Goodbye CM Punk and hello Seth Rollins?


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Recently there has been tonnes of speculation of CM Punk not re-signing with the WWE. Although I love Punk and want him to resign, I think WWE don;t need to resign. They have got a diamond down in FCW who is still green on the mic but by no means green in the ring. I am talking about Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins is an incredibly talented athlete who is able to put on some excellent matches. Seth Rollins a.k.a Tyler Black worked on the Indy scene. At the age of 24 he signed with the WWE and was sent to FCW. He's been there since August and currently he is expected to debut in the next season of NXT.

Seth Rollins is extremely young, he has a lot of years left in him. If he stays fit and not too many injures hinder him, he could be wrestling for the next 15years ! He has a great moveset and is a very techniacal athelete. His only flaw is that he is not very good on the Mic.

Seth Rollins resembles CM Punk as they have similar facial features and a menacing heel look and persona. In my opinion they are equally matched in the ring. Cm Punk is miles better on the Mic, Cm Punk is miles better than most WWE wrestlers.

I personally think WWE should let Punk leave if he wants and bring in Seth Rollins to fill his spot. Make him a sinister heel like CM Punk and let him wow the fans with his great moves. Seth Rollins, one of the best young talenst in wrestling at the moment, needs to be on the mainroster instead of FCW.
If Punks wants to re-up Vince will cut the check. That much is for sure.

CM Punk is a legend in his own right so I doubt Seth Rollins is the answer to CM Punk possiblely leaving...
Uuuhhh... I would very much like to see what Rollins does. But a replacement for CM Punk, he is not. Punk has established himself as one of the best overall talents in the business today, and maybe even the BEST we have seen in quite a while. While it doesn't seem WWE needs anyone for themselves to succeed, losing Punk, at this point, would be a major blow.

I think casual fans, children, and people who strictly cheer the Faces, love to hate CM Punk. Then other fans, IWC in general, like CM Punk because of how great he is at what he does. I don't think looking past Punk is a good idea.

As much as I am interested in what Rollins can do, losing CM Punk for him is just not smart.
You say Rollins isn't great on the mic. That's the problem. Punk isn't just a great talent he's a great talent that can be thrown into any part of the show and excel! That, like Jericho, is due to the guy having the ability to talk his way out of a paper bag. Thats what makes Punk invaluable and why WWE need to throw money at him.
Punk is miles better....than everyone. Saying that a rookie, unknown by most people, can easily replace him is crazy. If anyone would replace Punk as top heel it will be Miz or Del Rio.

I do like Rollins and hope he debuts soon, but he wont be a top heel right away.
You say Rollins isn't great on the mic. That's the problem. Punk isn't just a great talent he's a great talent that can be thrown into any part of the show and excel! That, like Jericho, is due to the guy having the ability to talk his way out of a paper bag. Thats what makes Punk invaluable and why WWE need to throw money at him.

Agree 100% he is a talent that's rarely seen in the recent past's roster.
Not only can he talk the talk he can tell a story in ring too.

I wasn't a CM Punk fan to start with, though yeah he was pretty good in ring but that was about it. He's won me over once he turned heel and showed he has a lot of talent outside the ring

Dunno bout this other guy, but WWE doesn't want to lose Punk if they can do anything to avoid it. Too many decent and extremely good talents are retiring or leaving to go onto other ventures. There's not alot of great talent left
Outside of wrestling ability, Seth Rollins has absolutely nothing going for himself. The only resemblance he has to CM Punk is that he sort of resembles him but that is about it. Seth Rollins is by miles one of the worst wrestlers I've evvvvvvvveeeeeeerrr heard on the mic. Yes, he is that bad on the mic. His facial expressions, his humongous lisp it is awful. His ROH promos are cringe worthy and he still hasn't gotten any better. Saying he can be the next Punk is insulting to Punk. No one can replace Punk. There is only one CM Punk. Seth Rollins has wrestling ability and the WWE machine has the tools to make him a star if they wanted but naturally he is not a shining star like CM Punk is.
Punk is miles better....than everyone. Saying that a rookie, unknown by most people, can easily replace him is crazy. If anyone would replace Punk as top heel it will be Miz or Del Rio.

I do like Rollins and hope he debuts soon, but he wont be a top heel right away.

To be fair...Punk was just as "unknown" as Rollins was/is.

Tyler Black was even on MTV's WSX soo I am sure SOMEONE is bound to remember the guy from being on TV. He debut in 2005 but no one cares until you make it to the WWE. Just like Punk he debut in 1999 but no one cared until WWE.

Anyway, Seth Rollins just won The FCW Tag Team titles with Steamboat and he has won a tourny they held too. If you listen to his music on the FCW site (since that would be the legal way) it sounds a bit like CM Punks music. Like, obviously, if you know that type of music you will be the 1st to say it doesnt sound anything like it...but for a causal fan just watching if they heard that music they might expect Punk to walk out.
C.M. Punk is not leaving, this is pretty incoherent. Rollins has nothing on Punk, just because they have (had) a similar look. Has Seth Rollins made a 5 star match in ROH? No. Has Seth Rollins ever been named best mic worker? No. The guy sure as hell is talented, but putting him behind Punk is preposterous.
Just to pile on the general sentiment, you can't replace someone on the basis of "so-and-so looks like X." Not only is Tyler Black/Seth Rollins not C.M. Punk on the stick, he's pretty much horrible.

I know everyone wants to see the studs from ROH do the same schtick in WWE, but let's face it, with the simplified working style the company uses, it's not like Black will be half as entertaining as he used to be anyway, making his shitty mic work all the more apparent.
WWE tried to make their own version of Magnum TA back in the 80's because a man named Jim Young LOOKED like Magnum, have you ever heard of the guy? Probably not, because a similar look don't mean anything without the talent to back it up.

Although I agree Tyler Black is extremely talented between the ropes and has a similar look he just doesn't have the personality and mic skills of a CM Punk. Punk IMO is the best all around performer WWE has, like others have said Punk can have a feud with a wet towel and still make it interesting, that's because he has a certain quality very few wrestlers have and the fact CM Punk is usually toying around in the mid card level is a travesty.

Tyler Black has lots of in ring talent and potential. I look forward to seeing him when he hits the main roster but he has a hell of a lot of seasoning and work to do if he will ever reach the level and skill of CM Punk.
You cant replace a CMPUNK what he brings to the arena is something of its own..seth rollins is a quality grappler but dont compare him to cm punk..seth isnt here yet n cm has already done so much im all for a seth rollins cm punk fued tho...although cm punk daniel bryan would be sooo much better
You can NEVER replace CM Punk.Period.

Just because this Seth Rollins dude looks like him does NOT mean that he can "replace" him. From what I've read on here he has skills, but he doesn't have one that you need to make it the WWE and thats Mic skills. If you can't cut a good promo your not going to get far. But if he does get in to the WWE, team him with Tyler Reks or if he gets into NXT have Reks as his pro.
C.M. Punk is not leaving, this is pretty incoherent. Rollins has nothing on Punk, just because they have (had) a similar look. Has Seth Rollins made a 5 star match in ROH? No. Has Seth Rollins ever been named best mic worker? No. The guy sure as hell is talented, but putting him behind Punk is preposterous.

That is a 5 star match... And when did I say Seth Rollins was a good Mic worker? I said he wasn;t very good...

Seth Rolins won't become a star straight away. Was the Rock a star when debuting, was SCSA a star when debuting, was Tripe H a star when debuting, was Shawn Maicheals a star when debuting? No, no, no and NO!

He wont become a top heel straight away but HE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO!!!
I agree with your sentiments to be honest. I don't give a crap about indie wrestling but being impatient with anyone is a stupid way to find stars. Most of the top guys in pro wrestling were around for years before even being given a significant high level push.
I've nothing against Rollins at all, and all the respect in the world for Punk.

That said, I think the guy in FCW to watch is Jonathan Good(Moxley). He has the mic skills and ability to be a big time player, in my opinion. If WWE continues along the path of allowing talent to "be who they were"(Sin Cara, Kharma, Punk, etc.), I think that many people will be suitably entertained. And by "be who they were" I mean simply adopting a new name but retain the basic elements of their "indie" personas.
First of all, if the WWE just gives CM Punk the money he deserves, they won't need to fuss over having the rights to his name because he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

I am, however, very interested in Seth Rollins a.k.a. Tyler Black. I just wish WWE would let someone keep their name for once instead of giving them a boring, generic name. I mean...Seth Rollins? Really?? Really??? :wtf: If this guy is supposed to be sinister, Seth Rollins may be the least-evil name I've ever heard :disappointed:...that's a whole other issue though!
First of all, if the WWE just gives CM Punk the money he deserves, they won't need to fuss over having the rights to his name because he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

I am, however, very interested in Seth Rollins a.k.a. Tyler Black. I just wish WWE would let someone keep their name for once instead of giving them a boring, generic name. I mean...Seth Rollins? Really?? Really??? :wtf: If this guy is supposed to be sinister, Seth Rollins may be the least-evil name I've ever heard :disappointed:...that's a whole other issue though!

I agree with you ! Seth Rollins is a terrible name. Tyler Black is a kickass name! If they can;t have Tyler Black I suggest having Tyler Stone. They could have hime come out in a grey suit, a bowling hat with a walking cane and call him 'The Evil Mr. Stone' :p

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