Great Britain Stable??

Right, i know Anti-America has been done alot over the years but i look at the roster and there is a perfect opportunity to create this stable. We have 4 decent wrestlers from each country in GB atm,

Wales - Mason Ryan (maybe a little green atm but they seem to have high hopes for him)
Scotland - Drew Mac (not relevant atm but we know he is decent enough in the ring to defo be a high midcarder)
England- Wade Barrett (Great size, ability, look and Mic skills)
Ireland - Sheamus (one of the top faces and workers atm)
Manager - William Regal (one of the best british wrestlers ever, great mic work)

If it were to happen i would have Sheamus and Wade going after the two world titles, Drew going after IC/US and Ryan just beating everyone up and maybe going for a title here and there.

I feel a stable like this would work better as heel so atm that would not work due to the current characters of Ryan and Sheamus. So maybe in a few years??

Who thinks this could work?
Would it work better heel/face?
Would you like to see this?
It seems like everyone in the IWC would like to see this stable. But here's the problem with it being a "British" stable, Sheamus is Irish. Not British. So this should just be a European stable. You know it's funny this stable is gonna be in a story mode in the new WWE '12 video game but that's for another thread I guess.

Sheamus can be the top guy in the stable. He can win the world title as a heel of course. I think leading this stable would do wonders for him and get him right back on track.

Wade Barrett can win the U.S title and, just to draw major heat, destroy it in the middle of the ring, put it in a trash can, and get the European title instead. Or better yet turn it into the "UK" title. I can see it being one hell of a segment.

Drew McIntyre and William Regal can go on to win the tag titles. Making it a "mentor/student" team just like Batista and Ric Flair back in Evolution. I can see them dominating the tag team division and defend the titles against teams like The Usos and Air-Boom.

Mason Ryan would be the big muscle of course. Taking out all the enemies of the stable and squashing a lot of opponents.

I think this has the potential to be a very memorable stable. I would definitely like to see it but it's not happening anytime soon considering Sheamus just turned face so did Mason Ryan and apparently William Regal also turned face. Barrett and McIntyre really need something like this right now. They have nothing to do and this stable would do wonders for them.
I really do like this idea, but the biggest problem i have is that it sound's like a huge heel stable and Sheamus is on a massive roll as a face right now, this would ruin his character.

I would still entertain the idea of having Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett in a stable, with maybe Mason Ryan playing the backup/bodyguard role similar to what he did in the Nexus.
If WWE could sign Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus and then have them go for the tag titles as well I'm all for this idea. Except Sheamus is Irish. Wouldn't it be a great way for Regal to finish up though, with maybe a World Title run along the way. And I've been crying out for the return of the European Title for months now. Good thread - got me interested.
Looks like the OP got this idea from WWE 12. I like this idea but you can't call it Great Britian it would be called United Kingdom. This should be a Classic Survivor Series match like the NHL used to do, North America vs The World. You could have five from US,Canada,Mexico vs The United Kingdom. I know it would have faces and heels on the same team but look at the Ryder Cup in golf not everyone likes each other but it's for national pride.
I wouldn't have a Europe stable as this wouldn't be for all Europeans. I would have a British stable and not have sheamus in the group and keep him away from the group. I would have Regal, Barrett, McIntyre and Ryan. This could be kinda like other 4 man groups where the veteran could team with the rookie and win the tag titles, one guy could go for the mid card title and the final man could go for the world title. This could elevate each of these guys because eventually the mid card guy could turn on the world title guy and they can fued over the world title and elevate the mid card guy to the main event level. The rookie can also eventually turn on the world title guy much like HHH and Batista.
Great idea! Let me edit my teams on svr 2011 :lmao:

Well if this stable is made, Sheamus and Mason Ryan should once again turn heel. They will go and wreak havoc on the roster. This stable are not just made of so-so wrestlers, they are huge and they have the skills. I see Wade Barrett once again leading the group. Regal can definitely take the managerial role and I can't even imagine what destruction can be made if Ryan, Sheamus and McIntyre would be together.
Seeing how as everyone is saying Sheamus is a hot face right now (no sexual jokes please) we could see this Stable grow in the next few months then they start attacking people. It turns out that Sheamus is behind all of them while being WWE Champion.
What is it with you people who do not get Ireland is not Britain, Northern Ireland is. The Republic isn't, there's a big clue in the name 'Republic'. Damn ignorant people who have no idea (that includes THQ for the big mess up of doing this).

As for a British group, let's see putting another group of people from a different country and making them heels because of that.... boring.... been done far too many times and the outcome all the same. Let us forget the last attempt with the Anti-Americans which randomly through in Regal in there.
Looks like the OP got this idea from WWE 12. I like this idea but you can't call it Great Britian it would be called United Kingdom. This should be a Classic Survivor Series match like the NHL used to do, North America vs The World. You could have five from US,Canada,Mexico vs The United Kingdom. I know it would have faces and heels on the same team but look at the Ryder Cup in golf not everyone likes each other but it's for national pride.

No it wouldn't be called the United Kingdom either. Sheamus is from Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Nice try but no cigar.

This thread has been done to death hundereds of times, way before WWE 12.

If anything, dont put Sheamus in there. Wade Barrett leading Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan. Then you have a UK or GB stable.
This could be a really cool lineup for a stable. Barrett and Sheamus should be the leaders. Regal would be the manager/mentor figure and they could have a tag team in Ryan/Drew. Or they could do Regal/Ryan in a push similar to Batista/Flair in Evolution while Drew goes after a midcard title. Barrett and Sheamus should be going after the world titles.

I think they would work better as a heel stable because not only are they each more suited to be heels individually but also due to the fact that foreign stables usually are heels to get cheep anti-american heel heat. Sheamus is great as a face so he could turn face at one point later on to start the inevitable split up and build the tension from there. I would like to see something like this happen.
No it wouldn't be called the United Kingdom either. Sheamus is from Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Nice try but no cigar.

This thread has been done to death hundereds of times, way before WWE 12.

If anything, dont put Sheamus in there. Wade Barrett leading Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan. Then you have a UK or GB stable.

Hate to break it to you but you should go to for the entire story about WWE 12 and the Hero Villian Outsider Road To Wrestlemania storyline that theve been working on for some time now. Sheamus in the game is still a heel. Close but no cigar
Republic Of Ireland is its Own Country lol Not Part of GB. And if Scotland get Independence like they want No Drew Either.
I Guess going around saying we own you now wont get England many Friends would it.
Good Idea but TNA Lovers would they Copied British Invasion lol.
I love the idea of this stable it could easily help guys like mason ryan and drew mcintyre to get over with the WWE universe however I don't really think it could work out well due to the fact that WWE creative seems to have screwed up or dropped the ball with recent stables example nexus and corre these stables had major potential but once they disbanded all the guys seem to have faded into obscurity with the exception of wade barrett so overall atm now is not the right time we need a break from stables
This has been discussed a million times before; it's a nice idea but ultimately impractical because none of these guys apart from the one who shouldn't be in the stable (i.e. the Irishman Sheamus) are at main event level. Barrett barely counts anymore. Surprisingly Layla is rarely brought up in these discussions but she's a potential inclusion.

In a stable ideally you have the main event guy, the leader, the champion. Under him you've got the heir. This guy is usually the midcard champion, or in a feud with the guy who is. This is also the guy that will do a face/heel turn by turning on the leader. Then you might have an enforcer or a pair of tag team dudes.

Barrett's lead stables before so that's old and tired out. Most of the characters involved have clashing face/heel alignment. So I don't think this is practical now, but it's a "maybe" in the long run.

Also let me make this clear one final time: Sheamus is not British. Finlay is. Northern Ireland is part of the UK, but it's a different place from the Republic of Ireland, which isn't.
While I do think this is a great stable idea, I'd feel pretty terrible for Wade Barrett. I've watched C.M. Punk get looped into these different stables for the past few years and even though the leader always has some degree of success, it mostly means that you character isn't strong enough (in WWE's eyes) to stand alone. Wade deserves better...

However, some of the other names mention would benefit greatly from the formation of a stable or tag team. William Regal would do well in the manager/heel role. If they're truly giving Vickie G a manager-lead stable, why couldn't there be two. In the eighties there were around six managers at all times.
This is turning in to a geography and treaty discussion. Maybe the UK group could throw hot tea in guys eyes to get cheap wins.

This crappy stable idea can feud with my crappy stable idea. I want to put together 4 or 5 guys from China, India, Japan, Mexico, a S American country and maybe a Canadian and call them "Outsourcing" or "They Took Our Jobs!". They would go around winning matches efficiently and then go work at their second job at the concession stands or with production. Their hook would be that Americans are lazy and greedy and deserve high unemployment and a poor economy.
Here we go again. Haven't we already gotten plenty of these?

Geography lesson:
1st, Britain is the island made up of England, Wales, and Scotland.

2nd, Sheamus is from the Republic of Ireland, and not part of the UK which is made up of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

I would never understand why a guy from the Republic of Ireland would ever form an alliance with guys from the UK, especially England.
It could be a British Isles stable though. For it's correct name when you include Ireland. Quite annoyed WWE 12 has got it wrong. In that case, it still wouldn't work out as here in the UK we can't even put together a united UK football team for the Olympics.Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland themselves historically are not too fond of the English so yeah forming a stable wouldn't be very realistic. Good group of talent to slap together though.
Wait, isn't Sheamus Irish, not british. He is from Dublin, Ireland. The Republic of Ireland is a completley different country, nothing to do with the UK. But, if Finlay had stayed around, he was from Northern Ireland.

I agree on the idea, but it won't happen. This thread has been done to death. Give a thread a break.
Regal and Barrett could work together really well...Mason Ryan needs the publicity and CHRIST knows why but Drew McIntyre needs some GOD DAMN television time and to become relevant again.... really why have WWE dropped the ball on Drew?

Sheamus however does not need this right now and his current development as a Face is shit-hot right now... as far as I am aware Sheamus is from Southern Ireland anyway so U.K. no...but im sure they could just wing it anyway if he did join.

How about Hornswoggle? Or the return of Fit Finlay?.. NAH
British and Irish Lions
The British and Irish Lions (formerly known as the British Isles and the British Lions) is a rugby union team made up of players from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The Lions generally select international players; they can pick uncapped players available to one of the four Home Unions, but in recent years this has rarely occurred.
Combined rugby union sides from the then United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland toured in the Southern Hemisphere from 1888 onwards. The first tour took place as a commercial venture, made without official backing, but the six subsequent visits that took place before the 1910 South Africa tour, the first representative of the four Home Unions, enjoyed a growing degree of support from the authorities.
Great Britain also entered a team at the Olympics Games in 1900 and in 1908, but they were organised separately from the Lions.
In 1949 the Four Home Unions combined formally to create a Tours Committee and for the first time, every player of the 1950 Lions squad was an international before the New Zealand series.[4] The 1950s proved a golden age for Lions rugby, although only in the 1970s did style begin to match the substance of victory in New Zealand and South Africa. Originally, poorly organised Lions teams regularly suffered defeat at the hands of their hosts, but by 1955 the tourists took the matches seriously enough to obtain a 2–2 draw in South Africa. The 1970s saw a renaissance for the side. The last tour of the amateur age took place in 1993.


If it works in Rugby Union, it can sure as hell work in the WWe. The has never been as strong an Anglo-Irish relationship as there is now, why play to yet another antiquated stereotype?
Great Britain is made up of the 4 countries the OP listed; England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. It wouldn't be a British stable as someone brought up...Great Britain isn't a country, its 4 individual ones.
Hate to break it to you but you should go to for the entire story about WWE 12 and the Hero Villian Outsider Road To Wrestlemania storyline that theve been working on for some time now. Sheamus in the game is still a heel. Close but no cigar

Yes, and the idiots at THQ have got it wrong. In the REAL world, not the gaming world Sheamus would never agree to it. So for you to suggest this is ludicrous. The GB or UK stable with Sheamus wouldn't make any sense.

It would be like having a Swiss Wrestler in a Scandanavian stable. Do some research. Again, very close but no cigar.
Like many other fans Id seen the day under the old one roster WWF that a UK stable would be inevitable in a rich sea of stables which no doubt made for great feuds & at least a healthy tag division
.Now it seams each roster has only room for one, legacy, straight edge,nexus,corre,& they stick out like a sore thumb.In the present situation,I dont think a GB stable would excite,which is a shame,cause in the absence of said NXT stables what better way to bring on FCW talent than to have a minor member you havent quite heard of,,,yet.No better example than Evoloution,in all fairness ,who WERE Orton & Batista,huh? It would not only give FCW guys TV time but help mid carders lost in the supershow shuffle,dangling over the trap door of Superstars,NXT & best endeavours.
Okay,while we,re talking UK. LETS mention Drew.,cause this Forum alone is drowning under What To Do With Drew threads.(I like my idea of a heidenrich Burns reading braveheart but) Your idea mighta took shape with WWE touring UK soon,great timing too,with Chosen One Drew slipping off the radar & Regal hinting at one last title push on home soil, (can you guys. wait another year?) Sadly the H-Ace-Steph-Nash-awesome truth angle (or Hogan-eric-dixie-flair-fourtune angle ,,,,,,I wont say it if you wont,,copycats!) & WWE trying to buy mexico,,!,(HI BERT,well timed title reign huh?)I doubt it,ll even get a dark match afterthought .
The modern way of thinking would have Drew in a tag team (gawd knows were short of em) or at least a Miz-Reilly partnership before inevitable break up feud.but while were having fun,why leave it at UK,add the Commonwealth ,Ghana (kofi),India (jinder) Guyana (ezekiel) C ANADA (christian,natalya,,,,,,y2j,,,take your pick) Holy crap,.theres yer answer why theres no UK stable,with those guys together ,it would NOT be PG.No wonder the Anon GMs in hiding!=lol!

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