Has Paul Heyman Signed A New "Paul Heyman Guy"?


Heyman recently did an interview with Billy Donnelly of ThisIsInfamous.com to promote WrestleMania XXX. During the interview, Heyman was asked if there are any new "Paul Heyman Guys" ready to break out. Heyman responded that he'd already signed a new "Paul Heyman Guy" but he wouldn't give any details about it. Initially, it seemed like he was only teasing but he was asked if the guy's identity would remain quiet. Heyman responded:

"Oh no! We're going to broadcast his identity and we're going to publicize and promote it and present it and market it and make as big a splash as humanly possible regarding this new Paul Heyman guy."

It's possible that Heyman was only screwing around and said what he said in order to generate some buzz. Then again, it's also possible that there'll be a new "Paul Heyman Guy" popping up very soon. If so, who do you think it'll be? If so, who do you think it should be?
Interesting to see if he's a guy who WWE just signed or if he's already in the main roster.

Either way let's hope he's not a whining crybaby like a somebody.
It's possible that Heyman was only screwing around and said what he said in order to generate some buzz.

I certainly hope this was the case. After the spectacular failings of Axel and Ryback, surely the "Heyman guy"-fad is over? It was proven that Heyman can't turn raw sewage into gold. Okay, okay, maybe not raw sewage, but rough opals at best...

Unless he's referring to Punk's return, but Jim Cornette said it isn't a work.
Perhaps Bo Dallas?

He just finished up in the NXT Title picture and lost the rematch.

Kid does have talent, maybe he can tweak his whole "Bo-Lieve" shtick.

I know a lot of people here suggest that he join the Wyatts, but I don't find that appealing at all, unless he were to be just as important as his brother, but would ruin everything that they are doing with Bray.

As for Curtis Axel, I think putting him in his father's shoes was what killed him off, he was hot for a while, that much is true. They should have let him forge his own path and destiny, maybe slightly alluding to his heritage, or not even at all.

And Ryback? I think they lumped him in because the failed miserably in thrusting him to the main event scene, and they had nothing else better to do, so they thought, why not? lol
The new Paul Heyman guy if true will be interesting.. It is possible he was just saying stuff to generate a little bit of buzz,then again maybe not.. A guy who was extremely green,not great on the mic but who hasn't been seen in quite some time is Mason Ryan. Ryan has the look,most definitely i think it could be him.. He can be another monster who isn't great on the mic,but just goes in and destroys the competition ala Brock Lesnar
Makes complete sense. Lesnar worked the Rumble which makes me think he is not likely to work Extreme Rules. Regardless though, Lesnar is going to be gone for awhile leading me to think Heyman will need something to do. A new guy makes sense.
The new Paul Heyman guy if true will be interesting.. It is possible he was just saying stuff to generate a little bit of buzz,then again maybe not.. A guy who was extremely green,not great on the mic but who hasn't been seen in quite some time is Mason Ryan. Ryan has the look,most definitely i think it could be him.. He can be another monster who isn't great on the mic,but just goes in and destroys the competition ala Brock Lesnar

Mason Ryan, I totally forgot.

Last time I saw him he was talking to AW about joining All World Productions.

That would be great, but do you think that would be counter-productive since Alexander Rusev is about to stomp his way into The Show?

Could they pull of a simultaneous monster destructive heel scenario?
There's a lot of noise about Prince Devitt coming to WWE. Maybe the "E" doesn't want Devitt to do a lot of talking because of his accent (which is dumb, he's pretty good on the mic).

I don't know. Maybe it's just because I don't like Mason Ryan that I have a hard time believing he's Paul's new guy.

Dont get me wrong, I do want a new Paul Heyman guy but I was hoping they would hold off for a bit and when the Shield fully splits, he aligns himself with DEAN AMBROSE.

Roman Reigns will split first and go on his babyface run and then I expect that after a short Tag Team run with Ambrose, Rollins will also split and have a babyface run.
Then, after a feud between Rollins and Ambrose, where Rollins comes out on top to kickstart his Singles run, have Ambrose go off TV for a l month period and repackage him as the New Paul Heyman guy which would be a great way to kickstart Ambrose's run as a Top Singles Heel, lMO.

All that said, if there is someone signed already by Heyman then I expect it will be revealed on a RAW before Extreme Rules. Hopefully it is a superstar with potential for the Main Event and not some scrub who will become irrelevant a couple of months.
It's going to be Wade Barrett or Alex Russev. Hell it makes the most sense because Barrett is too good to be wasted; he's just been in a loop these past few years. IN the feud with Sheamus, he should've went over in my opinion. He's still young but he needs to get back to his prime form.
I'm hoping that Heyman steals Cesaro right out from under Zeb Coulter's nose. And then they can finally have the split and Cesaro/Swagger program that seemed to be hinted at before being put on hold for Mania.

The Heyman versus Zeb promos would be briliant and make it all way more than worth it.
I'm hoping that Heyman steals Cesaro right out from under Zeb Coulter's nose. And then they can finally have the split and Cesaro/Swagger program that seemed to be hinted at before being put on hold for Mania.

The Heyman versus Zeb promos would be briliant and make it all way more than worth it.

Damn, I haven't even thought of that one! That'd be an interesting way to split the Real Americans and also have stable feuds with Heyman guys vs. Colter's group. If Paul Heyman is bringing in an entirely new Heyman guy, it would be cool if it were Drew McIntyre. Drew teased that awhile back with some interview he did. I'd like to see Drew become a serious competitor again because his whole stint in 3MB has been a big joke.

BTW, I HATE the idea of Bo Dallas being anywhere near the main roster. I have only watched a few episodes of NXT but I already hate Bo Dallas. His shitty puns on the Bo name combined with his weird look/promo skills would make him an instant failure. :banghead:
I'm hoping that Heyman steals Cesaro right out from under Zeb Coulter's nose. And then they can finally have the split and Cesaro/Swagger program that seemed to be hinted at before being put on hold for Mania.

The Heyman versus Zeb promos would be briliant and make it all way more than worth it.

Suddenly this is the only idea that makes sense to me. Neither Cesaro nor Swagger are Anthony Hopkins, so giving them each a mic guy is the best way to solve this. It also gives them a proper reason to feud other than the tag-team jealousy break-up we've seen since every tag-team in this century.

I just have a problem with too much Heyman on WWE. At one point with Lesnar AND Punk it was really just too much.
No Ryback, no Axel, no McIntyre, no Barrett, no Ziggler, no Ryder...you get the point. No more past failures. Paul Heyman is too valuable as a manager to be wasted on these guys.

Cesaro makes the most sense and should have been the Heyman guy instead of Axel. If they want to go another route, go with Batista. Batista + Heyman = GOLD! Those are the only two options I really want to see.

BTW, I HATE the idea of Bo Dallas being anywhere near the main roster. I have only watched a few episodes of NXT but I already hate Bo Dallas. His shitty puns on the Bo name combined with his weird look/promo skills would make him an instant failure.

Kind of the whole point of a heel Bo Dallas, amirite?
For the love of all that is holy, let it be Drew McIntyre. The kid has all the talent in the world but he needs rescuing from this politiking bullshit that's held him down for so long. Heyman & McIntyre are a perfect fit.
It seems plausible that he was being serious. After Mania Brock will leave, and Heyman will need a role to fill unless he decides to leave as well. I like the Idea of another Paul Heyman Guy sounds cool, and I don't fault him for the failures of Ryback and Axel. I think when Heyman is paired with a guy its need to be with some one who is special, and whether he picked those guys or WWE did. Neither of them have anything special going for them. I've heard rocks gives better promos. No not The Rock, an actual Rock. Anyways to get back on topic, I don't have anything to back this Idea up but i think I read one report that said Sami Zayn was gonna be pulled up after Wrestlemania. I think he would be a good candidate to be the next Paul Heyman guy.
Am I the only one who is thinking that the next Paul Heyman guy could be a returning RVD? These guys have a history, and it has been rumoured for some time now that RVD is returning to WWE in the post Wrestlemania time frame. Once Lesnar loses on Sunday, he will likely disappear for a few months. RVD will probably only be interested in returning for a few months. They could align these guys for a brief period of time, before someone comes along and puts RVD back on the shelf, sometime before Lesnar is due to return again. I'm not really sure if threes a particularly logical explanation for the union, but lets face it, that's never stopped WWE before.

My wet dream, unrealistic choice to be the next Paul Heyman guy? A debuting AJ Styles. I'm not holding my breath on that one, but it would be awesome if that could somehow occur.
I would love for it to be Kofi Kingston. The guy has all the talent in the world. He's a little rough on the mic and needs a character change.
I have a sad feeling that it may be Corey Graves. You can see the promo now "Punk left you but I brought you the "New" CM Punk" and then out comes Graves *shudder*
He doesn't need it, but Randy Orton as a "Heyman Guy" would be gold. Triple H doesn't seem to have any faith in him anymore as the new face of the WWE, and after Orton loses the belt and is down in the dumps, Heyman could take Orton under his wing and pick him right back up. And with Heyman by his side, I could see Heyman help bring The Viper back out of him.

Here's a crazy idea I have in mind - Daniel Bryan. I doubt it will ever happen but it makes sense when you think about it. Bryan is a guy who doesn't fit The Authority's vision of a champion or an A+ player much like CM Punk when he first arrived in the WWE, and Heyman is a guy who Helmsley and the McMahon's dislike. Like with Punk, Heyman could take on Bryan, and together they could fight the machine. This would mean Heyman turning face, but I think Heyman as a face manager could work. It would be something new and interesting. Also, it's been mentioned around here a couple of times, Triple H could bring back Brock Lesnar in the summer to go after Bryan, the WWE Championship, and Heyman, who Lesnar feels he's been betrayed by, by siding with Bryan and helping him stay the WWE Champion instead of helping him become the WWE Champion.

Don't see either of those two happening though. Love the Cesaro idea by Papa Pillman and I'd be all for that one.
WHoever it is, I'm sure we will find out on Sunday during the Taker vs Lesnar match. I'm sure the new "Heyman Guy" will run in during the match to try and sell Undertaker losing by Nefarious means........Which of course, he will not.
My Prediction: Bo Dallas
My Preference: Cesaro
On a side note I don't blame Axel and Ryback for their failings as Heyman guys. They were Heyman guys at the wrong time, when CM Punk was still getting push and feuding with Heyman. Any Heyman guy at that time not named Lesnar was going to job and job miserably to Punk, giving Punk his comeuppance over Heyman. Now is the time, as WM is about to end and Lesnar fades back to part time status, for that new guy whoever he is.
The two recent Paul Heyman guys didn't really fit of the meaning of the title. Curtis Axel came under Paul Heyman as a different, improved wrestler who now had a legitimate manager to guide him and make him better. Ryback got clustered along with Paul Heyman to add an interesting turn to the Punk/Heyman feud that had been going on.

CM Punk truly was a Paul Heyman guy, because Paul was familiar with him back when Punk wrestled in Ring Of Honor. When Punk came to WWE's developmental league, OVW, Paul Heyman took him under his tutelage and gave him knowledge and teachings that helped Punk improve. ECW, once again showed that Punk was a Paul Heyman guy. Everybody knows the story with Lesnar and Paul as well.

Seeing the comparisons of the successful Paul Heyman guys to the failures, the obvious trend says that the wrestler should have some history with Heyman. Maybe that is the key to the combination. I really think that the Curtis Axel idea was amazing and should still be going on with Axel as a top heel. I don't think Ryback was a good idea at all.

Here are wrestlers I would like to see under Paul Heyman:

Drew McIntyre
Wade Barrett
Heel Sheamus :shrug: (it could work)
Maybe, just maybe Chris Hero
A returning Shelton Benjamin?

Can we get some actual talent from TNA and bring it WWE under Paul Heyman??

There are guys who would go great under the name. Guys like Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan. I know this isn't possible at all. Only a wish because I hate what has become of TNA. Imagine Mr. Anderson and Paul Heyman together!!

I don't believe any veteran or established stars should tie their names with Heyman right now. So no Batista, Orton ...


What if it could be Kurt Angle?

Sorry, just had a major fan burst.
Back to the matter at hand. Please OH PLEASE don't let it be Bo Dallas. That is all I ask.
Makes complete sense. Lesnar worked the Rumble which makes me think he is not likely to work Extreme Rules. Regardless though, Lesnar is going to be gone for awhile leading me to think Heyman will need something to do. A new guy makes sense.

If only Rusev wasn't with Lana. Him and Heyman would be solid together. Heyman on the mic, Rusev make magic in the ring. I wouldn't mind seeing Heyman lead a stable of young talent either.

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