Great MMA Characters


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
We hear it all the time from the MMA guys. "This isn't pro wrestling. This is real." Dana White puts himself out there as a guy who is trying to legitimize the sport and avoid the entertainment monicre of the WWE. Keep it clean, keep it a sport.

But it's funny - MMA has seen it's mix of great characters as well. And you know what? Often times those characters, maybe even as inferior fighters, get better matches and PPV slots because of...wait for it...drawing power. So this thread is designed to look at some of the "characters" of MMA, past and present.

Tito Ortiz.

Has there been a bigger MMA character? Ever? "The Huntington Beach Bad Boy" with his arrogant scowl, his Gunther-from-Friends shade of bleach blonde hair, his Buddy Rogers-esque approach to his promos? He spit on tradition and stood face to face with the Shamrocks only to flip them off in front of the world. Then, he'd back up his mouth with the best conditioning in the business. His fights with Chuck Lidell and Ken Shamrock were all time greats and PPV buyrate dreams at the time.

Verdict - Top Heel, like a Buddy Rogers or Ric Flair.

Clay Guida.

He's the anti-Ortiz. A nice guy, a bright smile, but the hair of a caveman. He's got a loveable look, and a chin wrought from pure steel. He's never been knocked out. His fast pace and fantastic conditioning makes him an exciting fighter to watch. I've seen him take shots in the face from Diego Sanchez, Joe Stevenson, and many others, and he just gets right up and smiles. He's one of the most intense fighters, and he fights like the caveman he resembles.

Verdict - Top Face, like a Shawn Michaels.

Matt Hughes.

The country boy with the confident smile and the no-nonsense attitude. This guy would come to the octagon confident that nobody could beat him, and after taking a pounding, he's just stand up, lift you off the mat, and deliver one of the famous punishing slams that only he could deliver effectively. Then he's still talk trash afterwards. Not the most likeable guy, but certainly a respectable guy.

Verdict - Heel, with a future face turn, like a Triple H

Brock Lesnar.

A former pro wrestler shows up out of no where, goes 1-1 in his first two matches, and inexplicably is handed a world title shot against the top dog, which he wins. His arrogance does not mix well with the anti-wrestling sentiment of much of the hardcore MMA crowd.

Verdict - Heel, like, well, a Brock Lesnar.

Royce Gracie.

A submission specialist who, despite being outsized by most of his opponents (Gracie was a star at a time before weight classes when UFC was little more than a glorified cock fight), often earned tap outs with locks that threatened to snap the arm, leg, or ankle of anyone he crossed. He was confident without being verbally cocky, and was often just terrifying to be around.

Verdict - Quiet heel, like Chris Benoit in his early WWE days

So I ask - who are some of the other MMA "Characters," are they faces or heels, and do they remind you of a particular wrestler?
Georges St. Pierre.

Ahh, Mr. Goody-two-shoes. You know, that Canadian guy who always says and does the right thing, and everyone loves him for it. There is not a nicer guy in the sport. However, when it comes to fighting... pound for pound he's still arguably the best there is. And right now he's establishing himself not only as the best there is, but also the best there was, and the best there ever will be. There's only one comparison for this man, and you already know who it is.

Verdict - Face, like Bret Hart.

Diaz Brothers.

The true bad boys of the sport. Not only do they talk a LOT of shit, but they back it up. They both have a tremendous win-loss record, and both have some of the best, most entertaining fights in the entire sport. And even so, they are still hated by many fans and fighters alike, while also containing a hardcore fanbase who believe that there is currently not a better brother tandem in the history of Mixed Martial Arts.

Verdict - Heels, like The Dudley Boyz.

Gina Carano.

Drop dead gorgeous, has huge, wonderful boobs, and is by far the most lovable female Mixed Martial Artist in the World. And not only that, but she's damn good as well. The fans adore her, and win, lose or draw, they will ALWAYS have her back. She can leave for months, or even a year or two, and she'll keep that die-hard fanbase no matter what.

Verdict - Face, like Trish Stratus.

BJ Penn

Cocky, arrogant, but still has the most dedicated fans in the entire sport. BJ Penn's fans swear up and down he's the greatest thing to ever happen to Mixed Martial Arts. Now, he does has his detractors, who absolutely hate his guts, and his fanbase, and believes BJ's an overrated piece of shit, but at the end of the day... with his mouth and with his actions inside that octagon, BJ Penn does a tremendous job of making his fans keep believing that he is the best in the World.

Verdict - SUPER face to some, SUPER heel to others, like Bryan Danielson.
How could either of you forget Tank Abbott? The original character in MMA. He talked a lot of shit, drank a lot, fought drunk, and still walked into the octagon, dominated his opponent, and then walked out with a beer in his hand. He was Stone Cold of the MMA world. He was supposed to be a bad guy, but because he was an everyman, you couldn't help but cheer for him.
Rampage Jackson is one of the funniest guys in all of pro fighting. Yet he can be a jackass at the same time. In the end though more fans will cheer for him then boo him.

verdict- face like the Rock

Forrest Griffin is one of the most lovable guys in all of fighting and is also one of the toughest mother fuckers ever.

verdict- face like John Cena
Dana White
calls the shots, cocky, goes off on people, a lot of people have a love/hate feeling for him, gets in fights with employees.

verdict- Mr. McMahon

Randy Couture
Pioneer to the sport, way way over with the crowd, Old and still going, cross over to movies and TV, both are multiple champions, both retired and came back.

verdict- Hulk Hogan

Chris Leben
crazy hair colors, suspended for failing drug tests,

verdict- Jeff Hardy (it was to easy lol)

Shane Carwin
big physique, ends the fights very early, fought a lot shit bums to keep his undefeated streak alive

verdict- Goldberg
How could either of you forget Tank Abbott? The original character in MMA. He talked a lot of shit, drank a lot, fought drunk, and still walked into the octagon, dominated his opponent, and then walked out with a beer in his hand. He was Stone Cold of the MMA world. He was supposed to be a bad guy, but because he was an everyman, you couldn't help but cheer for him.

Tank Abbot was the original character of MMA, due in most part to his regular dude/bar fighting image, and awful lot of which was manufactured by the UFC to attract the casual fan to the sport because they figured the everyman would identify with him in spades. He was actually a highly trained fighter, but he lacked in work ethic. If he actually would have worked on his cardio and agility, he would have been the greatest heavyweight this sport has ever seen by far.

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