Flair, Sting, Hogan, Nash).. Today's Big Show is just existing in WWE
I'll agree with you that Big Show will be in the Hall of Fame...but I don't think he will be remembered NEARLY in the same light as Andre the Giant was. No way. Mainly, because back then...being a "giant" was intimidating and used properly. Andre the Giant just didn't easily lose to a Koko B. Ware to the effect that The Big Show would lose to smaller mid-card wrestlers.

That's true. He might not be remembered in the same light. But did I ever say I considered Big Show superior to Andre overall? No. My original post gave the advantage to Andre.

Big Show is in an era where there's more focus in putting over talent as well after all. Big Show is in an era where the smaller guys also gets to look good. So using the fact that Andre has a better chance of winning over someone else isn't useful in this kind of argument. Especially considering this isn't the Wrestlezone tournaments.

Also, they wouldn't cheapen Andre's monster-like-look and have him hanging out with the Gobbly Gooker or any other ridiculous gimmick like The Big Show would with Hornswaggle, etc.

Just like we're in an era of putting over talent. Big Show is in also in an era where entertainment is balanced upon much more. I'm certain that if Andre had been around. He would most likely have hung around with a comedy act once or twice.

Giant's just aren't seen in the same light as they used to be. Back in the day a flash-in-the-pan (i.e. Giant Gonzalez) could be a Wrestlemania headliner (so to speak). Where as a Great Khali is like a satire of giants today. It's embarrassing what they do with him and other giants these days for that matter.

Exactly my point. Andre got over not only because of his size. But the size did help him. And it wasn't just like "Oh he got like 10 extra fans because he's over 7 fucking feet". No it helped him greatly. But again - He could've done it either way I'm certain.

Agreed. Which is why I originally said it was almost impossible to compare the two because Andre the Giant already has a legendary status (due to his legacy) where The Big Show doesn't. But you knew Andre the Giant was something special WHILE he was wrestling. He represented something and pioneered something. The Big Show just followed suit.

Arguable. Sure Andre was special watching when he wrestled. But Big Show was also special. He was a huge guy just throwing people around like it was nothing back in his WCW days.

He was in great shape for his size. Now don't get me wrong I don't discredit Andre's abilities to throw people around and wrestle athletically. But Big Show with his size as well as his in-ring ability. That's special no matter what.

Correlation is a factor for causation. It doesn't necessarily imply it...but it is a major factor nonetheless. There's more of a factor to say that since he has a very very uncommon disease and there was a person who was VERY successful who had the same thing...that you may travel down the same successful path due to this than there is that you would just randomly and arbitrarily take up professional wrestling because that's what everybody considers when they are at a crossroads. Not to mention who's to say wrestling would even be what it became without Andre the Giant. Without him, Hulk Hogan could have been completely different - which could have dramatically changed the path for professional wrestling all together. Thus making the appeal of becoming a professional wrestler significantly less than The Big Show's other options. But we don't know this for sure...but it's a very likely scenario.

Still wouldn't you say it was odd to go down that path if you weren't interested in it whatsoever? And I seriously don't believe that someone being somewhat alike in any manner left or right up or down etc. makes a guy any more influenced in the manner that "Oh he made it. Then I HAVE to do it. I would've loved to be a lawyer you know. But this guy did so well. I have to do stuff like him, it's my only chance"

Hulk Hogan could've very well made it with or without Andre. Sure Andre was the big thing and all that. But I always believe that someone in any given position could've made something with or without the counterpart that made it possible.

My point wasn't that the Big Show joined wrestling because Andre the Giant "looked like him". As I said above...their abnormality was incredibly rare and uncommon. So when somebody has become so successful with the same obstacles in their way...it's a pretty good avenue to head down. John Cena and Triple H are completely normal without any defects and have countless amounts of others before them that were successful in almost any profession.

Yet Triple H and John Cena were both with huge bodybuilder bodies. Both were bodybuilders before they were wrestlers. And looked very much alike in that manner.

Triple H and/or John Cena could have been almost anything they wanted to be (barring that they tried hard to get there and were capable of doing so). The Big Show and everybody like him are limited to what they can do. In fact, The Big Show just bought a school bus and is paying a driver because the inconvenience his size causes when flying on planes and when buying a car. It's apples and oranges.

Big Show could just as well have become anything he wanted if he gave the time to do it. John Cena could've become a lawyer (using the example from above), but Big Show could just as well.

The size factor in things to purchase might be true. But it doesn't limit their career abilities. If Big Show would've wanted to sit in an office in a small booth. With a little struggle he would fit in there. And the same goes if he would've wanted to become a swimmer (stretch I know. But it's doable, don't deny it).
Wow! Just fucking wow! You are delusional. Being a draw now is more impressive than it was back then? Look how many different ways Big Show can be broadcast all over the world as compared to how many Andre had. Andre didn't have satellite television.

You are also ass wrong about about wrestlers being crossed over wasn't rare back then. How many wrestlers today have movies? Fucking Kane has one. Wrestlers today have far more exposure to the media nowadays. It's not even close. How you can think this, I will never understand.

This topic is the easiest question I have ever had to answer. In no way has Big Show surpassed Andre in status. None. In a world where the term legend gets thrown around way too much, Andre still is, and always will be. Big Show will never be a legend.

EDIT: Oh, and one more thing. In Andre's prime, wrestling was NOT geared towards kids. Sorry, but it is a fact.
And you have a problem with people having there own opinions, so I think you will find a lot of friends here.
Who else in movies besides Kane? Oh I dont know Austin, the Rock, RVD, Batista, Ted Dibiase, Big Show.

And maybe if you read the my original post I was saying due to the fact that people do have so much exposure now a days it makes people hard to stand out. Seriously, Andre like you said was in a time where they did not have as much as exposure chances but he was promoted as an attraction so he became one, the fore becoming a name and being put in movies back when it was rare and it was a dime a dozen to see a wrestler in a movie. He was in a time when wrestlers were wrestlers not known in other media, out of Hogan.

When the fuck did I say Andre was geared toward kids? I said in era where wrestling is geared toward them Andre would not have stood out. Reading is a blessing.
And you have a problem with people having there own opinions, so I think you will find a lot of friends here.
Who else in movies besides Kane? Oh I dont know Austin, the Rock, RVD, Batista, Ted Dibiase, Big Show.

I don't care if people like me or not. Thanks, but I am not like you. I don't look for acceptance on an internet forum. I come here to talk wrestling. period. But, thanks for putting the exclamation mark on my point about the media. Much appreciated.

And maybe if you read the my original post I was saying due to the fact that people do have so much exposure now a days it makes people hard to stand out. Seriously, Andre like you said was in a time where they did not have as much as exposure chances but he was promoted as an attraction so he became one, the fore becoming a name and being put in movies back when it was rare and it was a dime a dozen to see a wrestler in a movie. He was in a time when wrestlers were wrestlers not known in other media, out of Hogan.

This is what you said:

Being a draw now is more impressive that being so in the past, when wrestlers being crossed over into the media was not so rare.[/B]

You implied that wrestlers crossing over back then was not so rare. Meaning, wrestlers back then were crossed over more than now. If that is not what you meant, you should have worded it differently. Switch the past with now, and there you go. It isn't that hard. It's simple English.

When the fuck did I say Andre was geared toward kids? I said in era where wrestling is geared toward them Andre would not have stood out. Reading is a blessing.

You didn't say it. I added that fact, kid. Also, you don't know if Andre wouldn't have been successful with today's kids. You are assuming that kids do not love giants. I'll tell you a fact. Kids back then loved Andre. I was one of them. He would have done just fine, even more so than Big Show.

Let me add one more thing:

Show in his prime > Andre in his prime. And that Show did not have a time in wrestling to be as much as draw as Andre was my verdict is.

Big Show hasn't had a time to be a draw? Well, answer me this very simple question. How long would suffice for Big Show? How long has he been in the business already? He still isn't a fucking draw.

You can have your opinion, yes. But, that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.
Still wouldn't you say it was odd to go down that path if you weren't interested in it whatsoever? And I seriously don't believe that someone being somewhat alike in any manner left or right up or down etc. makes a guy any more influenced in the manner that "Oh he made it. Then I HAVE to do it. I would've loved to be a lawyer you know. But this guy did so well. I have to do stuff like him, it's my only chance"

I'm not saying that he HAD to do it. But it's kind like (in a much larger sample size) being extremely tall and playing basketball as compared to being extremely short and playing basketball. The majority of significantly short people don't go into basketball because they look at the probability of which they will be successful based on other people of similar size, etc. Same goes for the bigger guys.

Yet Triple H and John Cena were both with huge bodybuilder bodies. Both were bodybuilders before they were wrestlers. And looked very much alike in that manner.

John Cena was WAY bigger than Triple H when comparing them to when they first entered the WWF. Triple H had like a Chris Jericho body when he first came into the WWF asHunter Hearst Helmsley (embelished but still no where near the body Cena had).

Big Show could just as well have become anything he wanted if he gave the time to do it. John Cena could've become a lawyer (using the example from above), but Big Show could just as well.

The size factor in things to purchase might be true. But it doesn't limit their career abilities. If Big Show would've wanted to sit in an office in a small booth. With a little struggle he would fit in there. And the same goes if he would've wanted to become a swimmer (stretch I know. But it's doable, don't deny it).

It does limit them though. The real world is cruel out there. Why would a company hire somebody that they would have to shell out countless additional dollars in order to make them feel comfortable (i.e. build new bathroom stalls, special seats and desks, keyboards, special flights for business trips if he can even make it, etc.) when they could just NOT do this and hire somebody else? John Cena and Triple H can still drive in a car normally, fly in an airplane, and do almost anything without significant problems. The Big Show and Andre the Giant certainly can/could not.
I'm going to say yes, both as a performer and in kayfabe. Not because Show is better than Andre. He's not. Andre could out draw Show in his sleep, and would probably be put higher on the card and look more impressive doing it. However, for the heck of it I'll argue for the other side.

Why Show > Andre


In my opinion, the thing that a pro wrestler should be able to do best of all is entertain me. Sure Sly and many others will assert that the point of wrestlers is to make money for the promoter, but I do not care about that. I want to be entertained. I don't care if the guy who entertains me draws naut but a single dollar or a million dollars, and in my opinion Show is more entertaining. Look at the promo Tenta posted, it is freaking awesome, and Show can channel that charisma when he wrestles. In conclusion, Show can entertain me one hell of a lot more than Andre, and therefore is the better performer from where I'm standing.


Now, feel free to ignore this section because it is firmly rooted in the fantasy of Pro Wrestling, rather than the real world.

With the disclaimer out of the way, Show is a multiple time world champion. Andre won it once. For thirty seconds. Multiple longer reigns means Show is the superior wrestler from this aspect as well.
In my opinion yes he has,Although Andre was a bigger draw,Big Show in my opinion is stronger,faster and funnier.Big Show is my fav big man ever.When I watched some matches of Andre in his prime I thought: ''eh he's decent'' but i do respect the man because he wrestled through crippling pain and he had a huge imapact on pro wrestling but I like Big Show better,simply because I consider him more entertaining.I respect both men but Big Show is better in my eyes.Big Show back in the WCW days was AMAZING because he did moonsaults and dropkicks.Btw R.I.P Andre
I'm not saying that he HAD to do it. But it's kind like (in a much larger sample size) being extremely tall and playing basketball as compared to being extremely short and playing basketball. The majority of significantly short people don't go into basketball because they look at the probability of which they will be successful based on other people of similar size, etc. Same goes for the bigger guys.

Oh that's definitely true. It would be an odd career move to do at least. But even with the fact that Big Show had quite an advantage in basketball. There's no saying that he had stuck to that if it wasn't for Andre.

John Cena was WAY bigger than Triple H when comparing them to when they first entered the WWF. Triple H had like a Chris Jericho body when he first came into the WWF asHunter Hearst Helmsley (embelished but still no where near the body Cena had).
Yes when they first entered. But even with that John Cena and Triple H was about the same size when John debuted.

Triple H did not have a body like Chris Jericho when he debuted. But he sure wasn't as pumped I'll give you that.

It does limit them though. The real world is cruel out there. Why would a company hire somebody that they would have to shell out countless additional dollars in order to make them feel comfortable (i.e. build new bathroom stalls, special seats and desks, keyboards, special flights for business trips if he can even make it, etc.) when they could just NOT do this and hire somebody else? John Cena and Triple H can still drive in a car normally, fly in an airplane, and do almost anything without significant problems. The Big Show and Andre the Giant certainly can/could not.

Big Show on WWE television has proved fairly well he could fit into a bathroom booth. Same goes with seats and everything. Big Show is not that big after all.

Plus Big Show can fly in an airplane just fine. There's been stories of it actually from the press conference during the weekend leading up to Wrestlemania 25. Triple H talking about Show falling out of the airplane when they landed.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2233541 said:
It's a close race to me, because like I said I don't really connect to the Andre character because I'm 20, but...I respect both of their careers. In the end, and yeah it could just be my age in the wrestling world, but I'm going to have to go with Big Show.

Way to discredit your own argument, Mike. You basically shot it down before any of us could get to.

Saying that Big Show "accomplished everything there is to do in the business" is a gross exaggeration. Yes, he won some World Titles. So did David Arquette. Legacy is EVERYTHING in wrestling, and the Big Show will barely survive in memory. His most memorable moments so have been the time Kevin Nash dropped him on his head and when the Bossman stole his "father's" casket; basically huge f-ups.

Big Show has NEVER been a top draw and he never will, so how could he possibly surpass a true legend? Will anyone call Big Show a "legend" when he's gone? Maybe, we can't count his friends and family.
Sorry, Tenta, no effing way is this close. I will give you these things: Big Show is better in the ring, better on the mic, and a better performer, in general. The thing is this, Andre the Giant paved the way for Big Show, he sold out arenas everywhere, he was unbeatable for nearly forever. Doing it first and becoming a legend wins out, he's almost always in every top ten wrestlers in history (with Hogan, Flair, Inoki, Bret Hart, Austin, and other elite few) and usually in the top five. PWI for instance has him at two (after Hogan). You just can't surpass that by solely being better in every way shape or form, you have to be better in every way shape or form at the proper time and it just isn't plausible. The only thing I can think of for a comparison is this: Some say Daniel Day Lewis is a better method actor than Marlon Brando. Is Daniel Day Lewis better than Marlon Brando? Not even an argument. Nowhere close. I love Big Show, but honestly, nowhere close.

Also, not sure everyone has quite picked up on the history here, Show does/did suffer from Acromegaly, but he had a corrective surgery in the 90's to alter his growth which wasn't available for Andre, just for others here who might be confused.
Show was well on his way to being Andre and better in WCW, but that is a long time ago.
He's just not nearly as intimidating as Andre was, despite having more in ring success. He's obviously better on the mic and a bit more mobile but he just doesn't have that larger than life 8th wonder of the world thing going for him despite how large he is like Andre did. That in no way means Show is trash, he's in the top 5 big men in the business right now but he is a long way from where he should be and he really could have been much more. In my opinion Show has yet to even surpass Nash, bad knees and all. He has that something that show is lacking but I can't put my finger on it.
Andre is the superior to his baby boy, easily. Mr. Wight is a mighty fine wrestler. He's quite the comedian when he needs to be, good in the ring for being a freakin' tank, and just an overall enjoyable, bald, fun loving guy.

However, he's not Andre, not at all. Andre was the guy back in the day. When you thought pro wrestling, you thought Andre. His match with Hogan had like 100 million viewers. He was famous. His accent was cool as hell. Andre will have his own chapter in the history books while Big Show will just have a few chapters.

Also, Big Show has absolutely nothing comparable to what Andre did in the Princess Bride.
Way to discredit your own argument, Mike. You basically shot it down before any of us could get to.

Saying that Big Show "accomplished everything there is to do in the business" is a gross exaggeration. Yes, he won some World Titles. So did David Arquette. Legacy is EVERYTHING in wrestling, and the Big Show will barely survive in memory. His most memorable moments so have been the time Kevin Nash dropped him on his head and when the Bossman stole his "father's" casket; basically huge f-ups.

Big Show has NEVER been a top draw and he never will, so how could he possibly surpass a true legend? Will anyone call Big Show a "legend" when he's gone? Maybe, we can't count his friends and family.

Yes me,when Big Show retires I will consider him a legend because he is a great wrestler in the ring for his size

With the disclaimer out of the way, Show is a multiple time world champion. Andre won it once. For thirty seconds. Multiple longer reigns means Show is the superior wrestler from this aspect as well.

Kayfabe wise Andre was billed as a guy who didn't lose a match for 15 years before Wrestlemania 3. Big Show lost all the time and was a multiple time world champion in an era with two World Titles that are passed around more then a hooker in Vegas. Andre is most definitely superior in terms of kayfabe.
With today's instant gratification mentality, it's hard on Big Show to match Andre's stature in the minds of wrestling fans. Andre was a worldwide phenomenon before he came into contact with Vince. He built his legend prior to becoming a WWF/E legend and continued that tradition because he was the biggest thing the world had ever seen.

Show has the disadvantage here because of the era he's performing in. I sincerely doubt Andre could be as big of a draw NOW as he was THEN. Just different mentalities, different interests. If Show had come first, then this discussion could very well have been skewed the other way.

Look at the booking too. That's changed a TON since back in Andre's heyday. Show is used to put people over, and not just to the top, but to the next step. Losing to guys like Mysterio doesn't help his cause.

In all, they're both on equal footing in my mind, if you take into account their eras. In Andre's time, he was incredible, and frankly, in Show's time he's been incredible. Too many intangibles to put this up to an either/or black or white type of debate.
No matter what Big Show does he will never surpass Andre. Andre had one of the most classic moments in wrestling history, turning on Hogan and ripping off his cross.

Big Show has really done nothing that monumental and will have him remember anything for then his dumb punch and choke slam.
I don't care if people like me or not. Thanks, but I am not like you. I don't look for acceptance on an internet forum. I come here to talk wrestling. period. But, thanks for putting the exclamation mark on my point about the media. Much appreciated.

This is what you said:

You implied that wrestlers crossing over back then was not so rare. Meaning, wrestlers back then were crossed over more than now. If that is not what you meant, you should have worded it differently. Switch the past with now, and there you go. It isn't that hard. It's simple English.

You didn't say it. I added that fact, kid. Also, you don't know if Andre wouldn't have been successful with today's kids. You are assuming that kids do not love giants. I'll tell you a fact. Kids back then loved Andre. I was one of them. He would have done just fine, even more so than Big Show.

Let me add one more thing:

Big Show hasn't had a time to be a draw? Well, answer me this very simple question. How long would suffice for Big Show? How long has he been in the business already? He still isn't a fucking draw.

You can have your opinion, yes. But, that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.

No one said you would not have your own opinions I was referring to you calling me delusional for having mine, once again refer to the beginning. And calling me "kid" seriously? In the same post you said your here to talk wrestling not win on E-Emmy for such an original tagline

And no some kids love The Great Khali so what makes you think you saying you loved Andre as a kid would equal success for him as a giant in today's era. Were you the gold standard of kids? I just think he would have been on par with the success level of Khali.

I do see where I miss-phrased earlier, mistakes happen and I did not edit, as where you did when you accused me of saying Andre was marketed for kids.

Here I will put it simple.

Andre was made into an attraction where as Show could have to been to... in that age. Big men were not everywhere, add in the fact Show has the talking ability Andre did not, and Show would have been every bit as successful as Andre, and more so in my opinion.

I am not taking away from Andre, I just think he is getting more respect cause he is the legend in this case.

Andre was in a time where if a Show or Andre showed and marketed the same, they both would have been Legends just show more so. Just Andre was the one there at this time.

I guarantee if I had a time machine and could switch Andre and Show, you would be defending Show at this time.
No, simply Andre is by and by the bigger star. And I like Big Show, and think he is definitely the superior athlete and Mic worker, but facing facts, Andre was around in a time where big men were a rare treat, a spectacle for fans to behold. And him being particularly massive, he was destined for greatness. Hell if you put someone like Khali or Show himself back then, they'd have probably been massive stars as well. It's a right place right time thing. Big men are just not as marketable as they were.

Now it takes alot more than size to draw, and there are, correct me if I'm wrong, quite a few more big men in Wrestling nowadays, Between Kane, Undertaker Big Show, Khali, Eli Cottonwood, Vance Archer, and even on the lower side guys like Sheamus and Koslov, there are a ton of big men to go around.

Plus, the way Andre was booked, 15 years or so undefeated! That is unheard of nowadays, so while Big Show is puond for pound the better overall wrestler, Andre is the bigger star.
I honestly think this will not be a clear cut decision. Many people will be either in the yes or no, its unclear to say he is/isn't greater than Andre. In my opinion Andre was certainly the one to pave the way for the larger than life persons to make a career in this business. Of course he made some of the first monumental headlining moments that define the WWF/E for what it is now, and he was able to parlay that into other forms of entertainment, like movies. Princess Bride, Mickie and Maude. Then you have Paul 'Big Show' Wight, not one to be overlooked as well, probably one of the very few men of his size and stature that is quite adept in the ring, (sadly...Khali..not so much) but yet Big Show has proven that he does have that charisma and can use his talents outside the ring as well, many tv/movie projects we've seen, Waterboy, Royal Pains, MacGruber (so he's not in Oscar nom'ed movies) but he's one hell of a mic worker and even offstage, you see him working, working to just be the best for himself. I really don't think its a matter of saying he's better than Andre or not, I think its just a matter of every person knowing what works for them. Is Big Show trying to be Andre? No..he's just being himself. We all know that, he's not Andre, nor should he be. Just like the next large person should not want to be or try to be bigger than Big Show.

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