Cena's Little Helper
Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've been pondering this question ever since I finished Brüno last night. Before this film, I had never in the slightest been offended by a film (I have been disturbed and scared, but not offended). But, with this film, I hardly laughed at any of Sacha Baron Cohen's jokes, and I couldn't help but think how most of them were done in extremely poor taste; it's almost as if he meant most of what he said (I know this isn't true, and you could counter that this shows how convincing Cohen is as an actor, but, come on, this is a comedy, not a drama on the ignorance of fashionistas).
So, have any of you ever been offended by a film? If so, which one(s)?
So, have any of you ever been offended by a film? If so, which one(s)?