Hall of Famers of the Future.


Occasional Pre-Show
Ill keep it simple.

Is there anybody involved with WWE Today eg, Talent, Backstage, Announcers, etc.. who you believe will make The Hall of Fame someday.

Ill leave out the obvious Triple H, The Undertaker, John Cen & Randy Orton. Because lets face it, thats where they are heading.

So Ill start,

William Regal.
One of the greatest wrestlers to come from England, Regal is a crafty, rough and technical veteran who has proved he can do it all. From serious to comedy, Regal can adapt. He has wrestled all over the World, to WCW to Finally the then WWE.

Again as described with Regal, a crafty ring general who can lace it up with anybody. From Irelands famous Finlay wrestling family, Finlay is one tough son of a bitch who belongs in the Hall.

A pioneer of the Ladder Match. Multiple time Tag Team, Intercontinental, World Champion can do it all. These days it seems his career is winding down due to injuries, but I believe Christian has lead a Hall of Fame career.

Rey Mysterio
Again, I see Rey coming to the end of his career as the injuries and wrestling are taking its toll. Pioneer in Mexico and pioneer of Lucha Libre, Mysterio is a guy who deserves this place.

Mike Rotunda
I.R.S in the Hall!? Hell yea! This guy is a wrestling master, currently training tomorrows superstars and one hell of a career. Not really memorable, but a Hall of Fame career nonetheless.

Micheal Hayes & The Fabulous Freebirds
Yes! They aint even in yet!

Dean Malenko
Wrestling genius. Master technician, Man of 1000 holds. Never the biggest guy, never the biggest draw, but always the best between the ropes.

Zeb Colter.
Dirt Dutch Mantel. From his wars with Jerry Lawler in Memphis, to his run today as Zeb Colter. Genius mind and as the Freebirds, cant believe he isnt in already.

Any others I have missed? Feel free to add!
Like him or not Batista is bound to get in at some point. Probably further down the road but he'll still be in. Never the face of the company but has been a top guy. His most recent run hasn't been what was expected but the WWE saw that and changed things. Out of the current crop of wrestlers it can't be denied that he has been one of the bigger names.

Brock Lesnar will probably go in at some point. He has a pretty good following and when he's active people enjoy his work. He was able to leave and do the mma stuff and still came back as a main event guy. He has the resume of a Hall of Fame guy.
All of the above although Malenko may suffer from the Benoit connection, if he goes in it will be the Malenko family.... Hayes, Regal and IRS the first to go in especially now two of his boys are major players.

The Outlaws are a lock as is Goldust and very likely JBL.

Of non wrestling talent I think you will see Jim Johnstone as the first recipient of the "Warrior Award" next year, they're bound to do it as he died... and was kind of his last wish, they'd look bad if they didn't... I could see Mark Yeaton the timekeeper going in on that as he's been there for years and the Seamstress they have as well.

I could see Michael Cole going in about 5 years from now once he has reached a little more "reverence" with the fans, it will happen over time as the memory of JR fades.

Lillian Garcia could in the future if she stays in her role for another few years as she's been around a long time already and it'll be recompense for all the horse cracks at her expense.

In terms of agents and trainers there are a lot of guys who can go in, Steve Lombardi, Joey Mercury, Billy Kidman, Bill DeMott...any or none could go in.
I could see guys like the Hardys and Dudleys going in pretty soon, Hardcore Holly will likely go in at some point. I know they're not "involved" with WWE right now but considering all they've done, it's still a lock. Tazz might go in at some point once he's gone from TNA. Maybe they'll induct Cole/JBL or Cole/Tazz together like they did with JR/King. A long shot, what about Jamie Noble?
as long as the wwe makes a big deal about inducting people, meaning they continue to induct 6 at a time, who won't make the hall of fame? time is the best friend of those looking to be in the hall. unless the loose process of getting into the hof changes, i seriously believe that within 20 years everyone named in the OP will be in the hall of fame.
To go off onto a slight tangent, which celebrities are future WWE HoF?

IMO, the only ones not yet inducted, who deserve to, are Cyndi Lauper, Andy Kauffman and Muhammad Ali (who refereed WM1). Maybe Lawrence Taylor, because he headlined WMX1. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to squeeze Hugh Jackman in as well, just for the massive mainstream publicity it would bring.

However, after that, the well is pretty dry. I fear for the day when Maria Menounous, Snooki or PeeWee Herman are put into the WWE HoF.
Randy Savage
Eric Bischoff
Rick Rude
Jeff Jarrett

While the latter two probably are unlikely, especially Jarrett - anything is possible, right? Given how Bruno was outspoken towards WWE during the steroid scandal in the mid 90s and is now in the HOF, nothing is impossible.

With the WWE emphasizing the Monday Night Wars on the Network, why not put the old foe, Eric Bischoff in the hall of fame?

Entire Poffo Family wants an induction along with Randy Savage. If the entire Von Erich's can get in, why not? Randy Savage deserves to be in the HOF, no doubt. Till this day I love his feud with Jake the Snake.

Rick Rude was my all-time favorite WWE wrestlers back in the 80s. I am probably biased here but he was a great Intercontinental champ and someone I hate never held the world title.

While Madusa probably stands a better chance going in the HOF before Chyna - cannot ignore Chyna as part of DX, restart of the Womens Division, first woman to hold the Intercontinental title and a fixture during the Attitude Era.

Jeff Jarrett will likely never go in but I definitely enjoyed his runs in WWE and his last run in WCW. He wasn't a big draw as world champ but I enjoyed him.
Randy Savage
Eric Bischoff
Rick Rude
Jeff Jarrett

While the latter two probably are unlikely, especially Jarrett - anything is possible, right? Given how Bruno was outspoken towards WWE during the steroid scandal in the mid 90s and is now in the HOF, nothing is impossible.

With the WWE emphasizing the Monday Night Wars on the Network, why not put the old foe, Eric Bischoff in the hall of fame?

Entire Poffo Family wants an induction along with Randy Savage. If the entire Von Erich's can get in, why not? Randy Savage deserves to be in the HOF, no doubt. Till this day I love his feud with Jake the Snake.

Rick Rude was my all-time favorite WWE wrestlers back in the 80s. I am probably biased here but he was a great Intercontinental champ and someone I hate never held the world title.

While Madusa probably stands a better chance going in the HOF before Chyna - cannot ignore Chyna as part of DX, restart of the Womens Division, first woman to hold the Intercontinental title and a fixture during the Attitude Era.

Jeff Jarrett will likely never go in but I definitely enjoyed his runs in WWE and his last run in WCW. He wasn't a big draw as world champ but I enjoyed him.

Jeff Jarrett is no Bruno Sammartino. I get your point of "you never know", which is absolutely true. But, using Bruno as the emphasis of your point is way off. "You never know" on its own is a good point. Don't need to include the eventual inclusion of an all-time legend in Sammartino to emphasize the possible induction of a far less relevant performer like Jarrett.

I will skip the fact that of all of Savage's feuds, you chose the one with Roberts. But, your comparing--again poorly--the Poffos to the Von Erichs?? What?? The Von Erichs AS A FAMILY were legends in the wrestling business. Leapin' Lanny getting inducted because his brother was an all-time legend is ridiculous--I never saw Angelo wrestle, so I will not mention him. The Genius is not a Hall of Famer and his being related to Randy does not make him one. The Von Erichs and the Poffos...good God.

Finally, Rick Rude. I loved Rick Rude and agree that he should be in the Hall of Fame. But, AGAIN, you use a nonsensical comment to aid your argument. A great Intercontinental champion?? He was a great wrestler who held the IC belt, but he was FAR from a great Intercontinental champion. He won it at one PPV and lost it at the next one. Where was the greatness of his reign? TV squashes and house show matches in between the PPVs?

I have to say, I agree with your points. But I hate your arguments.

"You never know" = true
Savage in = agreed
Rude in = agreed
Your comparisons of Jarrett to Bruno/Von Erichs to Poffos = awful
To Avoid repeating a lot of previous mentioned names I'm gonna just throw out one non-wrestler name that popped into my head immediatley. . .

Earl Hebner!

Probably wouldn't happen for a long time sense he's with TNA and due to the way his WWE tenure ended, but the guy is probably one of the most known Referee's in all of pro wrestling history and was the man who ref'd the Montreal Screwjob. He has to be in at some point.
Jeff Jarrett is no Bruno Sammartino. I get your point of "you never know", which is absolutely true. But, using Bruno as the emphasis of your point is way off. "You never know" on its own is a good point. Don't need to include the eventual inclusion of an all-time legend in Sammartino to emphasize the possible induction of a far less relevant performer like Jarrett.

I am not comparing the two as competitors. Simply saying how Bruno spoke against WWE for years and definitely when the steroid scandal came to head in the mid 90s. Not only was it damaging to the company, considering they were already going through financial problems but then an all-time great adds his two cents. We all know the speculation of Jeff Jarrett getting over on Vince before his departure to WCW and ultimately his on-air firing. I am simply comparing shock value.

I will skip the fact that of all of Savage's feuds, you chose the one with Roberts. But, your comparing--again poorly--the Poffos to the Von Erichs?? What?? The Von Erichs AS A FAMILY were legends in the wrestling business. Leapin' Lanny getting inducted because his brother was an all-time legend is ridiculous--I never saw Angelo wrestle, so I will not mention him. The Genius is not a Hall of Famer and his being related to Randy does not make him one. The Von Erichs and the Poffos...good God.

I'm not saying I am in agreement with entire family being inducted but it appears that's only,what it's going to take to potentially get,Savage inducted.

Come on now we all know Mike and Chris shouldn't be in the HOF. While I can't remember watching their father compete, Kerry and David were much more talented than their other siblings.

It is unfortunate that The Freebirds aren't in the HOF, considered the Von Erich's are known largely for that long time feud.

Finally, Rick Rude. I loved Rick Rude and agree that he should be in the Hall of Fame. But, AGAIN, you use a nonsensical comment to aid your argument. A great Intercontinental champion?? He was a great wrestler who held the IC belt, but he was FAR from a great Intercontinental champion. He won it at one PPV and lost it at the next one. Where was the greatness of his reign? TV squashes and house show matches in between the PPVs?

My apologies I meant to emphasize his run as US champion in WCW. Which lasted over a year from memory. However, his reign as Intercontinental champion was longer than what you're stating. Granted it's probably been 25 or more years since I saw his reign I remember it carrying through the Summer.

I say this with kindness, but perhaps instead of nitpicking - perhaps you can add your list to the topic.
Other than the ones that you have said i would say :


Michael Cole

Lets face it he might not be the most popular announcer but he is definitely great and he is hall of fame materiel.

JBL, Bradshaw

He is a great Announcer, Great wrestler, he is just simply Amazing.

Justin Roberts

He is seriously the best Ring Announcer i have ever seen he is in my opinion better than Howard finkel and anybody els.

Lilian Garcia

Not quite as good as Justin Roberts but still people love her.

Tony Chimel

Probably the worst of the three but come on he should be inducted eventually.

Josh Matthews

Maybe but i honestly really like him

Matt Striker

Same as Josh.

Paul Heyman

Greatest Manager of all time in my opinion.


AJ Lee

In the far future, i honestly see her becoming as big as even Trish.

Big Show

Former WWE Champ Former World Heavyweight Champ just great legend.

Chris Jericho

The Best in the world at what he does.


The Best in the World

Brock Lesnar

Former Champ Just a simple terrifying Beast


A great Legend

Great Khali

WWE is going to induct him just because he is from Punjab India.


He tries hard he's the only relevant Emp.

Tensai, A-train

Maybe not Tensai but A-train is legend


Don't need to explain

Mark Henry

World strongest man, Legend


After he dies


A great Vetran


First ever ECW and WWE Champ


In the far future he tries the hardest out of everybody in the lockeroom

Stepahine Mchmahon

Daughter of Vince

Thats about it long list but they all deserve it

There are only a few true "headliners" left to go into the HOF. By that I mean who goes on last.

There are many names but I'm going to break some of this shit down.

HEADLINERS (go on last)

Vince McMahon
The Rock
John Cena
Kurt Angle
Triple H

Randy Savage (would go on last if alive)
Owen Hart
Big Show
Kevin Nash
Chris Jericho
Brock Lesnar
Rey Mysterio
Shane McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Sid Vicous


Bam Bam
Brian Pillman
Davey Boy Smith
Bam Bam
Paul Heyman
Dean Malenko
Lex Lugar
Daniel Bryan (as of now)
Randy Orton (as of now)
Sean Waltman
William Regal
Michael Cole
New Age Outlaws
Dudley Boyz
Hardy Boyz
Steiner Brothers
Mike Rotunda
Vickie Guerrero

There really isn't many others that come to mind. I am more worried about the lack of true headliners. Guys who can go on last. Aren't very many guys who can be that Stone Cold or Hulk Hogan finisher.

Frankly, they blew their load on the 2005 and 2013 HOF classes. Piper could have been the main event guy on another class which would have bumped another guy, same goes for Mick Foley (though his NYC induction with Bruno made 100% sense).
HEADLINERS (go on last)

Vince McMahon
The Rock
John Cena
Kurt Angle
Triple H

Randy Savage (would go on last if alive)
Owen Hart
Big Show
Kevin Nash
Chris Jericho
Brock Lesnar
Rey Mysterio
Shane McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Sid Vicous

While I agree with your list a lot, I can't go without mentioning a few bits that blew my mind. You don't consider Randy Savage and Brock Lesnar headliners? I realize Savage had to contend with the 'shadow' of Hulk Hogan but there is a reason that everyone who knows Hogan also knows Savage. He was always the bigger star in every match that didn't involve Hogan and some might even disagree with that at various periods of time.

And there is a reason Lesnar was the top drawing star in UFC history, and why he is put in the main event of pay-per-views even though he doesn't wrestle very often, he has wider appeal than Cena regardless of how hard Cena works. Lesnar is the last of the breed of megastars and still has a lot of years left in him.

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