Has CM Punk ever had a memorable match?


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I will give credit where credit is due. CM punk has had one of the most memorable months in the past few years for the WWE. His mic skills are amazing, and he's pretty much the reason to watch right now.

That being said, I think he is being glorified too much and is still extremely overrated. I honestly can't think of one match I saw him in and said, "Wow that was a classic." He's not as he proclaims "the best wrestler in the world," and he's too small to be able to do a lot of moves to bigger people (for example he would never be able to do a gts to someone like mason ryan).

I love what he's been doing the past few weeks, but lets not go too crazy, he's never been much in the ring. So I'm asking the IWC to tell me a match to watch or something cause I want to buy in on it, I just have never been that impressed. That's just my opinion
I am far from a Punk mark, however he is one of the more entertaining Performers out there today. Im not sure that he is the "best" wrestler but he can tell a story in the ring and his actual in ring psycology are outstanding. When it comes to best overall performer in and out of the ring, on and off the mic especially on, the I would have to say yes Punk is one of the best if not the best at this point in time in the business.

If you cant recognize this in any of his matches then your truelly havent seen wrestling.
I am far from a Punk mark, however he is one of the more entertaining Performers out there today. Im not sure that he is the "best" wrestler but he can tell a story in the ring and his actual in ring psycology are outstanding. When it comes to best overall performer in and out of the ring, on and off the mic especially on, the I would have to say yes Punk is one of the best if not the best at this point in time in the business.

If you cant recognize this in any of his matches then your truelly havent seen wrestling.

I didn't say he isn't entertaining or can't wrestle. However, I was saying there is not one match I have seen him in that I would say "that will be on WWE classics one day"
he has had memorable moments for sure like cashing in MITB on Edge but matches its harder to say
His best matches people will say were in ROH
Personally i think his match with Morrison for the ECW title was a MOTY Candidate but was overshadowed by the Benoit Story
Wining MITB but then thats not a real match per se
Punk vs. Chris Jericho for the World Title Inside a Steel Cage: 9/15/08.....Hung in there with one of the best, even though he lost the match it was still a great match.

Punk vs. Jeff Hardy in a TLC Match for the World Title: SummerSlam 2009. Great singles TLC match.

Punk vs. Randy Orton at WrestleMania 27: Great match to finish off the rivalry.
Punk's hit the GTS on Gallows and Kane, Ryan shouldn't be a problem.

As for matches, one match of his that has always stuck with me was his Gulf of Mexico match with Chavo on ECW. It may not be his best match, but it's one I've remembered.
TLC vs Jeff Hardy at Summerslam
His match at least year's WrestleMania against Rey (really, almost every match in that series was pretty damn good).
He had a really good one against the Undertaker a few years back on an episode of Smackdown.
The Royal Rumble last year where he spent half of his time cutting a promo.

Outside of WWE, he's done some great work with Samoa Joe and Mysterio/Guerrero, of people you may know.
I was about to come in and say "several against Samoa Joe" but then I saw you meant WWE matches only.


Honestly, I can't think of ANY memorable match in WWE by anybody let alone CM Punk. The WWE style just doesn't cater to the type of wrestling he and some others (Sin Cara, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Bryan Danielson, Christian, Alberto Del Rio, Randy Orton mainly come to mind) are capable of.


They don't seem to want wrestlers to actually wrestle. Like they don't want the good wrestlers showing up the horrible, generic ones like Cena, Riley, Miz etc. Or maybe they'd prefer people to talk about a promo or segment rather than a match?

It's a shame because Chris Benoit used to wrestle like every match could be his last like a lot of people do outside of WWE but once he got stuck in the machine, he was reduced to the following moves: german suplex, diving headbutt, Crossface, knife edge chop with a few others allowed to slip through now and then.

Not just him either, quite a few (Rey being an exception because he started to get horrible in the ring towards the end of WCW and that was mainly thanks to his knee issues) so yeah, I can see why most would struggle to think of a memorable match in WWE. Especially for Punk.

Only one I can think of is the I Quit between Beth and Melina but that's not the topic at hand unless Punk was disguised as one of them, which is doubtful.
his TLC match with Jeff Hardy comes to mind as a memorable match, and I vividly remember a classic match between him and Edge on smackdown just before the hardy feud. true, they're not on the same caliber as HBK-Taker, or Mysterio-Eddie, or Rock-Austin, but the're still memorable.
You think bret hart or shawn michaels could GTS kane? Me neither. Also, wrestlers who are truly talented don't have to rely on finishing every match with their finisher. That's what separates people like brett, shawn, punk, guererro, booker from people like hogan, cena, austin, hhh, and rock. I'm glad he can't GTS bigger guys, it forces more creativity.

Cm punk vs eddie vs rey was a pretty good match. Look it up.

Jeff hardy tlc also.

60 min draw with samoa joe.
Im not gonna say im not a mark...i think punk is amazing and by far my favorite character right now.. does that make me a mark? idk but either way punk has had a few memorable matches whether it was the money in the bank matches his fued with rey mysterio or his matches with john morrison in ecw..but his BEST match hes had in my opinion would be his match against randy orton at wrestlemania..it stole the show had a great story going with it and the story told in the ring was great as well...we saw punk controlling most of the match n then getting caught off the top rope..he came up short but it was a phenomanal match
a lot of the current "Punkies" are just saying 'his storytelling is phenomenal' and 'he is so technically sound' while avoiding the topic by saying things like 'look up his matches rey' or 'his matches in ecw' but all of these posts prove the OP's point: CM Punk has not had a memorable match in his entire career. The OP didn't ask if he's had good matches, he asked if Punk has had matches that people will remember for years to come but everyone's struggling to remember a specific match. What if this question was with Triple H? No one would say 'look at matches from 2000' or 'look at his matches with Kurt Angle', they'd be able to name at least 10 specific matches that most fans could remember.

CM Punk on the other hand, only has one match that even comes close to being memorable: SummerSlam 2009 TLC Match vs. Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship. The funny thing about this is, this match is only so memorable because it's Hardy's last PPV match in the WWE to date, which has absolutely nothing to do with CM Punk.

I'll admit he's one of the must-see stars in the industry today, but please don't fool yourselves into thinking he's had memorable matches or anything groundbreaking besides his promo 3 weeks ago.
CM Punk vs Orton at WM27 these two had a great match that night.
CM Punk vs Undertaker on Smackdown. CM Punk cleanly pinned Undertaker, and also has a submission victory over the Old Man errr... Dead man
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio various times on Smackdown, and recently on Raw these two have torn down the house. I don't know what wrestling programming you guys watch, but you must have missed out.
CM Punk vs a HEEL John Morrison for the ECW Title on ECW. I pretty sure CM Punk and Morrison really hate each others guts because the match I remember was by far one of the stiffest worked matches I have ever seen.

I also recall Punk giving some great memories during an EC match as well as Royal Rumble. EC he eliminated a couple of guys and between the time the of their elimination and the next persons entry he would cut a promo about how great he was, or how straight edge could save you life. BRILLIANT

these are just a few of the ones I can actually remember seeing first hand.

Punk was unfortunately stuck in some bad feuds during his time in the WWE.
JBL, Kane, Big Show? Really? I get it, he was champ, but no one ever really shined when feuding with those three monsters
joe vs punk 1 and 2
punk vs raven cage match
punk vs. john morrison extreme rules
regal vs punk
punk vs jericho cage
punk vs. hardy tlc
punk vs. matt hardy raw
punk vs. taker breaking point
punk vs.hardy cage
punk vs. mysterio wm
punk vs mysterio hair
punk vs big show
punk vs orton wm

so he has had alot
and thats with him not getting main guy time like cena or orton.
The problem here is, there really haven't been many "memorable" or jaw-dropping matches from anyone in WWE in recent times. There are a few exceptions, but matches today rarely stick out. Part of the problem might be the conforming "WWE style" that sort of restricts the wrestlers(that's right I said it). I realize that some moves are outlawed for safety's sake and I'm cool with that, but sometimes the wrestler's creativity is a bit hindered by that. That's why some of you might say that the most memorable Punk matches are from his ROH days. The problem with that, while they maybe great matches, ROH's audience is so limited that the majority of fans have not seen them, meaning they might be memorable for you, but not memorable in the same way that Savage vs. Steamboat was.

I'm not saying any of this to really single out CM Punk. I'm merely stating that for me alot of the matches these days seem almost as cookie-cutter as some of the Superstars themselves. Once in awhile we get a gem like the first Orton vs. Christian match or the series of matches between DB and Ziggler. However, for the most part it often seems like some of the guys are just going through a routine.
WWE isn't built for "memorable matches" anymore.

Tell me a memorable match Cena had (with someone not named Shawn Michaels) or Randy Orton has had (With someone not named Triple H).

Exactly. they haven't had them.

For Punk, his fued with Rey Mysterio was memorable, as was his feud with Jeff Hardy. Pick any of those matches.

Also, don't be a shut in. Google and Youtube are wonderful devices. Please use the keywords CM PUNK ROH SAMOA JOE. Seriously, his matches with joe were a-fuckin-mazing. Also, his match with Super Dragon in PWG was excellent.

Punk is an awesome wrestler, but if you're name isn't shawn Michaels or Triple H, apparently you can't have memorable matches.
First, I'd like to say I am a supporter of CM Punk. As Mark Madden says, he could be Piper. And that's the truth. Now let's talk about Piper. How many memorable matches has he really had? Three. One was the Main Event of the first WM, which is memorable really only for that. Second is WM 2 against Mr. T, memorable because he was boxing Mr. T. Third was WM 8 against Bret. Fucking good match, nuff said. What made Piper the best heel of all time, was his mic skills. On the same level, what made Dusty Rhodes one of the top five babyfaces of all time, was certainly not his wrestling. It was his mic work. That's how people draw money. Not in ring wrestling. Talking.

That being said, Punk hasn't had a lot of memorable matches in WWE. However any memorable matches I can think of in the WWE, ever, have been WM Main Events, or matches where someone pulled a stupid high spot. Punk hasn't had much of those. Yet.

Punk is honestly, slopping, and kind of unathletic. But he's capable, and smart. Smart as hell. Smart in the ring, looks great, looks different, and can talk his way up and down anyone out there. Seriously, if promos were always shoot you'd have to fire Punk because no one else would ever draw. Maybe that's why he never gets pushed. Anyway, he has great matches, wait for the memorable ones.
I will give credit where credit is due. CM punk has had one of the most memorable months in the past few years for the WWE. His mic skills are amazing, and he's pretty much the reason to watch right now.

That being said, I think he is being glorified too much and is still extremely overrated. I honestly can't think of one match I saw him in and said, "Wow that was a classic." He's not as he proclaims "the best wrestler in the world," and he's too small to be able to do a lot of moves to bigger people (for example he would never be able to do a gts to someone like mason ryan).

I love what he's been doing the past few weeks, but lets not go too crazy, he's never been much in the ring. So I'm asking the IWC to tell me a match to watch or something cause I want to buy in on it, I just have never been that impressed. That's just my opinion

Punk is an Awesome wrestler with everyone hes worked with. Hes had awesome matches with John Morrison, Jeff Hardy, mysterio, and a wide range of other wrestler in and outside the wwe. Hell, his matches with Cena are great.

What do you mean hes too small? Hes the perfect size to do high flying moves and technichal wrestling. He lifted up Kane and hit him with the Gts. The only reason Punk hasnt made a huge impact until now is because WWE didnt give him the chance to and why would he be bothered if he knew they would use him like shit and make him face wrestlers like the Big Show and book him to lose. Punk will have a great match with Cena this Sunday and make history. (Not like he hasnt already)
Size is totally irrelevant in wrestling today for the most part. Gone are the days when being a roid freak went hand in hand with being at the top of the card. CM Punk is big enough to convincingly compete...and that's all that matters really. It's not like the guy is 5 foot nothing and a buck o' five. If he can't successfully pull off the GTS he can apply the Anaconda Vice or any number of nasty looking kicks. To put it simply, Punk doesn't necessarily have to hit GTS to finish an opponent.

As far as memorable matches, the first that comes to mind is Punk vs Johnny Nitro when the Benoit tragedy occured. Punk's match with Randy Orton at wrestlemania was quality as well. He's also had memorable matches with Mysterio and Edge.

I can agree with CM Punk falling a bit short in terms of being the best wrestler in the world, though. Even so, he's on the short list of the world's best. The guy is arguably the best mic worker among all active wrestlers, and he can hold his own in the ring as well as anyone too. CM Punk is a phenominal talent. It's as simple as that...

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