Hardcore Justice: A&8's Vs MEM - Who's going?

Who is leaving TNA after Hardcore Justice?

  • Devon

  • Garrett Bischoff

  • Knux

  • Mr Anderson

  • Wes Briscoe

  • Kurt Angle

  • Magnus

  • Rampage Jackson

  • Samoa Joe

  • Sting

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The Aces & Eights Vs The Main Event Mafia has been announced for Hardcore Justice with the person getting pinned being forced to leave TNA for good. So whether it be for Storyline purposes or a way to write someone off as they leave, someone is "leaving" TNA, the question is..... who?

There are 10 possibilities for who is leaving

Devon, Garrett Bischoff, Wes Briscoe, Knux, Mr Anderson

Sting, Samoa Joe, Magnus, Kurt Angle, Rampage Jackson

With how much steam they have lost over the last few weeks I personally think that the A&8's need the win which narrows it down to 5 (although I could be wrong). And out of the 5, only 2 stand out. One that isn't a pro wrestler and one that is rumored to be leaving.

I of course mean Rampage Jackson & Sting.

With Rampage it writes itself, "Mr #August1Warning" Tito Ortiz will come out and screw over the MEM & cause Rampage to take the fall, getting him out of TNA and building heat for their Bellator fight (Why having pro-wrestling heat for a real fight is beyond me).

As for Sting, there are always rumors of him making a jump but those have amped up recently, especially with TNA's financial troubles and recent cuts. This could be a way to write him off and add some much needed momentum to the A&8's, taking out the head of the group that is going against them.

Of course the Aces could always lose a member to show them weakening, but I honestly think they need the win here.

What does everyone else think?
Who is going & why?
Are they really going or will they be back?
I think the Aces will lose and continue to go on a downward spiral. And I think Devon will be the one to take the pin. I dunno why I just have a hunch. It might be because Devon is one of the oldest of the group, and I can't imagine TNA doing anything with him after A&8's is finished. Whereas with the others I somewhat can. Him as a singles guy was pretty bland and I think it would be a good way to piss off Bully as well perhaps making him even more enraged before his main event with Sabin.

My dream scenario though would be Taz taking the pin, Kurt did say ANY Aces & 8's member could be in the match. :lmao: And we would finally get Taz out of TNA forever!
I picked Knux. he's pretty much useless and could have easily been one of the recent releases. this way he can be written out story line wise. I kinda wonder if somehow if there is a situation where Aces and Eights are losing and someone pushes Knux into the ring or whatever to get pinned or submitted.

you know it wont be Rampage, Joe, or Magnus. and I don't know if I can see Sting or Angle losing meaning they would be gone from TNA. which is why I think it has to be someone from Aces and Eights. it wont be Anderson. I can't see TNA writing off either Garrett or Wes. maybe Devon, but I think he still fits into a major player in Aces and Eights. so that's why I've come down to choosing Knux.

He has no long term future in TNA that I can see... he's fighting an MMA bout against Ortiz in November. TNA becomes the stage for a "mini feud" between the two leading into the bout.

Ortiz is announced as the special guest ref for Hardcore Justice. He "screws" Rampage out of his spot in TNA. The A's&8's pick up a bit of momentum with the "win" and are safe until BFG, where I see a "losing team disbands" type of stip in a rematch between the two factions.
Well, if you believe some of the stuff that's written on this site, Devon is rumored to be the one taking over D'Lo Brown's backstage duties, so it could be him. Also, he hasn't had a huge presence in the group as of late. Hopefully it isn't, as he, Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson are the biggest names of the group that are active wrestlers.
Obviously there are a few ways to go with this.

Guys who won't take the fall: Angle, Magnus, Joe for MEM; Bischoff, Briscoe, Knux for A&8s. The reason for the MEM guys is that it would be too big of an impact not having them around. Magnus and Joe are at the top of the BFG series and Angle is the biggest draw. On the a&8s side, really, any of those three losing, frankly, doesn't do anything.

As for guys who could lose:
Devon: he's already said that he's not wrestling as much and has assumed for backstage agent duties. Odds2:1
Sting: if there is anything to any rumor that he's leaving for the E, this would be the way to do it. Odds 10:1
Anderson: I think he's turning face, to be honest. Having read what is in store for next week, I see Bully losing to Sabin and then telling Anderson to know his role and he'll take his spot in the BFG to go after the title shot he isn't supposed together. At BFG, Bully wins the title back and Anderson comes back as a face challenger, having turned on a&8s. Odds 5-1

The way I see it going down:
Rampage: he'll have to check out to do some MMA training leading up to the Nov 2 PPV. Tito screwing him over would make the most sense given that I see Tito as an 'enforcer' at ringside during the five on five. Odds 1:2
I don't see it being anyone from the MEM, Angle is vital for them and Sting will see the angle with Aces & Eights through as it started with him. Magnus and Joe are main players in the BFG series and there's no way Rampage takes a pin in his first match, I doubt Bellator would allow it.

I voted for Knux as he doesn't actually wrestle and while he fits the role of biker heavy he's not active and has no future on the roster once the angle is done, and I see this as another step in thinning out the Aces & Eights herd before closing out the angle at BFG.
i could see it being any of these 4.....Angle (getting older and may want to try out for olympics), Sting (leader of the group and is oldest of the group), Devon (there was rumors of him being a road agent) and Rampage (to prepare for his big fight with MMA), now if i had to choose who i want to lose it's Sting so it will give the Aces and Eights a huge win.
While I hope it's knux it could very well be Angle because Angle said to someone who wanted him to come back to WWE for one last run like Nash did that he would be doing so very soon and the stipulation of leaving TNA for good likely would come from the fact that Angle has stated publicly that he plans to retire by age 46 so he would likely go back for one year since he's turning 45 this December I'm hoping it's not Kurt that evidence stacks pretty high.
Ok let's think about this logicly. First, lets think is it Magnus? Magnus is the bound for glory series leader and has been very impressive recently. Dixie Carter told me personally that she thinks Magnus could carry the company of TNA into the future. For this reason, I don't think it will be Magnus taking the fall and leaving. Then, their is Samoa Joe who can still put some amazing matches on. Their were some matches that were really good recently in the last year and a bit. Joe has got years left in him so it would be stupid to get rid of Joe. He is also a good attraction to have in the company. Rampage Jackson. Dixie Carter's result of the cross over thing. Not really sure why Rampage would be leaving because of the fact that he is on quite an ok role and he has done well so far in the brawls we have seen him in. Sting's contract is valid until January. Unless Sting chooses not to renew, he has got 6 months left in his contract. I see him sticking around and atleast seeing them through. With Kurt Angle, he is the most obvious choice out of all the Mafia. He has said he will retire soon and he is planning to go to the WWE before he is 46. He will be 45 this year in November(?).

Now onto the Main Event Mafia. It is certainly not going to be Garrett Bischoff. I know that because Garrett is the nephew of Eric Bischoff. Nephewtisim counts for a lot in wrestling. Especialy family ties. With Wes Briscoe, he is one of the more talented wrestlers in the Aces and Eights and he has had a big "singles" match with Kurt Angle on the stage of Lockdown. I think Briscoe and Bischoff will stay together in TNA to carry on the Aces and Eights but this time, as a stable. Kurt Angle said that any member of Aces and Eights can be involved which means Bully could be one of the five. This is highly unlikely but if the President does get involved, I don't see him taking the fall as he has got more to go in the whole Brooke and Hulk Hogan feud. That leaves Taz, Knux, Devon and Anderson. It wont be Mr Anderson as he shows talent and a personality as a singles competitor. Devon is getting rather old too unless he has a singles run again (because the last one went so well) I think he could take the fall. Am I the only one who thinks Taz being locked out was weird and none of the Aces and Eights helped him back in? I could be Taz however I voted for Knux. Knux shows nothing. He has nothing special and he could have easily been one of the released wrestlers.

Winner: Main Event Mafia
Losers: Aces and Eights
Who takes the fall: Magnus pins Knux.
Ok let's think about this logicly. First, lets think is it Magnus? Magnus is the bound for glory series leader and has been very impressive recently. Dixie Carter told me personally that she thinks Magnus could carry the company of TNA into the future. For this reason, I don't think it will be Magnus taking the fall and leaving. Then, their is Samoa Joe who can still put some amazing matches on. Their were some matches that were really good recently in the last year and a bit. Joe has got years left in him so it would be stupid to get rid of Joe. He is also a good attraction to have in the company. Rampage Jackson. Dixie Carter's result of the cross over thing. Not really sure why Rampage would be leaving because of the fact that he is on quite an ok role and he has done well so far in the brawls we have seen him in. Sting's contract is valid until January. Unless Sting chooses not to renew, he has got 6 months left in his contract. I see him sticking around and atleast seeing them through. With Kurt Angle, he is the most obvious choice out of all the Mafia. He has said he will retire soon and he is planning to go to the WWE before he is 46. He will be 45 this year in November(?).

Now onto the Main Event Mafia. It is certainly not going to be Garrett Bischoff. I know that because Garrett is the nephew of Eric Bischoff. Nephewtisim counts for a lot in wrestling. Especialy family ties. With Wes Briscoe, he is one of the more talented wrestlers in the Aces and Eights and he has had a big "singles" match with Kurt Angle on the stage of Lockdown. I think Briscoe and Bischoff will stay together in TNA to carry on the Aces and Eights but this time, as a stable. Kurt Angle said that any member of Aces and Eights can be involved which means Bully could be one of the five. This is highly unlikely but if the President does get involved, I don't see him taking the fall as he has got more to go in the whole Brooke and Hulk Hogan feud. That leaves Taz, Knux, Devon and Anderson. It wont be Mr Anderson as he shows talent and a personality as a singles competitor. Devon is getting rather old too unless he has a singles run again (because the last one went so well) I think he could take the fall. Am I the only one who thinks Taz being locked out was weird and none of the Aces and Eights helped him back in? I could be Taz however I voted for Knux. Knux shows nothing. He has nothing special and he could have easily been one of the released wrestlers.

Winner: Main Event Mafia
Losers: Aces and Eights
Who takes the fall: Magnus pins Knux.

Ummmm, ok, so first Garett Bischoff is Eric's son, not nephew. The fact that Brad Maddox looks like the lost Bischoff child aside, Eric is Daddy Bischoff to Garett.

Next, no one outside of TNA and Panda energy as well as the wrestlers themselves know for sure the contract statuses. Even at that, recent history has proven sometimes TNA and Panda don't know. So, any claims about contract statuses are pure speculation.

Third, Bully is wrestling Sabin in a cage that night for the title. He won't be in the tag match.

Fourth, Taz has bigger neck issues than Steve Austin; he ain't wrestling.

Finally, Rampage taking a fall in a worked match by Tito getting involved, while transparent doesn't hurt him in the least and allows for the cross promotion of TNA and Bellator to continue. We all know that "gone forever" means off TV for a few weeks, which well, he and Tito will need to train for their fight.
Ummmm, ok, so first Garett Bischoff is Eric's son, not nephew. The fact that Brad Maddox looks like the lost Bischoff child aside, Eric is Daddy Bischoff to Garett.

Next, no one outside of TNA and Panda energy as well as the wrestlers themselves know for sure the contract statuses. Even at that, recent history has proven sometimes TNA and Panda don't know. So, any claims about contract statuses are pure speculation.

Third, Bully is wrestling Sabin in a cage that night for the title. He won't be in the tag match.

Fourth, Taz has bigger neck issues than Steve Austin; he ain't wrestling.

Finally, Rampage taking a fall in a worked match by Tito getting involved, while transparent doesn't hurt him in the least and allows for the cross promotion of TNA and Bellator to continue. We all know that "gone forever" means off TV for a few weeks, which well, he and Tito will need to train for their fight.
Not sure why I said Nephew lol. Their is a reason why I said highly unlikely for Taz and Bully. Also, if gone forever means a few weeks, it could be Rampage, but if it really means GONE FOREVER, it is Knux.
Hopefully everyone except Bully Ray, Magnus and a drunk Kurt Angle. the rest are worthless to the current product.
No one is going -

After meeting with @HulkHogan, due to circumstances beyond our control - @TheAcesAnd8s vs. Mafia 5 on 5 match is delayed until 8/22 Impact.
I picked Rampage, but I think it could be Sting too. Rampage doesn't have a long term future with TNA, and it had been rumored Sting would be leaving. I think Aces and eights has ran its course, but I think it will run up to Bound for Glory. Tito could come out and cost Rampage the match, and those to could move on to do whatever they are going to do next. I think that is the most likely scenario.

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