Greatest Tag-Team.....PERIOD!

Greatest Tag-Team......PERIOD!

  • The Nasty Boys

  • The Road Warriors

  • Harlem Heat

  • The Dudley Boyz

  • The Steiner Brothers

  • The Rock 'n' Roll Express

  • Other

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BAMBAM Here Again. Want to know who you think the Greatest Tag-Team EVER is. For my list above, the reason I picked the teams I did was for number of title reigns, had to all be with the same parter, and they had to have been Tag-Team of the Year at least once. If you pick other LIST THE REASONS WHY! I'll give info on the Teams I picked, Then my Pick and why, and look for all your post.
I've pick six Teams that I think could go down in history as The Greatest Tag-Team Ever. They are in no order.

The Nasty Boys :Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags, Tag-Team since 1987.
Titles Won:
- AWA Southern Tag-Team Champion(2) 9/12/87 - 9/19/87, 10/03/87 - 10/10/87
- NWA Florida Tag-Team Champion(5) 1/05/89 - 1/26/89, 3/24/89 - 3/28/89, 6/11/89 - 7/89, 8/22/89 - 10/17/89, 1/06/90 - 4/12/90
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion 3/24/91 - 8/26/91
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion(3) 9/19/93 - 10/04/93, 10/24/93 - 5/22/94, 5/21/95 - 6/24/95
- XWF World Tag-Team Champion 11/14/01 - 02
Tag-Team of the Year: 1994

The Road Warriors :Animal & Hawk, Tag Team since 1983.
Titles Won:
- NWA National Tag-Team Champion(3) 6/11/83 - 12/27/83, 1/28/84 - 5/06/84, 5/20/84 - 7/04/84
- AWA World Tag-Team Champion 8/25/84 - 9/29/85
- NWA International Tag-Team Champion 3/12/87 - 6/10/88
- NWA World Tag-Team Champion 10/29/88 - 4/02/89
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) 8/26/91 - 2/07/92, 10/07/97 - 11/24/97
-IPW Tag-Team Champion 3/01/03 - 03
Going to add: - NWA World 6-Man Tag-Team Champion(2) w/Dusty Rhodes 5/17/86 - 2/12/88, 7/09/88 - 12/07/88
Tag-Team of the Year: 1983,84,85, & 88

Harlem Heat :Booker T & Stevie Ray, Tag-Team since 1989.
Titles Won:
- GWF Tag-Team Champion(3) 7/31/92 - 8/7/92, 9/92 - 10/23/92, 2/26/93 - 5/7/93
-WCW World Tag-Team Champion(10) 12/8/94 - 5/21/95, 6/24/95 - 7/22/95, 9/17/95 - 9/18/95, 9/27/95 - 1/22/96, 6/24/96 - 7/24/96, 7/27/96 - 9/23/96, 10/1/96 - 10/27/96, 8/14/99 - 8/23/99, 9/12/99 - 10/18/99, 10/24/99 - 10/25/99
Tag-Team of the Year: 1995,96

The Dudley Boyz :Buh Buh Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley, Tag-Team since 1994.
Titles Won:
-ECW World Tag-Team Champion(8) 3/15/97 - 4/13/97, 6/20/97 - 7/19/97, 8/17/97 - 9/20/97, 10/24/98 - 11/01/98, 11/06/98 - 12/13/98, 4/17/99 - 7/18/99, 8/13/99 - 8/14/99, 8/26/99
- WWE World Tag-Team Champion(9) 2/27/00 - 4/02/00, 1/21/01 - 3/05/01, 3/19/01 - 4/01/01, 6/19/01 - 7/09/01, 9/17/01 - 10/22/01, 11/18/01 - 1/07/02, 1/19/03 - 1/20/03, 9/21/03 - 12/14/03, 6/15/04 - 7/06/04
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion 10/23/01 - 11/18/01
-Hustle Super Tag-Team Champion 10/09/06 - Current
- NWA/TNA World Tag-Team Champion 4/15/07 - 7/15/07
Tag-Team of the Year: 2001

The Steiner Brothers : Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner, Tag-Team since 1986.
Titles Won:
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion(6) 11/01/89 - 5/19/90, 2/18/91 - 7/18/91, 5/3/92 - 7/5/92, 7/24/96 - 7/27/96, 10/13/97 - 1/12/98, 2/9/98 - 2/22/98
- NWA United States Tag-Team Champion 8/24/90 - 2/20/91
- IWGP Tag-Team Champion(2) 3/21/91 - 11/5/91, 6/26/92 - 11/22/92
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) 6/14/93 - 6/16/93, 6/19/93 - 9/13/93
Tag-Team of the Year: 1990,93

Rock 'n' Roll Express :Robert Gibson & Ricky Morton, Tag-Team since 1983(?)
Titles Won: {Could not find all of the years for them, but listed all the Titles}
-AWA Southern Tag-Team Titles(2)
-CWA World Tag-Team Titles
-Mid-South Tag-Team Titles(3)
-NWA Wildside Tag-Team Titles
-NWA World Tag-Team Titles(7)
-SMW Tag-Team Titles(10)
-USWA World Tag-Team Titles(2)
-WWO Tag-Team Titles
Tag-Team of the Year:1986

BAMBAM PICK: I am going to pick....................The Dudley Boyz. The Dudleyz were the biggest team EVER in ECW, Won 8 Titles! Then went to WWE and became one of the greatest teams there too! 9 Titles! And you could even say they held 10 titles in WWE because there WCW title reign was when WWE and WCW titles were in WWE. They domanated the GREATEST WRESTLING COMPANY (ECW) and the BIGGEST WRESTLING COMPANY (WWE) for years. Tag-Team of the Year in 2001, plus, 2 Matches of the year in 2000 and 2001. They have held titles everywhere they have gone and made impacts too. They innovated hardcore tag-team wrestling, and have left there mark in the history of professional wrestling.

First off the Road Warriors- They simply are the most dominant team ever.
# 2. Ole and Gene Anderson- They are what is right about tag wrestling. Worked over a body part, wore down the opponent and tag in and out.
# 3. Steiner Brothers- The chemistry they had was wonderful and numerous title reigns.
# 4. Dudley Boys- As you listed dominated every where they went.
# 5. Rock-N-Roll Express- Once again what chemistry. They put on good matches with big opponents, small opponents, and all opponents.

Honorable mention- AA/Tully and Midnight Express
I completely agree with you, Bambam. I cannot think of another team that has been as relevant as the Dudleyz in every company they worked for. They have won the tag titles in ECW, WWE, and TNA on numerous occasions in each company. They are fun to watch in the ring as they blend the hardcore style with high spots and pure power wrestling. Not to mentioned that their mic work is nearly flawless. Try and find another team that has actually incited a riot on more than one occasion just by cutting a promo.
First off the Road Warriors- They simply are the most dominant team ever.

If by dominant you mean they could only work squashes then you are correct. The Road warriors were terrible. Get past the face paint and cool spikes and what do you have? Two wrestlers who could barley string two power moves together. Charisma you say? Not really relevant for a team that spent most their time in Japan. You watch the DVD and you get about 5 squash matches. A team that's around 20 years and that's the best they can do? Actually yes. Because anything longer than three minutes is an absolute chore to get through.
If by dominant you mean they could only work squashes then you are correct. The Road warriors were terrible. Get past the face paint and cool spikes and what do you have? Two wrestlers who could barley string two power moves together. Charisma you say? Not really relevant for a team that spent most their time in Japan. You watch the DVD and you get about 5 squash matches. A team that's around 20 years and that's the best they can do? Actually yes. Because anything longer than three minutes is an absolute chore to get through.

As much as I agree with you, something had to be great about them they were Tag-Team of the Year in 83,84,85, and 88. For 3 years in a row they were Tag-Team of the Year. That's a crazy record. And, Y2Jake, we did not get your pick, who do you think is Greatest Tag-Team Ever?
As much as I agree with you, something had to be great about them they were Tag-Team of the Year in 83,84,85, and 88. For 3 years in a row they were Tag-Team of the Year. That's a crazy record. And, Y2Jake, we did not get your pick, who do you think is Greatest Tag-Team Ever?

I don't go for awards like that. I assume that;s PWI or something. They vote for the biggest superstars who made the most money. Not the best, which I personally I think they should be based on.

I'll go with The Steiners. For one they are unmatched when it comes to tag team wrestling. Scott Steiner is so good that you didn't even notice that Rick was washed up by 1993. You can go on about how great The Bulldogs or The Hart Foundation were but they were wrestling people like the Powers Of Pain & Demolition. Which basically amounted to Bret Hart or one of the Bulldogs doing awesome selling. Whereas The Steiners actually showed that they could wrestle, in American & Japan.
The Rockers. They transformed the tag team part of wrestling. Up until this moment a tag team match was basically a singles match with 4 people. Shawn and Marty made tag team wrestling about team work.

But as to who did the most as a proper team, I'd say the Dudley Boyz. They had some great matches and worked so well together. They were original, and the TLC matches were legendary. The only thing I dislike is that they are no longer around today. They shouldn't have gone on singles matches, some people are just better as a team.
For me, it has to be the Hardy Boyz. I know this isnt the best pick based on historical records, but for me, they were two guys that really got me into wrestling when I was little. Their high flying style was a highlight for years, and even when they were losing, they stole the show. With Lita as a great manager, they always had me excited. Their chemistry together is undeniable, as is their ability to make perpetual highlights. Moreover, both men are on their way to the top of the singles ladder, with Jeff heading towards a title match at one of the big four PPVs and Matt was involved in the feud of the year on his way to winning the United States Championship until his appendix burst. So for me, I gotta go with the Hardy Boyz.
The Dudley boys this shouldnt even be a contest. I still believed they were the most hated tag team of all time in ECW they would tear into the fans so bad that riots would begin. In ECW they main evented, won tag titles, they could have a wrestling matches with the Eliminators then have street fights with Balls Mahoney and Spike Dudley. They had the complete package to with Joel Gertner, Sign Guy Dudley, and Big Dick Dudley with them. They pretty much did everything you could do in ECW. Then they went to the WWE and had great matches like the Tables Match at the RR 2000, WM 16 the triangle ladder match, TLC, TLC 2. The Dudley boys made that year of 2000 the best year for tag team wrestling.
I have to agree with the Dudleys. They revolutionized the tag team division in every promotion they were in. Holding the titles in ECW, WWE and TNA. Their TLC matches are classics. Bubba Ray has amazing mic skills and can work a crowd, face or heel.

There are a few tag teams that I think deserved to be on the list however.

1. The Fabulous Freebirds
2. The Hart Foundation
3. The Outsiders
4. The New Age Outlaws/James Gang
5. The Rockers

All of these teams have had a huge impact on the business in their eras, but dont come close to the Dudleys, but deserve some respect.
I have to agree with the Dudleys. They revolutionized the tag team division in every promotion they were in. Holding the titles in ECW, WWE and TNA. Their TLC matches are classics. Bubba Ray has amazing mic skills and can work a crowd, face or heel.

There are a few tag teams that I think deserved to be on the list however.

1. The Fabulous Freebirds
2. The Hart Foundation
3. The Outsiders
4. The New Age Outlaws/James Gang
5. The Rockers

All of these teams have had a huge impact on the business in their eras, but dont come close to the Dudleys, but deserve some respect.

I was think of the Hart Foundation, Outsiders, And RVD & Sabu. But I then thought to myself, if I am going to list really really REALLY good teams, that were way over, my list would have 100 teams on it. So, I picked teams that were PWI's Tag-Team of the Year, and had success where ever they went.Then I also thought to my self, If there were a tournament to see who would win and become Greatest Tag-Team PERIOD, who could make that list. And no one would even be able to touch The Dudley Boyz. There are good teams, then there are great teams, Then, there are the DUDLEYZ!
Well I'd have to say 'other' on this one. I'd have to go with New Age Outlaws. I am hugely biased on this one, but the New Age Outlaws for me had it all, they had the strong wrestler, and they had the talker, they had a good match combination, and they were part of DX at points through-out their WWE career, not to mention they held the Tag Team Championships quite a number of times. They had so much chemistry together, and worked really well. For me there was, is and never will be a better tag team.
Pft such a hard question, i voted for Road Warriors they really were the tag team of their day and they are legendary but i mean to compare them to the Dudleys are hard but the Duds have done so much in thier career and your really talking about two different styles of tag teams and different times but yeah its a close one between them two.
now wait a second... i'm not saying these guys are the greatest ever... but how can you have this conversation and not even mention Edge and Christian?

they clearly deserve to be in talk over it... they were part of arguably one of the best tag team periods ever, and they were the ones that dominated it at that time.

somebody else has gotta agree with this.
The Road Warriors: Perhaps the most over rated wrestlers ever, and that covers a ton of ground. Were these guys good at anything? Well besides beating up and intimidating jobbers just trying to feed their families, then no. These guys are terrible. There matches were pathetic. Nothing to them except beat up the other guy, snort cocaine, beat them up so more. Hell, they weren't even the best team at their gimmick. The Road Warriors may have came first, but Demolition mastered that gimmick and were far more enjoyable then the O.L.D.

The Steiners are the best tag team ever, period, bar none. Rick and Scott were so damn good back in the day. Scott Steiner was incredibly awesome. Hell he was good up until the turn of the century. Watch some old school Steiners in the NWA or Japan, and you will be impressed.
You all have great choices, however, you got to remember that back in the day it was all about who u knew or who liked you. Most of the promoters chose champions from their friends. Look at Stone Cold, he was a pretty good worker and could sell a bump and seemed like he was interested in doing right by the company, but eric bischoff hated him, just like he hated JR too, fired him. So, its not about who is the best, its if the booker likes you. In my opinion the best tag team wrestlers are the ones who aren't very good at wrestling or just starting in the business. I was really impressed with the team of rehash of the minnesota wrecking crew in OVW(shelton benajamin, and brock lesnar). But the question was what is the best overall team?

In my opinion, basically any heel team or stable is usually the best team, cuz they are the best wrestlers. But they didn't get much run in the wwf, The Brainbusters are my favorite cuz they had bobby heenan, the absolute best manager, and could turn a dud into a stud.
Wow this was a tough choice to make, mainly because I sincerely hate tag team wrestling and don't think it really has any place in the business. I think wrestlers in tag-teams exist there solely because they can't handle having a 10 minute match on their own. Sure some are put together as a way for younger wrestlers to gain exposure before being put on their own, but this is not an effective tool anymore. The only time I see tag team wrestling as at all relevant is when a wrestling promotion is attempting to build up a number of different feuds, and in order to build up the feuds the opposing wrestlers are place in a tag match. But besides that tag team matches are boring, predictable, and full of wrestlers that just can't cut it in singles matches. However if I must choose, just on whom I've seen the most and thus have a good opinion on, I would have to say the Steiner Brothers. This was a team where you had the strength and speed of Scott Steiner meshed with the, well, Dog-faced gremlin that was Rick Steiner. Both of these guys at least had amateur backgrounds and knew how to wrestle. They were real good for so long, and if it wasn't for all the steroids Scott took and the fact that Rick wasn't really as good as it seemed, then maybe they could have continued being great for even longer.
Ok, after much CAREFUL deliberation, I went with the Dudley Boyz. Here is my major reason why...

With the teams listed, MOST of them, as well as many of the teams people could list in the "other" category, only the Nasty Boys, Dudley Boyz, and Road Warriors never had a member or both members of their team go on to significant, overshadowing singles success.

As great as Harlem Heat was and as much as I respect them, Booker T overshadowed that team with his singles success, and exposed Stevie Ray for not being on Booker's level.

The Steiners are another perfect example. Scott's singles success, as well as the fact that half their match was the Frankensteiner for a time, takes them out of the running, even though I respect Rick an awful lot.

With the Hart foundation, Edge and Christian, The Rockers, etc, all teams had a great measure of singles success that eclipsed their tag team success. That's significant, I feel.

The Nasty Boys were a wild card. In terms of technical wrestling, they were an abortion. They were little more than a fun gimmick, and the only time they had prime success with WWF was when Jimmy Hart was involved, either winning them the belts against the Hart Foundation or screwing them and joining Money Inc exclusively. The WERE their manager.

The Road Warriors / LOD. I agree with Jake here. They had a neat gimmick and were an awesome power team. Their intensity got great crowd reaction. Aside from that they were not terribly special. They could each bench almost 600 lbs, by the way, but that didn't make them a strong tag team. I did appreciate the Doomsday Device, though.

Ok, The Dudleyz. I am not an ECW mark by any stretch. But man, this team has survived, reinvented itself, and endured better than any team before it. They play the heel characters to a T with great mic work, always insulting the crowd and running other teams down while still getting them over. Bubba Ray is a jerk-off in real life, so it fits him. As faces, they give the crowd what they want in terms of attention, intensity, and outcome with the tables and the 3D chants. They are a QUADRUPLE CROWN WINNER with the WWF, WCW, ECW, and TNA Titles to their credit. RVDGurl or BamBam, correct me if I am wrong, are they the only team to win the ECW and WWF tag titles with both companies still being separate?

I am not saying I'd pick them to win the next WZ Tag Tournament, but when push comes to shove, the Dudleyz are wrestlings true, ultimate team.
now wait a second... i'm not saying these guys are the greatest ever... but how can you have this conversation and not even mention Edge and Christian?

they clearly deserve to be in talk over it... they were part of arguably one of the best tag team periods ever, and they were the ones that dominated it at that time.

somebody else has gotta agree with this.

I'm with you 100%, not only did these guys hold a heap of tag team title runs, MAIN EVENTED ppvs with TLC but both of them became the top dog of their respective buisness!! did road warrior animal or hawk ever become a world champion??

they not only dominated tag team but conquered singles.. E & C FTW!!
Ok, after much CAREFUL deliberation, I went with the Dudley Boyz. Here is my major reason why...

With the teams listed, MOST of them, as well as many of the teams people could list in the "other" category, only the Nasty Boys, Dudley Boyz, and Road Warriors never had a member or both members of their team go on to significant, overshadowing singles success.

As great as Harlem Heat was and as much as I respect them, Booker T overshadowed that team with his singles success, and exposed Stevie Ray for not being on Booker's level.

The Steiners are another perfect example. Scott's singles success, as well as the fact that half their match was the Frankensteiner for a time, takes them out of the running, even though I respect Rick an awful lot.

With the Hart foundation, Edge and Christian, The Rockers, etc, all teams had a great measure of singles success that eclipsed their tag team success. That's significant, I feel.

The Nasty Boys were a wild card. In terms of technical wrestling, they were an abortion. They were little more than a fun gimmick, and the only time they had prime success with WWF was when Jimmy Hart was involved, either winning them the belts against the Hart Foundation or screwing them and joining Money Inc exclusively. The WERE their manager.

The Road Warriors / LOD. I agree with Jake here. They had a neat gimmick and were an awesome power team. Their intensity got great crowd reaction. Aside from that they were not terribly special. They could each bench almost 600 lbs, by the way, but that didn't make them a strong tag team. I did appreciate the Doomsday Device, though.

Ok, The Dudleyz. I am not an ECW mark by any stretch. But man, this team has survived, reinvented itself, and endured better than any team before it. They play the heel characters to a T with great mic work, always insulting the crowd and running other teams down while still getting them over. Bubba Ray is a jerk-off in real life, so it fits him. As faces, they give the crowd what they want in terms of attention, intensity, and outcome with the tables and the 3D chants. They are a QUADRUPLE CROWN WINNER with the WWF, WCW, ECW, and TNA Titles to their credit. RVDGurl or BamBam, correct me if I am wrong, are they the only team to win the ECW and WWF tag titles with both companies still being separate?
I am not saying I'd pick them to win the next WZ Tag Tournament, but when push comes to shove, the Dudleyz are wrestlings true, ultimate team.

You are absolutely right with that. The Dudley Boyz truly have dominated the tag team scene all the companies they have worked for. They are truly something special.

I would also like to say that I agree with your assessments of each of the other teams. However, you didn't even touch on the R N R Express. I would pick them as the runner ups in this poll. These guys personify tag team wrestling in the 80's. They had so much charisma and chemistry and could actually work.
I voted for the Dudley's, just because they've been good in every situation they've ever been in. From street fights with New Jack in ECW, to their TLC matches in WWE, to their work with the Steiner's in TNA, and whatever they do next, they're always great performing, being face or heel, in the ring and on the mic.
BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION. they may not have 30 championships like the dudley boyz, but if they spent they're time chasing tag team titles instead of WWF World title then they would have 50 championships too.
Two teams immediately come to mind. Americas Most Wanted- They dominated the TNA tag ranks for 5 and a half years with such brilliant matches as Skipper/Daniels v AMW cage match(in my opinion, one of the best cage matches of all time) and AMW v Styles and Daniels-Slammiversary 06.

The other team is Edge and Christian. They were the funniest, had the best matches and both went on to become the best in their respective companies. Enough Said.
BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION. they may not have 30 championships like the dudley boyz, but if they spent they're time chasing tag team titles instead of WWF World title then they would have 50 championships too.

Dude, Taker and Kane tagged together for what, a year? I think what Bam Bam (the thread starter) was after here is a look at the greatest PURE tag teams of all time, based not just on perceived dominance, but on longevity as a team as well. Taker and Kane would not crack the top 25, because they tagged for a short time, went for singles rather than tag, and were always feuding.
As a fan of GOOD tag team wrestling, I have always felt that tag team is all about feel, anticipation, communication, and psychology. I cannot bring myself to just one as the greatest, so here is a list of who I believe to be the best and why
The Dudley Boyz- They are such a fashionable pick in this thread, but they are just so damn good! Bubba Ray and D-Von are 2 of the better workers the business has ever seen. And they way that Bubba can get the crowd to react to them is just phenomenal. We could rehash the Dudleys greatest matches & moments all week, but all you need to do is look at the number of titles to grasp how great they are.
The Steiner Brothers- While the Steiners don't have the number of title reigns, these two guys are innovators in this business. They brought in all those different variations of amateur suplexes, their technical ability on the mat, and of course, the FrankenSteiner. Their drawback was their gimmick, or lack thereof. About the only thing they had to draw on was Scott's freakish athleticism ( really wish he had stayed off the juice, cause he was one of the best I have ever seen.) & Rick being "The Dog-Faced Gremlin" & wearing ear protectors in the ring.
Edge & Christian- Probably two of the funniest guys in wrestling history. I'm sure we all remember Christian's zany sunglasses, the comedy vignettes with Kurt Angle ( They were a stroke of genius), and of course the 5 Second Pose! They, along with the Hardys and Dudleys, innovated the ladder match & gave the world the gift of Tables, Ladders, & Chairs match. Certainly gave the Dudleys a run for their money in the 1999- 2001 period, and arguably more prolific in that period. Definitly sad that they didn't last longer, but these 2 are just as, if not better, as singles competitors.
The Wild Samoans- I feel that they have been overlooked so far. Afa & Seka held tag team gold in the WWF, NWA, and Stampede wrestling, as well as other territories throughout the 70s and 80s. They were one of the most brutal, unorthodox, & effective tag teams of all time. But their greatest contribution to this business is their family tree. Look at the names on it: The Rock, Rikishi, Umaga, Rosey, Samu, & others. Truly 21 tag team titles, their family tree, & their successful training facility (Batista is an alum) gives them a place on the list of greatest tag teams.
Feel free to throw in your opinions, but hey, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!

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