Greatest Wrestler to break from a tag team?


Dark Match Winner
When Tag Teams spilt there is nearly always a break out star
Hart Foundation -Hart
MNM-Nitro etc....
So who is everyones favourite star to brak from a tag team

Mine is Micheals,i loved all his matches!they better in comparision to any other wrestler who falls under this certain catagory!
i also have to go with michaels if it werent for the breakup wwe would have never been as good as it is
Eternal Dragon said:
I'm stuck in between Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals, they're both amazing.

Flames Out

I think if we're talking best wrestler to come out of a tag team I think that has to go to Hart. But if we're talking about former tag team stars to then go on to have impact then I think it would have to go to Michaels... I don't think you can really argue that Michaels certainly paved some if not all the stones for the move into the Attitude era.
Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart Hands down.

other mentions include Edge and Christian...both have done well post tag, I'd have to say Booker T. from Harlem Heat, Shelton Benjamin from WGTT and of course I hate him but Umaga from Three Minute Warning
^^good other choices to add, but i'd say bret hart as the best, but sometime in the future benjamin could become big, and as much as i hate to say umaga could be a main eventer, but for now all around wrestler bret hart takes it
Shawn Michaels and Edge Were some good ones, also shelton benjamin even though hes young, hes gonna sucseed, and win wm 23 money in the bank
I would have to put HBK in front of Hart because of the impact he has had WWE and wrestling in general... although if Hart stuck around he would have gone on to great things!!
I've always found Hart to be an all around better wrestler than HBK. So my vote goes to him. Shelton is my favorite at the moment.
That is a hard one because there is alot. But if your talking the best I would say by far Bret and Shawn,
Ima go out on a limb and say Booker T, He was in a tag team for many years and after finally breaking from it went on to become one hell of an Accomplished Singles Wrestler, Winning every major single Title in WCW and WWE A former 5 time wcw champion and Current World heavyweight Champion and one of the top level performers of the last 5 years in wwe, He has done it all and is still going strong, Will one day be in the hall of fame alongside Brett and Shawn so his name deserves a mention here to.
Definetely edge, right now anyway, i mean he's the champ and he's got lita, unless you follow the trends of good guy bad guy stuff
bret and shawn if it was not for shawns break up with the rockers he might not have been as good as he is today

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