Hall Of Fame Heavily Edited-Disgusting Chants?

Once again Captain Charisma continues showing his ignorance.

I'm sure you know much better about JR's worth to the business then every single major wrestling talent of the last twenty years and all of the current roster and staff of the WWE does. Right on, I forgot that you know JR and hang out with him on a regular basis, oops, my bad.

Seriously, you have no argument whatsoever. Your argument is just opinion, when you start calling your opinion fact it just makes you look stupid. Because really, you are the only wrestling fan I've ever met in my life who doesn't like JR. For that matter, your the only one on the board. And for that matter, I'd like you to find one person who agrees with your ludicrous comments.

Doesn't deserve to be in the HOF? Are you high? The man is the VOICE of the WWE for the last ten years. Just hearing him yell out "With God as my witness, he is broken in HALF!" after Foley's fall from the HIAC sends chills down my spines. It's been said countless times by Foley and about forty dozen other wrestling stars that JR is the best commentator of all time, and has contributed just as much if not more to this business then alot of the wrestlers.
ha if Jr was the god your all making him out to be thenhe would be a lot more valued by the company, instead as many of you have said Vince is trying to get rid of him because hes a fat piece of crap. Ive seen videos of him in the early 90's and hes just a fat talentless over the top announcer and i fast forward to this very day and hes still a fat talentless over the top commentator. Everytime i see his fat bbq sauce eating face i want to smash his head in with my fist over and over. The guy is 20 years out-of-date with his ideas and doesnt know what hes takling about, he kisses vinces arse because Vince felt sorry for him and gave him a job after wcw couldnt get the fat hick off their screens soon enough. And excuse me "Becool420" im not the one calling christian cage a god, if you react like that to someone telling you the truth about that real piece of that hillbilly trailor park inbread hick trash JR maybe your the one with the rather sick obession. But then again your probaly a cena fan so i shouldnt expect anything more..
Captain Charisma, you really need to stop this bullshit. Because even you have to know how incredibly wrong everything you say is. I'm starting to think this is just a big joke for you to make people mad. Okay, so lemme get this straight, JR doesn't know anything of the business? Right, that's why he's the play by play man. Once again you're arguments are absolutely nonsensical, all you say is "JR is fat and stupid and a hick" and "if you don't agree your dumb". What intelligent arguments. Seriously, 20 years out of date? How? Give me one example, seriously, one. He only correctly identifies every move, gives detailed histories on every wrestler during matches, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of wrestling history. Seriously none of your argument makes any sense.

Really, make one point that isn't just your opinion. No one is trying to fire JR you idiot, JR is just getting old and eventually has to retire, just like everyone does. Seriously, you need to shut the fuck up like you know everything about wrestling when you really don't know shit. If every single respected wrestler, writer, producer, executive, and journalist in the field of wrestling has praised JR as the greatest announcer of all time, they're all wrong? So you know more about what JR has done for the business then JR and all of his friends? No, you don't.

Don't even respond because all your going to say is "JR is fat, i don't like him blah blah fuckin blah".
...What the hell does that have anything to do with this thread Becool420?

So did anybody actually watch the HOF ceremony? I didn't catch it, was it any good? Worth checking out when it's released on the Wrestlemania 23 DVD?
Cpt Charisma is just a ridiculous TNA mark that gives TNA fans a bad reputation. He talks about JR beinga corny announcer, but doesn't respond when people bash Mike Tenay and Don West, who are the worst commentating pair in the history of the business.

JR has nothing but respect from nearly everyone in the business. Vince tries to fire him, because as we all know, vince is the most superficial dick head in the world. To Vince its not about Talent, it's about look, whether it be in the ring, or behind the mic, its that simple. You're reading into it too much.

Everybig name that has passed through the WWE credits JR with his calls of their match. Foley was upset that Michael Cole called his first title match. Is JR over the top, sure he is, he is a play by play guy for a rigged sport. Does he know every move like a Joey Styles, no, he is in the WWE and he is the narrarator of the story. His job is to advance the story and pinpoint high spots in that storyline, which he does an incredible job of doing.

Go to a live Raw and see the response JR gets from the crowd. It's a legit pop at the beginning of the night, not some, yay the show is about to start pop. Cpt Charisma is the minority on this, so don't let him bug you. He can'ts ee the world clearly through his TNA shaded sunglasses.
It was in 2001 when Jr was given the authority to sign talents himself and look at all the great wreslters he signed to the WWe between then and when he was sacked from the job in 2004- Batista, Goldberg, John Cena, Rey mysterio... get the picture all talentless wannabes that because of JR Vince pushed an now were stuck with

^^ by Captin Charisma

Talentless pieces of crap? What the hell are you talking about? Let's see, all four of those guys were World Champions. You might not of seen good wrestling out of John Cena or Batista on TV, but this has been said many times before, they were both great wrestlers in OVW and were both at one time very over with the fans. As for Goldberg and Rey Mysterio being talentless peices of crap - WHAT THE HELL? Rey Mysterio is one of the most Charismatic, entertaining wrestlers ever. Goldberg had such a huge impact in the WWE, its ridiculous to say hes talentless. He may not be the best mat wrestler around but either is your boy C-Cage. It pisses me off to see people like you go around and run your mouth with out knowing what your talking about.
Capt Charisma, I think that you need to be taken to school in terms of what you class as a 'decent' announcer. JR is fat and beyond the greatest wrestling announcer of all and for you to think otherwise is just rediculous. I would like you to name one announcer that you think is better than JR, just one. And if you say either Don West or Mike Tenay, well its obvious why you dislike JR.
Yea they were a bit out of order but Jim ROss is an absoloute prick, that guy has done fuck all for wrestling but the guy is made out to be some kind of saint, so yea the chants were out of order but i can understand why they were doing it. Theres about 200 people that should go in there before Jim Ross is even considered.

Um okay, SATAN. Just because you are a little TNA mark, and think ur all mad with ur christian sigs doesnt give you any right to disresect JR. He is a great announcer who has been through hell and back, more than i can say for your scrawny arse.
First, please don't lump all of us from Detroit (Michigan) with those jack-asses who wouldn't know class if Freddy Blaise come up and kicked them in the nuts. That was sick and it disheartens me to know that those people represent my state.

Secondly, all you have to do is read almost any biography by anyone in wrestling to see the impact that JR has made. Read the Hardy's biography and you'll see that JR got them and Christian hired at the same time. And by the way, Edge and Christian didn't come in at the same time. It's all in the books, do some reading...
^Dude, thats spam.
I think everyone on here bar two have the same opinion of JR as the majority of the Wrestlers that have gone through WWE. I don't know what TNA guys think of JR but I woudn't be surprised if they didn't have a high opinon of JR. I don' think the majority of WWE fans are White Trash idiots, the ones that chanted that stuff at JR are the Kind of fans that Wrestling in General doesn't want to have.
This crap all started when they brought back ECW.Even during the attitude era,fans where never this disrespectful.The problem also stems from the fact that wrestling in the US isnt as respected as it is in Asia,South America & Canada. As for JR,itwas a never a good idea to induct him while he was still serving on the RAW announce team.
FIrstly im not a TNA mark at all i watch both shows, i have watched WWe for longer, but I haved prefered TNA slightly over the last 2 years mainly because their PPV's are better. Secondly i did not condone the chants i said i condemed them but i can see why. Thirdly i did not say that West or Tenay are good anouncers, they arent really although possibly slightly less annoying. JR is one of the biggest reason WWE has an awful childish image that it can't get rid of because his over the top commentry and just general annoying commentry. Now just because i dont like him doesnt mean im a TNA mark. Im not a big fan of mysterio he belongs in a circus not a wrestling ring, AJ Styles/Daniels can do all the high flying stuff but looks, moves, and performs like a wrestler that is the difference. I think thats all the assertions made about what ive said answered, im not even going to respond to people who say that Cena and Batisita are good wrestlers tho.
FIrstly im not a TNA mark at all i watch both shows, i have watched WWe for longer, but I haved prefered TNA slightly over the last 2 years mainly because their PPV's are better. Secondly i did not condone the chants i said i condemed them but i can see why. Thirdly i did not say that West or Tenay are good anouncers, they arent really although possibly slightly less annoying. JR is one of the biggest reason WWE has an awful childish image that it can't get rid of because his over the top commentry and just general annoying commentry. Now just because i dont like him doesnt mean im a TNA mark. Im not a big fan of mysterio he belongs in a circus not a wrestling ring, AJ Styles/Daniels can do all the high flying stuff but looks, moves, and performs like a wrestler that is the difference. I think thats all the assertions made about what ive said answered, im not even going to respond to people who say that Cena and Batisita are good wrestlers tho.

To answer your first statement, Hasn't TNA had Christian for about 2 years? Maybe that's a reason. Secondly, what kind of B.S is that? You bashed J.R bottomline. The only guy who said anything about him was probably just you.

Thirdly, Mike Tenay and Don West will never be on the level of JR. JR isn't the reason why WWE is childish. He's just an Announcer. He's going to change the whole theme of the whole company by commentating? There's a difference in being cruel and not liking somebody. You've crossed it.

JR was the Head of Talent Relations back then and he signed pretty much every big name of the Attitude Era. If he didn't, he probably got them over with his memorable commentating. Styles and Daniels have absolutely nothing to do with JR so I don't even see why that is being talked about in this thread. Those chants were dispicable. Your first statement backed that up and even though it's your opinion, I don't respect it one bit. JR is, the best Announcer I've ever seen. I thought that in 95 and I still do today.
FIrstly im not a TNA mark at all i watch both shows, i have watched WWe for longer, but I haved prefered TNA slightly over the last 2 years mainly because their PPV's are better. Secondly i did not condone the chants i said i condemed them but i can see why. Thirdly i did not say that West or Tenay are good anouncers, they arent really although possibly slightly less annoying. JR is one of the biggest reason WWE has an awful childish image that it can't get rid of because his over the top commentry and just general annoying commentry. Now just because i dont like him doesnt mean im a TNA mark. Im not a big fan of mysterio he belongs in a circus not a wrestling ring, AJ Styles/Daniels can do all the high flying stuff but looks, moves, and performs like a wrestler that is the difference. I think thats all the assertions made about what ive said answered, im not even going to respond to people who say that Cena and Batisita are good wrestlers tho.

Let me just point out that every post you have made in this forum has been absolutely ridiculous, and instead of asserting yourself as a legit arguer, you have pointed yourself out to be an idiotic poster.

Now back to the topic, you say that JR isn't worth shit to the company, when he has been the voice of the WWF/E for years. JR could be compared to wrestling as what Al Michaels is for Monday Night Football. When Ross commentates, he doesn't do it blandly, he does it with emotion and he works hard at what he does. I've heard other commentators besides him in the WWE like Coachman, Heyman, Cole, ect, and personally, I don't think they bring the commentating 'spunk' like Ross does, especially when its a high level match. Oh wait, I forgot that according to you, anyone who enjoys Jim Ross is automatically a Cena fan. Seriously, get your head out of your ass.

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