Hardy Boyz!!



So if Jeff do not win Ic, and Matt not the Cw tittle's.....

Who can see after that Matt jumps shows and the hardy boyz get back togeter and take Tag tittles from Highlanders?? And you all think this going down?? I say SS
Its not gonn a happen for awhile yet... Both of themsaid they wanted to work as singles competitors... If they do reform the Hardy Boyz... It wont be till.. I say next years Summerslam..
They'll reform the Hardy Boyz when they realise that Jeff is only there for the money and he's phoning in all his matches. They will put him with Matt so he can do most of the work and then Jeff can steal the spotlight with an impressive jump off a ladder.
Look for a Hardy Boyz reunion at WrestleMania 23 according to a source at RAW.
So if the Hardy Boyz do have a reunion(GOD I HOPE THEY DO) do you guys think they will re-form be4 WM23 and if so who would u guys like to seem them up agains and in what kind of match
of course they will reform before wm23 because they would want to have a good match at WM23 they cant really do much if there is no lead up....
When they do reform I hope it's on Smackdown because they seem to be building up proper teams instead of gimmick teams that will go nowhere ie. The Highlanders. I would love to see Hardyz vs Pitbulls or London & Kendrick, they might get the crowd involved in there matches more because nobody pops for Smackdown tag teams.
I think the Hardy Boyz (when they reunite) should go on RAW. Well...I think they'd be accepted by ECW fans. Jeff's big balls and high spots would definitely make the ECW fans cheer
With Smackdown coming into the CW Network, which will be much stronger than UPN, the WWE may be looking to freshen up Smackdown and make it a solid show and pull up some ratings. Hopefully Cena gets sent over to Smackdown. That would appeal to the younger kids who stay home on Friday Nights, since he isn't getting over with male adults.

Back to this topic, that's why I think they should reform the Hardy Boyz on Smackdown. Imagine the matches with London/Kendrick or the Pitbulls.

WWE should also have Benjamin/Haas come over to Smackdown too. I know many people love Benjamin as a singles star, but the WWE is doing nothing for him, and it's a shame. They should put them on Smackdown to rebuild a WEAK tag team division.

Imagine the WGTT against the Hardy Boyz. Beautiful.

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